The jealous little tranny is at it again


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Yes, it is, but it's still happening. And it's ridicu
Never thought I’d say the members of kiwi are hinged better then what’s left of this community.

This is what happens when there are double standards. Accusing members of being child molesters is actually against the rules and you don't say a damn thing about that.

Calling somebody a diddler is so 2005.

I aint even fucking with this shit no more. You guys try and make good content and find new memebers. im not gonna bother.

I agree it's heinous. It's gross and demented to say that. Yet it's never stopped even with there being a rule in place.

I think you should focus on what you post.
Errrmmm, I asked Aryan today if he would stop using the term "nonce" because its BFs house and he don't want it, never saw flea call anybody but whatever, if folks could please just do that for BF, he doesn't ask for much if anything at all from us, mind if I fuck up make me check myself, mistakes are human it's consistent listen for a day then back at it... The ole hammer been swinging lately, he's not even mad just meh lol
well sham, what you should do is put your foot down on the kids/parenting shit.

Thats just my opinion
Everyone as a community should tell BF what should be OK as fodder and what is off limits, you've all been MODS, I try to keeep the place as BF wants it, its his baby, he makes the rules I'm just a janitor, clean up the shite lol but if folk can be civil, then make a thread and list things "within reason" of course and BF will put it as rules... I've fucked up plenty, I know and don't judge just keep the place tidy, essentially the board is the community and vice versa @Bastard Factory What ya say?

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Yes, it is, but it's still happening. And it's ridicu
Never thought I’d say the members of kiwi are hinged better then what’s left of this community.

This is what happens when there are double standards. Accusing members of being child molesters is actually against the rules and you don't say a damn thing about that.

Calling somebody a diddler is so 2005.

I aint even fucking with this shit no more. You guys try and make good content and find new memebers. im not gonna bother.

I agree it's heinous. It's gross and demented to say that. Yet it's never stopped even with there being a rule in place.

I think you should focus on what you post.
Errrmmm, I asked Aryan today if he would stop using the term "nonce" because its BFs house and he don't want it, never saw flea call anybody but whatever, if folks could please just do that for BF, he doesn't ask for much if anything at all from us, mind if I fuck up make me check myself, mistakes are human it's consistent listen for a day then back at it... The ole hammer been swinging lately, he's not even mad just meh lol
well sham, what you should do is put your foot down on the kids/parenting shit.

Thats just my opinion

I’m already talking to BF about this. Kids should be off limits

Don't forget to tell @Bastard Factory how you're still calling people child molesters.

Don’t worry about what I do. You’re not me.

Likewise, dumbfuck.

I’m not trying to be you. I have better things to do than report negs on a message board. What a pathetic existence

You have been bitching about what I post and do on this forum for at least 24 hours. Don't lie, you have nothing better to do.

So you admit you have nothing better to do/no life? Haha

You’re the forum pariah. No one likes or respects you. I’m sure the owner is wishing he had never answered your pm’s, same with Bonesaw. You’re insufferable

Bonesaw and the owner are okay with me. No one actually cares what your dumbass thinks. Deport still can't drop emojis, dumb whore.

You think you have power...pendeja.

Yeah well…

I know better. No one wants to deal with your shit. But carry on thinking you know these people better than I do. LOL

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Yes, it is, but it's still happening. And it's ridicu
Never thought I’d say the members of kiwi are hinged better then what’s left of this community.

This is what happens when there are double standards. Accusing members of being child molesters is actually against the rules and you don't say a damn thing about that.

Calling somebody a diddler is so 2005.

I aint even fucking with this shit no more. You guys try and make good content and find new memebers. im not gonna bother.

I agree it's heinous. It's gross and demented to say that. Yet it's never stopped even with there being a rule in place.

I think you should focus on what you post.
Errrmmm, I asked Aryan today if he would stop using the term "nonce" because its BFs house and he don't want it, never saw flea call anybody but whatever, if folks could please just do that for BF, he doesn't ask for much if anything at all from us, mind if I fuck up make me check myself, mistakes are human it's consistent listen for a day then back at it... The ole hammer been swinging lately, he's not even mad just meh lol
well sham, what you should do is put your foot down on the kids/parenting shit.

