Still braver than the Forum's Civil War Cosplayers, unarmed Mom's and Dad's stare down the Russian Army


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
And we are NOT gonna buy Russian vodka. Which means small businesses wont profit off the product they already stocked.

We are still gonna buy gas though because we gotta be able to live our lives as if nothing is happening.

The Ukrainians and Russains will weep with gratitude over our symbolic gestures though.
that'll show em :LOL3:

The kind of people refusing to buy Russain vodka today are the kind of people to buy a fast food meal for a homeless person, take their picture and go on a big socail media post about how ashamed and grateful that homeless person was and how we "shouldnt judge".



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
cluster bombs and unguided rocket salvos into cities r a bad look for putin
Not to mention the AmeriConservatives who have sided with him. Trumputinists by name.

If you are a Trump supporter, you supported Putin.
Don't try to run from it.
At least triumph (in defeat) in not running from what you have professed to believe in.

No on respects a flip-flopper.
is that how u get your opinions...consult the team?

sorry but i think for myself so im not some lockstep-lemming
Oh so you are distancing yourself from the trumputinists now that it is convenient for you.


No, you are just wrong as usual and desperately trying to manipulate people.

It's not working. Grow up.
he thinks lame peer pressure tactics worked on him, so y not everyone else

He has awkward level strong feelings about Putin and Ukraine.

He calls any objective critical analysis of this situation "support for Putin".

I think these gaslighting and dishonest hysterics are because it's the only way he can defend the shit bags in the government he supports who actually cause these problems. He is trying hard to shift blame when it's obvious to everyone in the world that the American government is shit.

We had peace under Trump. We have nothing but war and conflict and struggle under the establishment he supports out of misguided hatred of his own neighbors.

If his team gave a tiny fuck about us? They would assure Putin no NATO expansion.....butt the fuck out....and open up Keystone.
hes trolling lol

and speaking of stupid, i dont get this business with pulling already bought & paid for russian vodka off the shelves
It's symbolic, like standing bare handed in front of a Russian convoy, psy-ops Baby.

Its empty. Optics. Fake.

It's what people do when they want to look like they are doing something without actually sacrificing or inconveniencing their lives. Like Neil Young putting on a show to support censorship and removing his music. It costs him absolutely nothing.
Something a self serving narcissist would say.

More like I'm describing the actions of self serving narcissists.

Stop buying gas if you actually want to DO something.

Saying "look at me I'm not gonna buy Russian vodka"..... the fuck is that gonna do? THAT is self serving.

It's always the same empty and sanctimonious "gestures".

Maybe while people stop buying Russian vodka for now, we can get more celebs to single another round of Imagine.
Go take a peek at a few news sites, the world has clamped down on Russia pretty hard financially and frozen the assets of the top Putin Friends and Allies. Getting close to the point of few "Political Options" left....has your hubby volunteered to go fight yet?
Hey, Apey - why You want war?
Why all Liberuhlz wants the war?
..and why everything you say says you don't want war.
So confusing...

All you guys are saying is what a piece of shit Putin and Russia is and that it's our fault somehow and how we are all "pro putin".

You do want war. That's what you are supporting. You are supporting a government that directly contributed to the invasion we see happening and you guys put this administration in office because you choose to believe a bunch of hateful and divisive lies. Even after being shown its lies. You spin and project to support the narrative you WANT. No matter how false.

It's your hate. You should own that. Or is that our fault too? You are not at all a peace supporter. Look how you treat your own countrymen with disdain and "contempt". Your words.

Ukrainians are dying but we don't have any Bad Orange man tweets anymore

so it's actually balance

And we are NOT gonna buy Russian vodka. Which means small businesses wont profit off the product they already stocked.

We are still gonna buy gas though because we gotta be able to live our lives as if nothing is happening.

The Ukrainians and Russains will weep with gratitude over our symbolic gestures though.

and as far as vodka goes, whats so special about russian potatoes?

everyone knows idaho potatoes r better anyway

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
And we are NOT gonna buy Russian vodka. Which means small businesses wont profit off the product they already stocked.

