This goes out to all you fuckfaces.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
I was actually enjoying this thread when we were talking about food.

I bet you were you fucking hog.

Lol. Nothing you say about me is true. That's why it's so funny. Now, when you can crack on me with some real shit, I would give you your props. Your shit is as grade school as "yo momma" jokes. Still talking out the side of your neck. Just because every other word out of your mouth is a curse word, it doesn't mean you have a real vocabulary. Get schooled bitch.

Post. Your. Picture. Then.
This thread looks like something I flushed down the toilet after eating at a taco stand.

Would that be before or after you saw "E.T." The Extraterrestrial?

Did you happen to see "E.T." fly over a house on a bicycle with Elliot? Well. Did you Moby Bitch?

No. I happened to see ET drop his alien dick in your grand canyon sized vagina hole. Did he have to tie a 2x4 to his ass to stop from falling in? Well did he?

You are fucking retarded aren't you? After flash-kicking your lower denture plate to the outer rings of Saturn, you still come in here with your cornball "lames" and think you're the next Jack Kerouac?

E.T.? Again? Really? Last time it was calling yourself a fictional character out of a cheesy Anne Rice novel. If that wasn't fucking absolute bonkers enough then you run this gambit about using another fictional character not even from this fucking planet to add more morose flavor to your otherwise unappealing posts.

Whatever this is called you're doing, could you please take it somewhere else? Like maybe at the bottom of the South China Sea?

Well, if you didn't look so "extra-terrestrial" with that big ass forehead of yours, ET wouldn't come to mind.....oh wait! Wrong character! You look like one of the fucking Coneheads! Sorry sweety, your flaming skills are irrelevant to me. I don't care about flamers or flaming. I don't care about trolls. How about going out and buying some tampons and Pamprin to go along with that rag of yours?

Okay. So lets see a fucking picture of you. I imagine i'll be waiting for yours and that racist bitch Aryan.

But do on making shitty excuses on why you won't post YOUR picture.


#1. How many pounds of make up do you use Boy George? Enough to bake a fucking cake obviously. I know shemales like Rassenkrieg that use less make up than you and he still ends up looking like BEnzo.

#2. What are those two craters that your plaster of Paris makeup skills missed on the right side of that pugilist nose you have? Has NASA sent an orbiter out there yet to measure the size of those massive things on your oily looking skin? How many more doses of Valtryx to get rid of the herpes?

#3. Are you going bald? Speaking of "foreheads," I can see yours through your thinning hair. What are you like 48? 49? How many grandkids do you have? Only old bat shit crazy folk like yourself think that having a bad dye job and then letting it grow out to a two toned color is "okay." It's also a sign you "don't care" or "you are poor" or "both."

#4. What's up with that "haircut?" I've seen wild dogs with better coats than that thing floating atop that empty skull of yours. Who is your stylist? John Deere? Why do all you ghetto sluts always look like you can suck an elephant through a stirring stick?

#5. In my experience "girls" like yourself who wear black are most of the time the size of a baby Wooly Mammoth. I already knew you were a nasty looking bitch and you just confirmed it. Now. Post a picture of your whole body so I can see just how hefty of a "gal" you are.

#6. Why is it cunts like yourself always have to flash trinket "jewelery" worth about $4.99 at Bartell Drugs? Wow! I'm really impressed you can wear some brass/copper that was spray painted gold and then deal with the green "rash" that follows.

In closing. You look like the posterchild for STD's. You need to visit a dermatologist find out if those tumors on your face are cancerous.

It doesn't matter what you say. At the end of the day.....I know I look better than YOU and I am completely satisfied with my appearance. You, on the other hand, have been degraded to the fullest extent. So much so, you're at the bottomless pit of garbage scum like sir Maxi pad here in the forum. You can't TOUCH me. I am fucking untouchable. Now, go read out of your dictionary and try to come up with some better insults you psycho-babble bullshitting bitch. Your insults are more amateur than some kindergarten girls fighting over a piece of gum in the school yard. Where's your dictionary bitch? I suggest you use it. We all know your vocabulary consists of nothing but pre-kindergarten words and cursing.

What you look like is a street walker that was beat up with a dill pickle for three straight hours by your dad/pimp. I see that you too refuse to smile, hiding your fuck up teeth as well. What's wrong? Everytime you smile like Rassenkrieg do people start placing bets on a game of Craps because your teeth look like casino dice?

Now "it doesn't matter what I say?" Last I saw I was making your face hemorrhoids flare up again when I called you and your thunder thighs, Moby Dick. You just had to try and prove to me you weren't a worthless skank by posting your dog face on an open forum.

"I can't touch you?" I reiterate that I magically turned you into smoldering ash with a snap of my fingers and have your compatriots paying real money to "hack my avatar." You are nothing more than someone with a 9th grade education with a litter of kids.

Speaking of "school yard" insults. Tell me you fucking herpes infested twat, who was the unimaginative cunt that used "E.T." a fucking puppet as an attempted lame? How did that work out for you ugly ass? You wanna talk about lames? You actually fucking called yourself a fucking "vampire" and you want to talk about my masterpieces? Fuck bitch. You need to die a slow death, like only consuming 2000 calories a day.

You fucking suck at "flaming" and you look like the rear end of a water buffalo.

