This goes out to all you fuckfaces.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Check out that 2nd rate Breakfall trying to garner my attention by eating his own defecation...

What’s retard???

You. Dummy.
What’s garner???

Something your brain will never
But I hav tres digreez! I am with smart you fucktart! :Confused3:

Quit wasting my time Dickhead. Either say something stupid or log off.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Check out that 2nd rate Breakfall trying to garner my attention by eating his own defecation...

What’s retard???

You. Dummy.
What’s garner???

Something your brain will never
But I hav tres digreez! I am with smart you fucktart! :Confused3:

Quit wasting my time Dickhead. Either say something stupid or log off.
Whhy did you tink yoo cucumher and stir daz porridge? Whaaa?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Check out that 2nd rate Breakfall trying to garner my attention by eating his own defecation...

What’s retard???

You. Dummy.
What’s garner???

Something your brain will never
But I hav tres digreez! I am with smart you fucktart! :Confused3:

Quit wasting my time Dickhead. Either say something stupid or log off.
Whhy did you tink yoo cucumher and stir daz porridge? Whaaa?

God. What a fucking tard.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Check out that 2nd rate Breakfall trying to garner my attention by eating his own defecation...

What’s retard???

You. Dummy.
What’s garner???

Something your brain will never
But I hav tres digreez! I am with smart you fucktart! :Confused3:

Quit wasting my time Dickhead. Either say something stupid or log off.
Whhy did you tink yoo cucumher and stir daz porridge? Whaaa?

God. What a fucking tard.
Paaa-toink toyoo too retardtard! :SadFace:



Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell

Welcome to the party

Hey. What up, with your forum?
Working out a payscale where ppl who post can make money off their content and we just might rip off the avatar hack thingy here but make it a little bit cheaper with a bunch of different options.

We also want to make it open but don't want certain cancers from this community anywhere near the place, so we're working on fixing that issue.

I'll link you at FT when it's back up.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Hello you stupid bitches. I see that nothing has changed here. You fucking brainless puss-filled morons keep posting your banal tripe along with the typical juvenile gore pics. How most of you haven't been killed off in a Darwinian way is surprisingly shocking.

With all that being said, I'm looking for two chickenshit spammers that have a yellow stripe running up their emaciated spines. One being Uncle DILF. Bring your clown ass out from whatever male crotch you have your face buried into and be prepared to have your fucking vaginal lips wrapped tightly around that balloon you call a fucking head. I have yet to extract one of my expensive italian heels from your bloated rectum.

The other cowardly little mouthy slug is Rassenkrieg. Gee. I wonder who that fucking loser is? You seem to have a lot so say about me when i'm not here. Haven't I already on numerous occassion verbally boxed your ugly face in making you look like a transgender raccoon? Yet. You continue spouting off spamtastic crapolla you fucking think is pure fucking gold. You are a bonafide moron, not even capable of stringing two words together coherently.

To any other illiterate fucks that might think that Flynn wants to read your shit, stay the fuck out of my way or I fucking pull your labia over your head and use it as a fucking giant slingshot. Just ask that cunt RealGrimm aka RealWomann.

CiAo! You dickless wonders.
Oh look it's DorianGhey making a return to ravish us with TL~DR snooze posts!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

Welcome to the party

Hey. What up, with your forum?
Working out a payscale where ppl who post can make money off their content and we just might rip off the avatar hack thingy here but make it a little bit cheaper with a bunch of different options.

We also want to make it open but don't want certain cancers from this community anywhere near the place, so we're working on fixing that issue.

I'll link you at FT when it's back up.



Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land

Welcome to the party

Hey. What up, with your forum?
Working out a payscale where ppl who post can make money off their content and we just might rip off the avatar hack thingy here but make it a little bit cheaper with a bunch of different options.

We also want to make it open but don't want certain cancers from this community anywhere near the place, so we're working on fixing that issue.

I'll link you at FT when it's back up.
I thought that I told you to get the fuck out of hither you intolerable little man? When you exposed your colours the other day, concerning your dirty laundry, I would’ve thought you were house-trained adequately enough to realise that you need to separate the whites?!


Site Supporter

Welcome to the party

Hey. What up, with your forum?
Working out a payscale where ppl who post can make money off their content and we just might rip off the avatar hack thingy here but make it a little bit cheaper with a bunch of different options.

We also want to make it open but don't want certain cancers from this community anywhere near the place, so we're working on fixing that issue.

I'll link you at FT when it's back up.

You should just offer blowjobs :rightON:
Your mouth sounds warm


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land

Welcome to the party

Hey. What up, with your forum?
Working out a payscale where ppl who post can make money off their content and we just might rip off the avatar hack thingy here but make it a little bit cheaper with a bunch of different options.

We also want to make it open but don't want certain cancers from this community anywhere near the place, so we're working on fixing that issue.

I'll link you at FT when it's back up.

