SUV mows down people at Christmas Parade in Wisconsin

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Blazor the left has used race to not just divide but to radicalize and incite racist hatred and domestic terror.

And they want to brainwash children into racist hatred.

And they dont even care if children are victims of the terrorist attacks their disgusting ideology incites.

Every single person supporting this movement is a scum bag enemy of regular Americans. Its fucking STUNNING that a politicain called this "Karma".

If the people dont fight....its done. They are turning the country into a violent, hateful place and destroying the working and middle class.

Honey, you are preaching to the choir lol. Believe me I know.

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately (in case you smelled smoke other than pot lol), and I'm having to adjust my way of thinking here and there. I've been having to put emotions aside, and look at who the real villains are. Its not "exactly" the left. Its the media, and their masters. THEY are the ones whipping the left into a frenzy. The Left, become gullible puppets to what THEY want. Just watch how they do, you've seen it.... "hate whitey!". So whitey goes on the defense. Now that whitey has been oppressed so much lately, whitey getting angry, and about to go on the offense, cause they tired of this shit. I feel that is part of THEIR plan. Cause THEY know, when we band together, we become an unstoppable force. Look at how these other countries are doing it, massive protests, all together. So far pretty peaceful. If the overlords dont stop with the tyranny, I feel it wont be peaceful long. If we all simply purged social media and mainstream media, it could all go away to a degree. But the ones at the top need to be held accountable. THEY need to be hanged. THEY have caused all this shit. And all these fuckers that keep doing evil, should be held accountable too, not given free passes.

THEY keep triggering though, and its coming to a boil. I fear that instead of coming together, THEIR plan is gonna work, and we will be fighting each other, instead of who truly caused all this shit.

It's not exactly the left or even kind of the left. And it's not really the media. The media are tools of the corporate masters, and they want this. I have been telling you people this for years. They want they wedge issues to drive the people apart so they can steal everything from under our noses, including our livelihoods, without us noticing. I have said it over and over and over. Blaming the "left" is exactly what they want you to do. Dove is an excellent tool for the corporate masters.

For the most part you are right. But in case you havent noticed, you've become a tool too.

I've been saying the same for 15 years at least. Aryan knows the deal with whats going on.

I've been trying to enlighten anyone who'll listen, both on and offline, since around the mid 2000's.

Initially I was focused on Muslims, but then I became Jew-wise after digging deeper.

Same, mid 2000's. For me, I always knew of They and Them, political elites, even before mid 2000s, but it was mid 2000s that I discovered the Jewish connection, the cabal, the Bilderbergs, etc. Before I thought it was Freemason's, but it goes beyond them. Then me and friend started diving into the internet after that 1 video that woke us both up. We spent thousands of hours looking at shit. Once you "put the glasses on", everything becomes pretty clear.

They didnt think Hillary would lose, thought their endgame was nearly complete. After undoing Trump stuff, they are double timing it to catch up, and the people see it, its so obvious. At least most us see it.

We are not slaves enough to these fucks, so they must gain it by nefarious means.

Its why I continue to fly my flag, in defiance to their tyranny. Cause they know, what the South stood for, thus they are trying to get rid of it. Same with Christianity, same with being a MAN. They want us weak and unguided.

Keep up the good fight, your WN European bro's have your back.

What does that even mean stupid? What are you going to do?

As if I'm gonna openly talk about it on here or with the likes of you ffs.
"We declare double secret civil war!"

What's the matter, are you worried there's gonna be fewer black teenage boys around for you to ogle?
Sorry, is that supposed to mean something?

So you don't spy on young black kids in your local park?

Dude, your projection is disturbing to say the least. Now we know you're spying on black kids. Weirdo.

If "no yUo" is all you've got, just don't even bother posting, seriously.

What are you talking about? The only one AT ALL talking about black kids is YOU. Of course it should be a no you. You're the whackjob talking about black kids. WTF is wrong with you, pervert?!

Your buddy Aidsman is a homosexual. Preying on kids is in their DNA.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
In all seriousness, I don't like Dove, and others. I don't hate anyone. I would have to care a lot more.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about who you like or your opinion in general ffs.

So, don't ask questions if you don't want my answers, stupid. You asked, Sparky.

WTF are you talking about? I couldn't give a fuck about who you like and dislike.

I know, but I luvs the fact that you are incapable of having a cognisant opinion as you orbit me.

Some would say, and they are probably right, that I skull fuck you any old time I please.

Pfff, stop massaging my ego Not Scoundrel. Or Aryan. What are ye like wiff yer compliments and such?

The problem you face is that the subhumans currently "massaging your ego" are even lower on the food chain than you are.

So it isn't exactly a glowing recommendation having the likes of Poarkzilla and Aidsman cheering you on.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Blazor the left has used race to not just divide but to radicalize and incite racist hatred and domestic terror.

