Should we take one of the three spamming idiots off ignore for New Years?

Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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If a man wants you, he will be with you.

And why would anyone waste their time on someone who wasn’t sure?

I will not be taking the tardtastic dual off ignore. Their display here is pure insanity.

It’s also disrespectful to my husband to carry on with some skank who was my first dyke out experience and took advantage of how drunk I was…. and someone I had a fling with while we were friends and was at best a mercy fucking for him his head was so wrapped up in that divorce.

I had a crush on Chaos at one point. Dove has always had a crush on me.
Careful now, as Blurt the freakshow has already established that placing people on ignore and telling them they are on ignore is "trying too hard"

lmao -- for just one day, could you retards stop tripping over one another in your irony?


Domestically feral
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United states
Shes really going to claim I've always had a "crush" on her?

Oh. Muh. GAWD.

I mean ive handled many obsessive MALES who have set up shop in this delusional sort of wishful thinking happy land ......but a female who spent 11 years begging a man I had a relationship with for attention is now claiming I've had a "crush" on her?

I thought the quasi MAP bimbo was going to pull the tired old I've been obsessed with a man who doesnt want me and wasted my time on BIG. Is she saying I wasted my time on HER?

So what makes this Martini olive in a fat suit think this? My marriage to a man? Him adopting my now 17 year old and us welcoming another beautiful daughter into the world?

I mean this kind of explains the unhinged venom and resentment this nutter has the entitlement to have towards my daughters.

So was she hoping for some polyamorous three way relationship with me and Big?

Oh lort almighty. I NEVER share LOL. Yeah no.....sorry.....once again.....much was really misread. YIKES.


Domestically feral
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United states
Careful now, as Blurt the freakshow has already established that placing people on ignore and telling them they are on ignore is "trying too hard"

lmao -- for just one day, could you retards stop tripping over one another in your irony?

My favorite part was the statement that if a man wants you....he will be with you.

No shit Sherlock LOL

That took what.....15 years?
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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As a father of two young men I raised on my own since birth I can truthfully state that I cannot recall a single time a "screaming toddler with shit in their diapers" has ever killed the mood. Either with their biological mom or any woman thereafter.

Could this be because children are simply not supposed to be anywhere near such experiences and I was well aware of this fact from the onset?

Christ, these people really expose who they truly are with their utterances.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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My favorite part was the statement that if a man wants you....he will be with you.
I await, with greedy anticipation, her next big reveal

something along the lines of "water is wet" won't be a disappointment
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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The lord sayeth onto thee.

If a man is hungry he shall eat and should he find himself under water he shall come up for air.

These truths we hold to be self evident. obviously.

what a fucktard :LOL3:

The Countess

Hood with it
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As a father of two young men I raised on my own since birth I can truthfully state that I cannot recall a single time a "screaming toddler with shit in their diapers" has ever killed the mood. Either with their biological mom or any woman thereafter.

Could this be because children are simply not supposed to be anywhere near such experiences and I was well aware of this fact from the onset?

Christ, these people really expose who they truly are with their utterances.

As parents, we knew sex had to wait til the kids were asleep.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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As parents, we knew sex had to wait til the kids were asleep.
Exactly. This was simply non-negotiation.

I can't even imagine a context where thinking otherwise would be acceptable under any circumstance

But like Dove pointed out "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks"
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

I cannot believe Murd actually shared that in an attempt to disparage her opponent.

no -- who I am I kidding. yes I can :LOL3:


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Oh look, its the biggly and boring dove show around here .... on the other hand other boards have vastly inproved sincce they departure


Domestically feral
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United states
Oh look, its the biggly and boring dove show around here .... on the other hand other boards have vastly inproved sincce they departure

Murd called......she was looking for them white trash ebonics.

You've come to the right place :D
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Imma sell some tix to this theatrical display of leftist butthurt yo.