The more you degrade me, the worse you make yourself appear. Lmao. You're good at math right? Let's do some, shall we? Now, we all know as far as appearance goes I look better than you. If I look like YOU say I look, doesn't that make you look even WORSE? You see, it's a vicious cycle. You're only objecting yourself to ignorance bestowed on behalf of YOU. Get it pumpkin? Last I checked, only 1 person liked your picture. @SHAMPAIN MUST HAVE BEEN HIGH OR DRUNK....because even with a bag OVER your head, I doubt a drunk mf would give you any time at all. Check my ratings bitch. You suck elephant ass. Ugly bitches like you that want makeovers use pictures like mine as the model. ;) Go fuck yourself.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
I LOVE IT.. that you are crying :)

Bitch makes me laugh. She is a flamer that enjoys being flamed. It's reverse psychology. She enjoys the attention she gets because it's the only way she knows how to get it. Anyone in their right mind on an average day wouldn't give two fucks. Hahahaha!!!! Angry people lash out to get attention and she definitely has some fucking issues to deal with.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I was actually enjoying this thread when we were talking about food.

I bet you were you fucking hog.

Lol. Nothing you say about me is true. That's why it's so funny. Now, when you can crack on me with some real shit, I would give you your props. Your shit is as grade school as "yo momma" jokes. Still talking out the side of your neck. Just because every other word out of your mouth is a curse word, it doesn't mean you have a real vocabulary. Get schooled bitch.

Post. Your. Picture. Then.
This thread looks like something I flushed down the toilet after eating at a taco stand.

Would that be before or after you saw "E.T." The Extraterrestrial?

Did you happen to see "E.T." fly over a house on a bicycle with Elliot? Well. Did you Moby Bitch?

No. I happened to see ET drop his alien dick in your grand canyon sized vagina hole. Did he have to tie a 2x4 to his ass to stop from falling in? Well did he?

You are fucking retarded aren't you? After flash-kicking your lower denture plate to the outer rings of Saturn, you still come in here with your cornball "lames" and think you're the next Jack Kerouac?

E.T.? Again? Really? Last time it was calling yourself a fictional character out of a cheesy Anne Rice novel. If that wasn't fucking absolute bonkers enough then you run this gambit about using another fictional character not even from this fucking planet to add more morose flavor to your otherwise unappealing posts.

Whatever this is called you're doing, could you please take it somewhere else? Like maybe at the bottom of the South China Sea?

Well, if you didn't look so "extra-terrestrial" with that big ass forehead of yours, ET wouldn't come to mind.....oh wait! Wrong character! You look like one of the fucking Coneheads! Sorry sweety, your flaming skills are irrelevant to me. I don't care about flamers or flaming. I don't care about trolls. How about going out and buying some tampons and Pamprin to go along with that rag of yours?

Okay. So lets see a fucking picture of you. I imagine i'll be waiting for yours and that racist bitch Aryan.

But do on making shitty excuses on why you won't post YOUR picture.


#1. How many pounds of make up do you use Boy George? Enough to bake a fucking cake obviously. I know shemales like Rassenkrieg that use less make up than you and he still ends up looking like BEnzo.

#2. What are those two craters that your plaster of Paris makeup skills missed on the right side of that pugilist nose you have? Has NASA sent an orbiter out there yet to measure the size of those massive things on your oily looking skin? How many more doses of Valtryx to get rid of the herpes?

#3. Are you going bald? Speaking of "foreheads," I can see yours through your thinning hair. What are you like 48? 49? How many grandkids do you have? Only old bat shit crazy folk like yourself think that having a bad dye job and then letting it grow out to a two toned color is "okay." It's also a sign you "don't care" or "you are poor" or "both."

#4. What's up with that "haircut?" I've seen wild dogs with better coats than that thing floating atop that empty skull of yours. Who is your stylist? John Deere? Why do all you ghetto sluts always look like you can suck an elephant through a stirring stick?

#5. In my experience "girls" like yourself who wear black are most of the time the size of a baby Wooly Mammoth. I already knew you were a nasty looking bitch and you just confirmed it. Now. Post a picture of your whole body so I can see just how hefty of a "gal" you are.

#6. Why is it cunts like yourself always have to flash trinket "jewelery" worth about $4.99 at Bartell Drugs? Wow! I'm really impressed you can wear some brass/copper that was spray painted gold and then deal with the green "rash" that follows.

In closing. You look like the posterchild for STD's. You need to visit a dermatologist find out if those tumors on your face are cancerous.

It doesn't matter what you say. At the end of the day.....I know I look better than YOU and I am completely satisfied with my appearance. You, on the other hand, have been degraded to the fullest extent. So much so, you're at the bottomless pit of garbage scum like sir Maxi pad here in the forum. You can't TOUCH me. I am fucking untouchable. Now, go read out of your dictionary and try to come up with some better insults you psycho-babble bullshitting bitch. Your insults are more amateur than some kindergarten girls fighting over a piece of gum in the school yard. Where's your dictionary bitch? I suggest you use it. We all know your vocabulary consists of nothing but pre-kindergarten words and cursing.

What you look like is a street walker that was beat up with a dill pickle for three straight hours by your dad/pimp. I see that you too refuse to smile, hiding your fuck up teeth as well. What's wrong? Everytime you smile like Rassenkrieg do people start placing bets on a game of Craps because your teeth look like casino dice?

Now "it doesn't matter what I say?" Last I saw I was making your face hemorrhoids flare up again when I called you and your thunder thighs, Moby Dick. You just had to try and prove to me you weren't a worthless skank by posting your dog face on an open forum.

"I can't touch you?" I reiterate that I magically turned you into smoldering ash with a snap of my fingers and have your compatriots paying real money to "hack my avatar." You are nothing more than someone with a 9th grade education with a litter of kids.

