RUSSIA vs. UKRAINE - War Images II


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This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.


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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
My Bitchute channels picking up lol 12 subscribers lol
Here's one I just uploaded of Ukrainian troops killing thto me..eir own people for trying to flee the country, it's just barbaric to me...


Philosopher King
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West Coast

World famous cellist plays Bach outside the Russian embassy in DC on Monday.
"Everybody has to do something," he said.


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Halfway Up Ben Nevis


Let me explain how Putin is such a fahget...

I used to think Putinhomo was pretty cool and I liked his cheeky character but after reading the things he's actually done... Well I've changed mu fuckin mind...
He was making Russia better than the gulagistan USSR, and I thought he was an ally to economic prosperity worldwide...
When Medvedev took over, only for Putomo to be shadow czar, people noticed and had serious questions about it... Putin and his friends were too powerful, and Pussy Riot et al. was right to call him out on it!
After BP and Russia had a falling out over corruption in 2011, people had questions about Putin the fucking fahget!

In 2012, Russia voted against Putinhomo and he lost to the other candidate... He said their votes didnt count... People all over Russia protested, thousands are still in jail and more are being silenced every day... When Ed fahget Snowden defected in 2013 with literally all of the United States secrets to Russia, Putinhomo saw it as a golden opportunity to be top dog of shit mountain, meaning he doesnt care if the world sucks, Putinhomo just wants to rule it, he's a total cunt!

In 2014 he had the Sochi olympics and used it as a power play to take Crimea next door from Ukraine because Yanukovich was Putins crony and the Ukranian people voted him out... Russia does not have a warm water port, so having a black sea penninsula would help Putin project naval power... BINGO!

Putin is so ghey he shot down MH-17 on july 17 2014, a passenger airline, killing 300 civilians, during the invasion, very well documented... Since then, Putin has employed thousands of people to post on the webs, places like 4chan and other sites to propagandize his reign as a good thing with next to no succuss... The good People of Russia have continued to protest him, and Navalny has lead that opposition; Putin tried to poisin Navalny unsuccessfully haha :facepalm: Based Navalny is in prision now because he nor anyone else fears Putin, when Putin dies this year, hopefully soon! Russia will move forward and become a good country free of shit and corruption that might become good friends with Europe and North America which is good news for the human race; just pray the nukes don't fly before that...