Senator/Dr. Rand Paul & His recent Exchanges with Dr. Anthony Fauci


Factory Bastard
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11,191 there a 'smoking gun' or did the virus originate from zoonotic transmission - that is from animals to humans?



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I was watching an American news show on our SBS and they started naming all these wonderful, important but regular Americans who had died of covid.. I cried for their families.

These diseases are not fair. They kill the good guys. We don't want the good guys to die.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
I was watching an American news show on our SBS and they started naming all these wonderful, important but regular Americans who had died of covid.. I cried for their families.

These diseases are not fair. They kill the good guys. We don't want the good guys to die.
Why make that distinction in the first place? Covid is good. Humanity is a fucking plague...wake up and smell the coffee Goldie Hawn!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I was watching an American news show on our SBS and they started naming all these wonderful, important but regular Americans who had died of covid.. I cried for their families.

These diseases are not fair. They kill the good guys. We don't want the good guys to die.
Why make that distinction in the first place? Covid is good. Humanity is a fucking plague...wake up and smell the coffee Goldie Hawn!

make the ultimate sacrifice fucker then and swan dive off a cliff.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
I was watching an American news show on our SBS and they started naming all these wonderful, important but regular Americans who had died of covid.. I cried for their families.

These diseases are not fair. They kill the good guys. We don't want the good guys to die.
Why make that distinction in the first place? Covid is good. Humanity is a fucking plague...wake up and smell the coffee Goldie Hawn!

make the ultimate sacrifice fucker then and swan dive off a cliff.
Put a gun in your ugly mug and pull the trigger cunt!


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
I was watching an American news show on our SBS and they started naming all these wonderful, important but regular Americans who had died of covid.. I cried for their families.

These diseases are not fair. They kill the good guys. We don't want the good guys to die.
You follow wildlife and see the damage done by humanity, then cry over ‘important’ people that fuck and fuck and fuck...

Fuck off you rancid bitch! Squirt some sperm out of your double gap!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Portugal there a 'smoking gun' or did the virus originate from zoonotic transmission - that is from animals to humans?

Unfortunately with this sort of thing, it's difficult to tell who is full of shit and who is not because they (the government and the for-profit establishments that own the government) lie all the time.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
27,508 there a 'smoking gun' or did the virus originate from zoonotic transmission - that is from animals to humans?

Unfortunately with this sort of thing, it's difficult to tell who is full of shit and who is not because they (the government and the for-profit establishments that own the government) lie all the time.

I trusted Rand's dad more than him. But Rand has gotten better over the years. I still woulda voted for his dad though.

I didnt watch the video, but I been seeing other videos along the lines, and a lot has been coming out lately.

I feel this year is gonna be an explosion of info coming out. Like this Covid shit gonna be a truth bomb come out, election might prove itself finally as hacked and rigged, and then they gonna say "oh look, aliens!". Only it wont be real aliens.... I dont think lol. Prolly use drones with lasers in conjunction with Project Bluebeam.

Do you think the Mayan calendar was translated wrong, and instead of 2012 it was suppose to be 2021 lol? I mean fuck, when you think things cant get worse, the pedal goes to the metal and "at 88 mph you're gonna see some serious shit!" - Doc


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Portugal there a 'smoking gun' or did the virus originate from zoonotic transmission - that is from animals to humans?

Unfortunately with this sort of thing, it's difficult to tell who is full of shit and who is not because they (the government and the for-profit establishments that own the government) lie all the time.

I trusted Rand's dad more than him. But Rand has gotten better over the years. I still woulda voted for his dad though.

I didnt watch the video, but I been seeing other videos along the lines, and a lot has been coming out lately.

I feel this year is gonna be an explosion of info coming out. Like this Covid shit gonna be a truth bomb come out, election might prove itself finally as hacked and rigged, and then they gonna say "oh look, aliens!". Only it wont be real aliens.... I dont think lol. Prolly use drones with lasers in conjunction with Project Bluebeam.

Do you think the Mayan calendar was translated wrong, and instead of 2012 it was suppose to be 2021 lol? I mean fuck, when you think things cant get worse, the pedal goes to the metal and "at 88 mph you're gonna see some serious shit!" - Doc

Whatever hapens, try to find the truth and go with that instead of what the hysterical righties or any of the corporately lying crowd decide to claim is the truth. Freaking out over lies is getting really old.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
11,191 there a 'smoking gun' or did the virus originate from zoonotic transmission - that is from animals to humans?

Unfortunately with this sort of thing, it's difficult to tell who is full of shit and who is not because they (the government and the for-profit establishments that own the government) lie all the time.

I trusted Rand's dad more than him. But Rand has gotten better over the years. I still woulda voted for his dad though.

I didnt watch the video, but I been seeing other videos along the lines, and a lot has been coming out lately.

I feel this year is gonna be an explosion of info coming out. Like this Covid shit gonna be a truth bomb come out, election might prove itself finally as hacked and rigged, and then they gonna say "oh look, aliens!". Only it wont be real aliens.... I dont think lol. Prolly use drones with lasers in conjunction with Project Bluebeam.

Do you think the Mayan calendar was translated wrong, and instead of 2012 it was suppose to be 2021 lol? I mean fuck, when you think things cant get worse, the pedal goes to the metal and "at 88 mph you're gonna see some serious shit!" - Doc

I don't think the election was rigged in your country itself, Blazor.

