TBC what a bunch of fucking losers…

Darthinia Von Vader

Factory Bastard
In the sewers
You are such an incredible douchebag. Empty threat horseshit.
finally agree with you on something. FUCK. she doesn't even realize where she is posting her shit. Anything goes in this section apart of animal fucking and PLEASE ASS BOX ME! shit.
she can't handle online. she must be a kid herself posting with adults
sick little girl.


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
finally agree with you on something. FUCK. she doesn't even realize where she is posting her shit. Anything goes in this section apart of animal fucking and PLEASE ASS BOX ME! shit.
she can't handle online. she must be a kid herself posting with adults
sick little girl.
She's just one more tough talking bitch. A dime a dozen.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Flea feels free to talk mess about anyone and everything, she just doesn't like it when she gets it back.

The irony is that she's friends with those that have actually fucked with her family, even if it was only a little bit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I have to say, it seems a lot of the females that come here are looking to be Prom Queen or something. They want to be liked THE most, especially by the "boys". :LOL3:

I only came to forums for mild trolling. As I've aged, I've mellowed out quite a bit. I chit chat more than ever. However, this isn't high school. I'm not interested in being liked and being the mostest admired girl on the forum and being besties with them..."like me!", "like me bestest!"

Talk about internalized paternalism crap...get a grip. I'd rather be disliked than have to kowtow to some dude online.



well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.......
Terra Firma
"a mediocre life"

Well, let me compare my life to Senile @Joe's....

Single bedroom apartment versus 4 bedroom house with over 3500 square feet of living space.

No wife versus loving wife of over 22 years.

No girlfriend versus plenty of side action.

No friends versus way too many friends and more applications to process.

No hobbies versus playing several organized sports, cars, guitars, dogs, etc.etc.etc.etc.

Not even a car versus a 2023 C8 Z51 Corvette.

Has to work well into his 70's because he did not plan his finances well enough versus was able to retire by the age of 50.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

I have to give you a lot of credit for holding on the dirt you have on those dipshits. You have strength of character that they don't have.

You've kept their most embarrassing secrets off the forums. You are the better person for it. I respect that, even if they don't deserve the benefit of your grace.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Erica Mena posted a bunch of screen shots of posts from BF at BC...Dove wanted to post at BF but she can't get past some ingur image, she wants someone to call sheriff so she can post and tell everyone how happy she and her "MAN" are.

Coooo Coooo


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

Erica Mena posted a bunch of screen shots of posts from BF at BC...Dove wanted to post at BF but she can't get past some ingur image, she wants someone to call sheriff so she can post and tell everyone how happy she and her "MAN" are.

Coooo Coooo

That's good she's happy. Everyone deserves a little happiness. Now, she can go fuck herself.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA

Darn you; darn you to heck for making me nostalgic for the ol' IRC days. I might even have a transcript or two someplace but they probably wouldn't make any sense to anyone who wasn't on WebTV.

Elfking and the flooding of the firewalled newsgroup 'mens.issues'(?) was a "you had to be there" kinda thing.

<le sigh>


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
That is so funny.

Yes, it is funny that you've described yourself & your own feelings of inadequacy so well @The Prowler that you project onto someone else.

And you are not "growing as a person".

Very true. With all the free time you have at your disposal, your are definitely not "growing as a person". You waste your time on these forums attacking others because of your deep insecurities and lack of true self worth.

You are struggling to cope with all your mental and emotional problems.

I think you've just described yourself very well again, Prowler.
Of all the people I've encountered on the Blue Cashew, you are definitely the most maladjusted. That is certainly undeniable.

And you have an extremely short fuse. You get agitated very easily. Your epic meltdowns and swearing fits are highly noticeable. It's as if your brain ignites on fire like someone afflicted with Tourettes Syndrome experiencing a bout of seizures & tics.

You need to fix your problems before you can grow.

Yes, I would agree. You need to address your own personal problems to ignite a badly needed maturation process. Essentially, you are a 15 year old bratty teenager in a 55 year old man's body.
You seriously need to grow up.

The most hopeless aspect of your existence is that you can't seem to recognize your own deficits and how to fix them.

So you're in a Black Hole which you've dug for yourself and no doubt alienated many in real life

And the codependent relationship you are in with El Big Fatboy is just perpetuating your misery because you are avoiding your serious issues.

Yes, I again I would agree that this describes you.

You waste all of your time in these forums gaslighting others because you are unable to face up to your own issues like a real man.

I would add that you appear to be in a mid-life crisis & it manifests itself by your obsessive need to compare yourself with others. You are caught up in a vicious cycle of 'keeping up with the Joneses' which you have created for yourself. As you age, you fear that you don't measure up to others or your real competition.

Actually Prowler, you should be comparing yourself to your contemporaries such as Biggie Smiles & Oerdin.

But you don't because you know they are better than you. They are your true competition. They are the same age as you and share similar values/interests. So you cut others down in an effort to avoid competing with others just like them.
Last edited:

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Yes, it is funny that you've described yourself & your own feelings of inadequacy so well @The Prowler that you project onto someone else.

Very true. With all the free time you have at your disposal, your are definitely not "growing as a person". You waste your time on these forums attacking others because of your deep insecurities and lack of true self worth.

I think you've just described yourself very well again, Prowler.
Of all the people I've encountered on the Blue Cashew, you are definitely the most maladjusted. That is certainly undeniable.

And you have an extremely short fuse. You get agitated very easily. Your epic meltdowns and swearing fits are highly noticeable. It's as if your brain ignites on fire like someone afflicted with Tourettes Syndrome experiencing a bout of seizures & tics.