Speaking of "school yard" insults. Tell me you fucking herpes infested twat, who was the unimaginative cunt that used "E.T." a fucking puppet as an attempted lame? How did that work out for you ugly ass? You wanna talk about lames? You actually fucking called yourself a fucking "vampire" and you want to talk about my masterpieces? Fuck bitch. You need to die a slow death, like only consuming 2000 calories a day.

You fucking suck at "flaming" and you look like the rear end of a water buffalo.

The more you degrade me, the worse you make yourself appear. Lmao. You're good at math right? Let's do some, shall we? Now, we all know as far as appearance goes I look better than you. If I look like YOU say I look, doesn't that make you look even WORSE? You see, it's a vicious cycle. You're only objecting yourself to ignorance bestowed on behalf of YOU. Get it pumpkin? Last I checked, only 1 person liked your picture. @SHAMPAIN MUST HAVE BEEN HIGH OR DRUNK....because even with a bag OVER your head, I doubt a drunk mf would give you any time at all. Check my ratings bitch. You suck elephant ass. Ugly bitches like you that want makeovers use pictures like mine as the model. ;) Go fuck yourself.

Only if that was true, Hungry-Hungry Hippo. The fact that you feel the need to fly out here on your rocket propelled dildo manufactured by Tesla and defend your 250lb pound honor against a person over the internet is very telling.

You, like most of these mouth breathers live here on the forums. Real people don't hang out on forums trying to prove to a complete stranger that they're not a bloated beluga whale with tree trunk for legs. Also, mentally stable people don't start melting down when someone calls them a gigantic mammal with the function to type.

You are a nasty bitch. I will point out that NO ONE "LIKED" YOUR PICTURE AS OF THIS POST! IT HAS BEEN UP OVER A DAY. But as of this post NO ONE EVEN COMMENTED on your picture that looks like was taken in a car that which you live.

Even the posters here think you're fugly but don't want to hurt your precious feelings.

Get a clue cow.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I LOVE IT.. that you are crying :)

Bitch makes me laugh. She is a flamer that enjoys being flamed. It's reverse psychology. She enjoys the attention she gets because it's the only way she knows how to get it. Anyone in their right mind on an average day wouldn't give two fucks. Hahahaha!!!! Angry people lash out to get attention and she definitely has some fucking issues to deal with.

Do you have anymore "E.T." lames? Those really slay me!



Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
I was actually enjoying this thread when we were talking about food.

I bet you were you fucking hog.

Lol. Nothing you say about me is true. That's why it's so funny. Now, when you can crack on me with some real shit, I would give you your props. Your shit is as grade school as "yo momma" jokes. Still talking out the side of your neck. Just because every other word out of your mouth is a curse word, it doesn't mean you have a real vocabulary. Get schooled bitch.

Post. Your. Picture. Then.
This thread looks like something I flushed down the toilet after eating at a taco stand.

Would that be before or after you saw "E.T." The Extraterrestrial?

Did you happen to see "E.T." fly over a house on a bicycle with Elliot? Well. Did you Moby Bitch?

No. I happened to see ET drop his alien dick in your grand canyon sized vagina hole. Did he have to tie a 2x4 to his ass to stop from falling in? Well did he?

You are fucking retarded aren't you? After flash-kicking your lower denture plate to the outer rings of Saturn, you still come in here with your cornball "lames" and think you're the next Jack Kerouac?

E.T.? Again? Really? Last time it was calling yourself a fictional character out of a cheesy Anne Rice novel. If that wasn't fucking absolute bonkers enough then you run this gambit about using another fictional character not even from this fucking planet to add more morose flavor to your otherwise unappealing posts.

Whatever this is called you're doing, could you please take it somewhere else? Like maybe at the bottom of the South China Sea?

Well, if you didn't look so "extra-terrestrial" with that big ass forehead of yours, ET wouldn't come to mind.....oh wait! Wrong character! You look like one of the fucking Coneheads! Sorry sweety, your flaming skills are irrelevant to me. I don't care about flamers or flaming. I don't care about trolls. How about going out and buying some tampons and Pamprin to go along with that rag of yours?

Okay. So lets see a fucking picture of you. I imagine i'll be waiting for yours and that racist bitch Aryan.

But do on making shitty excuses on why you won't post YOUR picture.


#1. How many pounds of make up do you use Boy George? Enough to bake a fucking cake obviously. I know shemales like Rassenkrieg that use less make up than you and he still ends up looking like BEnzo.

#2. What are those two craters that your plaster of Paris makeup skills missed on the right side of that pugilist nose you have? Has NASA sent an orbiter out there yet to measure the size of those massive things on your oily looking skin? How many more doses of Valtryx to get rid of the herpes?

#3. Are you going bald? Speaking of "foreheads," I can see yours through your thinning hair. What are you like 48? 49? How many grandkids do you have? Only old bat shit crazy folk like yourself think that having a bad dye job and then letting it grow out to a two toned color is "okay." It's also a sign you "don't care" or "you are poor" or "both."

#4. What's up with that "haircut?" I've seen wild dogs with better coats than that thing floating atop that empty skull of yours. Who is your stylist? John Deere? Why do all you ghetto sluts always look like you can suck an elephant through a stirring stick?

#5. In my experience "girls" like yourself who wear black are most of the time the size of a baby Wooly Mammoth. I already knew you were a nasty looking bitch and you just confirmed it. Now. Post a picture of your whole body so I can see just how hefty of a "gal" you are.

#6. Why is it cunts like yourself always have to flash trinket "jewelery" worth about $4.99 at Bartell Drugs? Wow! I'm really impressed you can wear some brass/copper that was spray painted gold and then deal with the green "rash" that follows.

