Post a Picture of Yourself!

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
It is nice to know that when I go about my life out there in the real world, you low life scum are all in here having these brain dead conversations.

Darthinia Von Vader

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
In the sewers
Does @Moonpie make @The Prowler 's shoes? maybe she is the wife and shoe models for him? maybe her hands are the penis pump that he needs to type out all those savage posts to @Lily

I got some boots I'd model for him and kick them right up his ass but that sick freak probably would enjoy me doing that to him. @Joe ought to do it with construction boots or a chainsaw


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
Does @Moonpie make @The Prowler 's shoes? maybe she is the wife and shoe models for him? maybe her hands are the penis pump that he needs to type out all those savage posts to @Lily

I got some boots I'd model for him and kick them right up his ass but that sick freak probably would enjoy me doing that to him. @Joe ought to do it with construction boots or a chainsaw

Are you calling @Moonpie a fluffer?

It's easier to be "friendly" with a schoolyard bully than be a target.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
My great great grandpa, P.A. Admin. with his 2nd Wife Dora(Not my kin) on his homestead of not quite a league (a yuge chunk of real estate, especially by today's standard) in what is now Kerrville TX.


On the left you see Granpa's Model T, he mostly left it parked cuz it wouldn't whoa like his horse did.

They looked so poor.

Like something out of the 19th Century I suppose when they were born.

I knew people like that in Northern Canada. They were still pumping well water & driving on dirt roads. And the sidewalks were made outta wood.

I asked an old man living on a farm for a glass of water. So instead of turning on the tap he gave me a cup from a pan sitting on the counter.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Paradise Lost and FFound
Obviously the BF Gods are hacking my real life shit. I only posted the chick. This is so wrong.. getting me MAD here. Things could get explosive. I knew that megastar would get upset but this.. is DEPLORABLE!! i will not post anymore pics until @Bastard Factory gets a spanking from his mother and his father. Than he can get Barbieized by @UncleDiLF and than.. he will have to deal with me.

Yeah yeah BF STFU'ing now


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Paradise Lost and FFound
Which one is you?
Oh my fucking God!! Stop fucking with my posts @Bastard Factory I only posted one pic. I'm so hot in it too. Come on this is messed up I ain't no sick twisted geriatric fuckstain in his 60's. NO NO NO! i want a public apology NOW!!

BF is so fucked up with his games because I wouldn't won't send him nudes any longer, I won't be his sex slave in Vegas, and I won't marry any of his ALTS. some people are beyond help