The Murdy/KM Facetime discussion thread


Domestically feral
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United states
I like how this retard gave some fake apology and immediately continued to blather from the same tired script right after and thinks he can be like "I'm apologized!"

He harrassed me, he harrassed my job, told a shit ton of lies and spent years trying to "punish" me because I didn't want to pursue a relationship with him. But yeah he "apologized" so now he can be self righteous and tell Flea to apologize to fucking Turdock. And Turdy is the one who always starts the shit with other people. Just like Moidtini here, Turd always has to make herself either the hero or the victim in all her socail dramas she brings on herself.

I'm very pleased these two are "friends" now and facetiming eachother. I can't think of more deserving people than these two. They really deserve eachother. It's hilarious. I also crack up seeing people who do NOT genuinely like eachother suck eachothers assholes simply because they both have a hatred for the same person. I'm the tie that binds them. The ONLY thing these two have in common is their narcissism and me.

When two completely fake NPD personas make fake friends with eachother this is what it looks like. They actually believe everyone is so interested in this "friendship" they are forming and Turd is gonna type out her revised story line with him as if we are all so fascinated by it. And he is gonna keep asking if we want to know what they talked about and he will tell us all even after no one asks. They really think they are so important and interesting.

It's like how Turdy Fat Ass here shows up and wails and whines about ME and claims I would actually take time out of my life to stalk and chase after HER. When I haven't made a single attempt to interact with her two faced, back stabbing ass. Her and Moidtini got to learn that Dovey won't chase after ANYONE so if you block me or threaten to "dump" me I am more than happy to hold your asses to it.

They can't accept that they are not specail and are disposable so they have have to lie and claim IM the one chasing and stalking even when it's blatantly them who are the wackjobs obsessing over someone. To the point of being fake friends with eachother....LOL

The Countess

Hood with it
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As mean and foul as Oak can be, she and I will never hate each other cuz we have that Latina bond. There are certain lines we’d never cross with each other. Same with Biggie.

This trifling cunt hates on everyone. Anyone that looks better than her. She can’t stay civil for too long cuz the hate will always come out.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
As mean and foul as Oak can be, she and I will never hate each other cuz we have that Latina bond. There are certain lines we’d never cross with each other. Same with Biggie.

This trifling cunt hates on everyone. Anyone that looks better than her. She can’t stay civil for too long cuz the hate will always come out.
Nah she's a good ol broad.

You just need to stop listening to two complete morons who are clouding your mind and instigating shit to cause a rift.

I know personally that Murdy would like to end this bullshit and move forward without all the drama with you.

The olive branch has been extended. I personally would love nothing more then for you two to have a fruitful, working message board relationship.

As my internet sista of what, almost 20 years, Flea, let's stop the drama and be a family once again. Caskur agrees you should stop the drama.

(Holds arms open)


Factory Bastard
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As mean and foul as Oak can be, she and I will never hate each other cuz we have that Latina bond. There are certain lines we’d never cross with each other. Same with Biggie.

This trifling cunt hates on everyone. Anyone that looks better than her. She can’t stay civil for too long cuz the hate will always come out.

You’re dumber the you smell

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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This fat bitch really said she was a “sex kitten” of TV

More like the chasity cow

That’s why the admin took you for 500 bucks and never showed up

Sex kitten. Lmao


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Uh oh...


Le whoops?

Is that Garraty???

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Those pics you sent prove otherwise

Haw haw

Sex kitten

Her own husband wouldn’t even fuck her and she had to turn full lesbo with a shrek looking yeti just to get some action

Sex kitten.



Factory Bastard
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Sex kitten

Her own husband wouldn’t even fuck her and she had to turn full lesbo with a shrek looking yeti just to get some action

Sex kitten.


Cadillac Culos? Her hubby has aids. Most know it by now.


Domestically feral
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United states
Scrotini and Turd always piss people off by acting like bitter fuckwads and then when the people they treated like garbage don't like them....they blame other people.

People don't like Turd because of her own actions. You just prove the narcissism everytime you blame other people and avoid accountability. And yeah that is also noticed by many.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Admin stole $500 from her?
No. One of the admins at TV (trollvalhalla)

they was sexting back and forth like she tries to do with every dude and he promised her he'd come visit her for some action if she send him 500.00

she sent it and he went ghost

I guess he was trying to say without saying that she was actually a gross Garfield


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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No. One of the admins at TV (trollvalhalla)

they was sexting back and forth like she tries to do with every dude and he promised her he'd come visit her for some action if she send him 500.00

she sent it and he went ghost

I guess he was trying to say without saying that she was actually a gross Garfield
Look at this disgusting mass of flab!



Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
You might not know this being noobie and all… but KM and I go way way back.

In fact, we were becoming friends via PM on CO way back when. I went to go see Dovey that summer and she cockblocked saying he was a prowler dual. That ended that real fast.
I just pictured you sitting on his face!! Purple Crush!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
You are sooooo full of shit LOL

You act like I haven’t been around you long enough. There is no way in hell you’d be interested in someone that big. Do keep trolling tho. I too know what she looks like on video. You can’t bullshit a bullshitter, homie.

Yep. See a doctor ASAP.