The "Addicted to Love" Singer Robert Palmer, Sentenced to 5 years in prison for Capital Insurrection.


Domestically feral
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United states
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There are actually a few studies that show dems/progs are the most intolerant of opposing political views. And the comment sections are full of them calling everyone not left "white supremacists", "racists" et...and claiming its virtuous to hate their opposition and that violence is acceptable.

Entirely based on propaganda. They literally encourage eachother to not even talk to people they disagree with. That it's best to be abusive and shut it down.

Fucking incredible that people would respond negatively to that!


Factory Bastard
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Should have been 10 years
Life, no parole, for those who survived the hail of bullets that should have been rained upon them.

You are gonna be right next to the rest of us in the gulags you want to see built.

You ain't ever gonna be the ruling class. It's amazing the hate you people have for your own countrymen.

Every post you make is riddled with hatred for your countrymen. Every single one.

We need a special "More Dove hypocrisy" Emoji, @Bastard Factory . I'm tired of having to type this alert over and over.
There's not a single fucking post of hers that made me think that. Its YOU, dumb bitch.
"You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think"
"Burn aidsman at the stake and he'll never suk cawk again!"


Domestically feral
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United states
"In general, the most politically intolerant Americans, according to the analysis, tend to be whiter, more highly educated, older, more urban, and more partisan themselves."

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Pretty much the latte lefty. White. Uni educated "urban" dweller that supports riots as long as it just impacts the poors.


Domestically feral
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United states
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"Strong liberals stand out, however, as the only political group who feel they can express themselves. Nearly 6 in 10 (58%) of staunch liberals feel they can say what they believe. However, centrist liberals feel differently. A slim majority (52%) of liberals feel they have to self‐censor, as do 64% of moderates, and 77% of conservatives. This demonstrates that political expression is an issue that divides the Democratic coalition between centrist Democrats and their left flank"

Wonder why? Maybe punching kids, rioting, doxxing, trying to destroy people's live by harrassing them and calling them racists and going after peoples jobs may be considered hateful. Just a guess.


Domestically feral
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United states
Oh course though the leftists here only see "hatefulness" in everyone but themselves. Even as ridiculously hateful as they are.

In their view, other people have no rights at all. If you are being physically attacked by a leftwing activist.....and you have to defend yourself, they will make you the aggressor and murderer. That's how deep their one sidedness is.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Looks like the next time, they should bring guns!

You are such a goober, no wonder you're bald.

Cool story, faggit.

What else frightens you, besides darker skinned people and homosexuals?

And then what happened?

Thomas Jefferson's Bastard Multi Generation Great Grandson Stole your Golden Boyd Rims off your custom Honda Civic with the Coffee Can Exhaust Tip.

Really? I've never owned a Honda! Must be in the future!!!!

Maybe after they discover a cure for baldnessedness. LOL. I however am blessed with a full head of thick soft hair.

Who cares? You're a liberal faggit. Meanwhile, I've made about $200K 2 years in a row. Sux to be you, faggit!

With your $200K and Pauncho's $275K If you guys got gay married, the combined bliss of $475K you two would become pure energy!