This goes out to all you fuckfaces.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Dear Dorian

Flynn, I'm saying this now as a concerned fellow forum member and compassionate soul, this recent visit of yours has been an absolute bloodbath, let's be honest. You've basically had your guts verbally torn out and smeared all over the walls, akin to some 80's low budget zombie film. It's actually getting difficult to watch someone constantly humiliate themselves as you have been doing and your mouth be repeatedly used as a toilet by just about every single person on this forum.

Time to quit while you're behind, lick your wounds and comeback when you've got some more entertaining material, don't you think? Or failing that, adjust your shitty attitude and attempt to be a civil, contributing poster, as opposed to behaving like a rabid dog with an incontinence problem....

Upto you, it's just a thought.

Best regards,

Your Aryan Superior

Whatever tricycle you fell off of, you need to climb back on and keep heading down down the road to Fuck Off.

That's right after you post your picture. No shitty long winded stanza is going to change the fact you are a fucking pussy.
Why don't you lock yourself in a closet and have a fucking stroke already you overly boring toothless trailer goon.
You're so mad that you fucked up the quote, bless your spun out, junkie socks.

What the fuck that gotta do with you afraid to post your picture???
Are you a fatherfucker?

If I say "yes," will you then go kill yourself?

you, as a low life and pond scum, aren’t allowed to ask us alphas any questions. Are you a fatherfucker?yes or no, you enormous whoreson.

Listen up shit for brains. The only way you and your motley crew of fuck ups and rejects would ever be considered "Alphas" would be if they as a collective could stick all their heads up your singular ass.

Furthermore you boring twat. If I catch you haunting my thread again without my permission again, I swear to your semen god that I will punt your motherfucking ass to the fucking moon and back, just like last fucking time.

you sound like someone who hates his parents. Is that the case you kitten crusher of a whoreson?

cuck off you Covaids licker

You sound like someone with 4 dog dicks in your mouth, three male penis' in your vagina and Rassenkrieg's upper plate swirling around your in your pussy.
Oh, fuck off. Away! Away with you!

What? No more talk about being a "father fucker?" No more talk about you being an "Alpha?" That's what I thought you pea brained bitch.

Now. Seriously. Do you really want me to reach deep into my purse and bring out that titanium bat with your name on it? Then proceed to beat you fucking silly like I did last time you tried showing me your vaginal lips?

Yeah you did fuckstick. Who the fuck are you kidding retard?

i really didn’t. I saw how much effort you put in but it was way too long. I hope you’re not angry at me?

She's angry at her daddy for inheriting his receeding hairline.
and the scrotum looking chin

I didn't notice her chin, I was too intrigued with the ginormous conehead...

Post your picture grape nuts.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Dear Dorian

Flynn, I'm saying this now as a concerned fellow forum member and compassionate soul, this recent visit of yours has been an absolute bloodbath, let's be honest. You've basically had your guts verbally torn out and smeared all over the walls, akin to some 80's low budget zombie film. It's actually getting difficult to watch someone constantly humiliate themselves as you have been doing and your mouth be repeatedly used as a toilet by just about every single person on this forum.

Time to quit while you're behind, lick your wounds and comeback when you've got some more entertaining material, don't you think? Or failing that, adjust your shitty attitude and attempt to be a civil, contributing poster, as opposed to behaving like a rabid dog with an incontinence problem....

Upto you, it's just a thought.

Best regards,

Your Aryan Superior

Whatever tricycle you fell off of, you need to climb back on and keep heading down down the road to Fuck Off.

That's right after you post your picture. No shitty long winded stanza is going to change the fact you are a fucking pussy.
Why don't you lock yourself in a closet and have a fucking stroke already you overly boring toothless trailer goon.
You're so mad that you fucked up the quote, bless your spun out, junkie socks.

What the fuck that gotta do with you afraid to post your picture???
Are you a fatherfucker?

If I say "yes," will you then go kill yourself?

you, as a low life and pond scum, aren’t allowed to ask us alphas any questions. Are you a fatherfucker?yes or no, you enormous whoreson.

Listen up shit for brains. The only way you and your motley crew of fuck ups and rejects would ever be considered "Alphas" would be if they as a collective could stick all their heads up your singular ass.

