Nurses mocking patients


Domestically feral
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United states
Why is this a meltdown topic?

I'm not the one that wants people who are drug addicted or women in the sex industry to fuck off and die.

Shitty nurses who hate humans get weeded out. Good thing Lily never went into nursing. Could you imagine Oink here having to deal with people she hates and family members? Fucking hell. She wouldnt last a week.

I'm SURE your sicko buddies will be up in here.


Domestically feral
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United states
But you do take pictures of people at their most vulnerable and share them. Similar behavior to what these nurses did.

We all do, idiot. That's how we chart things. Sometimes things get accidently shared.

It's a damn good thing neither you OR Poofer would ever date or involve yourself with someone in the field. The minute that person crosses you, you go full blown petty and weaponize things that are mostly NORMAL.

Funny how radically your opinion on this changed when you were done pretending to be human being. Now that you evidently cannot discuss politcs with someone who knows WHY they support what they you wanna flip sides and help the narrative of a predatory abuser.

How non cluster b of you.

So Lily where is the article about ME mocking patients? Why weren't the police notified? Why isnt my liscence pulled? Why didnt the hospital pull me up on charges? Most definately would have happened if these pathetic accusations had a single bit of weight. Maybe our resident pickled brain fake attorny can explain Tort law poorly now.

Things that make you wonder, huh?



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
We all do, idiot. That's how we chart things. Sometimes things get accidently shared.

It's a damn good thing neither you OR Poofer would ever date or involve yourself with someone in the field. The minute that person crosses you, you go full blown petty and weaponize things that are mostly NORMAL.

Funny how radically your opinion on this changed when you were done pretending to be human being. Now that you evidently cannot discuss politcs with someone who knows WHY they support what they you wanna flip sides and help the narrative of a predatory abuser.

How non cluster b of you.

So Lily where is the article about ME mocking patients? Why weren't the police notified? Why isnt my liscence pulled? Why didnt the hospital pull me up on charges? Most definately would have happened if these pathetic accusations had a single bit of weight. Maybe our resident pickled brain fake attorny can explain Tort law poorly now.

Things that make you wonder, huh?


You all mock people? I bet. You know you shared it with people that didn't have the right to those images.


Domestically feral
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United states
You all mock people? I bet. You know you shared it with people that didn't have the right to those images.

That isnt what I said, you gaslighting pig. I never mocked any patients.

And YOU know that isnt what happened. Or do I need to go back through my text messages and remind you how you approached me claiming you didnt agree with what he was pulling, told me I didnt violate HIPAA (which I knew btw), where I told you what actually fucking happened and YOU agreed he was abusive fucktard?

You are a shitty, dishonest and two faced liar. It's disgusting how visciously you turn on people. Why would I show Poofer and not Big and Murd? Murd asked many times to see it. Shes never seen it. And its not even PHI.

So where is the article about ME violating patients and mocking them? We know my DON and the corporate office knows about the picture and knows what happened. How did I manage to not get brought up on charges or have my liscence taken?

Exactly. Liar.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
That isnt what I said, you gaslighting pig.

And YOU know that isnt what happened. Or do I need to go back through my text messages and remind you how you approached me claiming you didnt agree with what he was pulling, told me I didnt violate HIPAA (which I knew btw), where I told you what actually fucking happened and YOU agreed he was abusive fucktard?

You are a shitty, dishonest and two faced liar. It's disgusting how visciously you turn on people.

So where is the article about ME violating patients and mocking them? We know my DON and the corporate office knows about the picture and knows what happened. How did I manage to not get brought up on charges or have my liscence taken?

Exactly. Liar.

Well, I believed you back then. I was wrong. You didn't have the right to share it with the person you were "dating" at the time. Or me.

We didn't "need to know".


Domestically feral
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United states
Well, I believed you back then. I was wrong. You didn't have the right to share it with the person you were "dating" at the time.

They don't "need to know".

Right you suddenly change your mind over a year later for no real reason when you decided to turn over politics. NOW like every narc you go back into the past to find your excuses for being vile.