We are still gonna buy gas though because we gotta be able to live our lives as if nothing is happening.

The Ukrainians and Russains will weep with gratitude over our symbolic gestures though.
that'll show em :LOL3:

The kind of people refusing to buy Russain vodka today are the kind of people to buy a fast food meal for a homeless person, take their picture and go on a big socail media post about how ashamed and grateful that homeless person was and how we "shouldnt judge".

Cut off our own energy independence and spend trillions on Russian gas but don't buy a bottle of Russian vodka tho

cause it supports teh putin

yeah, these morons make a lot of sense


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
cluster bombs and unguided rocket salvos into cities r a bad look for putin
Not to mention the AmeriConservatives who have sided with him. Trumputinists by name.

If you are a Trump supporter, you supported Putin.
Don't try to run from it.
At least triumph (in defeat) in not running from what you have professed to believe in.

No on respects a flip-flopper.
is that how u get your opinions...consult the team?

sorry but i think for myself so im not some lockstep-lemming
Oh so you are distancing yourself from the trumputinists now that it is convenient for you.


No, you are just wrong as usual and desperately trying to manipulate people.

It's not working. Grow up.
he thinks lame peer pressure tactics worked on him, so y not everyone else

He has awkward level strong feelings about Putin and Ukraine.

He calls any objective critical analysis of this situation "support for Putin".

I think these gaslighting and dishonest hysterics are because it's the only way he can defend the shit bags in the government he supports who actually cause these problems. He is trying hard to shift blame when it's obvious to everyone in the world that the American government is shit.

We had peace under Trump. We have nothing but war and conflict and struggle under the establishment he supports out of misguided hatred of his own neighbors.

If his team gave a tiny fuck about us? They would assure Putin no NATO expansion.....butt the fuck out....and open up Keystone.
hes trolling lol

and speaking of stupid, i dont get this business with pulling already bought & paid for russian vodka off the shelves
It's symbolic, like standing bare handed in front of a Russian convoy, psy-ops Baby.

Its empty. Optics. Fake.

It's what people do when they want to look like they are doing something without actually sacrificing or inconveniencing their lives. Like Neil Young putting on a show to support censorship and removing his music. It costs him absolutely nothing.
Something a self serving narcissist would say.

More like I'm describing the actions of self serving narcissists.

Stop buying gas if you actually want to DO something.

Saying "look at me I'm not gonna buy Russian vodka"..... the fuck is that gonna do? THAT is self serving.

It's always the same empty and sanctimonious "gestures".

Maybe while people stop buying Russian vodka for now, we can get more celebs to single another round of Imagine.
Go take a peek at a few news sites, the world has clamped down on Russia pretty hard financially and frozen the assets of the top Putin Friends and Allies. Getting close to the point of few "Political Options" left....has your hubby volunteered to go fight yet?
Hey, Apey - why You want war?
Why all Liberuhlz wants the war?
..and why everything you say says you don't want war.
So confusing...

All you guys are saying is what a piece of shit Putin and Russia is and that it's our fault somehow and how we are all "pro putin".

You do want war. That's what you are supporting. You are supporting a government that directly contributed to the invasion we see happening and you guys put this administration in office because you choose to believe a bunch of hateful and divisive lies. Even after being shown its lies. You spin and project to support the narrative you WANT. No matter how false.

It's your hate. You should own that. Or is that our fault too? You are not at all a peace supporter. Look how you treat your own countrymen with disdain and "contempt". Your words.

Ukrainians are dying but we don't have any Bad Orange man tweets anymore

so it's actually balance

And we are NOT gonna buy Russian vodka. Which means small businesses wont profit off the product they already stocked.

We are still gonna buy gas though because we gotta be able to live our lives as if nothing is happening.

The Ukrainians and Russains will weep with gratitude over our symbolic gestures though.

and as far as vodka goes, whats so special about russian potatoes?

everyone knows idaho potatoes r better anyway

I've been making a strong effort to always buy American made unless I absolutely cannot. It's been pricier at times but.....its an ethics thing for me.