Thats just my opinion
Everyone as a community should tell BF what should be OK as fodder and what is off limits, you've all been MODS, I try to keeep the place as BF wants it, its his baby, he makes the rules I'm just a janitor, clean up the shite lol but if folk can be civil, then make a thread and list things "within reason" of course and BF will put it as rules... I've fucked up plenty, I know and don't judge just keep the place tidy, essentially the board is the community and vice versa @Bastard Factory What ya say?

The kids stuff needs to stop. It’s whack. However, it’s the only thing certain people have to use.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Yes, it is, but it's still happening. And it's ridicu
Never thought I’d say the members of kiwi are hinged better then what’s left of this community.

This is what happens when there are double standards. Accusing members of being child molesters is actually against the rules and you don't say a damn thing about that.

Calling somebody a diddler is so 2005.

I aint even fucking with this shit no more. You guys try and make good content and find new memebers. im not gonna bother.

I agree it's heinous. It's gross and demented to say that. Yet it's never stopped even with there being a rule in place.

I think you should focus on what you post.
Errrmmm, I asked Aryan today if he would stop using the term "nonce" because its BFs house and he don't want it, never saw flea call anybody but whatever, if folks could please just do that for BF, he doesn't ask for much if anything at all from us, mind if I fuck up make me check myself, mistakes are human it's consistent listen for a day then back at it... The ole hammer been swinging lately, he's not even mad just meh lol
well sham, what you should do is put your foot down on the kids/parenting shit.

Thats just my opinion

I’m already talking to BF about this. Kids should be off limits

Don't forget to tell @Bastard Factory how you're still calling people child molesters.

Don’t worry about what I do. You’re not me.

Likewise, dumbfuck.

I’m not trying to be you. I have better things to do than report negs on a message board. What a pathetic existence
When did you two start at each other? I know flea wouldnt make a derogatory thread about here, when she gets on great with BF and visits everyday, Ive saw flea say things about people on other boards but I can honestly say Ive never saw her say a bad word about this forum, we all know we can all see what's posted but what I truly cannot stand is back stabbing two faced cowards, what's the point in that? I've never really liked Martini and Im sure the feeling's mutual but I've never gave him a chance, always cliques, I'll always like Dovey, never argued with her once but I just hope she's not being mail service for big, MY FUCKING PAL WHO I BENT OVER BACKWARDS TO HELP AND WARN, WHEN I SHOULDN'T HAVE BTW, BF WAS PISSED THAT I WAS PASSING ON WHEN HE WAS GETTING ANGRY, Big took the piss outta BF and me I feel fucking let down, but if i get told stop saying a phrase over and over then only a dayv goes by and I'm back at it, that's my fault NOT BFs!! Then admin n holiday couldn't be the ultra victims so they get banned anyway its fucking stupid!!! Im not gonna sit here and watch ANYONE take the piss outta BF, call me what you like but he knows he can trust me... I done one big shit and a few wee ones but Im not repeating them... Differences


Site Supporter
I think I broke that bell end shampy again



emo little fella' huh :GiggleBitch:

..... and than thousands of WERDZZZzzz !!! :LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
flea is in full clown makeup and wearing benzo's dirty diaper on her head
Fleas like those Mexicans who speak so fast you can’t understand them right now but in text form.

wtf is she even saying?

I’m saying this miserable cow needs to leave peoples kids out her posts. Period
I agree. Kids really shouldn’t be brought up. Not even subtly.

There’s no humor in making fun of kids unless it’s goofy good natured stuff.

What have I said about anyone's kids? Point out comments that I've made about anyone's children.

You asked Dove what she did with her kids, you wobbly drunk motherfucker. Just a few minutes ago.

You have a sickness. Involving peoples families is a sign of being mentally ill miserable. There is something very very wrong with you if you’re taking pleasure in involving children.

Yes, DOVE. I am questioning her parenting. I'm not saying anything about the kids.

Well you really have no business "questioning" my parenting on a forum, do you?

And yeah you are asking for information about my children on a forum. That is definately involving kids.

Its definately not the lowest and worst you've gone with this idiot "questioning the parenting" of someone you hate.....but stop trying to make it into something reasonable and excusable.

Talking to Bone via phone for several hours because he is actually a very interesting person and fun to talk to really shouldnt be causing to think about where my children are and having the audacity to raise that question. There are a many possibilities besides "omg mom is on the phone and the kids are being neglected!!". They could have been at school. They could have been at a grandparents house. Over friends houses. Asleep in bed.