Furthermore you boring twat. If I catch you haunting my thread again without my permission again, I swear to your semen god that I will punt your motherfucking ass to the fucking moon and back, just like last fucking time.

you sound like someone who hates his parents. Is that the case you kitten crusher of a whoreson?

cuck off you Covaids licker

You sound like someone with 4 dog dicks in your mouth, three male penis' in your vagina and Rassenkrieg's upper plate swirling around your in your pussy.
Oh, fuck off. Away! Away with you!

What? No more talk about being a "father fucker?" No more talk about you being an "Alpha?" That's what I thought you pea brained bitch.

Now. Seriously. Do you really want me to reach deep into my purse and bring out that titanium bat with your name on it? Then proceed to beat you fucking silly like I did last time you tried showing me your vaginal lips?


Are you REALLY a woman ?
You're so mouthy :LOL2: why such a volatile thing, is there anybody you get along with

Since you're in the mood to make this 20 questions. I also have some "questions" for you:

-When did your fascination for Rassenkrieg's anus start? Was it when he bent over in that leather skirt? Or was it when he was wearing those pink spandex chaps with the crotch cut out?

-Can you count to ten and breathe at the same time?

-Why did your mom let a Jackass inseminate her?

-Is it true that BEnzo is 11-0 against you when you two sword fight with your pussies?

See how that works you fucking clown?
You 'scissor' with pussies.
That you Martini?
Doesn't matter. Dilf gonna fuck your shit up.
Maybe literally-

I thought you were staying out of this thread you busted condom?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Do you have a womanly fiSt .. cute fingers well manicured nails ?
it all sounds doable ..
I can relieve the tension in every single one of your balloon knot wrinkles

Listen stupid. Get the fuck away from me you little fucking creepy bastard before I put Uncle DILF'S turtle dick in your mouth.
That avatar...can’t take you seriously AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA :LOL2:

Gee. That's the way I feel about you spending money to "hack" another poster's avatar. You mean like that you fucking idiot?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I just read your page 135 in this thread and do you know what I would do with you foul mouthed possum pie eating rednecks? I'd fucking wash your dirty mouths out with fucking soap. I've never met such a bunch off infantile, untamed apes straight out of the trees before.

You do not speak to woman like that no matter how the female acts.

Realgrim, is this your forum?
Shut up you pond scum

This thread is premium. You should pay me for reading 145 pages.

No, this is my site. The rest are admins.

What do you want you shit sniffer?

How rude of you....
I insist you take that back,... NOW.
Okay okay. No need to be so loud.

I take it back :daFuq:

What did I tell you? I told you to clean up your slime trail and get the fuck out of my thread you fucking nut dragging bitch.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
Site Supporter ☠️
MeNs tOiLEts
Do you have a womanly fiSt .. cute fingers well manicured nails ?
it all sounds doable ..
I can relieve the tension in every single one of your balloon knot wrinkles

Listen stupid. Get the fuck away from me you little fucking creepy bastard before I put Uncle DILF'S turtle dick in your mouth.
That avatar...can’t take you seriously AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA :LOL2:

Gee. That's the way I feel about you spending money to "hack" another poster's avatar. You mean like that you fucking idiot?
LoL. Your avatar.

Are you for real? I can't respect you


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Do you have a womanly fiSt .. cute fingers well manicured nails ?
it all sounds doable ..
I can relieve the tension in every single one of your balloon knot wrinkles

Listen stupid. Get the fuck away from me you little fucking creepy bastard before I put Uncle DILF'S turtle dick in your mouth.
That avatar...can’t take you seriously AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA :LOL2:

Gee. That's the way I feel about you spending money to "hack" another poster's avatar. You mean like that you fucking idiot?
LoL. Your avatar.

Are you for real? I can't respect you

Why yes. I am "for real" you bloated monkey tit. Any other dick dropping questions?