At least not the way you perceive it.

Actually, I'm more inclined to think that if people claim Election 2016 was rigged by a foreign power, Russia, then the 2020 Election was rigged by China.

While I certainly have no proof, I believe China released this virus to bring Trump down - to which end, they succeeded.
Trump was getting too close to the underbelly of the Dragon. Too close for comfort so they had ta finish 'im off.
Trump wanted to re-arrange the existing economic order, and so they said, "Don't touch my precious."
And so they had ta stop him at all costs. And they did, imho.

Trump had too much power & he was scaring the bejezuz outta the globalists & China who they partnered with. legacy of Trump is that he exposed China for what it is & drew attention to their shady business practices & human rights abuses. Unwittingly, Trump changed the world, the way it does business & the focus of future administrations on an 'America First' policy. Altho he's no longer around, his legacy certainly will endure.

That's why the Biden administration is bringing questions of the origins of the coronavirus. Because it shines the light on China & forces them to be more accountable. It's a negotiating tactic, and Biden as well as future administrations will use it to limit China's global influence. "China BAD, America GOOD. Trust in America to protect you, not Evil China."

Globalism as we knew it, is dead. There won't be the cozy relationship with China which the globalists have enjoyed for the past 40 years. That's out the window. China will be viewed with extreme suspicion. They'll have to spread their influence on their own, and they won't get nearly the help they did during the Golden Age of Globalization.

Like it or not, a new Cold War has started between America and China.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
You actually believe Trump drew attention to human rights abuses? Gee, I missed that part of his preidency altogether.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You actually believe Trump drew attention to human rights abuses? Gee, I missed that part of his preidency altogether.

No not directly.

But this pandemic certainly has/did.

Look at all the bad press China is now getting over its treatment of its Uyger & Tibetan populations.

Also, allegations that they used microwave technologies to subdue & bully its neighbor, India.

So the image they're getting is one of a mean and sinister Superpower.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Dr Fakeci is an establishment mouthpiece and bought and paid shill, seriously fuck that guy, he's about as credible as Lotusbergenstein.

America may have given China the know-how to study viruses but I don't think Fauci or the US intentionally provided them with the knowledge to produce bioweapons.

But this appears to be what they have done.

Whether or not the coronavirus was made in a lab, China is a known producer of bioweapons.

And prior to the pandemic, China was accused of stealing information out of a lab in Canada.


Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
It's basically undeniable at this point that the Chanks are the culprits behind the Covid outbreak.

However, the western establishment, media etc is guilty of exaggerating the effects of the virus and spreading panic-driven hysteria in order to essentially shut down society.

The only thing debatable about all this nonsense is the motive for their actions.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It's basically undeniable at this point that the Chanks are the culprits behind the Covid outbreak.

However, the western establishment, media etc is guilty of exaggerating the effects of the virus and spreading panic-driven hysteria in order to essentially shut down society.

The only thing debatable about all this nonsense is the motive for their actions.

Well they might have covered up, but I still don't think the US intentionally gave China information or the knowledge to make bioweapons to poison the world.

As Fauci stated, I don't think that was the purpose.

It was to study the SARS virus. But they may have made it inta SARS II, aka Covid.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
It's basically undeniable at this point that the Chanks are the culprits behind the Covid outbreak.

However, the western establishment, media etc is guilty of exaggerating the effects of the virus and spreading panic-driven hysteria in order to essentially shut down society.

The only thing debatable about all this nonsense is the motive for their actions.

Well they might have covered up, but I still don't think the US intentionally gave China information or the knowledge to intentionally make bioweapons to poison the world.

As Fauci stated, I don't think that was the intent.

It was to study the SARS virus. But they made inta SARS II, aka Covid.

I'm always suspicious of the corporate interests and warmongers. You never know the truth with them, and most of them have no national loyalties.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It's basically undeniable at this point that the Chanks are the culprits behind the Covid outbreak.

However, the western establishment, media etc is guilty of exaggerating the effects of the virus and spreading panic-driven hysteria in order to essentially shut down society.

The only thing debatable about all this nonsense is the motive for their actions.

Well they might have covered up, but I still don't think the US intentionally gave China information or the knowledge to intentionally make bioweapons to poison the world.

As Fauci stated, I don't think that was the intent.

It was to study the SARS virus. But they made inta SARS II, aka Covid.

I'm always suspicious of the corporate interests and warmongers. You never know the truth with them, and most of them have no national loyalties.

What's also notable is that most of the world's population (unless they are very rich or part of the Ruling Elite) don't get to choose what kind of vaccine or treatment they get against COVID.

Y'know I contacted that Canadian vaccine maker Medicago to see if I could get theirs instead because they've thus far reported no deaths or mishaps.

But no answer. And I suspect the Powers that Be won't let any average citizen get it for quite some time 'til their stockpiles of Pfizer, Moderna & Astra Zeneca which they paid billions for are used up.

And if something much better than those 3 comes up, they'll either suppress its release or kill the project altogether.

I don't think this whole vaccination program is about informing us so we can get the best and safest treatment possible for ourselves. It's about sweetheart deals governments made and making massive profits for the pharmaceutical companies and their shareholders.

BTW, one reason I think the Medicago vaccine has proven to be safe, is they don't use a real virus to elicit an antibody response. Just a replica which tricks the immune system into doing it.
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