I dont really blast about it or lecture people but if the topic comes up I will help someone out in finding places to take their business that are more in our interests that have ethical business practices. Sometimes you cant avoid that though. Buts worth the effort.


Let us all not forget that it was Trump's cock sucking Putin and weakness, and trumputinist enabling that lead to the invasion of Ukraine.
Yep - Trump's weakening of NATO (or attempt to do so), the shitty weak deal he made with the Taliban, his pandering to his master (Putin), and trumputinists praise and support of him, gave Putin the green light to ransack Ukraine.

Sorry, pal - you were wrong about the resolve of decency, of decent people around the world including in Russia..


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
And we are NOT gonna buy Russian vodka. Which means small businesses wont profit off the product they already stocked.

We are still gonna buy gas though because we gotta be able to live our lives as if nothing is happening.

The Ukrainians and Russains will weep with gratitude over our symbolic gestures though.
that'll show em :LOL3:

The kind of people refusing to buy Russain vodka today are the kind of people to buy a fast food meal for a homeless person, take their picture and go on a big socail media post about how ashamed and grateful that homeless person was and how we "shouldnt judge".

Cut off our own energy independence and spend trillions on Russian gas but don't buy a bottle of Russian vodka tho

cause it supports teh putin

yeah, these morons make a lot of sense

Only to people who havent figured out that there just MIGHT be a reason why America is always involved in some sort of conflict or scandal in another country when we have a monoparty government.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Let us all not forget that it was Trump's cock sucking Putin and weakness, and trumputinist enabling that lead to the invasion of Ukraine.
Yep - Trump's weakening of NATO (or attempt to do so), the shitty weak deal he made with the Taliban, his pandering to his master (Putin), and trumputinists praise and support of him, gave Putin the green light to ransack Ukraine.

Sorry, pal - you were wrong about the resolve of decency, of decent people around the world including in Russia..

Yeah we totally should have just beefed up NATO and rammed it down Ukraines vagina and kicked this party off while Trump was in office instead of wasting time on energy independence.

Thank GOD the war mongers are back. Biden totally fixed the Taliban deal and even handed 80 billion in weapons and equipment and just left Americans over there. And his dealings with Putin are SO MUCH BETTER than Trumps.

You can tell by the way Putin says he is preparing the nukes that we are finally on the right track!

I'm sure a lot of people in the world would prefer Trumps "shitty deals" right now but eh.....they are all "putinists" so fuck em. Kill them off.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
cluster bombs and unguided rocket salvos into cities r a bad look for putin
Not to mention the AmeriConservatives who have sided with him. Trumputinists by name.

If you are a Trump supporter, you supported Putin.
Don't try to run from it.
At least triumph (in defeat) in not running from what you have professed to believe in.

No on respects a flip-flopper.
is that how u get your opinions...consult the team?

sorry but i think for myself so im not some lockstep-lemming
Oh so you are distancing yourself from the trumputinists now that it is convenient for you.


No, you are just wrong as usual and desperately trying to manipulate people.

It's not working. Grow up.
he thinks lame peer pressure tactics worked on him, so y not everyone else

He has awkward level strong feelings about Putin and Ukraine.

He calls any objective critical analysis of this situation "support for Putin".

I think these gaslighting and dishonest hysterics are because it's the only way he can defend the shit bags in the government he supports who actually cause these problems. He is trying hard to shift blame when it's obvious to everyone in the world that the American government is shit.

We had peace under Trump. We have nothing but war and conflict and struggle under the establishment he supports out of misguided hatred of his own neighbors.

If his team gave a tiny fuck about us? They would assure Putin no NATO expansion.....butt the fuck out....and open up Keystone.
hes trolling lol

and speaking of stupid, i dont get this business with pulling already bought & paid for russian vodka off the shelves
It's symbolic, like standing bare handed in front of a Russian convoy, psy-ops Baby.