And they want to brainwash children into racist hatred.

And they dont even care if children are victims of the terrorist attacks their disgusting ideology incites.

Every single person supporting this movement is a scum bag enemy of regular Americans. Its fucking STUNNING that a politicain called this "Karma".

If the people dont fight....its done. They are turning the country into a violent, hateful place and destroying the working and middle class.

Honey, you are preaching to the choir lol. Believe me I know.

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately (in case you smelled smoke other than pot lol), and I'm having to adjust my way of thinking here and there. I've been having to put emotions aside, and look at who the real villains are. Its not "exactly" the left. Its the media, and their masters. THEY are the ones whipping the left into a frenzy. The Left, become gullible puppets to what THEY want. Just watch how they do, you've seen it.... "hate whitey!". So whitey goes on the defense. Now that whitey has been oppressed so much lately, whitey getting angry, and about to go on the offense, cause they tired of this shit. I feel that is part of THEIR plan. Cause THEY know, when we band together, we become an unstoppable force. Look at how these other countries are doing it, massive protests, all together. So far pretty peaceful. If the overlords dont stop with the tyranny, I feel it wont be peaceful long. If we all simply purged social media and mainstream media, it could all go away to a degree. But the ones at the top need to be held accountable. THEY need to be hanged. THEY have caused all this shit. And all these fuckers that keep doing evil, should be held accountable too, not given free passes.

THEY keep triggering though, and its coming to a boil. I fear that instead of coming together, THEIR plan is gonna work, and we will be fighting each other, instead of who truly caused all this shit.

It's not exactly the left or even kind of the left. And it's not really the media. The media are tools of the corporate masters, and they want this. I have been telling you people this for years. They want they wedge issues to drive the people apart so they can steal everything from under our noses, including our livelihoods, without us noticing. I have said it over and over and over. Blaming the "left" is exactly what they want you to do. Dove is an excellent tool for the corporate masters.

For the most part you are right. But in case you havent noticed, you've become a tool too.

I've been saying the same for 15 years at least. Aryan knows the deal with whats going on.

I've been trying to enlighten anyone who'll listen, both on and offline, since around the mid 2000's.

Initially I was focused on Muslims, but then I became Jew-wise after digging deeper.

Same, mid 2000's. For me, I always knew of They and Them, political elites, even before mid 2000s, but it was mid 2000s that I discovered the Jewish connection, the cabal, the Bilderbergs, etc. Before I thought it was Freemason's, but it goes beyond them. Then me and friend started diving into the internet after that 1 video that woke us both up. We spent thousands of hours looking at shit. Once you "put the glasses on", everything becomes pretty clear.

They didnt think Hillary would lose, thought their endgame was nearly complete. After undoing Trump stuff, they are double timing it to catch up, and the people see it, its so obvious. At least most us see it.

We are not slaves enough to these fucks, so they must gain it by nefarious means.

Its why I continue to fly my flag, in defiance to their tyranny. Cause they know, what the South stood for, thus they are trying to get rid of it. Same with Christianity, same with being a MAN. They want us weak and unguided.

Keep up the good fight, your WN European bro's have your back.

What does that even mean stupid? What are you going to do?

As if I'm gonna openly talk about it on here or with the likes of you ffs.
"We declare double secret civil war!"

What's the matter, are you worried there's gonna be fewer black teenage boys around for you to ogle?
Sorry, is that supposed to mean something?

So you don't spy on young black kids in your local park?

Dude, your projection is disturbing to say the least. Now we know you're spying on black kids. Weirdo.

If "no yUo" is all you've got, just don't even bother posting, seriously.

What are you talking about? The only one AT ALL talking about black kids is YOU. Of course it should be a no you. You're the whackjob talking about black kids. WTF is wrong with you, pervert?!

Your buddy Aidsman is a homosexual. Preying on kids is in their DNA.

I agree with you, you pull nothing but shit out of your ass and post it as evidence. Filthy limey.


Factory Bastard
No, but I sumtimes fink you don't really like me very much Not Aryan, or Scoundrel. What have I ever done to you but wipe your feelings of white superiority out while gang gaping one of your only fuck holes.

It's as if you are waiting on your gaping?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
In all seriousness, I don't like Dove, and others. I don't hate anyone. I would have to care a lot more.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about who you like or your opinion in general ffs.

So, don't ask questions if you don't want my answers, stupid. You asked, Sparky.

WTF are you talking about? I couldn't give a fuck about who you like and dislike.

I know, but I luvs the fact that you are incapable of having a cognisant opinion as you orbit me.

Some would say, and they are probably right, that I skull fuck you any old time I please.

Pfff, stop massaging my ego Not Scoundrel. Or Aryan. What are ye like wiff yer compliments and such?