The fact that your immediate response is "questioning" parenting reflects more on you, Oak. The way your mind works and the twisted motives you often assign to others tells us a lot about you.

As much time as you spend online fighting with people and running to text messaging and emailing and PM others from the forums regarding whatever your current drama is, what are you neglecting in your life? Your relationship with your partner? Your children and grandchildren? Because obviously if you assume other people are neglecting their life and people in it by posting on a forum, that kinda suggests that is what is happening in YOUR own life.

Do you just sit glued here the entire time you are dropping posts? Because that's what it's looking like.

But they were probably interrupting you over and over again with "mom", "mom", "mom" like I experienced with you.

Oh so you had a phone convo with someone who has kids and you've decided hearing the children interrupt mom on the phone is some sign of bad parenting now rather than a very common and typical occurence.

Got it lol.

Oak.....that doesnt have a thing to do with what I said and my point stands.

Murd also had a really awkward and extra angry little rant here about children interrupting adult phone conversations but she went the way of trashing the children by saying she taught hers early on to never talk to adults while they are talking to other adults. And claimed that kids who do this are bratty and it was they have no business speaking when adults are speaking.

I think you guys shouldnt bother to talk to any mothers since there is so much toxic energy and judgement involved and you view other peoples families as tools and weapons to attack someone with when they dont behave how you want them to behave.

Again this petty nonsense reflects on you. Not the person you are spewing it at. Js.

When the other person has a conscience and says, after hearing "mom" multiple times, "well, it sounds like you're needed, I really ought to go" and you say "they're fine" ignore them...what the fuck am I supposed to get from that?

No one on the phone is as important as your kids. No one.

Except now you are lying. That isnt what happened, Oak.

Now you are just doubling down on something you have no business even doing. Pathetic.

Yes, it is what happened. I understand that you're ashamed of it. You should be.

Yeah, it's not though.

Ashamed of what? The fact I'm dealing with a lying hateful shrew who needs to use peoples families and lie to get some "upper hand" on a forum?

Ashamed of constantly ignoring your children and escaping to forums to live your life.

Except you are the one creating this narrative trying to find ways to pretend bringing people's children and families into your obsessive need to have nasty fights with strangers on forum is excusable.

Now you are just making shit up in your head that likely applies far more to shown by your own thought process....than anyone else.

Absolutely no one here has asked you for your opinion about their family or what your deluded and rage addled mind wants to believe goes on in someone else's home. In fact you've been told it's sick and inappropriate. And it is.

You can tell yourself all day I'm "ashamed" of whatever you blather about my family all day but the reality is you are a petty liar with shitty boundaries, you have deeply rooted control issues that cause you to feel an unhealthy level of anger and aggression towards other people. And your unsolicited and inaccurate judgement of MY life and my family just doesn't matter to me. You have no seat at this table, Oak.

If I wanted some perspective or opinion on the health and happiness of my family or a grade on my parenting? You wouldn't even be in the top 100 people I would ask or listen to. You have never met my family. You have no idea what a day in my house looks like or how happy and healthy my daughters are. And an intelligent adult would realize this.

So when you sit there foaming at your maw ....jowls all clenched....saliva running down your chins ...(I was gonna say neck ...but ...yeah), all pissed off and desperate for anything you think you can use to belittle and degrade me or make me feel like shit or feel "ashamed"(since that's your goal here, clearly), it's not doing anything but showing us what you are truly like.

When people bring up your family you sure do wail about it and get in that victim mindset. You must feel that shame that you imagine I'm feeling when you make a completely ass of yourself using family as a forum weapon and hoping your "target" cares about the opinions of strangers as much as you do.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I think I broke that bell end shampy again



emo little fella' huh :GiggleBitch:

..... and than thousands of WERDZZZzzz !!! :LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3:

I just dropped a lot more werdz.... be careful X! Warm up that scroll wheel!
  • LOL
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Yes, it is, but it's still happening. And it's ridicu
Never thought I’d say the members of kiwi are hinged better then what’s left of this community.

This is what happens when there are double standards. Accusing members of being child molesters is actually against the rules and you don't say a damn thing about that.

