The @Oerdin Honorary Political Theatre of The Absurd Thread.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Oh, and another PS:
..anyone who was alive, alert, and old enough to understand in the 60's and 70's
will inform you that the country has been moving steadily to the right for the past 50 years.
..though thankfully, it appears the most recent surge in right-wingism is its death-throws
before spiritual evolution prevails over the darkness of conservatism.
^^^ KOO KOO ALERT! The country has lurched far far far LEFT for more than 100 years now!

Holliday Unchained

Oh, and another PS:
..anyone who was alive, alert, and old enough to understand in the 60's and 70's
will inform you that the country has been moving steadily to the right for the past 50 years.
..though thankfully, it appears the most recent surge in right-wingism is its death-throws
before spiritual evolution prevails over the darkness of conservatism.
^^^ KOO KOO ALERT! The country has lurched far far far LEFT for more than 100 years now!
If you don't mind my quoting myself,
and even if you do:

..anyone who was alive, alert, and old enough to understand in the 60's and 70's
will inform you..

Obviously that doesn't apply to you.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Oh, and another PS:
..anyone who was alive, alert, and old enough to understand in the 60's and 70's
will inform you that the country has been moving steadily to the right for the past 50 years.
..though thankfully, it appears the most recent surge in right-wingism is its death-throws
before spiritual evolution prevails over the darkness of conservatism.
^^^ KOO KOO ALERT! The country has lurched far far far LEFT for more than 100 years now!
If you don't mind my quoting myself,
and even if you do:

..anyone who was alive, alert, and old enough to understand in the 60's and 70's
will inform you..

Obviously that doesn't include you.
look faggit, there wasnt faggit marriage in the 60's and 70's, race mixin was almost non existent, nobody took the idea that a man could be a woman seriously, anti gun hysteria wasnt as prevalent, and people showed up in person to vote instead of runing elections like a fukin banana republic! Spare me the bullshit, hollifaggit.

Holliday Unchained

Oh, and another PS:
..anyone who was alive, alert, and old enough to understand in the 60's and 70's
will inform you that the country has been moving steadily to the right for the past 50 years.
..though thankfully, it appears the most recent surge in right-wingism is its death-throws
before spiritual evolution prevails over the darkness of conservatism.
^^^ KOO KOO ALERT! The country has lurched far far far LEFT for more than 100 years now!
If you don't mind my quoting myself,
and even if you do:

..anyone who was alive, alert, and old enough to understand in the 60's and 70's
will inform you..

Obviously that doesn't include you.
look faggit, there wasnt faggit marriage in the 60's and 70's, race mixin was almost non existent, nobody took the idea that a man could be a woman seriously, anti gun hysteria wasnt as prevalent, and people showed up in person to vote instead of runing elections like a fukin banana republic! Spare me the bullshit, hollifaggit.
.We didn't have gun toting nazis running down peaceful protesters in their cars, or shooting them.
Didn't have people preaching white supremacy on street corners.
Didn't have Alternative Facts underpinning a conservative wellspring.
. We didn't have Corporate America (which is capitalist conservatism) dictating what we buy - the counter culture had moved away from that to community businesses.
. The counter culture was embracing of all that was not violent and hatin - rejecting what is modern conservatism at its core.
..though we do, at least, have the progress demonstrated by having had the most secure election in the history of elections in 2020.

In nostalgia: I think if Spoon were here to write this post - one like it
He would have started it with "Oooooh Doooctah!" (and doing a far better job of it)
Hope this day finds him well.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
antifa is an ideology not an organization. Just a bunch of internet groups really. They're not organizing crimes like conservatives did at the capitol hill.

How many of Biden's adult diapers did you dive into nose first and snort the contents of to come up with this utter garbage?

Antifa is a far left Anarcho-Communist group, comprised of middle class, wet behind the ears college kids and drug addled junkies, who have been brainwashed by Marxist professors in academia and are funded by ultra wealthy politicians, corporate elites and various other sections of the ruling class who despise Conservatives and Nationalism in general.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
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I verified this article. Links to the videos in the article.

Are you one those insanely ignorant people that thinks because original antifa were fascist commies who fought with nazis that makes them heros?

And that now we have indoctrinated radicals just slapping the nazi label on everyone who doesnt think like them to justify domestic terror and violence is as good thing?

Have you ever actually read or listened to anything Hitler has said?

Are you aware of any facts about the 111% ers militia? That they are a diverse militia and also we have a right to form them? Do you even know where they get the name?

Do you know ANYTHING about anything or do you just spitefully parrot whatever your echo chambers are saying?

That crap you just posted is obvious inflammatory propaganda, btw. You can tell in the title its propaganda intended to emotionally manipulate readers.
You keep trying to reason with this moron when the proper thing to do is piss into his sagging bottom lip like it were a public urinal.

Because it is.

Truth. Nothing but a leftist soyfag troll that one.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are

Holliday Unchained

Does no one get this? :
.Anarchy and Communist/Authoritarian ideologies are incompatible.