19.99 if you want to be in VIP.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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I makes sense. Statistically the majority of male to female trans are just autistic gay men who cannot accept their homosexuality.
The Potatoe

Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. When it comes to leftist filth I find that hard to believe. Truly.

But in today's showing of grand self immolation we get more than a glimpse of intent going straight to hell in a hand basket. And for good measure? A healthy side of unwavering commitment to the longstanding tradition of jettisoning a fellow leftoided cretin under a bus at the first available opportunity.

I present to you, Blurd's masterpiece of snippy bitterness and personal self loathing misery - and I quote "He's the size of a dildo"

Eeek, looks like some transputrid freakshow with profound mental illness spent his new years devoid of human contact and has devoted his mind to rubber objects with the scent of yesterdays shit still present for sexual gratification instead. Lmao. That's just rich.

Now I am well aware that a 5' 9 inch stature wont be scoring me any memories in NBA's tallest players hall of fame or anything like that, But Blurd, did you stop to think of your fellow shitstain miscreants who are on your side before becoming this thirsty and running face first into the biggest mural of a mans open anus you could find? Some of these people who pretend to like you and agree with your sickening fetish are clearly shorter than I. I will list a few for your personal edification below.

What of them you fucking self serving freakshow?

Take for instance, sewage major, the frustrated repetitive creeper who currently resides in perpetuity on every known sex offender registry in the US and only manages to escape prosecution by hiding out in some mosquito riddled hell hole populated with disease and misery and straw huts for housing. He's about 5 5" if I'm being generous and rubs shoulders with a standard towel bar you might find installed in any standard size bathroom. At his age Be it not too difficult for him to get candy into the hands of a minor by having to bend down, eh?


Then of course, there is Alphonso, whom if the photos are to be believed stands a towering inch, maybe two over the wonderfully astute and geopolitically competent Marshmallow Murdy. Who, last time she was in my presence begging for a bone stood a full 4" beneath me. Are we to consider her and her man a pair of butt plugs perhaps? -- Actually, upon further consideration, you may not be far off on that one sir as she has indeed given us a rather unsavory glimpse into her idea of foreplay and how coke products and animal sounds come into action when things begin to get heated.

ewww... what's with you people. Seriously.

Clearing the memory registers yet again and moving right along we have Oak, Oaf, Girthzilla, The one and only, Pig on two feet. Who, in a pair of her best steel and concrete reinforced heels bore an uncanny resemblance to one of those really funny looking flying saucers you'd expect to see in a Mars Attacks comic book. Not to mention I wouldn't be at all be surprised if she could strut her gut right under a pottery barn table designed for 12 without having to duck and enjoying room to spare. How do you think she feels about being referred to as a dildo while being unable to afford one? You fucking insensitive prick!

Now that's three. You really are a sappy little cretin unaware of your surroundings aren't you? You attempt to make a go at me with some well worn and exhausted tripe and manage to hit all three of these fucking mutants plus any love interest desperate enough to be seen in public with them right upside their heads with your makeup bag instead.

And there's no telling how many disgraceful emo sissy cornhole plugging lady boy Antifa cretins you might have netted with such a blanket statement. These are people with mental illnesses not unlike your own for crying out loud! They are in your struggle, shunning gainful employment, burning down businesses, providing puberty blockers to children, etc. - day after day so they can press on, fighting the fine fight on behalf of shit shanking perverts such as yourself. So that freakshows like you can maintain the right to dress in women's lingerie in front of minors. Why you filthy fucking unappreciative and disloyal abomination. I am simply disgusted for them you creep, because, on a whim, with no consideration for any of them, you go associating them with some filthy sex toy you just finished shoving up your dirty ass for kicks and thrills.

Have you no shame? You fucking animal?

I'm appalled with you; you sloppy little cretin. Utterly appalled.
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They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. When it comes to leftist filth I find that hard to believe. Truly.

