"Stop having kids"... The message from a Jew in Portland


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way and Scouse is bang on, that's the work of a Jew and of course this applies to white people ONLY... Goldberg indeed!
You know my Lemmy quote: we need to all fuck each other until we’re all coffeeish, then maybe we may all get along. But then there’s always something else to fight about…like religion.

Places like Africa, India and China have way too many people breeding heavily. When I was a kid in Africa, is wasn’t uncommon for the polygamous black African to have more than 10 wives! This is where HIV must be allowed to do it’s thing…it’s nature’s way of trying to bring about balance. Covid can also be regarded as another attempt at saving us all. We could debate about this forever. I guess war (she’s a whore) can be seen as our solution in these dire times.
Such is life…
That's exactly what the kikes want, mixed breed mutts with no loyalty to any soil! Like Hitler said "They can't become master of any peoples except a bastardised people"... It's written in their holy scripts that when the last gentile is no more the second coming happens and THEY'LL all rise from the grave... They mummify their dead and bury them in tunnels under Israel for when this happens, they want whites gone and they're getting away with genocide techniques... FACTS, I've no idea why people aren't taking this seriously man...
Had Hitler not lost his marbles, then his dream may have come into fruition…but I highly doubt it. Humanity has compassion, and while we have compassion, we will fuck and suck until we’re all coffeeish. Mark my words…
According to scientists in the field, the white race will NEVER die out naturally...
I’m not too sure about that. The “darker” more common gene seems to be more dominant. As an Applied Scientist of Horticulture, I witness this dominant and recessive gene phenomenon in many plant species. Us “whites” are considered recessive in the genetic pool of humanity. It’s what I know and what I have studied with flora…fauna have the same principles. Don’t shoot the messenger..
Same being a bit of a math phobe, I took as much biology in hi school and college w/o math as I could find to get my Science Credits.
Lol…I am very ordinary at mathematics, I actually needed my science credits to boost me into college. Biology was interesting, but science absolutely amazed me. To this day I still chuckle at myself when I replaced a little bit of acid with my own urine during a titration exercise, and then having the teacher unwittingly drink it. I can’t believe the entire class kept that quiet. I was on serious grounds for expulsion right there!
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
So Aidsman doesn't care if white people become extinct.... what with him being a full blown SJW Antifa sympathiser from Oregon, I am simply amazed by this revelation. :facepalm:

Traitors deserve the rope and eventually get it, people like him would do well to remember that.



Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way and Scouse is bang on, that's the work of a Jew and of course this applies to white people ONLY... Goldberg indeed!
You know my Lemmy quote: we need to all fuck each other until we’re all coffeeish, then maybe we may all get along. But then there’s always something else to fight about…like religion.

Places like Africa, India and China have way too many people breeding heavily. When I was a kid in Africa, is wasn’t uncommon for the polygamous black African to have more than 10 wives! This is where HIV must be allowed to do it’s thing…it’s nature’s way of trying to bring about balance. Covid can also be regarded as another attempt at saving us all. We could debate about this forever. I guess war (she’s a whore) can be seen as our solution in these dire times.
Such is life…
That's exactly what the kikes want, mixed breed mutts with no loyalty to any soil! Like Hitler said "They can't become master of any peoples except a bastardised people"... It's written in their holy scripts that when the last gentile is no more the second coming happens and THEY'LL all rise from the grave... They mummify their dead and bury them in tunnels under Israel for when this happens, they want whites gone and they're getting away with genocide techniques... FACTS, I've no idea why people aren't taking this seriously man...
Had Hitler not lost his marbles, then his dream may have come into fruition…but I highly doubt it. Humanity has compassion, and while we have compassion, we will fuck and suck until we’re all coffeeish. Mark my words…
According to scientists in the field, the white race will NEVER die out naturally...
I’m not too sure about that. The “darker” more common gene seems to be more dominant. As an Applied Scientist of Horticulture, I witness this dominant and recessive gene phenomenon in many plant species. Us “whites” are considered recessive in the genetic pool of humanity. It’s what I know and what I have studied with flora…fauna have the same principles. Don’t shoot the messenger..
You say that but it's not always the case at all, take prince Harrys kids they're white gingers so it only took two generations to whiten up... You're also insinuiting that all white people will reproduce outside of their race which is a wild thought considering the rate it's happening today, TV is not an accurate representation... If you're talking about the LONG scale then surely as black people live in the Northern hemisphere their bodies would change, get lighter for example as to get as much vit D as possible... To say whites have recessive genes is laughablle, lol when you mix black and white paint you don't get white or black you get grey so of course kids are going to seem darker it's got nothing to do with genes fs... I'm sorry but you're dead wrong on this...