In closing. You look like the posterchild for STD's. You need to visit a dermatologist find out if those tumors on your face are cancerous.

It doesn't matter what you say. At the end of the day.....I know I look better than YOU and I am completely satisfied with my appearance. You, on the other hand, have been degraded to the fullest extent. So much so, you're at the bottomless pit of garbage scum like sir Maxi pad here in the forum. You can't TOUCH me. I am fucking untouchable. Now, go read out of your dictionary and try to come up with some better insults you psycho-babble bullshitting bitch. Your insults are more amateur than some kindergarten girls fighting over a piece of gum in the school yard. Where's your dictionary bitch? I suggest you use it. We all know your vocabulary consists of nothing but pre-kindergarten words and cursing.

What you look like is a street walker that was beat up with a dill pickle for three straight hours by your dad/pimp. I see that you too refuse to smile, hiding your fuck up teeth as well. What's wrong? Everytime you smile like Rassenkrieg do people start placing bets on a game of Craps because your teeth look like casino dice?

Now "it doesn't matter what I say?" Last I saw I was making your face hemorrhoids flare up again when I called you and your thunder thighs, Moby Dick. You just had to try and prove to me you weren't a worthless skank by posting your dog face on an open forum.

"I can't touch you?" I reiterate that I magically turned you into smoldering ash with a snap of my fingers and have your compatriots paying real money to "hack my avatar." You are nothing more than someone with a 9th grade education with a litter of kids.

Speaking of "school yard" insults. Tell me you fucking herpes infested twat, who was the unimaginative cunt that used "E.T." a fucking puppet as an attempted lame? How did that work out for you ugly ass? You wanna talk about lames? You actually fucking called yourself a fucking "vampire" and you want to talk about my masterpieces? Fuck bitch. You need to die a slow death, like only consuming 2000 calories a day.

You fucking suck at "flaming" and you look like the rear end of a water buffalo.

The more you degrade me, the worse you make yourself appear. Lmao. You're good at math right? Let's do some, shall we? Now, we all know as far as appearance goes I look better than you. If I look like YOU say I look, doesn't that make you look even WORSE? You see, it's a vicious cycle. You're only objecting yourself to ignorance bestowed on behalf of YOU. Get it pumpkin? Last I checked, only 1 person liked your picture. @SHAMPAIN MUST HAVE BEEN HIGH OR DRUNK....because even with a bag OVER your head, I doubt a drunk mf would give you any time at all. Check my ratings bitch. You suck elephant ass. Ugly bitches like you that want makeovers use pictures like mine as the model. ;) Go fuck yourself.

Only if that was true, Hungry-Hungry Hippo. The fact that you feel the need to fly out here on your rocket propelled dildo manufactured by Tesla and defend your 250lb pound honor against a person over the internet is very telling.

You, like most of these mouth breathers live here on the forums. Real people don't hang out on forums trying to prove to a complete stranger that they're not a bloated beluga whale with tree trunk for legs. Also, mentally stable people don't start melting down when someone calls them a gigantic mammal with the function to type.

You are a nasty bitch. I will point out that NO ONE "LIKED" YOUR PICTURE AS OF THIS POST! IT HAS BEEN UP OVER A DAY. But as of this post NO ONE EVEN COMMENTED on your picture that looks like was taken in a car that which you live.

Even the posters here think you're fugly but don't want to hurt your precious feelings.

Get a clue cow.

That same picture is in the pic thread dumb ass. Succubus 1 Dorian 0. You really should do your research. I don't care how big you think I am...because we all know that if I were that big, I'd make it a point to sit my fat ass on your face just to shut you the fuck up. I think we ALL can agree to that, cupcake. ;)


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
I LOVE IT.. that you are crying :)

Bitch makes me laugh. She is a flamer that enjoys being flamed. It's reverse psychology. She enjoys the attention she gets because it's the only way she knows how to get it. Anyone in their right mind on an average day wouldn't give two fucks. Hahahaha!!!! Angry people lash out to get attention and she definitely has some fucking issues to deal with.

Do you have anymore "E.T." lames? Those really slay me!


Nope. Looks like you sucked the wrong end of a dick and the balls got stuck in your forehead.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I was actually enjoying this thread when we were talking about food.

I bet you were you fucking hog.

Lol. Nothing you say about me is true. That's why it's so funny. Now, when you can crack on me with some real shit, I would give you your props. Your shit is as grade school as "yo momma" jokes. Still talking out the side of your neck. Just because every other word out of your mouth is a curse word, it doesn't mean you have a real vocabulary. Get schooled bitch.

Post. Your. Picture. Then.
This thread looks like something I flushed down the toilet after eating at a taco stand.

Would that be before or after you saw "E.T." The Extraterrestrial?

Did you happen to see "E.T." fly over a house on a bicycle with Elliot? Well. Did you Moby Bitch?

No. I happened to see ET drop his alien dick in your grand canyon sized vagina hole. Did he have to tie a 2x4 to his ass to stop from falling in? Well did he?

You are fucking retarded aren't you? After flash-kicking your lower denture plate to the outer rings of Saturn, you still come in here with your cornball "lames" and think you're the next Jack Kerouac?

E.T.? Again? Really? Last time it was calling yourself a fictional character out of a cheesy Anne Rice novel. If that wasn't fucking absolute bonkers enough then you run this gambit about using another fictional character not even from this fucking planet to add more morose flavor to your otherwise unappealing posts.

