
Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I just find it fucking hilarious that lefties are STILL trying to gaslight people to get this gene therapy. They have modera and phizer's dicks firmly planted in their mouths while the media is fisting them and working them all like puppets to regurgitate political party lines.
Lets address the meme logic

vaccines work: Yes, vaccines that took years to develop and went through meticulous studying that was released to the public for all to see- do work and is proven to stop transmission and give actual immunity. Not a repurposed cancer treatment that they tried to hide the data for 75 years and failed to no reasonable person's surprise that doesn't stop transmission and MIGHT lessen the severity.

"You want to kill grandma if you don't get it": You didn't have a problem murdering grandma all alone and isolated from family because you wanted to feel safe while you piled covid patients into her building like that asshole in new york did. Now it comes out that you may have murdered her grandson and people she cared about with your myocarditis in a syringe, and kelled her sister when you fired her nurse for not taking your jabby jabby. Besides, if your jabby jabby worked, grandma had nothing to worry about.....oh wait!

"its like wearing a seatbelt": great! Lets treat it like a seatbelt and recall the fucking thing once it starts maiming and killing people. Lets never approve it when they try to seal the safety data behind a legal wall for 75 years. unlike a seatbelt, i can take a defective and dangerous seatbelt off and throw it in the trash. can you un-vaccinate?
And finally, if vaccines were 95% effective and STOPPED transmission like your politicians claimed, why did "VACCINATED" people still had to wear a mask if they are 95% effective and stopped transmission even AFTER the vaxxpass essentially barred the unvaxxed? Could it be because they knew this fact and still lied to you?!

The only problem with your post is that I don't think any one made those arguments here. That's okay though, you all can gloss over that.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Well, you're not wrong. I probably wouldn't have commented at all, if I didn't still have Fraught's sweat and god knows what other fluids dripping onto my foot from my ankle. Ewwwwwwww

Thanks for the nightmare fuel.

...and you're probably not even going to rock me back to sleep are you?



Have kink will travel.
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Wouldn't it be much simpler to deal with one ankle humper at a time, instead of trying to cram them all into whatever discussion is happening at the time?

I think so.

I just find it hilarious that Canklesaurus Mex jumped onto a discussion about me and sockwear, then proceeded to hump away WHILE projecting that humping behaviour onto another.... :Happy5:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
There's something you could have been doing all along but it's not too late to start:

Stop supporting (voting or apologizing for) democrats and republicans.

They've only been allowed to pull their scam and offer such increasingly unpalatable candidacies because people refuse to cut their losses and tell them both to go fuck themselves.

Even candidates who make "progressive" noises like AOC and 'the squad' are, well-intentioned or not, immediately folded into the establishment and rendered as performative as Pelosi or Feinstein or any other old guard you care to name.

Don't listen to what they say... watch what they do.

As long as democrats and republicans are still being elected they have no incentive to change at all.


There will NEVER BE CHANGE.... EVER!~
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Why though? Realistically we needed a solution to the global pandemic. You’re asking them to produce, why should they be liable?

I’m genuinely interested in hearing your legal theory here… the philosophy of law is logical.
They released an untested, unsafe vaccine into the public sphere, knowing full well that it could be potentially harmful. It isn't even particularly effective at doing what it was designed for, ie stopping the spread of covid.

If that isn't bad enough, they tried to coerce the entire population into having it, including young people who aren't in the risk category. I think the highest rate of deaths from covid is males over 80 at around a 72% survival rate. All other age groups are well in the 90% range and higher. Overall on average the survival rate of people who contracted covid is 99% and this is despite the authorities hyping up the death toll with fake statistics.

The whole pantomime has just made the super rich even richer and been one massive inconvenience for everyone else.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I just find it fucking hilarious that lefties are STILL trying to gaslight people to get this gene therapy. They have modera and phizer's dicks firmly planted in their mouths while the media is fisting them and working them all like puppets to regurgitate political party lines.
Lets address the meme logic

vaccines work: Yes, vaccines that took years to develop and went through meticulous studying that was released to the public for all to see- do work and is proven to stop transmission and give actual immunity. Not a repurposed cancer treatment that they tried to hide the data for 75 years and failed to no reasonable person's surprise that doesn't stop transmission and MIGHT lessen the severity.