Anarchy Is compatible with right wing FREEDUMB ideology.

Then why are Anarchists always left-leaning degenerates?
What is your definition of left leaning, AiryAnn?

Open borders, pro-LGBT, anti-Conservative, basically a full blown cuck....

Sound familiar, SwallowGay?
No, It doesn't.
Do you mean Communist, socialist, anachist, Liberal? (all very different things - just helping you out here)
Define it in full terms (basic principles), AiryAnn.

Oh - and what is an Aryan, AiryAnn? any idea?
Know who originated the term and what they meant by it?

Holliday Unchained

Sure I'll do that, once you've explained why you support open borders and other cancerous leftist policies and agendas?
Sure ya will.
First of all - lernteh reed and you'll know why I can't tell you why I support what I don't.

..Go sit in a corner and wait for a caring adult to come and change your diaper.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Sure I'll do that, once you've explained why you support open borders and other cancerous leftist policies and agendas?
Sure ya will.
First of all - lernteh reed and you'll know why I can't tell you why I support what I don't.

..Go sit in a corner and wait for a caring adult to come and change your diaper.

So why are you a terminal TDS sufferer and Biden fancuck?

Holliday Unchained

Sure I'll do that, once you've explained why you support open borders and other cancerous leftist policies and agendas?
Sure ya will.
First of all - lernteh reed and you'll know why I can't tell you why I support what I don't.

..Go sit in a corner and wait for a caring adult to come and change your diaper.

So why are you a terminal TDS sufferer and Biden fancuck?


Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Does no one get this? :
.Anarchy and Communist/Authoritarian ideologies are incompatible.

Anarchy Is compatible with right wing FREEDUMB ideology.

Then why are Anarchists always left-leaning degenerates?

Anarchist communists are not the same as the self governing anarchists.

The extreme element of Antifa wants the total abolishment of government and not even a Democrat leadership is satisfactory for them.

No doubt the removal of private property and all kinds of other mental shit would be enforced if these nutjobs ever gained power.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Does no one get this? :
.Anarchy and Communist/Authoritarian ideologies are incompatible.

Anarchy Is compatible with right wing FREEDUMB ideology.

Then why are Anarchists always left-leaning degenerates?

Anarchist communists are not the same as the self governing anarchists.

The extreme element of Antifa wants the total abolishment of government and not even a Democrat leadership is satisfactory for them.

No doubt the removal of private property and all kinds of other mental shit would be enforced if these nutjobs ever gained power.

I know.

Please....please do not capitalize "antifa". They get not even the tiniest respect.

Holliday Unchained

Does no one get this? :
.Anarchy and Communist/Authoritarian ideologies are incompatible.

Anarchy Is compatible with right wing FREEDUMB ideology.

Then why are Anarchists always left-leaning degenerates?

Anarchist communists are not the same as the self governing anarchists.

The extreme element of Antifa wants the total abolishment of government and not even a Democrat leadership is satisfactory for them.

No doubt the removal of private property and all kinds of other mental shit would be enforced if these nutjobs ever gained power.
I'm confident in saying that what you doubt is no matter of concern to any thinking person.

No one was talking about Antifa.
You mentioned Anarchists and "leftists"
I asked you what you meant by leftist since it is incompatible with the concept of anarchy.
Still running chicken running, AiryAnn?

What is an Aryan, AiryAnn?
Do you know it's real meaning?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Does no one get this? :
.Anarchy and Communist/Authoritarian ideologies are incompatible.

Anarchy Is compatible with right wing FREEDUMB ideology.

Then why are Anarchists always left-leaning degenerates?

Anarchist communists are not the same as the self governing anarchists.

The extreme element of Antifa wants the total abolishment of government and not even a Democrat leadership is satisfactory for them.

No doubt the removal of private property and all kinds of other mental shit would be enforced if these nutjobs ever gained power.
I'm confident in saying that what you doubt is a matter of concern to any thinking person.

No one was talking about Antifa.
You mentioned Anachists and "leftists"
I asked you what you meant by leftist since it is incompatible with the concept of anarchy.
Still running chicken running, AryAnn?

What is an Aryan, AiryAnn?
Do you know it's real meaning?

The thing with leftists is, what that means depends on on who is speaking. Everyone of you likes to see yourselves as classical liberals. And while the establishment creates a very less liberal country by the day guys hate and lash out at everyone besides democrats and progressives.

You regularly call centrists "far right extremists" and call Republican voters "'putanists"

You are far left totalitarian boot licking statists who wish to see everyone out of line with your ideology punished.

I'm just going on what you've shown. Much like most other hateful statists, you dont ever share your views in any cohesive manner. You just deride others.

The only sane and empathetic leftist I know is Vitty. The rest of you are horrible.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Does no one get this? :
.Anarchy and Communist/Authoritarian ideologies are incompatible.

Anarchy Is compatible with right wing FREEDUMB ideology.

Then why are Anarchists always left-leaning degenerates?

Anarchist communists are not the same as the self governing anarchists.

The extreme element of Antifa wants the total abolishment of government and not even a Democrat leadership is satisfactory for them.