Its empty. Optics. Fake.

It's what people do when they want to look like they are doing something without actually sacrificing or inconveniencing their lives. Like Neil Young putting on a show to support censorship and removing his music. It costs him absolutely nothing.
Something a self serving narcissist would say.

More like I'm describing the actions of self serving narcissists.

Stop buying gas if you actually want to DO something.

Saying "look at me I'm not gonna buy Russian vodka"..... the fuck is that gonna do? THAT is self serving.

It's always the same empty and sanctimonious "gestures".

Maybe while people stop buying Russian vodka for now, we can get more celebs to single another round of Imagine.
Go take a peek at a few news sites, the world has clamped down on Russia pretty hard financially and frozen the assets of the top Putin Friends and Allies. Getting close to the point of few "Political Options" left....has your hubby volunteered to go fight yet?
Hey, Apey - why You want war?
Why all Liberuhlz wants the war?
..and why everything you say says you don't want war.
So confusing...

All you guys are saying is what a piece of shit Putin and Russia is and that it's our fault somehow and how we are all "pro putin".

You do want war. That's what you are supporting. You are supporting a government that directly contributed to the invasion we see happening and you guys put this administration in office because you choose to believe a bunch of hateful and divisive lies. Even after being shown its lies. You spin and project to support the narrative you WANT. No matter how false.

It's your hate. You should own that. Or is that our fault too? You are not at all a peace supporter. Look how you treat your own countrymen with disdain and "contempt". Your words.

Ukrainians are dying but we don't have any Bad Orange man tweets anymore

so it's actually balance

And we are NOT gonna buy Russian vodka. Which means small businesses wont profit off the product they already stocked.

We are still gonna buy gas though because we gotta be able to live our lives as if nothing is happening.

The Ukrainians and Russains will weep with gratitude over our symbolic gestures though.

and as far as vodka goes, whats so special about russian potatoes?

everyone knows idaho potatoes r better anyway

I've been making a strong effort to always buy American made unless I absolutely cannot. It's been pricier at times but.....its an ethics thing for me.

I dont really blast about it or lecture people but if the topic comes up I will help someone out in finding places to take their business that are more in our interests that have ethical business practices. Sometimes you cant avoid that though. Buts worth the effort.

same here - it kills me the compromises we have 2 take, like just buying a TV choice :/


Let us all not forget that it was Trump's cock sucking Putin and weakness, and trumputinist enabling that lead to the invasion of Ukraine.
Yep - Trump's weakening of NATO (or attempt to do so), the shitty weak deal he made with the Taliban, his pandering to his master (Putin), and trumputinists praise and support of him, gave Putin the green light to ransack Ukraine.

Sorry, pal - you were wrong about the resolve of decency, of decent people around the world including in Russia..
. You know, on third thought, as I had suggested earlier in the festivities,
.we should have gone full Neville Chamberlain under Trump and handed Europe, Scandinavia, and Canada over to Putin.

.Doesn't the happiness of trumputinists everywhere matter?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
cluster bombs and unguided rocket salvos into cities r a bad look for putin
Not to mention the AmeriConservatives who have sided with him. Trumputinists by name.

If you are a Trump supporter, you supported Putin.
Don't try to run from it.
At least triumph (in defeat) in not running from what you have professed to believe in.

No on respects a flip-flopper.
is that how u get your opinions...consult the team?

sorry but i think for myself so im not some lockstep-lemming
Oh so you are distancing yourself from the trumputinists now that it is convenient for you.


No, you are just wrong as usual and desperately trying to manipulate people.

It's not working. Grow up.
he thinks lame peer pressure tactics worked on him, so y not everyone else

He has awkward level strong feelings about Putin and Ukraine.

He calls any objective critical analysis of this situation "support for Putin".

I think these gaslighting and dishonest hysterics are because it's the only way he can defend the shit bags in the government he supports who actually cause these problems. He is trying hard to shift blame when it's obvious to everyone in the world that the American government is shit.