BTW don't go around saying you're a scientist on here, didn't you know that people who frequent boards can NEVER be anything above low skilled jobs according to some...


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Too many people in this world! We’re killing the planet…
White people aren't killing the planet with over population that's for sure, as a race we're the minority by a long, long way and Scouse is bang on, that's the work of a Jew and of course this applies to white people ONLY... Goldberg indeed!
You know my Lemmy quote: we need to all fuck each other until we’re all coffeeish, then maybe we may all get along. But then there’s always something else to fight about…like religion.

Places like Africa, India and China have way too many people breeding heavily. When I was a kid in Africa, is wasn’t uncommon for the polygamous black African to have more than 10 wives! This is where HIV must be allowed to do it’s thing…it’s nature’s way of trying to bring about balance. Covid can also be regarded as another attempt at saving us all. We could debate about this forever. I guess war (she’s a whore) can be seen as our solution in these dire times.
Such is life…
That's exactly what the kikes want, mixed breed mutts with no loyalty to any soil! Like Hitler said "They can't become master of any peoples except a bastardised people"... It's written in their holy scripts that when the last gentile is no more the second coming happens and THEY'LL all rise from the grave... They mummify their dead and bury them in tunnels under Israel for when this happens, they want whites gone and they're getting away with genocide techniques... FACTS, I've no idea why people aren't taking this seriously man...
Had Hitler not lost his marbles, then his dream may have come into fruition…but I highly doubt it. Humanity has compassion, and while we have compassion, we will fuck and suck until we’re all coffeeish. Mark my words…
According to scientists in the field, the white race will NEVER die out naturally...
I’m not too sure about that. The “darker” more common gene seems to be more dominant. As an Applied Scientist of Horticulture, I witness this dominant and recessive gene phenomenon in many plant species. Us “whites” are considered recessive in the genetic pool of humanity. It’s what I know and what I have studied with flora…fauna have the same principles. Don’t shoot the messenger..
Same being a bit of a math phobe, I took as much biology in hi school and college w/o math as I could find to get my Science Credits. and yessir, the thinking in the 70's and 80's was us blue eyed blond mother fuckers were on the downhill side of evolution, boo hoo.
Hahahahahahahaha so they were teaching "fuck white people" in the soy states back then? LMFAO it's not happening as quickly as you smug fucks would like now is it? IT'S BULLSHIT!!!


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God says have kids:
"God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
Genesis 1:28
shuddup you fuck donkey .. yoo dare utter the werds of our Heavenly father from your foul lips you shit caked cretin


Factory Bastard
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So Aidsman doesn't care if white people become extinct.... what with him being a full blown SJW Antifa sympathiser from Oregon, I am simply amazed by this revelation. :facepalm:

Traitors deserve the rope and eventually get it, people like him would do well to remember that.


Would Traitors be anything like the people who support Russia and Putin?
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Have kink will travel.
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So Aidsman doesn't care if white people become extinct.... what with him being a full blown SJW Antifa sympathiser from Oregon, I am simply amazed by this revelation. :facepalm:

Traitors deserve the rope and eventually get it, people like him would do well to remember that.


Would Traitors be anything like the people who support Russia and Putin?

Not if the traitors compelled Russia to act....
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
So Aidsman doesn't care if white people become extinct.... what with him being a full blown SJW Antifa sympathiser from Oregon, I am simply amazed by this revelation. :facepalm:

Traitors deserve the rope and eventually get it, people like him would do well to remember that.