"You want to kill grandma if you don't get it": You didn't have a problem murdering grandma all alone and isolated from family because you wanted to feel safe while you piled covid patients into her building like that asshole in new york did. Now it comes out that you may have murdered her grandson and people she cared about with your myocarditis in a syringe, and kelled her sister when you fired her nurse for not taking your jabby jabby. Besides, if your jabby jabby worked, grandma had nothing to worry about.....oh wait!

"its like wearing a seatbelt": great! Lets treat it like a seatbelt and recall the fucking thing once it starts maiming and killing people. Lets never approve it when they try to seal the safety data behind a legal wall for 75 years. unlike a seatbelt, i can take a defective and dangerous seatbelt off and throw it in the trash. can you un-vaccinate?
And finally, if vaccines were 95% effective and STOPPED transmission like your politicians claimed, why did "VACCINATED" people still had to wear a mask if they are 95% effective and stopped transmission even AFTER the vaxxpass essentially barred the unvaxxed? Could it be because they knew this fact and still lied to you?!
Senior poo poo gets it...

Interesting how it's overwhelmingly lefties who have been so militant in attempting to enforce the clotshot and shame those who refuse to take it.

Modern leftards are nothing but commie shocktroops for the establishment who blindly dance to whatever tune the corporations and MSM are playing on any given day.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
They released an untested, unsafe vaccine into the public sphere, knowing full well that it could be potentially harmful. It isn't even particularly effective at doing what it was designed for, ie stopping the spread of covid.

If that isn't bad enough, they tried to coerce the entire population into having it, including young people who aren't in the risk category. I think the highest rate of deaths from covid is males over 80 at around a 72% survival rate. All other age groups are well in the 90% range and higher. Overall on average the survival rate of people who contracted covid is 99% and this is despite the authorities hyping up the death toll with fake statistics.

The whole pantomime has just made the super rich even richer and been one massive inconvenience for everyone else.

The vaccine was being worked on at least 7 years... and surviving covid is one thing, having crippling long covid is another thing ignoramous. The ONLY reason oldies are now surviving is because they are given antivirals.

Covid was definitely an EXTREME inconvenience and caused businesses to fail...

Don't attack people who followed medical advice. They were doing the right thing.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Two years ago I and my wife had to defend ourselves coming to Christmas supper with her parents because a few members (siblings and their spouses) were demanding we get jabbed or else.

These stupid motherfuckers actually threatened to not attend until my fully vaccinated inlaws said no.... we don't exclude.

Inlaws though were full expecting to die from it... from our visit. They said they had a good innings...

We showed up and the outspoken fucks laid into us and we stood our ground and presented facts.

Nobody fucking died.

But the sense of family did.

I hate some of my family members now. They never apologised and never admitted they were caught up in a cult.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
The vaccine was being worked on at least 7 years... and surviving covid is one thing, having crippling long covid is another thing ignoramous. The ONLY reason oldies are now surviving is because they are given antivirals.

Covid was definitely an EXTREME inconvenience and caused businesses to fail...

Don't attack people who followed medical advice. They were doing the right thing.


Were you dropped on your head as a baby?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Inlaws, ugh *shudders".

My father in law has since gotten diagnosed with an aggressive variant of Parkinsons disease which has never manifested in his line ever...

In fact, it's almost never presenting suddenly in his age bracket. No Parkinsons ever.... got 4 jabs, and he's not long for this earth.

He basically committed suicide at the behest of our national/regional ABC newscorp (variant of taxpayer funded BBC like propaganda agency).

I care about this guy deeply but he fought me and his daughter every step of the way.... yet has been silent about it for nearly a year.

He realizes he fucked up..


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Yeah that must be a very bitter pill to swallow. There isn't much you can do except for be sympathetic.