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
Site Supporter ☠️
MeNs tOiLEts
Do you have a womanly fiSt .. cute fingers well manicured nails ?
it all sounds doable ..
I can relieve the tension in every single one of your balloon knot wrinkles

Listen stupid. Get the fuck away from me you little fucking creepy bastard before I put Uncle DILF'S turtle dick in your mouth.
That avatar...can’t take you seriously AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA :LOL2:

Gee. That's the way I feel about you spending money to "hack" another poster's avatar. You mean like that you fucking idiot?
LoL. Your avatar.

Are you for real? I can't respect you

Why yes. I am "for real" you bloated monkey tit. Any other dick dropping questions?
I am the only one showing his real photo. 11 years old but still. You wanker


Site Supporter
Do you have a womanly fiSt .. cute fingers well manicured nails ?
it all sounds doable ..
I can relieve the tension in every single one of your balloon knot wrinkles

Listen stupid. Get the fuck away from me you little fucking creepy bastard before I put Uncle DILF'S turtle dick in your mouth.
That avatar...can’t take you seriously AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA :LOL2:

Gee. That's the way I feel about you spending money to "hack" another poster's avatar. You mean like that you fucking idiot?
LoL. Your avatar.

Are you for real? I can't respect you

Why yes. I am "for real" you bloated monkey tit. Any other dick dropping questions?


when you suck my dick will I feel the fork in your tongue you bloody serpent :Confused3:


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Do you have a womanly fiSt .. cute fingers well manicured nails ?
it all sounds doable ..
I can relieve the tension in every single one of your balloon knot wrinkles

Listen stupid. Get the fuck away from me you little fucking creepy bastard before I put Uncle DILF'S turtle dick in your mouth.
That avatar...can’t take you seriously AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA :LOL2:

Gee. That's the way I feel about you spending money to "hack" another poster's avatar. You mean like that you fucking idiot?
LoL. Your avatar.

Are you for real? I can't respect you

Why yes. I am "for real" you bloated monkey tit. Any other dick dropping questions?


when you suck my dick will I feel the fork in your tongue you bloody serpent :Confused3:
Are you on the kriss piss yet? :LOL1:


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I just read your page 135 in this thread and do you know what I would do with you foul mouthed possum pie eating rednecks? I'd fucking wash your dirty mouths out with fucking soap. I've never met such a bunch off infantile, untamed apes straight out of the trees before.

You do not speak to woman like that no matter how the female acts.

Realgrim, is this your forum?

Act like a Bastard, get treated like a Bastard, welcome to the Factory :Grin3:

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Dear Dorian

Flynn, I'm saying this now as a concerned fellow forum member and compassionate soul, this recent visit of yours has been an absolute bloodbath, let's be honest. You've basically had your guts verbally torn out and smeared all over the walls, akin to some 80's low budget zombie film. It's actually getting difficult to watch someone constantly humiliate themselves as you have been doing and your mouth be repeatedly used as a toilet by just about every single person on this forum.

Time to quit while you're behind, lick your wounds and comeback when you've got some more entertaining material, don't you think? Or failing that, adjust your shitty attitude and attempt to be a civil, contributing poster, as opposed to behaving like a rabid dog with an incontinence problem....

Upto you, it's just a thought.

Best regards,

Your Aryan Superior

Whatever tricycle you fell off of, you need to climb back on and keep heading down down the road to Fuck Off.

That's right after you post your picture. No shitty long winded stanza is going to change the fact you are a fucking pussy.
Why don't you lock yourself in a closet and have a fucking stroke already you overly boring toothless trailer goon.
You're so mad that you fucked up the quote, bless your spun out, junkie socks.

What the fuck that gotta do with you afraid to post your picture???
Are you a fatherfucker?

If I say "yes," will you then go kill yourself?

you, as a low life and pond scum, aren’t allowed to ask us alphas any questions. Are you a fatherfucker?yes or no, you enormous whoreson.

Listen up shit for brains. The only way you and your motley crew of fuck ups and rejects would ever be considered "Alphas" would be if they as a collective could stick all their heads up your singular ass.

Furthermore you boring twat. If I catch you haunting my thread again without my permission again, I swear to your semen god that I will punt your motherfucking ass to the fucking moon and back, just like last fucking time.

you sound like someone who hates his parents. Is that the case you kitten crusher of a whoreson?

cuck off you Covaids licker

You sound like someone with 4 dog dicks in your mouth, three male penis' in your vagina and Rassenkrieg's upper plate swirling around your in your pussy.
Oh, fuck off. Away! Away with you!