Whatever this is called you're doing, could you please take it somewhere else? Like maybe at the bottom of the South China Sea?

Well, if you didn't look so "extra-terrestrial" with that big ass forehead of yours, ET wouldn't come to mind.....oh wait! Wrong character! You look like one of the fucking Coneheads! Sorry sweety, your flaming skills are irrelevant to me. I don't care about flamers or flaming. I don't care about trolls. How about going out and buying some tampons and Pamprin to go along with that rag of yours?

Okay. So lets see a fucking picture of you. I imagine i'll be waiting for yours and that racist bitch Aryan.

But do on making shitty excuses on why you won't post YOUR picture.


#1. How many pounds of make up do you use Boy George? Enough to bake a fucking cake obviously. I know shemales like Rassenkrieg that use less make up than you and he still ends up looking like BEnzo.

#2. What are those two craters that your plaster of Paris makeup skills missed on the right side of that pugilist nose you have? Has NASA sent an orbiter out there yet to measure the size of those massive things on your oily looking skin? How many more doses of Valtryx to get rid of the herpes?

#3. Are you going bald? Speaking of "foreheads," I can see yours through your thinning hair. What are you like 48? 49? How many grandkids do you have? Only old bat shit crazy folk like yourself think that having a bad dye job and then letting it grow out to a two toned color is "okay." It's also a sign you "don't care" or "you are poor" or "both."

#4. What's up with that "haircut?" I've seen wild dogs with better coats than that thing floating atop that empty skull of yours. Who is your stylist? John Deere? Why do all you ghetto sluts always look like you can suck an elephant through a stirring stick?

#5. In my experience "girls" like yourself who wear black are most of the time the size of a baby Wooly Mammoth. I already knew you were a nasty looking bitch and you just confirmed it. Now. Post a picture of your whole body so I can see just how hefty of a "gal" you are.

#6. Why is it cunts like yourself always have to flash trinket "jewelery" worth about $4.99 at Bartell Drugs? Wow! I'm really impressed you can wear some brass/copper that was spray painted gold and then deal with the green "rash" that follows.

In closing. You look like the posterchild for STD's. You need to visit a dermatologist find out if those tumors on your face are cancerous.

It doesn't matter what you say. At the end of the day.....I know I look better than YOU and I am completely satisfied with my appearance. You, on the other hand, have been degraded to the fullest extent. So much so, you're at the bottomless pit of garbage scum like sir Maxi pad here in the forum. You can't TOUCH me. I am fucking untouchable. Now, go read out of your dictionary and try to come up with some better insults you psycho-babble bullshitting bitch. Your insults are more amateur than some kindergarten girls fighting over a piece of gum in the school yard. Where's your dictionary bitch? I suggest you use it. We all know your vocabulary consists of nothing but pre-kindergarten words and cursing.

What you look like is a street walker that was beat up with a dill pickle for three straight hours by your dad/pimp. I see that you too refuse to smile, hiding your fuck up teeth as well. What's wrong? Everytime you smile like Rassenkrieg do people start placing bets on a game of Craps because your teeth look like casino dice?

Now "it doesn't matter what I say?" Last I saw I was making your face hemorrhoids flare up again when I called you and your thunder thighs, Moby Dick. You just had to try and prove to me you weren't a worthless skank by posting your dog face on an open forum.

"I can't touch you?" I reiterate that I magically turned you into smoldering ash with a snap of my fingers and have your compatriots paying real money to "hack my avatar." You are nothing more than someone with a 9th grade education with a litter of kids.

Speaking of "school yard" insults. Tell me you fucking herpes infested twat, who was the unimaginative cunt that used "E.T." a fucking puppet as an attempted lame? How did that work out for you ugly ass? You wanna talk about lames? You actually fucking called yourself a fucking "vampire" and you want to talk about my masterpieces? Fuck bitch. You need to die a slow death, like only consuming 2000 calories a day.

You fucking suck at "flaming" and you look like the rear end of a water buffalo.

The more you degrade me, the worse you make yourself appear. Lmao. You're good at math right? Let's do some, shall we? Now, we all know as far as appearance goes I look better than you. If I look like YOU say I look, doesn't that make you look even WORSE? You see, it's a vicious cycle. You're only objecting yourself to ignorance bestowed on behalf of YOU. Get it pumpkin? Last I checked, only 1 person liked your picture. @SHAMPAIN MUST HAVE BEEN HIGH OR DRUNK....because even with a bag OVER your head, I doubt a drunk mf would give you any time at all. Check my ratings bitch. You suck elephant ass. Ugly bitches like you that want makeovers use pictures like mine as the model. ;) Go fuck yourself.

Only if that was true, Hungry-Hungry Hippo. The fact that you feel the need to fly out here on your rocket propelled dildo manufactured by Tesla and defend your 250lb pound honor against a person over the internet is very telling.

You, like most of these mouth breathers live here on the forums. Real people don't hang out on forums trying to prove to a complete stranger that they're not a bloated beluga whale with tree trunk for legs. Also, mentally stable people don't start melting down when someone calls them a gigantic mammal with the function to type.

You are a nasty bitch. I will point out that NO ONE "LIKED" YOUR PICTURE AS OF THIS POST! IT HAS BEEN UP OVER A DAY. But as of this post NO ONE EVEN COMMENTED on your picture that looks like was taken in a car that which you live.

Even the posters here think you're fugly but don't want to hurt your precious feelings.

Get a clue cow.

