Poetry for the masses

The Prowler

Factory Bastard

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Do you know if they were referring to these lines (which were not Shelley's)?

"My name is Biggie Smiles, King of Kings;
Look on my Stuff, ye Mighty, and despair! "

Or did you assume they were not?

Straight-forward, "Yes/No" question....and the answer is:

That I can decipher between utter nonsense and something that should at least give me pause to wonder.

She is so confused.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
If you bury your head in the sand on a forum called Bastard Factory, I can only imagine that it is even worse elsewhere.
Imagine what you will.

Actually, I do not have to imagine....

I don't care what people practice in the privacy of their homes.


A total lack of concern.

Zero compassion.

It's called privacy. I believe in human freedom. As long as children aren't involved nor consent is a problematic, it's none of my business.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Do you know if they were referring to these lines (which were not Shelley's)?

"My name is Biggie Smiles, King of Kings;
Look on my Stuff, ye Mighty, and despair! "

Or did you assume they were not?

Straight-forward, "Yes/No" question....and the answer is:

That I can decipher between utter nonsense and something that should at least give me pause to wonder.

She is so confused.


I do/say what I want, not what you say. It's called freedom of expression.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
And around in circles we go....

The Leaker has listening and comprehension problems.

By her own admission, she does not care if adults participate in harmful activities.

She is indifferent.

The opposite of compassionate.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
And around in circles we go....

The Leaker has listening and comprehension problems.

By her own admission, she does not care if adults participate in harmful activities.

She is indifferent.

The opposite of compassionate.

If it's harmful, why do you defend it being posted? Since you're so compassionate, what are you doing to remedy the situation?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
That is the kind of stuff their brave LGBTQ+ community practices.

And they support it.

But "Oh the horror!!" if they see it for a few seconds.

Just like black thugs. They support them. Just not in their own neighbourhood.


I don't care what people practice in the privacy of their homes. The privacy of home is not a public spectacle.

Only conservatives relish in posting and defending public spectacle.

You've been one of the biggest forum Hippocrites around these boards for at least the last 5 years or so.

Isn't it about time that you finally shut the fuck up?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
That is the kind of stuff their brave LGBTQ+ community practices.

And they support it.

But "Oh the horror!!" if they see it for a few seconds.

Just like black thugs. They support them. Just not in their own neighbourhood.


I don't care what people practice in the privacy of their homes. The privacy of home is not a public spectacle.

Only conservatives relish in posting and defending public spectacle.
Meanwhile, in California, in the privacy of their own homes



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
That is the kind of stuff their brave LGBTQ+ community practices.

And they support it.

But "Oh the horror!!" if they see it for a few seconds.

Just like black thugs. They support them. Just not in their own neighbourhood.


I don't care what people practice in the privacy of their homes. The privacy of home is not a public spectacle.

Only conservatives relish in posting and defending public spectacle.
Meanwhile, in California, in the privacy of their own homes


Is that fisting, stupid? NO

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
That is the kind of stuff their brave LGBTQ+ community practices.

And they support it.

But "Oh the horror!!" if they see it for a few seconds.

Just like black thugs. They support them. Just not in their own neighbourhood.


I don't care what people practice in the privacy of their homes. The privacy of home is not a public spectacle.

Only conservatives relish in posting and defending public spectacle.
Meanwhile, in California, in the privacy of their own homes


Is that fisting, stupid? NO
excuses are useless you fat pig.

reality called, they want you to hop back across the border where dumb fat mexican women belong

K thx


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
That is the kind of stuff their brave LGBTQ+ community practices.

And they support it.

But "Oh the horror!!" if they see it for a few seconds.

Just like black thugs. They support them. Just not in their own neighbourhood.


I don't care what people practice in the privacy of their homes. The privacy of home is not a public spectacle.

Only conservatives relish in posting and defending public spectacle.
Meanwhile, in California, in the privacy of their own homes


Is that fisting, stupid? NO
excuses are useless you fat pig.

reality called, they want you to hop back across the border where dumb fat mexican women belong

K thx

Turn me in, Biggie Tampon.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
That is the kind of stuff their brave LGBTQ+ community practices.

And they support it.

But "Oh the horror!!" if they see it for a few seconds.

Just like black thugs. They support them. Just not in their own neighbourhood.


I don't care what people practice in the privacy of their homes. The privacy of home is not a public spectacle.

Only conservatives relish in posting and defending public spectacle.
Meanwhile, in California, in the privacy of their own homes


Is that fisting, stupid? NO
excuses are useless you fat pig.

reality called, they want you to hop back across the border where dumb fat mexican women belong

K thx

Turn me in, Biggie Tampon.
I did

they're coming

find something to hide under


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
That is the kind of stuff their brave LGBTQ+ community practices.

And they support it.

But "Oh the horror!!" if they see it for a few seconds.