We had peace under Trump. We have nothing but war and conflict and struggle under the establishment he supports out of misguided hatred of his own neighbors.

If his team gave a tiny fuck about us? They would assure Putin no NATO expansion.....butt the fuck out....and open up Keystone.
hes trolling lol

and speaking of stupid, i dont get this business with pulling already bought & paid for russian vodka off the shelves
It's symbolic, like standing bare handed in front of a Russian convoy, psy-ops Baby.

Its empty. Optics. Fake.

It's what people do when they want to look like they are doing something without actually sacrificing or inconveniencing their lives. Like Neil Young putting on a show to support censorship and removing his music. It costs him absolutely nothing.
Something a self serving narcissist would say.

More like I'm describing the actions of self serving narcissists.

Stop buying gas if you actually want to DO something.

Saying "look at me I'm not gonna buy Russian vodka"..... the fuck is that gonna do? THAT is self serving.

It's always the same empty and sanctimonious "gestures".

Maybe while people stop buying Russian vodka for now, we can get more celebs to single another round of Imagine.
Go take a peek at a few news sites, the world has clamped down on Russia pretty hard financially and frozen the assets of the top Putin Friends and Allies. Getting close to the point of few "Political Options" left....has your hubby volunteered to go fight yet?
Hey, Apey - why You want war?
Why all Liberuhlz wants the war?
..and why everything you say says you don't want war.
So confusing...

All you guys are saying is what a piece of shit Putin and Russia is and that it's our fault somehow and how we are all "pro putin".

You do want war. That's what you are supporting. You are supporting a government that directly contributed to the invasion we see happening and you guys put this administration in office because you choose to believe a bunch of hateful and divisive lies. Even after being shown its lies. You spin and project to support the narrative you WANT. No matter how false.

It's your hate. You should own that. Or is that our fault too? You are not at all a peace supporter. Look how you treat your own countrymen with disdain and "contempt". Your words.

Ukrainians are dying but we don't have any Bad Orange man tweets anymore

so it's actually balance

And we are NOT gonna buy Russian vodka. Which means small businesses wont profit off the product they already stocked.

We are still gonna buy gas though because we gotta be able to live our lives as if nothing is happening.

The Ukrainians and Russains will weep with gratitude over our symbolic gestures though.

and as far as vodka goes, whats so special about russian potatoes?

everyone knows idaho potatoes r better anyway

I've been making a strong effort to always buy American made unless I absolutely cannot. It's been pricier at times but.....its an ethics thing for me.

I dont really blast about it or lecture people but if the topic comes up I will help someone out in finding places to take their business that are more in our interests that have ethical business practices. Sometimes you cant avoid that though. Buts worth the effort.

same here - it kills me the compromises we have 2 take, like just buying a TV choice :/

I was really in the spirit when Trump was office. I hate that America has sent so much over seas. It's just fucking shitty and bad for the people.

And youd think people who cry about the environment wouldnt want all the carbon footprints caused by that. It's so much harder on us and the environment to close Keystone and buy it from Russia.

What the fuck are they thinking? They never even explain themselves. It's just constant nastiness.


Site Supporter
And we are NOT gonna buy Russian vodka. Which means small businesses wont profit off the product they already stocked.

We are still gonna buy gas though because we gotta be able to live our lives as if nothing is happening.

The Ukrainians and Russains will weep with gratitude over our symbolic gestures though.
that'll show em :LOL3:

The kind of people refusing to buy Russain vodka today are the kind of people to buy a fast food meal for a homeless person, take their picture and go on a big socail media post about how ashamed and grateful that homeless person was and how we "shouldnt judge".

U get that vibe from yoo believe it or not lmao


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Let us all not forget that it was Trump's cock sucking Putin and weakness, and trumputinist enabling that lead to the invasion of Ukraine.
Yep - Trump's weakening of NATO (or attempt to do so), the shitty weak deal he made with the Taliban, his pandering to his master (Putin), and trumputinists praise and support of him, gave Putin the green light to ransack Ukraine.