That same picture is in the pic thread dumb ass. Succubus 1 Dorian 0. You really should do your research. I don't care how big you think I am...because we all know that if I were that big, I'd make it a point to sit my fat ass on your face just to shut you the fuck up. I think we ALL can agree to that, cupcake. ;)

I'm glad you're giving yourself some sort of basketball score in your sad attempts at trying not to look like the full blown tramp you are.


You ashamed of your size 44 waist?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You're slacking, bitch.. You pulled out a welfare joke :/ Come on.. you can do better than that :D


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I LOVE IT.. that you are crying :)

Bitch makes me laugh. She is a flamer that enjoys being flamed. It's reverse psychology. She enjoys the attention she gets because it's the only way she knows how to get it. Anyone in their right mind on an average day wouldn't give two fucks. Hahahaha!!!! Angry people lash out to get attention and she definitely has some fucking issues to deal with.

Do you have anymore "E.T." lames? Those really slay me!


Nope. Looks like you sucked the wrong end of a dick and the balls got stuck in your forehead.

Then explain those two monster sized craters on your face? Is it cancer OR syphillis?

How old is that picture?


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
Site Supporter ☠️
I'vee seen Kasey and I've seen flerp the derp

Kasey is hotter

Flerp is like some sort of Miss Rundown Crackhouse 2007

She could score an 8-ball with a single bj back in the day but now, they won't let her hit the pipe before she services the whole crew.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
I was actually enjoying this thread when we were talking about food.

I bet you were you fucking hog.

Lol. Nothing you say about me is true. That's why it's so funny. Now, when you can crack on me with some real shit, I would give you your props. Your shit is as grade school as "yo momma" jokes. Still talking out the side of your neck. Just because every other word out of your mouth is a curse word, it doesn't mean you have a real vocabulary. Get schooled bitch.

Post. Your. Picture. Then.
This thread looks like something I flushed down the toilet after eating at a taco stand.

Would that be before or after you saw "E.T." The Extraterrestrial?

Did you happen to see "E.T." fly over a house on a bicycle with Elliot? Well. Did you Moby Bitch?

No. I happened to see ET drop his alien dick in your grand canyon sized vagina hole. Did he have to tie a 2x4 to his ass to stop from falling in? Well did he?

You are fucking retarded aren't you? After flash-kicking your lower denture plate to the outer rings of Saturn, you still come in here with your cornball "lames" and think you're the next Jack Kerouac?

E.T.? Again? Really? Last time it was calling yourself a fictional character out of a cheesy Anne Rice novel. If that wasn't fucking absolute bonkers enough then you run this gambit about using another fictional character not even from this fucking planet to add more morose flavor to your otherwise unappealing posts.

Whatever this is called you're doing, could you please take it somewhere else? Like maybe at the bottom of the South China Sea?

Well, if you didn't look so "extra-terrestrial" with that big ass forehead of yours, ET wouldn't come to mind.....oh wait! Wrong character! You look like one of the fucking Coneheads! Sorry sweety, your flaming skills are irrelevant to me. I don't care about flamers or flaming. I don't care about trolls. How about going out and buying some tampons and Pamprin to go along with that rag of yours?

Okay. So lets see a fucking picture of you. I imagine i'll be waiting for yours and that racist bitch Aryan.

But do on making shitty excuses on why you won't post YOUR picture.


#1. How many pounds of make up do you use Boy George? Enough to bake a fucking cake obviously. I know shemales like Rassenkrieg that use less make up than you and he still ends up looking like BEnzo.

#2. What are those two craters that your plaster of Paris makeup skills missed on the right side of that pugilist nose you have? Has NASA sent an orbiter out there yet to measure the size of those massive things on your oily looking skin? How many more doses of Valtryx to get rid of the herpes?

#3. Are you going bald? Speaking of "foreheads," I can see yours through your thinning hair. What are you like 48? 49? How many grandkids do you have? Only old bat shit crazy folk like yourself think that having a bad dye job and then letting it grow out to a two toned color is "okay." It's also a sign you "don't care" or "you are poor" or "both."

#4. What's up with that "haircut?" I've seen wild dogs with better coats than that thing floating atop that empty skull of yours. Who is your stylist? John Deere? Why do all you ghetto sluts always look like you can suck an elephant through a stirring stick?

#5. In my experience "girls" like yourself who wear black are most of the time the size of a baby Wooly Mammoth. I already knew you were a nasty looking bitch and you just confirmed it. Now. Post a picture of your whole body so I can see just how hefty of a "gal" you are.

#6. Why is it cunts like yourself always have to flash trinket "jewelery" worth about $4.99 at Bartell Drugs? Wow! I'm really impressed you can wear some brass/copper that was spray painted gold and then deal with the green "rash" that follows.

In closing. You look like the posterchild for STD's. You need to visit a dermatologist find out if those tumors on your face are cancerous.

It doesn't matter what you say. At the end of the day.....I know I look better than YOU and I am completely satisfied with my appearance. You, on the other hand, have been degraded to the fullest extent. So much so, you're at the bottomless pit of garbage scum like sir Maxi pad here in the forum. You can't TOUCH me. I am fucking untouchable. Now, go read out of your dictionary and try to come up with some better insults you psycho-babble bullshitting bitch. Your insults are more amateur than some kindergarten girls fighting over a piece of gum in the school yard. Where's your dictionary bitch? I suggest you use it. We all know your vocabulary consists of nothing but pre-kindergarten words and cursing.

What you look like is a street walker that was beat up with a dill pickle for three straight hours by your dad/pimp. I see that you too refuse to smile, hiding your fuck up teeth as well. What's wrong? Everytime you smile like Rassenkrieg do people start placing bets on a game of Craps because your teeth look like casino dice?