Would Traitors be anything like the people who support Russia and Putin?

Well ironically the former Communist state is a lot more hostile to Cultural Marxism than the west.

It's likely to do with most of the ex Soviet Jews scurrying to America and Israel after the fall of the Soviet Union.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
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I despise the level of hate and malice against white people and white males these days...
You poor little man, you need to get yourself to a safe space and quick!

I'm astounded at just how much of a shameless cuck you truly are.

How many times have you taken the knee in the street after seeing someone black?
as opposed to your dropping on TWO knees BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I despise the level of hate and malice against white people and white males these days...
You poor little man, you need to get yourself to a safe space and quick!

I wish I got there before 2010... the cuckoldry in corporations here was already toxic here.

I could be doing a job I was experienced and trained at as well... covering as a 2IC for up to a year or more in an absence with NO complaints on the books, but as soon 5 foot tall mid twenties brown chicks from sales or procurement went for the advertisement, these cunts screamed racism every step of the way... and I walked away. Wasn't going to transition them though.

Fuck no... don't dare call me a sexist racist then expect me to show you the ropes as a total newbie and racist/sexist.

Fuck you.

(And they all tanked within months....I had to salvage their fuck ups each and every time) lol
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
I despise the level of hate and malice against white people and white males these days...
You poor little man, you need to get yourself to a safe space and quick!

I'm astounded at just how much of a shameless cuck you truly are.

How many times have you taken the knee in the street after seeing someone black?
as opposed to your dropping on TWO knees BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA

Sure, we all know that's how you behave at BLM rallies.

I bet you kiss their feet too...
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I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
I despise the level of hate and malice against white people and white males these days...
You poor little man, you need to get yourself to a safe space and quick!

I'm astounded at just how much of a shameless cuck you truly are.

How many times have you taken the knee in the street after seeing someone black?
as opposed to your dropping on TWO knees BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA

Sure, we all know that's how you behave at BLM rallies.

I bet you kiss their feet too...
So you got passed over for a brown person, and now you'll spend the rest of your days seething in impotent rage, good luck with that, Gopnik!
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Domestically feral
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United states
I despise the level of hate and malice against white people and white males these days...
You poor little man, you need to get yourself to a safe space and quick!

I'm astounded at just how much of a shameless cuck you truly are.

How many times have you taken the knee in the street after seeing someone black?
Careful I saw a brown person looking at you!

Everytime I've ever been out in public with a black person, and there have been countless times even to this very day, I've never.....ever...EVER had a "feeling" of any sort that anything was different.

But YOU presented that by telling Big(who btw....doesnt even look white, and people often question my whiteness) and myself to take a public trip with a black person(making the bizzare assumption that neither of us have been in public with a black person...which one can safety assume comes from the reality that you yourself have had little no interactions with black people on any intimate level) so we can see how "different" it feels.

So you basically told us that you are uncomfortable out in public with black people and you are projecting that on other people in public. It must be them. When in reality they probably didnt have a second thought and it was your own internal prejudice at play.

Because I've never once felt weird while out with black people. Ever. Js.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
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Serious question, have you ever taken the knee for BLM and if not, would you?
What does that even mean, Gopnik?


The question is pretty straight forward...
That's nice.

Too scared to answer huh?
Have you ever thought about if in the olden days like Ancient Greece for example, had they not practiced "population control" that there might be more white people today? I mean think about that, and then get really really mad about it!
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Serious question, have you ever taken the knee for BLM and if not, would you?
What does that even mean, Gopnik?


The question is pretty straight forward...
That's nice.

Too scared to answer huh?
Have you ever thought about if in the olden days like Ancient Greece for example, had they not practiced "population control" that there might be more white people today? I mean think about that, and then get really really mad about it!

Well, considering that you seem so fond of population control, how about if the west stopped sending aid to third world countries and left them to their own devices?

I'm sure that would put a dent in the global birthrate percentage...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
God says have kids:
"God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
Genesis 1:28
I agree, the nuke the entire planet into glass, and then pave it over!

We are also supposed to execute people like you that airclaim good is evil.