Sorry, pal - you were wrong about the resolve of decency, of decent people around the world including in Russia..
. You know, on third thought, as I had suggested earlier in the festivities,
.we should have gone full Neville Chamberlain under Trump and handed over Europe, Scandinavia, and Canada over to Putin.

.Doesn't the happiness of trumputinists everywhere matter?

The whole world domination thing establishment shills have is so revolting.

I didnt realize so much of the world belongs to us to "hand over" in the first place but hey....this is some of that western entitlement that while our own country suffers.....we need to go engage in establishment wars to protect countries our government is abusing to enrich themselves.

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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
And we are NOT gonna buy Russian vodka. Which means small businesses wont profit off the product they already stocked.

We are still gonna buy gas though because we gotta be able to live our lives as if nothing is happening.

The Ukrainians and Russains will weep with gratitude over our symbolic gestures though.
that'll show em :LOL3:

The kind of people refusing to buy Russain vodka today are the kind of people to buy a fast food meal for a homeless person, take their picture and go on a big socail media post about how ashamed and grateful that homeless person was and how we "shouldnt judge".

U get that vibe from yoo believe it or not lmao

Definately isnt me lol. I'm usually the one who....if I even comment on those posts..will shit on it and call it exploitation lol. If/when I help someone I keep it to myself lol.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Let us all not forget that it was Trump's cock sucking Putin and weakness, and trumputinist enabling that lead to the invasion of Ukraine.
Yep - Trump's weakening of NATO (or attempt to do so), the shitty weak deal he made with the Taliban, his pandering to his master (Putin), and trumputinists praise and support of him, gave Putin the green light to ransack Ukraine.

Sorry, pal - you were wrong about the resolve of decency, of decent people around the world including in Russia..
. You know, on third thought, as I had suggested earlier in the festivities,
.we should have gone full Neville Chamberlain under Trump and handed Europe, Scandinavia, and Canada over to Putin.

.Doesn't the happiness of trumputinists everywhere matter?
In all fairness, Putin clearly won the firm handshake contest in Helsinki.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
notice when you burn their vaginas how the liberal snowflakes start talking to themselves and each other exclusively

it's a comfort mechanism to offset their crotch rot.



Let us all not forget that it was Trump's cock sucking Putin and weakness, and trumputinist enabling that lead to the invasion of Ukraine.
Yep - Trump's weakening of NATO (or attempt to do so), the shitty weak deal he made with the Taliban, his pandering to his master (Putin), and trumputinists praise and support of him, gave Putin the green light to ransack Ukraine.

Sorry, pal - you were wrong about the resolve of decency, of decent people around the world including in Russia..
. You know, on third thought, as I had suggested earlier in the festivities,
.we should have gone full Neville Chamberlain under Trump and handed Europe, Scandinavia, and Canada over to Putin.

.Doesn't the happiness of trumputinists everywhere matter?
In all fairness, Putin clearly won the firm handshake contest in Helsinki.
Well, his counterpart was a bit limp wristed, after all.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
hey, that one made sense Great Sir Holliday ^^^^^
What one, x?

This one

The whole world domination thing establishment shills have is so revolting.

I didnt realize so much of the world belongs to us to "hand over" in the first place but hey....this is some of that western entitlement that while our own country suffers.....we need to go engage in establishment wars to protect countries our government is abusing to enrich themselves.


You wanting America to be not just a one party state (policing beliefs, speech and even medical decisions) but also the world police.

You dont want just support the shitty government that gets us into them and conflicts and you think other countries should abide by what Americans(the ones you approve of) want. And that's Ukraine joining NATO. And you want it cuz......reasons.


Site Supporter
hey, that one made sense Great Sir Holliday ^^^^^
What one, x?

This one

The whole world domination thing establishment shills have is so revolting.

I didnt realize so much of the world belongs to us to "hand over" in the first place but hey....this is some of that western entitlement that while our own country suffers.....we need to go engage in establishment wars to protect countries our government is abusing to enrich themselves.