Calling somebody a diddler is so 2005.

I aint even fucking with this shit no more. You guys try and make good content and find new memebers. im not gonna bother.

I agree it's heinous. It's gross and demented to say that. Yet it's never stopped even with there being a rule in place.

I think you should focus on what you post.
Errrmmm, I asked Aryan today if he would stop using the term "nonce" because its BFs house and he don't want it, never saw flea call anybody but whatever, if folks could please just do that for BF, he doesn't ask for much if anything at all from us, mind if I fuck up make me check myself, mistakes are human it's consistent listen for a day then back at it... The ole hammer been swinging lately, he's not even mad just meh lol
well sham, what you should do is put your foot down on the kids/parenting shit.

Thats just my opinion
Everyone as a community should tell BF what should be OK as fodder and what is off limits, you've all been MODS, I try to keeep the place as BF wants it, its his baby, he makes the rules I'm just a janitor, clean up the shite lol but if folk can be civil, then make a thread and list things "within reason" of course and BF will put it as rules... I've fucked up plenty, I know and don't judge just keep the place tidy, essentially the board is the community and vice versa @Bastard Factory What ya say?

The kids stuff needs to stop. It’s whack. However, it’s the only thing certain people have to use.

You confuse me. Isn’t a convicted murderer that’s around children whack? I think you need to get your priorities sorted out before you think about posting again.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Yes, it is, but it's still happening. And it's ridicu
Never thought I’d say the members of kiwi are hinged better then what’s left of this community.

This is what happens when there are double standards. Accusing members of being child molesters is actually against the rules and you don't say a damn thing about that.

Calling somebody a diddler is so 2005.

I aint even fucking with this shit no more. You guys try and make good content and find new memebers. im not gonna bother.

I agree it's heinous. It's gross and demented to say that. Yet it's never stopped even with there being a rule in place.

I think you should focus on what you post.
Errrmmm, I asked Aryan today if he would stop using the term "nonce" because its BFs house and he don't want it, never saw flea call anybody but whatever, if folks could please just do that for BF, he doesn't ask for much if anything at all from us, mind if I fuck up make me check myself, mistakes are human it's consistent listen for a day then back at it... The ole hammer been swinging lately, he's not even mad just meh lol
well sham, what you should do is put your foot down on the kids/parenting shit.

Thats just my opinion

I’m already talking to BF about this. Kids should be off limits

Don't forget to tell @Bastard Factory how you're still calling people child molesters.

Don’t worry about what I do. You’re not me.

Likewise, dumbfuck.

I’m not trying to be you. I have better things to do than report negs on a message board. What a pathetic existence
When did you two start at each other? I know flea wouldnt make a derogatory thread about here, when she gets on great with BF and visits everyday, Ive saw flea say things about people on other boards but I can honestly say Ive never saw her say a bad word about this forum, we all know we can all see what's posted but what I truly cannot stand is back stabbing two faced cowards, what's the point in that? I've never really liked Martini and Im sure the feeling's mutual but I've never gave him a chance, always cliques, I'll always like Dovey, never argued with her once but I just hope she's not being mail service for big, MY FUCKING PAL WHO I BENT OVER BACKWARDS TO HELP AND WARN, WHEN I SHOULDN'T HAVE BTW, BF WAS PISSED THAT I WAS PASSING ON WHEN HE WAS GETTING ANGRY, Big took the piss outta BF and me I feel fucking let down, but if i get told stop saying a phrase over and over then only a dayv goes by and I'm back at it, that's my fault NOT BFs!! Then admin n holiday couldn't be the ultra victims so they get banned anyway its fucking stupid!!! Im not gonna sit here and watch ANYONE take the piss outta BF, call me what you like but he knows he can trust me... I done one big shit and a few wee ones but Im not repeating them... Differences

Hey Shamp! You are one of my favorites so I'm gonna give you a secret pointer k?

Don't. Do not. Take Big seriously. Not even Big takes Big seriously. Especially past 3pm on any week day.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Yes, it is, but it's still happening. And it's ridicu
Never thought I’d say the members of kiwi are hinged better then what’s left of this community.

This is what happens when there are double standards. Accusing members of being child molesters is actually against the rules and you don't say a damn thing about that.

Calling somebody a diddler is so 2005.