Now "it doesn't matter what I say?" Last I saw I was making your face hemorrhoids flare up again when I called you and your thunder thighs, Moby Dick. You just had to try and prove to me you weren't a worthless skank by posting your dog face on an open forum.

"I can't touch you?" I reiterate that I magically turned you into smoldering ash with a snap of my fingers and have your compatriots paying real money to "hack my avatar." You are nothing more than someone with a 9th grade education with a litter of kids.

Speaking of "school yard" insults. Tell me you fucking herpes infested twat, who was the unimaginative cunt that used "E.T." a fucking puppet as an attempted lame? How did that work out for you ugly ass? You wanna talk about lames? You actually fucking called yourself a fucking "vampire" and you want to talk about my masterpieces? Fuck bitch. You need to die a slow death, like only consuming 2000 calories a day.

You fucking suck at "flaming" and you look like the rear end of a water buffalo.

The more you degrade me, the worse you make yourself appear. Lmao. You're good at math right? Let's do some, shall we? Now, we all know as far as appearance goes I look better than you. If I look like YOU say I look, doesn't that make you look even WORSE? You see, it's a vicious cycle. You're only objecting yourself to ignorance bestowed on behalf of YOU. Get it pumpkin? Last I checked, only 1 person liked your picture. @SHAMPAIN MUST HAVE BEEN HIGH OR DRUNK....because even with a bag OVER your head, I doubt a drunk mf would give you any time at all. Check my ratings bitch. You suck elephant ass. Ugly bitches like you that want makeovers use pictures like mine as the model. ;) Go fuck yourself.

Only if that was true, Hungry-Hungry Hippo. The fact that you feel the need to fly out here on your rocket propelled dildo manufactured by Tesla and defend your 250lb pound honor against a person over the internet is very telling.

You, like most of these mouth breathers live here on the forums. Real people don't hang out on forums trying to prove to a complete stranger that they're not a bloated beluga whale with tree trunk for legs. Also, mentally stable people don't start melting down when someone calls them a gigantic mammal with the function to type.

You are a nasty bitch. I will point out that NO ONE "LIKED" YOUR PICTURE AS OF THIS POST! IT HAS BEEN UP OVER A DAY. But as of this post NO ONE EVEN COMMENTED on your picture that looks like was taken in a car that which you live.

Even the posters here think you're fugly but don't want to hurt your precious feelings.

Get a clue cow.

That same picture is in the pic thread dumb ass. Succubus 1 Dorian 0. You really should do your research. I don't care how big you think I am...because we all know that if I were that big, I'd make it a point to sit my fat ass on your face just to shut you the fuck up. I think we ALL can agree to that, cupcake. ;)

I'm glad you're giving yourself some sort of basketball score in your sad attempts at trying not to look like the full blown tramp you are.


You ashamed of your size 44 waist?

I've already posted a pic of my whole body here, tits exposed in a black teddy, hun. That's a picture you will never see. Sorry. Not into lap lickers. ;) Again, do your research and ASK somebody.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
I LOVE IT.. that you are crying :)

Bitch makes me laugh. She is a flamer that enjoys being flamed. It's reverse psychology. She enjoys the attention she gets because it's the only way she knows how to get it. Anyone in their right mind on an average day wouldn't give two fucks. Hahahaha!!!! Angry people lash out to get attention and she definitely has some fucking issues to deal with.

Do you have anymore "E.T." lames? Those really slay me!


Nope. Looks like you sucked the wrong end of a dick and the balls got stuck in your forehead.

Then explain those two monster sized craters on your face? Is it cancer OR syphillis?

How old is that picture?

They are moles. My dad had the same thing but on the opposite side. Genetic I guess. It's recent. Not old.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I was actually enjoying this thread when we were talking about food.

I bet you were you fucking hog.

Lol. Nothing you say about me is true. That's why it's so funny. Now, when you can crack on me with some real shit, I would give you your props. Your shit is as grade school as "yo momma" jokes. Still talking out the side of your neck. Just because every other word out of your mouth is a curse word, it doesn't mean you have a real vocabulary. Get schooled bitch.

Post. Your. Picture. Then.
This thread looks like something I flushed down the toilet after eating at a taco stand.

Would that be before or after you saw "E.T." The Extraterrestrial?

Did you happen to see "E.T." fly over a house on a bicycle with Elliot? Well. Did you Moby Bitch?

No. I happened to see ET drop his alien dick in your grand canyon sized vagina hole. Did he have to tie a 2x4 to his ass to stop from falling in? Well did he?

You are fucking retarded aren't you? After flash-kicking your lower denture plate to the outer rings of Saturn, you still come in here with your cornball "lames" and think you're the next Jack Kerouac?

E.T.? Again? Really? Last time it was calling yourself a fictional character out of a cheesy Anne Rice novel. If that wasn't fucking absolute bonkers enough then you run this gambit about using another fictional character not even from this fucking planet to add more morose flavor to your otherwise unappealing posts.

Whatever this is called you're doing, could you please take it somewhere else? Like maybe at the bottom of the South China Sea?

Well, if you didn't look so "extra-terrestrial" with that big ass forehead of yours, ET wouldn't come to mind.....oh wait! Wrong character! You look like one of the fucking Coneheads! Sorry sweety, your flaming skills are irrelevant to me. I don't care about flamers or flaming. I don't care about trolls. How about going out and buying some tampons and Pamprin to go along with that rag of yours?

Okay. So lets see a fucking picture of you. I imagine i'll be waiting for yours and that racist bitch Aryan.