You wanting America to be not just a one party state (policing beliefs, speech and even medical decisions) but also the world police.

You dont want just support the shitty government that gets us into them and conflicts and you think other countries should abide by what Americans(the ones you approve of) want. And that's Ukraine joining NATO. And you want it cuz......reasons.

I could relate to that part


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
notice when you burn their vaginas how the liberal snowflakes start talking to themselves and each other exclusively

it's a comfort mechanism to offset their crotch rot.


They just come with hate, media (that lies), bad arguments and manipulation attempts.

I think it's absolutely true that dems/progs wont be happy until they completely destroy the country.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
hey, that one made sense Great Sir Holliday ^^^^^
What one, x?

This one

The whole world domination thing establishment shills have is so revolting.

I didnt realize so much of the world belongs to us to "hand over" in the first place but hey....this is some of that western entitlement that while our own country suffers.....we need to go engage in establishment wars to protect countries our government is abusing to enrich themselves.


You wanting America to be not just a one party state (policing beliefs, speech and even medical decisions) but also the world police.

You dont want just support the shitty government that gets us into them and conflicts and you think other countries should abide by what Americans(the ones you approve of) want. And that's Ukraine joining NATO. And you want it cuz......reasons.

I could relate to that part

It's the truth.


Site Supporter
hey, that one made sense Great Sir Holliday ^^^^^
What one, x?

This one

The whole world domination thing establishment shills have is so revolting.

I didnt realize so much of the world belongs to us to "hand over" in the first place but hey....this is some of that western entitlement that while our own country suffers.....we need to go engage in establishment wars to protect countries our government is abusing to enrich themselves.


You wanting America to be not just a one party state (policing beliefs, speech and even medical decisions) but also the world police.

You dont want just support the shitty government that gets us into them and conflicts and you think other countries should abide by what Americans(the ones you approve of) want. And that's Ukraine joining NATO. And you want it cuz......reasons.

I could relate to that part

It's the truth.
its on the net so it must be (:


hey, that one made sense Great Sir Holliday ^^^^^
What one, x?
Oh did you mean this one:

You know, on third thought, as I had suggested earlier in the festivities,
.we should have gone full Neville Chamberlain under Trump and handed Europe, Scandinavia, and Canada over to Putin.

.Doesn't the happiness of trumputinists everywhere matter?
Yes - it certainly did. You see, for metaphysical reasons I will not go into on a troll board, I would prefer to keep the evil close where it can be more effectively countered. Even by the mundane "reasoning" that the more advanced conservatives might be capable of, that should make sense.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
you can always tell when you've kicked holidork in his vagina real good

he starts talking to himself like some spastic faggot who's in the midst of stroking out


Say - did you ever notice that Bigly Smellz always come around to run interference for whoever has the goods on him when they are getting their asses handed to them? - very similar to how Trump and Carlsin and Neandertoes Greene defend Putin.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
hey, that one made sense Great Sir Holliday ^^^^^
What one, x?

This one

The whole world domination thing establishment shills have is so revolting.

I didnt realize so much of the world belongs to us to "hand over" in the first place but hey....this is some of that western entitlement that while our own country suffers.....we need to go engage in establishment wars to protect countries our government is abusing to enrich themselves.


You wanting America to be not just a one party state (policing beliefs, speech and even medical decisions) but also the world police.

You dont want just support the shitty government that gets us into them and conflicts and you think other countries should abide by what Americans(the ones you approve of) want. And that's Ukraine joining NATO. And you want it cuz......reasons.

I could relate to that part

It's the truth.
its on the net so it must be (:

It's not just on the net.....people are living this. And the call us the United Snakes.

But at least some people have decided not to buy Russian vodka, though. Theyll keep voting for snakes....but theyll stick it to their local party store owner to show some symbolic care.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
you can always tell when you've kicked holidork in his vagina real good

he starts talking to himself like some spastic faggot who's in the midst of stroking out

And he completely lies and gaslights.

I think he is just triggered by reality so he is really trying hard to blame shift.