I aint even fucking with this shit no more. You guys try and make good content and find new memebers. im not gonna bother.

I agree it's heinous. It's gross and demented to say that. Yet it's never stopped even with there being a rule in place.

I think you should focus on what you post.
Errrmmm, I asked Aryan today if he would stop using the term "nonce" because its BFs house and he don't want it, never saw flea call anybody but whatever, if folks could please just do that for BF, he doesn't ask for much if anything at all from us, mind if I fuck up make me check myself, mistakes are human it's consistent listen for a day then back at it... The ole hammer been swinging lately, he's not even mad just meh lol
well sham, what you should do is put your foot down on the kids/parenting shit.

Thats just my opinion
Everyone as a community should tell BF what should be OK as fodder and what is off limits, you've all been MODS, I try to keeep the place as BF wants it, its his baby, he makes the rules I'm just a janitor, clean up the shite lol but if folk can be civil, then make a thread and list things "within reason" of course and BF will put it as rules... I've fucked up plenty, I know and don't judge just keep the place tidy, essentially the board is the community and vice versa @Bastard Factory What ya say?

The kids stuff needs to stop. It’s whack. However, it’s the only thing certain people have to use.

You confuse me. Isn’t a convicted murderer that’s around children whack? I think you need to get your priorities sorted out before you think about posting again.

I think you need to slit your wrists and bleed out. That way you won’t post again.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Yes, it is, but it's still happening. And it's ridicu
Never thought I’d say the members of kiwi are hinged better then what’s left of this community.

This is what happens when there are double standards. Accusing members of being child molesters is actually against the rules and you don't say a damn thing about that.

Calling somebody a diddler is so 2005.

I aint even fucking with this shit no more. You guys try and make good content and find new memebers. im not gonna bother.

I agree it's heinous. It's gross and demented to say that. Yet it's never stopped even with there being a rule in place.

I think you should focus on what you post.
Errrmmm, I asked Aryan today if he would stop using the term "nonce" because its BFs house and he don't want it, never saw flea call anybody but whatever, if folks could please just do that for BF, he doesn't ask for much if anything at all from us, mind if I fuck up make me check myself, mistakes are human it's consistent listen for a day then back at it... The ole hammer been swinging lately, he's not even mad just meh lol
well sham, what you should do is put your foot down on the kids/parenting shit.

Thats just my opinion
Everyone as a community should tell BF what should be OK as fodder and what is off limits, you've all been MODS, I try to keeep the place as BF wants it, its his baby, he makes the rules I'm just a janitor, clean up the shite lol but if folk can be civil, then make a thread and list things "within reason" of course and BF will put it as rules... I've fucked up plenty, I know and don't judge just keep the place tidy, essentially the board is the community and vice versa @Bastard Factory What ya say?

The kids stuff needs to stop. It’s whack. However, it’s the only thing certain people have to use.

You confuse me. Isn’t a convicted murderer that’s around children whack? I think you need to get your priorities sorted out before you think about posting again.

I think you need to slit your wrists and bleed out. That way you won’t post again.

Reminding fools can be a challenge. Your another story.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
did sometell aboot emote abyse ??

POOOSY !! :LOL3::GiggleBitch:
Aye, thats what Ive reduced you to, every single thing you come out with you get proven wrong, honestly one of these days you might just shite yerself!!! YOU WONT KNOW WTF TO DO, YOU WONT OUTRUN ME, YOU BEST BET IS LIE DOWN AND SCREAM LOUD AF, i'll be watchin you, waiting till yer furthest from safety or I just pay pal a local druggie to make yer life hell!!! You've no idea how easy that would be to pull off, I just wish you erase me from your mind, I will never be anything to you ever again!


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Did everybody get this shit out their system finally?

I have. Feeling pretty content.
I’d hope so, because I’m not going to read thru pages upon pages of this shit ever again.

I was looking for zingers and there wasn’t one in any of that abomination . I had to run to the gas station and buy some, then point them at my phone during all that mess and say “where the fuck are you” while holding one in my hand.

Next time ppl go on ignore. I don’t give a fuck who it is. When Flea starts talking about ppl killing ppl this shits gone way to fucking imbecilic for one’s taste.


Site Supporter
did sometell aboot emote abyse ??