But in today's showing of grand self immolation we get more than a glimpse of intent going straight to hell in a hand basket. And for good measure? A healthy side of unwavering commitment to the longstanding tradition of jettisoning a fellow leftoided cretin under a bus at the first available opportunity.

I present to you, Blurd's masterpiece of snippy bitterness and personal self loathing misery - and I quote "He's the size of a dildo"

Eeek, looks like some transputrid freakshow with profound mental illness spent his new years devoid of human contact and has devoted his mind to rubber objects with the scent of yesterdays shit still present for sexual gratification instead. Lmao. That's just rich.

Now I am well aware that a 5' 9 inch stature wont be scoring me any memories in NBA's tallest players hall of fame or anything like that, But Blurd, did you stop to think of your fellow shitstain miscreants who are on your side before becoming this thirsty and running face first into the biggest mural of a mans open anus you could find? Some of these people who pretend to like you and agree with your sickening fetish are clearly shorter than I. I will list a few for your personal edification below.

What of them you fucking self serving freakshow?

Take for instance, sewage major, the frustrated repetitive creeper who currently resides in perpetuity on every known sex offender registry in the US and only manages to escape prosecution by hiding out in some mosquito riddled hell hole populated with disease and misery and straw huts for housing. He's about 5 5" if I'm being generous and rubs shoulders with a standard towel bar you might find installed in any standard size bathroom. At his age Be it not too difficult for him to get candy into the hands of a minor by having to bend down, eh?


Then of course, there is Alphonso, whom if the photos are to be believed stands a towering inch, maybe two over the wonderfully astute and geopolitically competent Marshmallow Murdy. Who, last time she was in my presence begging for a bone stood a full 4" beneath me. Are we to consider her and her man a pair of butt plugs perhaps? -- Actually, upon further consideration, you may not be far off on that one sir as she has indeed given us a rather unsavory glimpse into her idea of foreplay and how coke products and animal sounds come into action when things begin to get heated.

ewww... what's with you people. Seriously.

Clearing the memory registers yet again and moving right along we have Oak, Oaf, Girthzilla, The one and only, Pig on two feet. Who, in a pair of her best steel and concrete reinforced heels bore an uncanny resemblance to one of those really funny looking flying saucers you'd expect to see in a Mars Attacks comic book. Not to mention I wouldn't be at all be surprised if she could strut her gut right under a pottery barn table designed for 12 without having to duck and enjoying room to spare. How do you think she feels about being referred to as a dildo while being unable to afford one? You fucking insensitive prick!

Now that's three. You really are a sappy little cretin unaware of your surroundings aren't you? You attempt to make a go at me with some well worn and exhausted tripe and manage to hit all three of these fucking mutants plus any love interest desperate enough to be seen in public with them right upside their heads with your makeup bag instead.

And there's no telling how many disgraceful emo sissy cornhole plugging lady boy Antifa cretins you might have netted with such a blanket statement. These are people with mental illnesses not unlike your own for crying out loud! They are in your struggle, shunning gainful employment, burning down businesses, providing puberty blockers to children, etc. - day after day so they can press on, fighting the fine fight on behalf of shit shanking perverts such as yourself. So that freakshows like you can maintain the right to dress in women's lingerie in front of minors. Why you filthy fucking unappreciative and disloyal abomination. I am simply disgusted for them you creep, because, on a whim, with no consideration for any of them, you go associating them with some filthy sex toy you just finished shoving up your dirty ass for kicks and thrills.

Have you no shame? You fucking animal?

I'm appalled with you; you sloppy little cretin. Utterly appalled.
Is this the recipe for your keibler elf cookies LOL
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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To all the insects currently stuck on my ignore list like flypaper

I'd just like to say



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lemme guess, see, I got this guy on teh ignores ... did he just poast he can't see because he's NEVER coming back to the site that BANNED him for his caWK talk
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
My comment about lotus not showering is still cracking me up

God damn I’m a funny and yet mean motherfucker

And guess what?

The termites are still on ignore

Lmao !