The problem you face is that the subhumans currently "massaging your ego" are even lower on the food chain than you are.

So it isn't exactly a glowing recommendation having the likes of Poarkzilla and Aidsman cheering you on.

And you're at the top of the food chain? Bwaaaa hahahahahahahaha


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Aryan's obsession of the day: black cock.

He's posted about it more than once today. So, does he want some or do their cocks scare him? It's only one of the two. There is no reason for an adult male to think about another man's cock otherwise.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Your buddy Aidsman is a homosexual. Preying on kids is in their DNA.

I agree with you, you pull nothing but shit out of your ass and post it as evidence. Filthy limey.

So you agree that Aidsman is a predatory homosexual?

That's interesting, it wasn't the response I expected.

Didn't they send council kids to school back in merry Old England?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
In all seriousness, I don't like Dove, and others. I don't hate anyone. I would have to care a lot more.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about who you like or your opinion in general ffs.

So, don't ask questions if you don't want my answers, stupid. You asked, Sparky.

WTF are you talking about? I couldn't give a fuck about who you like and dislike.

I know, but I luvs the fact that you are incapable of having a cognisant opinion as you orbit me.

Some would say, and they are probably right, that I skull fuck you any old time I please.

Pfff, stop massaging my ego Not Scoundrel. Or Aryan. What are ye like wiff yer compliments and such?

The problem you face is that the subhumans currently "massaging your ego" are even lower on the food chain than you are.

So it isn't exactly a glowing recommendation having the likes of Poarkzilla and Aidsman cheering you on.

And you're at the top of the food chain? Bwaaaa hahahahahahahaha

Of course. If it wasn't for the empathy and generosity of the Master Race, you'd be living in a sewer right now eating shit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
In all seriousness, I don't like Dove, and others. I don't hate anyone. I would have to care a lot more.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about who you like or your opinion in general ffs.

So, don't ask questions if you don't want my answers, stupid. You asked, Sparky.

WTF are you talking about? I couldn't give a fuck about who you like and dislike.

I know, but I luvs the fact that you are incapable of having a cognisant opinion as you orbit me.

Some would say, and they are probably right, that I skull fuck you any old time I please.

Pfff, stop massaging my ego Not Scoundrel. Or Aryan. What are ye like wiff yer compliments and such?

The problem you face is that the subhumans currently "massaging your ego" are even lower on the food chain than you are.

So it isn't exactly a glowing recommendation having the likes of Poarkzilla and Aidsman cheering you on.

And you're at the top of the food chain? Bwaaaa hahahahahahahaha

Of course. If it wasn't for the empathy and generosity of the Master Race, you'd be living in a sewer right now eating shit.

Says the kid that was raised in free public housing that his betters paid for, lolololol


Factory Bastard
In all seriousness, I don't like Dove, and others. I don't hate anyone. I would have to care a lot more.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about who you like or your opinion in general ffs.

So, don't ask questions if you don't want my answers, stupid. You asked, Sparky.

WTF are you talking about? I couldn't give a fuck about who you like and dislike.

I know, but I luvs the fact that you are incapable of having a cognisant opinion as you orbit me.

Some would say, and they are probably right, that I skull fuck you any old time I please.

Pfff, stop massaging my ego Not Scoundrel. Or Aryan. What are ye like wiff yer compliments and such?

The problem you face is that the subhumans currently "massaging your ego" are even lower on the food chain than you are.

So it isn't exactly a glowing recommendation having the likes of Poarkzilla and Aidsman cheering you on.

And you're at the top of the food chain? Bwaaaa hahahahahahahaha

Of course. If it wasn't for the empathy and generosity of the Master Race, you'd be living in a sewer right now eating shit.

What, like you do here?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I hate you people with every fucking fiber of my being. I'm done trying to pretend you guys are anything less than selfish, evil bags of fucking shit.

Another Sunday at the Church of Dove.

Oh, well.

Should I have waited to schedule it so the day of rejoicing the "karma" was all Oaks, Admins and these other guys?

Normally I would but I fucking hate them all, so I dont care. ;)
How Trumptard Christian of you.

Well. .....its not like I'm driving into children at a parade and calling it karma.
you suck cock

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
No, but I sumtimes fink you don't really like me very much Not Aryan, or Scoundrel. What have I ever done to you but wipe your feelings of white superiority out while gang gaping one of your only fuck holes.

It's as if you are waiting on your gaping?

The main thing which sours me about you is your leftist nonsense.

The jocks are fine with me aslong as they're pro white and anti-Globohomo, Shamp after all fitted that description.

You however, appear to be welcoming Islamic and other turd world cawk into your asshole on a daily basis.