But do on making shitty excuses on why you won't post YOUR picture.


#1. How many pounds of make up do you use Boy George? Enough to bake a fucking cake obviously. I know shemales like Rassenkrieg that use less make up than you and he still ends up looking like BEnzo.

#2. What are those two craters that your plaster of Paris makeup skills missed on the right side of that pugilist nose you have? Has NASA sent an orbiter out there yet to measure the size of those massive things on your oily looking skin? How many more doses of Valtryx to get rid of the herpes?

#3. Are you going bald? Speaking of "foreheads," I can see yours through your thinning hair. What are you like 48? 49? How many grandkids do you have? Only old bat shit crazy folk like yourself think that having a bad dye job and then letting it grow out to a two toned color is "okay." It's also a sign you "don't care" or "you are poor" or "both."

#4. What's up with that "haircut?" I've seen wild dogs with better coats than that thing floating atop that empty skull of yours. Who is your stylist? John Deere? Why do all you ghetto sluts always look like you can suck an elephant through a stirring stick?

#5. In my experience "girls" like yourself who wear black are most of the time the size of a baby Wooly Mammoth. I already knew you were a nasty looking bitch and you just confirmed it. Now. Post a picture of your whole body so I can see just how hefty of a "gal" you are.

#6. Why is it cunts like yourself always have to flash trinket "jewelery" worth about $4.99 at Bartell Drugs? Wow! I'm really impressed you can wear some brass/copper that was spray painted gold and then deal with the green "rash" that follows.

In closing. You look like the posterchild for STD's. You need to visit a dermatologist find out if those tumors on your face are cancerous.

It doesn't matter what you say. At the end of the day.....I know I look better than YOU and I am completely satisfied with my appearance. You, on the other hand, have been degraded to the fullest extent. So much so, you're at the bottomless pit of garbage scum like sir Maxi pad here in the forum. You can't TOUCH me. I am fucking untouchable. Now, go read out of your dictionary and try to come up with some better insults you psycho-babble bullshitting bitch. Your insults are more amateur than some kindergarten girls fighting over a piece of gum in the school yard. Where's your dictionary bitch? I suggest you use it. We all know your vocabulary consists of nothing but pre-kindergarten words and cursing.

What you look like is a street walker that was beat up with a dill pickle for three straight hours by your dad/pimp. I see that you too refuse to smile, hiding your fuck up teeth as well. What's wrong? Everytime you smile like Rassenkrieg do people start placing bets on a game of Craps because your teeth look like casino dice?

Now "it doesn't matter what I say?" Last I saw I was making your face hemorrhoids flare up again when I called you and your thunder thighs, Moby Dick. You just had to try and prove to me you weren't a worthless skank by posting your dog face on an open forum.

"I can't touch you?" I reiterate that I magically turned you into smoldering ash with a snap of my fingers and have your compatriots paying real money to "hack my avatar." You are nothing more than someone with a 9th grade education with a litter of kids.

Speaking of "school yard" insults. Tell me you fucking herpes infested twat, who was the unimaginative cunt that used "E.T." a fucking puppet as an attempted lame? How did that work out for you ugly ass? You wanna talk about lames? You actually fucking called yourself a fucking "vampire" and you want to talk about my masterpieces? Fuck bitch. You need to die a slow death, like only consuming 2000 calories a day.

You fucking suck at "flaming" and you look like the rear end of a water buffalo.

The more you degrade me, the worse you make yourself appear. Lmao. You're good at math right? Let's do some, shall we? Now, we all know as far as appearance goes I look better than you. If I look like YOU say I look, doesn't that make you look even WORSE? You see, it's a vicious cycle. You're only objecting yourself to ignorance bestowed on behalf of YOU. Get it pumpkin? Last I checked, only 1 person liked your picture. @SHAMPAIN MUST HAVE BEEN HIGH OR DRUNK....because even with a bag OVER your head, I doubt a drunk mf would give you any time at all. Check my ratings bitch. You suck elephant ass. Ugly bitches like you that want makeovers use pictures like mine as the model. ;) Go fuck yourself.

Only if that was true, Hungry-Hungry Hippo. The fact that you feel the need to fly out here on your rocket propelled dildo manufactured by Tesla and defend your 250lb pound honor against a person over the internet is very telling.

You, like most of these mouth breathers live here on the forums. Real people don't hang out on forums trying to prove to a complete stranger that they're not a bloated beluga whale with tree trunk for legs. Also, mentally stable people don't start melting down when someone calls them a gigantic mammal with the function to type.

You are a nasty bitch. I will point out that NO ONE "LIKED" YOUR PICTURE AS OF THIS POST! IT HAS BEEN UP OVER A DAY. But as of this post NO ONE EVEN COMMENTED on your picture that looks like was taken in a car that which you live.

Even the posters here think you're fugly but don't want to hurt your precious feelings.

Get a clue cow.

That same picture is in the pic thread dumb ass. Succubus 1 Dorian 0. You really should do your research. I don't care how big you think I am...because we all know that if I were that big, I'd make it a point to sit my fat ass on your face just to shut you the fuck up. I think we ALL can agree to that, cupcake. ;)

I'm glad you're giving yourself some sort of basketball score in your sad attempts at trying not to look like the full blown tramp you are.


You ashamed of your size 44 waist?

I've already posted a pic of my whole body here, tits exposed in a black teddy, hun. That's a picture you will never see. Sorry. Not into lap lickers. ;) Again, do your research and ASK somebody.

Sure you have you fucking baby elephant. Post a current one you fucking cow.