The National Review: 'College Girls won't fuck maga hat wearing goons'



I'm in jail, send hamberders
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Lol right, no doubt effeminate soyboys with quiffs and skinny jeans are more to their taste.


Factory Bastard
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Hahahhaaaa! Yeah, I would figure that's pretty much a given. Oh, dear, more fuel for the incel fires.


Domestically feral
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United states
Something tells me......maga men dont care about this lol.

Total useless survey that no one asked for.


Domestically feral
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United states
I like how they frame it. "No one" if the only people that exist are white upper class leftwing snots

I can tell you first hand how these are kids are programmed to see the world as theirs. Everyone is a prop on the stage of the leftwing college kid show.

Just pay attention to how these things are worded. They think everything belongs to them and only they matter. They are also always right and everyone else is dumb.

So entitled they destroy vulnerable communities and go back to their dorms feeling high on activism while elderly minorities now cant get meds and food because they destroyed everything.

Uni students are the biggest most narcissistic peices of shit imaginable and it's more like no one except other peices of shit want them. I see absolutely no one shedding tears over was a no where endeavor before it started lol.

You can bet if we had a survey like this that shows how revolted we are by them? They would tantrum.

I wish these uni girls would keep their leftwing predator men on better leashes and keep them from exposing their semi hard dicks to women and children in female spaces. But you know...they'll call for women to be beaten and killed before keeping their gross men in check, as we saw in CA.
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Factory Bastard
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How Sad, No One Wants To F**k Trump Supporters
A new survey says only 6% of college-age women would date a MAGA hat-wearing bro
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Just goes to show, political popularity and identification is fleeting.
In One year, but out the next and gone like the previous fad.

Best not to take any of these politicians too seriously or tie your fortunes with any of them.
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Domestically feral
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United states
Who knew that young females are fickle and impressionable. Remember when 4Chan trolled a load of them into shaving their head in protest against Trump? LOL

I think a much more important story is how we are seeing a huge rise in teenage girls coming out as trans.....being transitioned way too quickly(while being underage)....and regretting it and detransitioning later.

But Admin isnt allowed to talk about that because that would make him "transphobic".
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Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Who knew that young females are fickle and impressionable. Remember when 4Chan trolled a load of them into shaving their head in protest against Trump? LOL

I think a much more important story is how we are seeing a huge rise in teenage girls coming out as trans.....being transitioned way too quickly(while being underage)....and regretting it and detransitioning later.

But Admin isnt allowed to talk about that because that would make him "transphobic".

I assume some are rushing into the procedure because once they've hit puberty, the likelihood of them passing as the opposite gender is a lot slimmer, but the problem is they're children and allowing them to make such life changing decisions is outrageous.


Domestically feral
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United states
Who knew that young females are fickle and impressionable. Remember when 4Chan trolled a load of them into shaving their head in protest against Trump? LOL

I think a much more important story is how we are seeing a huge rise in teenage girls coming out as trans.....being transitioned way too quickly(while being underage)....and regretting it and detransitioning later.

But Admin isnt allowed to talk about that because that would make him "transphobic".

I assume some are rushing into the procedure because once they've hit puberty, the likelihood of them passing as the opposite gender is a lot slimmer, but the problem is they're children and allowing them to make such life changing decisions is outrageous.

Yes. Even though its shown that more than 70 percent of kids that experience gender confusion grow out of it during puberty.

All the tomboys are gone....they are called trans now.

I am SO glad this wasnt a thing when I was a kid. I went through a stage of wanting to be a boy. All I had to play with was boys. I would have been told I was trans and probably believed it.

This shit is disgusting child abuse and there is billions of dollars backing this gender ideology ....from fucking pharmaceutical companies.

Basically all these corps and marketing has adjusted to the left and learned how to market to them within their psychotic ideologies. And they are not rational or grounded enough to notice.

The comments of these videos are full of young people talking about questioning gender. This was never a thing before it was pushed on impressionable kids.

Total normal experiences being twisted into this gender bullshit. Shes not asexual....she just wasnt ready. All these labels and the pressure to have one.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The whole #pissforequality troll lol.

They try to cover the fact it worked for a hot minute..... .these dumb shit fake feminists pissed themselves before a slightly smarter one called bullshit.

But the fact at least 40 dumbassed did it stays fact lol


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Who knew that young females are fickle and impressionable. Remember when 4Chan trolled a load of them into shaving their head in protest against Trump? LOL
They did that? Lmao

Yeah, it was hilarious lol!

They looked so sad with their shaved domes, knowing they was trololololo'd! lol


They try to pretend that didnt work either but again....several dumbasses did it lol