What? No more talk about being a "father fucker?" No more talk about you being an "Alpha?" That's what I thought you pea brained bitch.

Now. Seriously. Do you really want me to reach deep into my purse and bring out that titanium bat with your name on it? Then proceed to beat you fucking silly like I did last time you tried showing me your vaginal lips?


Are you REALLY a woman ?
You're so mouthy :LOL2: why such a volatile thing, is there anybody you get along with

Since you're in the mood to make this 20 questions. I also have some "questions" for you:

-When did your fascination for Rassenkrieg's anus start? Was it when he bent over in that leather skirt? Or was it when he was wearing those pink spandex chaps with the crotch cut out?

-Can you count to ten and breathe at the same time?

-Why did your mom let a Jackass inseminate her?

-Is it true that BEnzo is 11-0 against you when you two sword fight with your pussies?

See how that works you fucking clown?
You 'scissor' with pussies.
That you Martini?
Doesn't matter. Dilf gonna fuck your shit up.
Maybe literally-

I thought you were staying out of this thread you busted condom?
You thought wrong.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I think tomorrow night, Flynn should post a new pic of her finely polished, pulsating fivehead with a timestamped note stuck to it wishing everyone here a Happy New Year and prosperous 2021....

At least then it would put to rest the conspiracy theories about the handle actually being controlled by 4 middle aged Indian fellas.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Do you have a womanly fiSt .. cute fingers well manicured nails ?
it all sounds doable ..
I can relieve the tension in every single one of your balloon knot wrinkles

Listen stupid. Get the fuck away from me you little fucking creepy bastard before I put Uncle DILF'S turtle dick in your mouth.
That avatar...can’t take you seriously AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA :LOL2:

Gee. That's the way I feel about you spending money to "hack" another poster's avatar. You mean like that you fucking idiot?
LoL. Your avatar.

Are you for real? I can't respect you

Why yes. I am "for real" you bloated monkey tit. Any other dick dropping questions?
I am the only one showing his real photo. 11 years old but still. You wanker

So basically you're lifting up your skirt again and fingering your wet pussy?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Do you have a womanly fiSt .. cute fingers well manicured nails ?
it all sounds doable ..
I can relieve the tension in every single one of your balloon knot wrinkles

Listen stupid. Get the fuck away from me you little fucking creepy bastard before I put Uncle DILF'S turtle dick in your mouth.
That avatar...can’t take you seriously AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA :LOL2:

Gee. That's the way I feel about you spending money to "hack" another poster's avatar. You mean like that you fucking idiot?
LoL. Your avatar.

Are you for real? I can't respect you

Why yes. I am "for real" you bloated monkey tit. Any other dick dropping questions?


when you suck my dick will I feel the fork in your tongue you bloody serpent :Confused3:

That was fucking stupid, just like saying you have a "dick."


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Dear Dorian

Flynn, I'm saying this now as a concerned fellow forum member and compassionate soul, this recent visit of yours has been an absolute bloodbath, let's be honest. You've basically had your guts verbally torn out and smeared all over the walls, akin to some 80's low budget zombie film. It's actually getting difficult to watch someone constantly humiliate themselves as you have been doing and your mouth be repeatedly used as a toilet by just about every single person on this forum.

Time to quit while you're behind, lick your wounds and comeback when you've got some more entertaining material, don't you think? Or failing that, adjust your shitty attitude and attempt to be a civil, contributing poster, as opposed to behaving like a rabid dog with an incontinence problem....

Upto you, it's just a thought.

Best regards,

Your Aryan Superior

Whatever tricycle you fell off of, you need to climb back on and keep heading down down the road to Fuck Off.

That's right after you post your picture. No shitty long winded stanza is going to change the fact you are a fucking pussy.
Why don't you lock yourself in a closet and have a fucking stroke already you overly boring toothless trailer goon.
You're so mad that you fucked up the quote, bless your spun out, junkie socks.

What the fuck that gotta do with you afraid to post your picture???
Are you a fatherfucker?