POOOSY !! :LOL3::GiggleBitch:
Aye, thats what Ive reduced you to, every single thing you come out with you get proven wrong, honestly one of these days you might just shite yerself!!! YOU WONT KNOW WTF TO DO, YOU WONT OUTRUN ME, YOU BEST BET IS LIE DOWN AND SCREAM LOUD AF, i'll be watchin you, waiting till yer furthest from safety or I just pay pal a local druggie to make yer life hell!!! You've no idea how easy that would be to pull off, I just wish you erase me from your mind, I will never be anything to you ever again!

shuddup you spider legged stabee :LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3:


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
did sometell aboot emote abyse ??

POOOSY !! :LOL3::GiggleBitch:
Aye, thats what Ive reduced you to, every single thing you come out with you get proven wrong, honestly one of these days you might just shite yerself!!! YOU WONT KNOW WTF TO DO, YOU WONT OUTRUN ME, YOU BEST BET IS LIE DOWN AND SCREAM LOUD AF, i'll be watchin you, waiting till yer furthest from safety or I just pay pal a local druggie to make yer life hell!!! You've no idea how easy that would be to pull off, I just wish you erase me from your mind, I will never be anything to you ever again!

shuddup you spider legged stabee :LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3:
Why are you so fuckin dense? I'm quite happy with life, you ain't weakling! Why don't you try and fix yourself? I'm seriously gonna show you and the internet your daily fucking input, you're not normal, funny or anything just the complete epitome of an internet weirdo!!! I was the greatest ally you ever had and now you've got NOBODY!! You got breakfahg though eh, the guy who spread your PM all over the place, I cannot believe you think you're fucking pals??? When? You've never been pals, Id say he's said worse or tried to than I have, I only tell the truth, always repesting myself but I do, never caught me lying about anything, if I was broke Id say I'm broke, why would telling nuts like you lies do me any good? I'm not an arrogant fuck at all but yer always at folks looks, i'm better looking than you've ever been your edited old pics hardly look like the same person, fuckery afoot... That fucked up Joker chin thing you got going, creepy tbh...
  • Confused
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Site Supporter

is you allright buddee ?

tell uncle X'y
what's making you feel like you need to say so much ? :GiggleBitch:

yer my bro no matter wat, faggit shoes an all :LOL3:


Site Supporter
air ?
surely yoo jest and are familiar with other parts O the anatomy other than the dick ...


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
X how much air seeps out your head every time you post?

Could it fill a small football amount?

what's a small football amount ??

elaborate fagling
You know those mini footballs that kids get as stocking stuffers?

I mean, you do deflate any kind of momentum any thread has with this whole “I’m inbred and proud to show everyone” gimmick you have here.


Site Supporter
X how much air seeps out your head every time you post?

Could it fill a small football amount?

what's a small football amount ??

elaborate fagling
You know those mini footballs that kids get as stocking stuffers?

I mean, you do deflate any kind of momentum any thread has with this whole “I’m inbred and proud to show everyone” gimmick you have here.

thank yoo for elaborating :GiggleBitch: ... it is processing and a fuck may be given depending on degree of severity


Site Supporter
everything you poast I read in a Sylvester the cat voice LOL

faggy as all hell man


Site Supporter
uh oh shampys resorting to poast humpin'

TimeZ are a tuff LOL


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis

is you allright buddee ?

tell uncle X'y
what's making you feel like you need to say so much ? :GiggleBitch:

yer my bro no matter wat, faggit shoes an all :LOL3:
Drugs, and you're still one insufferable twat, you surely know your moves are weak AF the only guy holding a bigger L than you today and for some time to come is wee bigly who got ultra pwned by semen, a 92yo that needs help with passwords all the time! That is all you've got going for you, someone's shit is stinkier... Sometimes I feel sorry for ya but why? You choose to be this way, or you have done damage to yourself! What possessed you to say that about my mum though? I had no part in that PM, in fact, if it weren't for me the whole ync board would've been at you, I don't have kids so maybe I would've called you that if I did I dunno but my poor mum who died so young, robbed me of my adult life with her you want me to suffer the thought of you fucking her corpse? There are some things that I cannot forget and that's top! 2nd is my departed pups! You cannot go lower! breakfart high-fiving you than crying for an apology when BF dishes him some of it? Just go away man, honestly! That shit gets folk killed in the streets!