Not sure where to put this thred

The Countess

Hood with it
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I accept that.

I'll be honest, I know things I've discussed things with you and @The Countess's have been used to troll me online. I'll call your versions uhm, "reinterpreted", but I've read them with my own eyes.

I've even seen others use them, so I know they've travelled more widely than I shared.

I am woman enough to say I’m sorry. I only know of one remark I made on comment here and others ran with it. That’s it tho


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I am woman enough to say I’m sorry. I only know of one remark I made on comment here and others ran with it. That’s it tho

I don't hold a grudge, what's done is done. However, I wish people would stop pointing fingers when they behave similarly to those they're pointing fingers to.

Holliday dropped things years ago from a private conversation I had with him and he's mad at me. Ain't that a bitch? :GiggleBitch:

This is why we don't have a forum where everyone can just have a good time. We can't have nice things. Because of "them".

The Countess

Hood with it
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The last part is exactly why I didn’t allow your buddy at SG. She takes things said outside the flame forum and uses it.

She may not have done it yet to you, but she will.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
The last part is exactly why I didn’t allow your buddy at SG. She takes things said outside the flame forum and uses it.

She may not have done it yet to you, but she will.

So did Dove and so did you. So did Caskur. She posted my name, as have others you associate with.

Why do you have a double standard? Woman, if you start looking at who did what to whom with any objectivity, there would be few people left to talk to...

Joo said horrible things about about Spoon/Peaches disfigurement for years. YEARS and even after his death. What kind of a person does that?

You're his buddy. Explain that.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
:eyeRoLL:Goddammit why does percocet have to be so good

It ain't fair lol

I only had them once before that…

I was on the Mazatlan for my brothers wedding. My dad and I walked into a pharmacy to get shampoo and conditioner because the resort had the wash everything and then some kind… and he realized they sold pharm meds over the counter.

My dad crashed one of his porches going over a cliff in Malibu street racing when he was 17. He almost died, but surfing keeps your upper body in excellent shape from paddling out and he was able by the grace of god to pull himself out of that canyon. He was in a body cast for 6 months and claimed this is what they gave him.

His eyes lit up like the 4th of July. We did a cheers with our pulls in the jacuzzi of the hotel and chased it down with margaritas. His was virgin because the pot head/adrenaline junkie was “sober” by then lol

We didn’t have dinosaurs crawling around the pool like FL tho! Hahahah

The Countess

Hood with it
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So did Dove and so did you. So did Caskur. She posted my name, as have others you associate with.

Why do you have a double standard? Woman, if you start looking at who did what to whom with any objectivity, there would be few people left to talk to...

It was my forum that I paid for. I didn’t want here there. She’s a nasty spirited individual with a jealousy streak as wide as her big back.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
It was my forum that I paid for. I didn’t want here there. She’s a nasty spirited individual with a jealousy streak as wide as her big back.
Whos this you are talking about? if i'm gonna read all the bitching I should know who, so I can add it to done what, when and why!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
It was my forum that I paid for. I didn’t want here there. She’s a nasty spirited individual with a jealousy streak as wide as her big back.

That is why you can't have a forum. You tolerated people doing shitty things when they were your friends and then came down on her and banned her though she didn't violate TOS. You banned me, several times, though I didn't violate TOS, either. *shrugs* It doesn't matter really, does it? SG is gone and you made it clear to me who you held responsible.

Arbitrariness isn't something to be proud of, just because you paid the bills.

The Countess

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Whos this you are talking about? if i'm gonna read all the bitching I should know who, so I can add it to done what, when and why!

You and I have been friends since 2006. Amazing huh

It’s not worth reading. It’s all lame compared to what we did at FC, TDT, BH etc


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
BH did that. If you sent anyone pics back then, them motherfuckers would be posted everywhere, even sent to peoples families and jobs. It was fun but crazy back then.

How is messing with people in real life, fun? Weren't you the one making a big stink about something Sindy "trolled" that she did with conservatives and their jobs?

My god Flea, woman, it's time you stop and evaluate these things, don't you think?


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Are those the places where people are such shitty people inside they chase after people in real life?