If I say "yes," will you then go kill yourself?

you, as a low life and pond scum, aren’t allowed to ask us alphas any questions. Are you a fatherfucker?yes or no, you enormous whoreson.

Listen up shit for brains. The only way you and your motley crew of fuck ups and rejects would ever be considered "Alphas" would be if they as a collective could stick all their heads up your singular ass.

Furthermore you boring twat. If I catch you haunting my thread again without my permission again, I swear to your semen god that I will punt your motherfucking ass to the fucking moon and back, just like last fucking time.

you sound like someone who hates his parents. Is that the case you kitten crusher of a whoreson?

cuck off you Covaids licker

You sound like someone with 4 dog dicks in your mouth, three male penis' in your vagina and Rassenkrieg's upper plate swirling around your in your pussy.
Oh, fuck off. Away! Away with you!

What? No more talk about being a "father fucker?" No more talk about you being an "Alpha?" That's what I thought you pea brained bitch.

Now. Seriously. Do you really want me to reach deep into my purse and bring out that titanium bat with your name on it? Then proceed to beat you fucking silly like I did last time you tried showing me your vaginal lips?


Are you REALLY a woman ?
You're so mouthy :LOL2: why such a volatile thing, is there anybody you get along with

Since you're in the mood to make this 20 questions. I also have some "questions" for you:

-When did your fascination for Rassenkrieg's anus start? Was it when he bent over in that leather skirt? Or was it when he was wearing those pink spandex chaps with the crotch cut out?

-Can you count to ten and breathe at the same time?

-Why did your mom let a Jackass inseminate her?

-Is it true that BEnzo is 11-0 against you when you two sword fight with your pussies?

See how that works you fucking clown?
You 'scissor' with pussies.
That you Martini?
Doesn't matter. Dilf gonna fuck your shit up.
Maybe literally-

I thought you were staying out of this thread you busted condom?
You thought wrong.

So you're a fucking liar too that also can't keep your own promises made to yourself?

You're a little bitch, BEnzo. Everyone knows this. You sit on that dusty ass you call a face and continue to pound out stupidity with your "forehead."


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I think tomorrow night, Flynn should post a new pic of her finely polished, pulsating fivehead with a timestamped note stuck to it wishing everyone here a Happy New Year and prosperous 2021....

At least then it would put to rest the conspiracy theories about the handle actually being controlled by 4 middle aged Indian fellas.

I think you need to go polish your dentures. Then after that you need to post a picture of your ugly face.

You look like an ape high on morphine.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I think tomorrow night, Flynn should post a new pic of her finely polished, pulsating fivehead with a timestamped note stuck to it wishing everyone here a Happy New Year and prosperous 2021....

At least then it would put to rest the conspiracy theories about the handle actually being controlled by 4 middle aged Indian fellas.

I think you need to go polish your dentures. Then after that you need to post a picture of your ugly face.

You look like an ape high on morphine.

See, this is why I believe that you're genuine and not some bunch of male catfishers hunting for cawk pics...

Surely if you were actually a fake handle, the person or people behind the account would have provided a photo of a much more attractive female to entice unwitting males on an internet forum?

It makes no sense to use images depicting Frankenstein's sister on a crack binge.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I think tomorrow night, Flynn should post a new pic of her finely polished, pulsating fivehead with a timestamped note stuck to it wishing everyone here a Happy New Year and prosperous 2021....

At least then it would put to rest the conspiracy theories about the handle actually being controlled by 4 middle aged Indian fellas.

I think you need to go polish your dentures. Then after that you need to post a picture of your ugly face.

You look like an ape high on morphine.

See, this is why I believe that you're genuine and not some bunch of male catfishers hunting for cawk pics...

Surely if you were actually a fake handle, the person or people behind the account would have provided a photo of a much more attractive female to entice unwitting males on an internet forum?

It makes no sense to use images depicting Frankenstein's sister on a crack binge.

More fucking deflections so you can attempt to forget that you're a little fucking twat that thinks he's as smart as he is good looking.

Fine. I'll show you what a fucking cowardly cunt you are. You are so shaken up about trying to hide that fucking ugly mug you call a "face" that you accused me of trying to "hide" under an "alt."