Like how Kevin waited a full month and half to magically get offended by the picture I accidently sent him that HE laughed at. Conveniently after I reported him to police for harrassment and that picture of the 14 or 15 year old girl he was PLEASE ASS BOX ME! on snap chat.

Or how Murd waited a full YEAR to suddenly get "concerned" over a text conversation she blatantly LIED about.

Because narcissists do exactly this kind of shit. When they decide they need some bullshit reason to turn and attack someone....they gotta sit and think about things they believe they can weaponize so they can look like the "good guys" when they start their character smear against the person who makes them feel threatened.

Do you think this sort of shit isnt obvious to people over 30? You think none of us have ever dealt with triffling people like yourself?

How fucking SAD to be this kind of person. Seriously. You have a lot of self hate. I think Cascur was correct. You are an abuse victim who became an abuser. Hence your obsession with calling people "victims" when they see through your antics. article about me mocking patients. No charges. No revoked liscence. No angry caretakers. And we know the corporate office and my DON knows what happened. That's pretty funny considering when medical staff violates a pateint it's a big deal and it comes with legal consequences. As you show with this article.

Yet.... no article about me. It's almost like I didnt mock or violate pateint or any laws. Your buddy Poofer however has been charged and convicted over his conduct with a minor and has a documented history of ROs and abuse. I'm SURE he tells the truth about ME though.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Right you suddenly change your mind over a year later for no real reason when you decided to turn over politics. NOW like every narc you go back into the past to find your excuses for being vile.

Like how Kevin waited a full month and half to magically get offended by the picture I accidently sent him that HE laughed at. Conveniently after I reported him to police for harrassment and that picture of the 14 or 15 year old girl he was PLEASE ASS BOX ME! on snap chat.

Or how Murd waited a full YEAR to suddenly get "concerned" over a text conversation she blatantly LIED about.

Because narcissists do exactly this kind of shit. When they decide they need some bullshit reason to turn and attack someone....they gotta sit and think about things they believe they can weaponize so they can look like the "good guys" when they start their character smear against the person who makes them feel threatened.

Do you think this sort of shit isnt obvious to people over 30? You think none of us have ever dealt with triffling people like yourself?

How fucking SAD to be this kind of person. Seriously. You have a lot of self hate. I think Cascur was correct. You are an abuse victim who became an abuser. Hence your obsession with calling people "victims" when they see through your antics. article about me mocking patients. No charges. No revoked liscence. No angry caretakers. And we know the corporate office and my DON knows what happened. That's pretty funny considering when medical staff violates a pateint it's a big deal and it comes with legal consequences. As you show with this article.

Yet.... no article about me. It's almost like I didnt mock or violate pateint or any laws. Your buddy Poofer however has been charged and convicted over his conduct with a minor and has a documented history of ROs and abuse. I'm SURE he tells the truth about ME though.

One question: no scroll bomb

Were you correct in sending that picture to others that didn't work there?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
One question: no scroll bomb

Were you correct in sending that picture to others that didn't work there?

After you tell me where my article is, why no charges were pressed and how I still have my liscence.

It's not like the corporate office and my DON didnt know.

Since you wanna revisit THIS stupid old shit.
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Domestically feral
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United states
Lily, did Dovey hold your ham sandwich over a toilet or that why you so angry every bloody day.

It's perfectly okay to not like someone. I dont like everyone I come across and I dont expect everyone to like me. If I needed everyone to like me? I would have to like everyone and that isnt gonna happen.

It's the vitriol and hatred that is disgusting.

Who the fuck decides a woman you dont like is an enemy, and then proceeds to foster a fake friendship over a decent period of time and then just turns with that level of hatred and resentment?

That shit has nothing to do with me and everything to do with the low self esteem and dysfunction of the ones who would do such a revolting thing. I've been through some pretty low lows in my life....but I've never targeted another person, deceived them and then took it out on them. Like yeah cool you dont like me and that's allowed. But to actually spend their time on a fake friendship with someone they view as an enemy is fucking mental. That's some Lifetime movie shit. Exactly what the fuck does someone get out of that? Its sick.