In my experience that was always an anomaly and often restricted to sending someone a pizza C.O.D. or leaving a voicemail on their phone. The other more serious stuff was generally a problem associated with certain *people*, not the sites themselves.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
In my experience that was always an anomaly and often restricted to sending someone a pizza C.O.D. or leaving a voicemail on their phone. The other more serious stuff was generally a problem associated with certain *people*, not the sites themselves.


I find it weird.

The Countess

Hood with it
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How is messing with people in real life, fun? Weren't you the one making a big stink about something Sindy "trolled" that she did with conservatives and their jobs?

My god Flea, woman, it's time you stop and evaluate these things, don't you think?

I never joined BH because of that stuff. They didn’t go that far at FC or TDT.

This was 20 years ago, Oak. Lol

The Countess

Hood with it
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In my experience that was always an anomaly and often restricted to sending someone a pizza C.O.D. or leaving a voicemail on their phone. The other more serious stuff was generally a problem associated with certain *people*, not the sites themselves.

I’m thinking or Ruthless1 and Lady Ice/Nikita wars. Brutal and way too personal


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I never joined BH because of that stuff. They didn’t go that far at FC or TDT.

This was 20 years ago, Oak. Lol

Oh, I thought you were a member there.

I know that they'll never stop hounding me. It's why I finally spoke to my kids about it. I was really nonplussed about how much they didn't give a shit. My son-in-law actually shrugged and said "And?"

I'm from a different time and place, I guess.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA

I find it weird.

I hear that.
Maybe because I've never been "anonymous" myself but always respected that choice in others all I know about that stuff is what I've seen or read about and I don't recall it ever being an epidemic or anything of the sort. Particular individuals became known for having those tendencies and as long as you steered clear of them it was basically a non-issue.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I hear that.
Maybe because I've never been "anonymous" myself but always respected that choice in others all I know about that stuff is what I've seen or read about and I don't recall it ever being an epidemic or anything of the sort. Particular individuals became known for having those tendencies and as long as you steered clear of them it was basically a non-issue.

Oh, but if they and their minions follow you around, from forum to forum for over 16 years.

I was banned from CO for standing up for Billdo, now Sindy at cbt. I was really standing up for free speech, even if it considered tasteless by some. At the time she was against the war in Iraq, much like several of us there, and posted pictures of slain American soldiers to troll them. She was banned. I fought back harder after she was banned, then I was banned.

I went to Trollvalhalla. I accepted my banishment. But noooooo...Farmer and HFB joined and started posting pictures of my home. A home I lived in, as a single-mom, with my two children who were still in middle school.

I did contact the police. I didn't think they would come over to my house necessarily, but what if some other jackass in the larger region did? I was not going to let my children come to harm. The police department told me to leave TV, so I did. They said it would probably all blow over...HA! Apparently, I'm the bad guy for not allowing myself to be pushed around. Whatever.

Then I joined cbt. In all honesty, Sindy doesn't tolerate dissent well, either. She drops the ban hammer hard.

I was recruited to join SG...and they started again.

I suppose I could leave the internet forever, but, really fuck 'em.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
@Lily of Denial

You don't exactly "steer clear" of them, though.
Not the way I meant.

You engage with them regularly even if it's not constantly.
And you meet antagonism with antagonism.

That's your right, not saying it isn't.
But it's not the approach I would adopt and it's not what I meant previously.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
@Lily of Denial

You don't exactly "steer clear" of them, though.
Not the way I meant.

You engage with them regularly even if it's not constantly.
And you meet antagonism with antagonism.

That's your right, not saying it isn't.
But it's not the approach I would adopt and it's not what I meant previously.


I didn't engage for YEARS. So, I decided that if that didn't work, what was the point of taking shit anymore?

They took my nic "Oak" and went around fucking with people...doing fucked up shit.

@RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© for years thought I fucked with his daughter's picture(s)...I wasn't even around them.

I was over at CBT, not engaging or talking about them, AT ALL.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I sure hope Sheriff bans these Vocaroo's again because we have one asshole who is abusing the service and spamming the forum with nonsense.