Yes, I would agree. You need to address your own personal problems to ignite a badly needed maturation process. Essentially, you are a 15 year old bratty teenager in a 55 year old man's body.
You seriously need to grow up.

The most hopeless aspect of your existence is that you can't seem to recognize your own deficits and how to fix them.

So you're in a Black Hole which you've dug for yourself and no doubt alienated many in real life

Yes, I again I would agree that this describes you.

You waste all of your time in these forums gaslighting others because you are unable to face up to your own issues like a real man.

I would add that you appear to be in a mid-life crisis & it manifests itself by your obsessive need to compare yourself with others. You are caught up in a vicious cycle of 'keeping up with the Joneses' which you have created for yourself. As you age, you fear that you don't measure up to others or your real competition.

Actually Prowler, you should be comparing yourself to your contemporaries such as Biggie Smiles & Oerdin.

But you don't because you know they are better than you. They are your true competition. They are the same age as you and share similar values/interests. So you cut others down in an effort to avoid competing with others just like them.

Shit, I wish I was here earlier to read this....

But I was jamming music.....

Then walking dogs at the Shelter....

Then having wings and beer pop at a bar with a group of friends...

Then refereeing playoff hockey.

And now I am going to go down and watch some boob tube with the Mrs..

But I will really have to ponder about how I spend too much time here....


Senile @Joe is such a dumb cunt.


Site Supporter
Shit, I wish I was here earlier to read this....

But I was jamming music.....

Then walking dogs at the Shelter....

Then having wings and beer pop at a bar with a group of friends...

Then refereeing playoff hockey.

And now I am going to go down and watch some boob tube with the Mrs..

But I will really have to ponder about how I spend too much time here....


Senile @Joe is such a dumb cunt.
And you’re bald HA HA H AH HA the wurst


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Yay, I found the IRC caps.
This snippet also mentions UnderNet and DarkNet; looks like we may be on Talkcity?...

Session Start: Wed Oct 28 19:43:38 1998
*** Now talking in #mens.issues
*** Topic is 'Discussions about men, for men BY MEN'
<makumcrispy> Hiya... just got your letter
<oceanpearl> umm, David?
<makumcrispy> Yes.
<oceanpearl> LOL, Craig just left
<makumcrispy> Damn. I was on WebTV when I was talking to him
<oceanpearl> We got it all figured out, I was just making sure I got here first
<oceanpearl> That is what he said
<makumcrispy> Had to grab a bite to eat then got on the comp
<oceanpearl> So you are going to be in Conn this time tomorrow
<makumcrispy> That's the plan
<oceanpearl> I wish I could go
<makumcrispy> It should be fun.
<oceanpearl> How could it not be, Katzy, Craig and Lauren, and Obi to pick on
<makumcrispy> Ha! Yeah, that should be a blast
<oceanpearl> Maybe next year
<oceanpearl> The question is, will Obi survive?
<makumcrispy> Have you messed with 4,1colors and stuff much?
*** Joins: CRM092365 (~CRM092365@xxxxxx.talkcity.com)
<oceanpearl> I haven't figured out how to do anything but stalk elfie :)))
<makumcrispy> Oh, I'm sure Obi will be okay. He's a tuff ol' bird.
<oceanpearl> wb Craig
* makumcrispy is 4BORED 9BORED 8BORED 13BORED
<CRM092365> Tanx
* makumcrispy scribbles on the walls= 8#1187^)0::7(^1188#
* makumcrispy scribbles on the walls= 0 ..:7(^1188##1187^)0:..
* makumcrispy scribbles on the walls= 1507%%10{}15:::::::::::::::::::::::::>
<makumcrispy> Hiya Craig
<oceanpearl> dammit, can I have lessons?
<CRM092365> Hello whoever you are
<makumcrispy> Bite me, Cwaig.
<oceanpearl> you know me Craig, always picking up new studs
<CRM092365> LOL
<makumcrispy> Heard from Drag yet?
<CRM092365> Drag?
<makumcrispy> I sent out a response to your last letter, with him in the CC line.
<CRM092365> Davey
<makumcrispy> Duh...!
<CRM092365> Ya Puke
<oceanpearl> sheesh, didn't take me that long to figure it out
* CRM092365 still owes the osifer a slap
<makumcrispy> I had a conflict using the nick Vitriol on Undernet (DarkNet?) so I switched it.
<CRM092365> ?me never claimed to be a rocket scientst
<CRM092365> I see
<makumcrispy> There was already a bot going by that name and I kept getting booted as soon as I connected.
<CRM092365> So how many will show tonight?
<oceanpearl> damn Bot, name stealin
<CRM092365> LOL
<makumcrispy> Heh heh.
<oceanpearl> LOL, elfie is not on the server at all
<makumcrispy> Nope. I've it set to notify me if he is.
<oceanpearl> If he comes on, he knows we wil pm him
<CRM092365> I sent a reply to you and Drag asking if he will be on the buss in the am
<CRM092365> Mail.....BRB
<makumcrispy> Otay.
*** Parts: CRM092365 (~CRM092365@xxxxxx.talkcity.com)


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

Erica Mena posted a bunch of screen shots of posts from BF at BC...Dove wanted to post at BF but she can't get past some ingur image, she wants someone to call sheriff so she can post and tell everyone how happy she and her "MAN" are.

Coooo Coooo

Shes dropped more titty, face, crotch shots than Dinky Dianna. Wanna see em? As if she’s some hot tamale.