Just like black thugs. They support them. Just not in their own neighbourhood.


I don't care what people practice in the privacy of their homes. The privacy of home is not a public spectacle.

Only conservatives relish in posting and defending public spectacle.
Meanwhile, in California, in the privacy of their own homes


Is that fisting, stupid? NO
excuses are useless you fat pig.

reality called, they want you to hop back across the border where dumb fat mexican women belong

K thx

Turn me in, Biggie Tampon.
I did

they're coming

find something to hide under

I have to step out for a bit. Tell them to wait for me.


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
That is the kind of stuff their brave LGBTQ+ community practices.

And they support it.

But "Oh the horror!!" if they see it for a few seconds.

Just like black thugs. They support them. Just not in their own neighbourhood.


I don't care what people practice in the privacy of their homes. The privacy of home is not a public spectacle.

Only conservatives relish in posting and defending public spectacle.
Meanwhile, in California, in the privacy of their own homes


Is that fisting, stupid? NO
excuses are useless you fat pig.

reality called, they want you to hop back across the border where dumb fat mexican women belong

K thx

Turn me in, Biggie Tampon.
I did

they're coming

find something to hide under

I have to step out for a bit. Tell them to wait for me.

Dont worry. I'm sure they'll be able to see you wherever you are. It's not like you're a petite target or anything


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
That is the kind of stuff their brave LGBTQ+ community practices.

And they support it.

But "Oh the horror!!" if they see it for a few seconds.

Just like black thugs. They support them. Just not in their own neighbourhood.


I don't care what people practice in the privacy of their homes. The privacy of home is not a public spectacle.

Only conservatives relish in posting and defending public spectacle.

You've been one of the biggest forum Hippocrites around these boards for at least the last 5 years or so.

Isn't it about time that you finally shut the fuck up?

That's like saying you don't post fake ass pictures.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Biggie Smiles, King of Kings;
Look on my Stuff, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

(with apologies to Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Stop being a faggot.
Hitler wouldn't approve-

There is something really wrong with that guy, holy shit.
I know. You wouldn't catch the rest of us posting porn in general, no matter the politics, and certainly not fucking gay porn.
This isn't general though it's the sweatshop and didn't I dee someone ripping you for hoarding tranny porn? I'm just reminding everybody what Burt defends and says is natural...
Who's the rest of us? Have you seen member sightings you complaining little gnome?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
That is the kind of stuff their brave LGBTQ+ community practices.

And they support it.

But "Oh the horror!!" if they see it for a few seconds.

Just like black thugs. They support them. Just not in their own neighbourhood.


I don't care what people practice in the privacy of their homes. The privacy of home is not a public spectacle.

Only conservatives relish in posting and defending public spectacle.
Meanwhile, in California, in the privacy of their own homes


Is that fisting, stupid? NO
excuses are useless you fat pig.

reality called, they want you to hop back across the border where dumb fat mexican women belong

K thx

Turn me in, Biggie Tampon.
I did

they're coming

find something to hide under
I'm trying to think of something she'd fit under and I'm drawing a blank lol

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
That is the kind of stuff their brave LGBTQ+ community practices.

And they support it.

But "Oh the horror!!" if they see it for a few seconds.

Just like black thugs. They support them. Just not in their own neighbourhood.


I don't care what people practice in the privacy of their homes. The privacy of home is not a public spectacle.

Only conservatives relish in posting and defending public spectacle.
Meanwhile, in California, in the privacy of their own homes


Is that fisting, stupid? NO
excuses are useless you fat pig.

reality called, they want you to hop back across the border where dumb fat mexican women belong

K thx

Turn me in, Biggie Tampon.
I did

they're coming

find something to hide under
I'm trying to think of something she'd fit under and I'm drawing a blank lol
maybe a polar ice cap?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I don't care what people practice in the privacy of their homes. The privacy of home is not a public spectacle.

So you are against pornography and sex work?

You know that is not the popular leftist stance, right?

Even pornography and sex work take place in private.
"Even pornography and sex work take place in private" SERIOUSLY???? YOU THICK FUCKIN USELESS PIG!!! :LOL3::LOL3::LOL3: Oh ffs :facepalm:

Yes, of course. I have yet to see sex workers on pornography in my city in public. You do?


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
Really, you dipshits? All ya got on any given topic is "Oak is fat?"

And you pay money to post that spam day after day? WTF is WRONG with yez?

And evidently it's contagious...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Really, you dipshits? All ya got on any given topic is "Oak is fat?"

And you pay money to post that spam day after day? WTF is WRONG with yez?

And evidently it's contagious...

Well, really what's left when it's from Shelley and they have no remote idea who that is and why most of them should have an inkling...

Btw, my old man was sitting here next to me. I told him about the situation and the first two responses to the OP. He laughed out loud...