I am, but struggle with it. The same concerns I highlighted early on are becoming public ledger now but he wouldn't know otherwise because he strictly gets his news on evening ABC newscasts still.

It's almost cruel to talk to him about it these days.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
My stupid 90 year old mother in law had been quadrupled vaxxed and so has my 75 and 76 year old aunty and stepfather AND my 82 year old aunty and uncle TWINS.... and my 68 year old husband... and guess what? All those old bastards are still in the peak of health and none of them have developed Parkinson's...

You freaks are paranoid over nothing and frankly I find you all PATHETIC... that is the kindest comment I HAVE FOR YOU DEADSHITS... SERIOUSLY!!!!
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I am, but struggle with it. The same concerns I highlighted early on are becoming public ledger now but he wouldn't know otherwise because he strictly gets his news on evening ABC newscasts still.

It's almost cruel to talk to him about it these days.
The boomer mentality.... they grew up in an age where all they had for news was the MSM and still have it ingrained in their minds that whatever the guy reading the news on TV says is gospel truth.


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
My stupid 90 year old mother in law had been quadrupled vaxxed and so has my 75 and 76 year old aunty and stepfather AND my 82 year old aunty and uncle TWINS.... and my 68 year old husband... and guess what? All those old bastards are still in the peak of health and none of them have developed Parkinson's...

You freaks are paranoid over nothing and frankly I find you all PATHETIC... that is the kindest comment I HAVE FOR YOU DEADSHITS... SERIOUSLY!!!!
I will need to examine you more precisely, and internally, to find scientific conclusions...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

I heard the actual inventor of the vaccine tell the interviewer she had been working on the vaccine for YEARS... I am pretty sure she said over 7 years...

I don't give a flying fuck what one of your youtube videos said... your video is hearsay and NOT evidence!~
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
My stupid 90 year old mother in law had been quadrupled vaxxed and so has my 75 and 76 year old aunty and stepfather AND my 82 year old aunty and uncle TWINS.... and my 68 year old husband... and guess what? All those old bastards are still in the peak of health and none of them have developed Parkinson's...

You freaks are paranoid over nothing and frankly I find you all PATHETIC... that is the kindest comment I HAVE FOR YOU DEADSHITS... SERIOUSLY!!!!
Why are you so mad about it though?

You people decided to get vaccinated, but plenty of us didn't. What's the problem?

For the record, my parents are vaxx maxxed too and gave me shit for not having it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Dear God,

thank you for not making me an hysterical male wimp that posts on message boards like BF...



Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I heard the actual inventor of the vaccine tell the interviewer she had been working on the vaccine for YEARS... I am pretty sure she said over 7 years...

I don't give a flying fuck what one of your youtube videos said... you video is heresay and NOT evidence!~
Robert Malone transitioned?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Why are you so mad about it though?

You people decided to get vaccinated, but plenty of us didn't. What's the problem?

For the record, my parents are vaxx maxxed too and gave me shit for not having it.

Pureblood eggs and sperm are the new bitcoin....
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I heard the actual inventor of the vaccine tell the interviewer she had been working on the vaccine for YEARS... I am pretty sure she said over 7 years...

I don't give a flying fuck what one of your youtube videos said... you video is heresay and NOT evidence!~
Errrm, Caskur? A spokesperson for Pfizer went on record at an EU meeting and said they rolled out the vaccinations without fully knowing what effects they would have.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I have come to the conclusion from observing you right wing leaning troglodytes that your paranoia is actually alarming and should be avoided at all costs.

You FEED off each others paranoia. It's frighting to watch.

Just shut the fuck up before I get REALLY wound up and decide heads are going to roll.......!!!!!!


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Lol, I assume you're joking.... I'd be happy to donate some of mine for a few £££. :Happy5:

I marched in a protest in Melbourne last November with my wife and 9 year old. That was one of the signs being held up and it made me laugh.

There was in excess of 25k people there.... but probably closer to 50k.

The news media blacked out all coverage and insisted it was only 2-3k worth of disgruntled conspiracy alt wingers...