No doubt the removal of private property and all kinds of other mental shit would be enforced if these nutjobs ever gained power.
I'm confident in saying that what you doubt is no matter of concern to any thinking person.

No one was talking about Antifa.
You mentioned Anarchists and "leftists"
I asked you what you meant by leftist since it is incompatible with the concept of anarchy.
Still running chicken running, AiryAnn?

What is an Aryan, AiryAnn?
Do you know it's real meaning?

Enough with the pseudo-intellectual mental gymnastics you tiresome half-wit.

Antifa is a far left extremist organisation, supported and funded by leftists of various stripes who all share a similar mindset.

Is this such a difficult concept for you to grasp?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I really do not understand what these guys have against civil discourse.

They always yell about healthy democracies but they actively destroy democracy by wiping their smug, statist asses with civil discourse in favor of attacks and insults.

Not just here either. They are defined by their hatred of us.

Okay you think I'm ignorant? Enlighten me. It does no good and lends you no support. What a way to fuck your own cause.

Unless you ARE a modern nazi.

Holliday Unchained

Does no one get this? :
.Anarchy and Communist/Authoritarian ideologies are incompatible.

Anarchy Is compatible with right wing FREEDUMB ideology.

Then why are Anarchists always left-leaning degenerates?

Anarchist communists are not the same as the self governing anarchists.

The extreme element of Antifa wants the total abolishment of government and not even a Democrat leadership is satisfactory for them.

No doubt the removal of private property and all kinds of other mental shit would be enforced if these nutjobs ever gained power.
I'm confident in saying that what you doubt is no matter of concern to any thinking person.

No one was talking about Antifa.
You mentioned Anarchists and "leftists"
I asked you what you meant by leftist since it is incompatible with the concept of anarchy.
Still running chicken running, AiryAnn?

What is an Aryan, AiryAnn?
Do you know it's real meaning?

Enough with the pseudo-intellectual mental gymnastics you tiresome half-wit.

Antifa is a far left extremist organisation, supported and funded by leftists of various stripes who all share a similar mindset.

Is this such a difficult concept for you to grasp?
No, It doesn't.
Do you mean Communist, socialist, anachist, Liberal? (all very different things - just helping you out here)
Define it in full terms (basic principles), AiryAnn.

Oh - and what is an Aryan, AiryAnn? any idea?
Know who originated the term and what they meant by it?
Run Chicken Run: (this time from the Trashmen)


Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I really do not understand what these guys have against civil discourse.

They always yell about healthy democracies but they actively destroy democracy by wiping their smug, statist asses with civil discourse in favor of attacks and insults.

Not just here either. They are defined by their hatred of us.

Okay you think I'm ignorant? Enlighten me. It does no good and lends you no support. What a way to fuck your own cause.

Unless you ARE a modern nazi.

They're leftist trolls, no point trying to engage them in any serious manner because they won't return the courtesy.

Holliday Unchained

I really do not understand what these guys have against civil discourse.

They always yell about healthy democracies but they actively destroy democracy by wiping their smug, statist asses with civil discourse in favor of attacks and insults.

Not just here either. They are defined by their hatred of us.

Okay you think I'm ignorant? Enlighten me. It does no good and lends you no support. What a way to fuck your own cause.

Unless you ARE a modern nazi.

They're leftist trolls, no point trying to engage them in any serious manner because they won't return the courtesy.
You mean like answering a direct question.
Like this here: (which you won't answer)

Do you mean Communist, socialist, anachist, Liberal? (all very different things - just helping you out here)
Define it in full terms (basic principles), AiryAnn.

Oh - and what is an Aryan, AiryAnn? any idea?
Know who originated the term and what they meant by it?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Oh, and another PS:
..anyone who was alive, alert, and old enough to understand in the 60's and 70's
will inform you that the country has been moving steadily to the right for the past 50 years.
..though thankfully, it appears the most recent surge in right-wingism is its death-throws
before spiritual evolution prevails over the darkness of conservatism.

Except reality is the exact opposite. America has been moving left steadily and not right.

Holliday Unchained

Oh, and another PS:
..anyone who was alive, alert, and old enough to understand in the 60's and 70's
will inform you that the country has been moving steadily to the right for the past 50 years.
..though thankfully, it appears the most recent surge in right-wingism is its death-throws
before spiritual evolution prevails over the darkness of conservatism.

Except reality is the exact opposite. America has been moving left steadily and not right.
Oh - I'm sorry, child.
real history differs from right-wing mindwash.
I mean - I doubt if you even understand how the terms leftist and Liberal differ in meaning.
You think commies and facists are Liberals don't you. (even though they are face-off opposites)

Liberals are not leftist (commies).
Democraps nor Repukes (these days) are Liberals.
Commies, Fascists, today's Capitalists are not Liberals.
All that is not Liberalism is conservatism.
Commieism, putinism, trumptardism, fascism, unrestrained capitalism, exoteric religionism = conservatism.
Conservatism is the bane of human evolution.