They actually expect this sort of narcissistic, low intelligence 50 year old mean girl shit will make me feel bad. And I'm just sitting here grateful I dont view the world and other humans they way they do. I really....really cannot understand the mental and spiritual brokenness it takes to fake a friendship with someone you dont like just out of hatred. And I'm supposed to respond to this like "omg I must really suck"? Yeah okay. That's never gonna happen.

Her and Murd are over 40 and utterly incapable of admitting they are wrong about anything...even shit they are blatantly wrong about. They cant do it. And they consider that a strength. Theyll go rabid way before they actually stop, learn something they didnt know and grow as individuals. That is such a crippling handicap it's no wonder they are so miserable.

I wonder if now shes going to restart the grievance cycle and start with more mindless insults about how I live in a trailor. Because I'm clearly so embarrassed and ashamed of that, yanno. They are clearly way above people who dont live in stick built houses.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It's perfectly okay to not like someone. I dont like everyone I come across and I dont expect everyone to like me. If I needed everyone to like me? I would have to like everyone and that isnt gonna happen.

It's the vitriol and hatred that is disgusting.

Who the fuck decides a woman you dont like is an enemy, and then proceeds to foster a fake friendship over a decent period of time and then just turns with that level of hatred and resentment?

That shit has nothing to do with me and everything to do with the low self esteem and dysfunction of the ones who would do such a revolting thing. I've been through some pretty low lows in my life....but I've never targeted another person, deceived them and then took it out on them. Like yeah cool you dont like me and that's allowed. But to actually spend their time on a fake friendship with someone they view as an enemy is fucking mental. That's some Lifetime movie shit. Exactly what the fuck does someone get out of that? Its sick.

They actually expect this sort of narcissistic, low intelligence 50 year old mean girl shit will make me feel bad. And I'm just sitting here grateful I dont view the world and other humans they way they do. I really....really cannot understand the mental and spiritual brokenness it takes to fake a friendship with someone you dont like just out of hatred. And I'm supposed to respond to this like "omg I must really suck"? Yeah okay. That's never gonna happen.

Her and Murd are over 40 and utterly incapable of admitting they are wrong about anything...even shit they are blatantly wrong about. They cant do it. And they consider that a strength. Theyll go rabid way before they actually stop, learn something they didnt know and grow as individuals. That is such a crippling handicap it's no wonder they are so miserable.

I wonder if now shes going to restart the grievance cycle and start with more mindless insults about how I live in a trailor. Because I'm clearly so embarrassed and ashamed of that, yanno. They are clearly way above people who dont live in stick built houses.

Without a doubt, at least half of Lily's weight is gained by consuming all of the hatred she generates on this lovely forum.

We were playing charades last night...passing the laptop around, and taking turns reading this Lily woman-bear-pig coat herself in lard and go on a hate-filled post-orgy. The reply to her, takes one to no one insult, was actually written by one of our neighbors...who loves charades night I might add...anyway, the quotes around the words and different style should have given it away but Piggy in a poke was oblivious...She was out of control and truly embarrassing, like a 500-pound linebacker tackling the dinner table. Murdcok then appeared and began posting excerpts from her ice scream for cock diary while emoticon scissoring Lily's vaginas until both of their cooters sizzled like cooked bacon.

It was a sad spectacle indeed.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
After you tell me where my article is, why no charges were pressed and how I still have my liscence.

It's not like the corporate office and my DON didnt know.

Since you wanna revisit THIS stupid old shit.

So, in your mind, every misdeed by a person in the medical field generates an "article"?

No one is reveling. I'm simply pointing out that you are no moral or ethical person and shouldn't pretend to be outraged over shitty behavior when you have personally been shitty.

You simply don't want to be accountable for your personal behavior.
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Domestically feral
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United states
So, in your mind, every misdeed by a person in the medical field generates an "article"?
When it's a criminal offense like abuse of patients and sending pictures of helpless patients to mock them, yeah, idiot. That tends to be reported. And if not reported in the news, definately charges are brought and your liscence is removed.

