Rage Against the Machine is baaaaaaccckkk!


Factory Bastard
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The drummer in my band loved them. It was a hard pass from me but I learned Bombtrack and Kitno to humor him...

IMHO, righties should not be in rock bands, even if they are cover bands. Not unless you're covering Kid Rock or Kanye.

Sorry, sweetheart, you Lefties don't get to claim music. You just don't. Ask Admin.
How many music popstars sent cease and desist letters to Trump over the last 7 or 8 years?

Yeah, about that, I believe I've been asking the likes of you exactly what the Bad Orange Man did to you back in summer camp that one time, but not a single one of you assholes has ever given a coherent answer as to why you all hated Trump so much. Not a single one in all these years since Trump became a thing.

Eventually, I figured out that it wasn't Trump you people hate so much as it is the millions upon millions of Americans who voted for and support Trump to this very day. So you, and the other leftist mavens that flock about the rotting stench of Cindybin, are just like all those "Pop" stars who jumped on the hate Trump bandwagon because it was all cool and trendy.

Your Masters give you what to talk about, and so you all talk about it. You even have convenient Mass Meme sites to get yourselves visual daily updates ... because, you now, being Democrats, you are visual creatures and communicate best through simplistic cartoon memes because, well, you know, you're all dumb.

Anyway, so why do you hate me, Admin? You've known me since age least the Administration of Bush the Younger, yet it is clear from your incessant Hate rhetoric that you hate me. What the fuck is your problem with we Americans who aren't insane motherfuckers sucking our living from the taxpayers and only want a return of the sensible and sane policies of Donald John Trump that gave me a fill up of my gas tank for a $1.87 a gallon here in fucking Chincagoland in the months before the China Virus.

Do you hate paying a buck eighty-seven for a gallon of gas?

Expensive gasoline and your health insurance. You just another broke Merican. Poor baby.