Factory Bastard
No, but I sumtimes fink you don't really like me very much Not Aryan, or Scoundrel. What have I ever done to you but wipe your feelings of white superiority out while gang gaping one of your only fuck holes.

It's as if you are waiting on your gaping?

The main thing which sours me about you is your leftist nonsense.

The jocks are fine with me aslong as they're pro white and anti-Globohomo, Shamp after all fitted this description.

But you're a white nig-nog. Why would I rely on you for racial help in disparities?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
In all seriousness, I don't like Dove, and others. I don't hate anyone. I would have to care a lot more.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about who you like or your opinion in general ffs.

So, don't ask questions if you don't want my answers, stupid. You asked, Sparky.

WTF are you talking about? I couldn't give a fuck about who you like and dislike.

I know, but I luvs the fact that you are incapable of having a cognisant opinion as you orbit me.

Some would say, and they are probably right, that I skull fuck you any old time I please.

Pfff, stop massaging my ego Not Scoundrel. Or Aryan. What are ye like wiff yer compliments and such?

The problem you face is that the subhumans currently "massaging your ego" are even lower on the food chain than you are.

So it isn't exactly a glowing recommendation having the likes of Poarkzilla and Aidsman cheering you on.

And you're at the top of the food chain? Bwaaaa hahahahahahahaha

Of course. If it wasn't for the empathy and generosity of the Master Race, you'd be living in a sewer right now eating shit.

Says the kid that was raised in free public housing that his betters paid for, lolololol

You have absolutely no clue about my upbringing, so just stop it and save yourself any further humiliation.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
In all seriousness, I don't like Dove, and others. I don't hate anyone. I would have to care a lot more.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about who you like or your opinion in general ffs.

So, don't ask questions if you don't want my answers, stupid. You asked, Sparky.

WTF are you talking about? I couldn't give a fuck about who you like and dislike.

I know, but I luvs the fact that you are incapable of having a cognisant opinion as you orbit me.

Some would say, and they are probably right, that I skull fuck you any old time I please.

Pfff, stop massaging my ego Not Scoundrel. Or Aryan. What are ye like wiff yer compliments and such?

The problem you face is that the subhumans currently "massaging your ego" are even lower on the food chain than you are.

So it isn't exactly a glowing recommendation having the likes of Poarkzilla and Aidsman cheering you on.

And you're at the top of the food chain? Bwaaaa hahahahahahahaha

Of course. If it wasn't for the empathy and generosity of the Master Race, you'd be living in a sewer right now eating shit.

Says the kid that was raised in free public housing that his betters paid for, lolololol

You have absolutely no clue about my upbringing, so just stop it and save yourself any further humiliation.

Why should I stop? You don't with your lies about my life, which you know nothing about.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
No, but I sumtimes fink you don't really like me very much Not Aryan, or Scoundrel. What have I ever done to you but wipe your feelings of white superiority out while gang gaping one of your only fuck holes.

It's as if you are waiting on your gaping?

The main thing which sours me about you is your leftist nonsense.

The jocks are fine with me aslong as they're pro white and anti-Globohomo, Shamp after all fitted this description.

But you're a white nig-nog. Why would I rely on you for racial help in disparities?

Aren't you of Celtic descent? Whereas I'm of Anglo and Germanic ancestry?

Please, just stop posting.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Don't worry about me. I fear NOTHING. No one gets out alive. We all die.

You took the death jab though right?

And like you never Cunt Fangler? You were first in the queue.

Weeelllll.... look who waddled in here after Lily's cry for help, the most boring faggot on the whole board. You might as well join in this thread, you fit right in with all the other uniformed Libtards.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
In all seriousness, I don't like Dove, and others. I don't hate anyone. I would have to care a lot more.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about who you like or your opinion in general ffs.

So, don't ask questions if you don't want my answers, stupid. You asked, Sparky.

WTF are you talking about? I couldn't give a fuck about who you like and dislike.

I know, but I luvs the fact that you are incapable of having a cognisant opinion as you orbit me.

Some would say, and they are probably right, that I skull fuck you any old time I please.

Pfff, stop massaging my ego Not Scoundrel. Or Aryan. What are ye like wiff yer compliments and such?

The problem you face is that the subhumans currently "massaging your ego" are even lower on the food chain than you are.

So it isn't exactly a glowing recommendation having the likes of Poarkzilla and Aidsman cheering you on.

And you're at the top of the food chain? Bwaaaa hahahahahahahaha

Of course. If it wasn't for the empathy and generosity of the Master Race, you'd be living in a sewer right now eating shit.

Says the kid that was raised in free public housing that his betters paid for, lolololol

You have absolutely no clue about my upbringing, so just stop it and save yourself any further humiliation.

Why should I stop? You don't with your lies about my life, which you know nothing about.

So you're not a 60 yr old, 400lbs, bed-ridden, illegal immigrant?