Unless you are saying that if nursing staff violates patients and abuses them, they do nothing about it. I think we both know that is bullshit.

You are desperate for "ammo" because none of the basic and pitiful venom you've spewed at me has worked.

And this wont either.

And absolutely NO ONE is accountable to you. Why the fuck do you have this narcissistic delusion that other adults are accountable to YOU for shit that isnt even your business really? See? That's how fucked and sanctimonious you are and why people cannot stand you. You act like you are some controling authority and people owe you. You arent shit, you are an unhinged entitled loony toon with serious control issues and the ONLY accountability you need to be concerned with is YOUR OWN.

The only people I am accountable to in that situation are NOT on this forum and I had absolutely no problem being held accountable. When I actually fuck up or am wrong? I have no problem owning that. You cant even admit you are over small stupid shit. You are running around starting fake friendship with women you hate and going rabid and hateful over political disagreements.

You are actually going back 4 years bringing up a situation you were not even involved with, that you were not present for, dont know anyone else something I already took responsibility and accountability the people I owed it to, and using this instead if owning your own disgusting shit behavior. How fucking weak.

Arrested development and lack of self awareness is a big handicap for you.

Maybe stick to bragging about how you respond violently and how sure you would kick me. Its just a smidge less desperate and entitled than this.
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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When it's a criminal offense like abuse of patients and sending pictures of helpless patients to mock them, yeah, idiot. That tends to be reported. And if not reported in the news, definately charges are brought and your liscence is removed.

Unless you are saying that if nursing staff violates patients and abuses them, they do nothing about it. I think we both know that is bullshit.

You are desperate for "ammo" because none of the basic and pitiful venom you've spewed at me has worked.

And this wont either.

And absolutely NO ONE is accountable to you. Why the fuck do you have this narcissistic delusion that other adults are accountable to YOU for shit that isnt even your business really? See? That's how fucked and sanctimonious you are and why people cannot stand you. You act like you are some controling authority and people owe you. You arent shit, you are an unhinged entitled loony toon with serious control issues and the ONLY accountability you need to be concerned with is YOUR OWN.

Arrested development and lack of self awareness is a big handicap for you.
Believing your own bullshit is a major red flag, you ignorant hoor.


Domestically feral
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United states
Gotta love how Admin doesnt know a single thing about me as person but he knows my political stances and that is enough to him to support and cosign hateful behavior and believe a ton of lies.

Sad Admin.

BUT at least he is honest with his hate and isnt trying to cozy up and get personal with me


Domestically feral
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United states
Believing your own bullshit is a major red flag, you ignorant hoor.

How the fuck does that even make sense with what I said?

Admin you really do not know shit about any of this. You just know i voted for Trump so you'll leap and side with whoever is coming at me.

You'll take whatever second hand, rumor version of something that never should have been on a forum in the first because you WANT to believe negative things about me because it helps you justify your bias hate.

You wanna come in and have a say about something you know nothing about and take two established liars who thrive on conflict and rallying posters against other posters, have at it. But you know absolutely nothing about what happened here.

But at least try to respond to things in a coherent difficult as that is for you. No one here is a mind reader.

Do better.

Or just go yanno...suck a cock or two.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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How the fuck does that even make sense with what I said?

Admin you really do not know shit about any of this. You just know i voted for Trump so you'll leap and side with whoever is coming at me.

You'll take whatever second hand, rumor version of something that never should have been on a forum in the first because you WANT to believe negative things about me because it helps you justify your bias hate.

You wanna come in and have a say about something you know nothing about and take two established liars who thrive on conflict and rallying posters against other posters, have at it. But you know absolutely nothing about what happened here.

But at least try to respond to things in a coherent difficult as that is for you. No one here is a mind reader.

Do better.

Or just go yanno...suck a cock or two.
When you can attempt to describe your position in a coherent manner, hmu. TY!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
When you can attempt to describe your position in a coherent manner, hmu. TY!
Okay, here's a coherent sentence I'm sure you'll be happy to read.

It's right up your alley

The cock goes in your mouth, it busts a nut, and you feel very satisfied afterwards.