You should just offer blowjobs :rightON:
Your mouth sounds warm
I saw some of his photo-shopped’ll fucking laugh mate. It looks like a creepy fucking worm. It has that smelly BO look about it too.


Site Supporter

Welcome to the party

Hey. What up, with your forum?
Working out a payscale where ppl who post can make money off their content and we just might rip off the avatar hack thingy here but make it a little bit cheaper with a bunch of different options.

We also want to make it open but don't want certain cancers from this community anywhere near the place, so we're working on fixing that issue.

I'll link you at FT when it's back up.

You should just offer blowjobs :rightON:
Your mouth sounds warm
I saw some of his photo-shopped’ll fucking laugh mate. It looks like a creepy fucking worm. It has that smelly BO look about it too.

No wonder it lurks about the web ... owning forums :LMAO: Life in the dark has it's advantages for the butt fugly I guess


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land

Welcome to the party

Hey. What up, with your forum?
Working out a payscale where ppl who post can make money off their content and we just might rip off the avatar hack thingy here but make it a little bit cheaper with a bunch of different options.

We also want to make it open but don't want certain cancers from this community anywhere near the place, so we're working on fixing that issue.

I'll link you at FT when it's back up.

You should just offer blowjobs :rightON:
Your mouth sounds warm
I saw some of his photo-shopped’ll fucking laugh mate. It looks like a creepy fucking worm. It has that smelly BO look about it too.

No wonder it lurks about the web ... owning forums :LMAO: Life in the dark has it's advantages for the butt fugly I guess
It’s a weedy little fucker! :LOL1:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

Welcome to the party

Hey. What up, with your forum?
Working out a payscale where ppl who post can make money off their content and we just might rip off the avatar hack thingy here but make it a little bit cheaper with a bunch of different options.

We also want to make it open but don't want certain cancers from this community anywhere near the place, so we're working on fixing that issue.

I'll link you at FT when it's back up.
Take a walk you fucking non entity


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell

Welcome to the party

Hey. What up, with your forum?
Working out a payscale where ppl who post can make money off their content and we just might rip off the avatar hack thingy here but make it a little bit cheaper with a bunch of different options.

We also want to make it open but don't want certain cancers from this community anywhere near the place, so we're working on fixing that issue.

I'll link you at FT when it's back up.
Take a walk you fucking non entity
No, forum killer, you and your nutjob friend go back to SG and netdead slowly along with that dust bowl.

You are such a clown, you kill your own forums off. How many is that now? Six?Seven? With SG being the fucking crown jewel of your failure.

The biggest forum in this community built off the brains of yours truly died slowly the second I left because the second coming of ladybug was made board owner and the IT expert can't fix a fucking security certificate.


Hey dumbass, impress ppl here, fix the security certificate at SG

Or do you want me to do it?

Haw Haw

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

Welcome to the party

Hey. What up, with your forum?
Working out a payscale where ppl who post can make money off their content and we just might rip off the avatar hack thingy here but make it a little bit cheaper with a bunch of different options.

We also want to make it open but don't want certain cancers from this community anywhere near the place, so we're working on fixing that issue.

I'll link you at FT when it's back up.
Take a walk you fucking non entity
No, forum killer, you and your nutjob friend go back to SG and netdead slowly along with that dust bowl.

You are such a clown, you kill your own forums off. How many is that now? Six?Seven? With SG being the fucking crown jewel of your failure.

The biggest forum in this community built off the brains of yours truly died slowly the second I left because the second coming of ladybug was made board owner and the IT expert can't fix a fucking security certificate.


Hey dumbass, impress ppl here, fix the security certificate at SG

Or do you want me to do it?

Haw Haw
Omg... I'm ""netdead""

I hope this doesn't impede my ability to lead a productive life, hold down a job, keep my bathroom free of grime and disgusting mod and most importantly support my children?

Do you think I'd have to check the little box that says "have you ever been accused of being netdead online" on the job application for french fry support technician down at my local Red Robins?

On that note... can someone let me know if after I netdied did I have a nice netfuneral?

Were my net assets distributed appropriate among my net next of kin?

These are the questions which will certainly keep me up at night


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Still can't fix a security certificate on a message board tho (giggles)

How does it feel being the fucking pleb who has taken over the mantle Twap laid out for decades, forum killer?

You are the red ring of death to message boards.

Haw Haw


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Pulls up a chair (yawning)...eating popcorn....picks up remote control.....changes channel due to lack of entertainment.
hahaha... amen!!... It never stops... The thing is, this guy, Chad is from a forum where they post and talk about shit that happens here.. wtf? Who does that? lololol They can't get enough :facepalm:


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Pulls up a chair (yawning)...eating popcorn....picks up remote control.....changes channel due to lack of entertainment.
hahaha... amen!!... It never stops... The thing is, this guy, Chad is from a forum where they post and talk about shit that happens here.. wtf? Who does that? lololol They can't get enough :facepalm:
FT is a commentary board, you washed up grenade.

What decade was it when you last had a period?

I'm thinking 1990's..