Well let me just burst your little retarded bubble right fucking now. It was January of 2020 that I started a thread TELLING EVERYONE HERE WHO IN FACT I REALLY WAS. Here is the link you fucking fairy tale spiining net coward.

You make shit up on the fly like most of the other sodden members here. You've always been shit, now you're just a shitty coward with bad teeth.

Post more of your made up fallacies and i'll continue making you look like Uncle DILF.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
'On the fly' ? Jesus, maybe you are in fact King Mongtini, or so your delightful use of ebonic ghetto slang would suggest. :LOL1:

Do you honestly think that I'm going to bother wasting my time by attempting to decipher just whatever exactly it is you're talking about by clicking on a random link to a thread with 5 pages?

I've already said that I believe you're genuine, nobody in their right mind would use pics of a dried out old meth hoe with a deformed skull to entice males online.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
'On the fly' ? Jesus, maybe you are in fact King Mongtini, or so your delightful use of ebonic ghetto slang would suggest. :LOL1:

Do you honestly think that I'm going to bother wasting my time by attempting to decipher just whatever exactly it is you're talking about by clicking on a random link to a thread with 5 pages?

I've already said that I believe you're genuine, nobody in their right mind would use pics of a dried out old meth hoe with a deformed skull to entice males online.
That pic was 20 years old.
Imagine what that little rat face looks like now after 5 kids! Lol

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
'On the fly' ? Jesus, maybe you are in fact King Mongtini, or so your delightful use of ebonic ghetto slang would suggest. :LOL1:

Do you honestly think that I'm going to bother wasting my time by attempting to decipher just whatever exactly it is you're talking about by clicking on a random link to a thread with 5 pages?

I've already said that I believe you're genuine, nobody in their right mind would use pics of a dried out old meth hoe with a deformed skull to entice males online.
That pic was 20 years old.
Imagine what that little rat face looks like now after 5 kids! Lol

That forehead though, it's platinum banter whatever decade it was taken. :LMAO2:

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
'On the fly' ? Jesus, maybe you are in fact King Mongtini, or so your delightful use of ebonic ghetto slang would suggest. :LOL1:

Do you honestly think that I'm going to bother wasting my time by attempting to decipher just whatever exactly it is you're talking about by clicking on a random link to a thread with 5 pages?

I've already said that I believe you're genuine, nobody in their right mind would use pics of a dried out old meth hoe with a deformed skull to entice males online.
That pic was 20 years old.
Imagine what that little rat face looks like now after 5 kids! Lol

That forehead though, it's platinum banter whatever decade it was taken. :LMAO2:
Big Forehead, tiny tits, bony ass.
That girl got whacked with the ugly stick.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
'On the fly' ? Jesus, maybe you are in fact King Mongtini, or so your delightful use of ebonic ghetto slang would suggest. :LOL1:

Do you honestly think that I'm going to bother wasting my time by attempting to decipher just whatever exactly it is you're talking about by clicking on a random link to a thread with 5 pages?

I've already said that I believe you're genuine, nobody in their right mind would use pics of a dried out old meth hoe with a deformed skull to entice males online.
That pic was 20 years old.
Imagine what that little rat face looks like now after 5 kids! Lol

That forehead though, it's platinum banter whatever decade it was taken. :LMAO2:
Big Forehead, tiny tits, bony ass.
That girl got whacked with the ugly stick.

Hence the unbridled rage and anger.

I still think there's a very good chance the Flerpster is a genuine meth hoe with daddy issues.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
I think tomorrow night, Flynn should post a new pic of her finely polished, pulsating fivehead with a timestamped note stuck to it wishing everyone here a Happy New Year and prosperous 2021....

At least then it would put to rest the conspiracy theories about the handle actually being controlled by 4 middle aged Indian fellas.

I think you need to go polish your dentures. Then after that you need to post a picture of your ugly face.

You look like an ape high on morphine.

See, this is why I believe that you're genuine and not some bunch of male catfishers hunting for cawk pics...

Surely if you were actually a fake handle, the person or people behind the account would have provided a photo of a much more attractive female to entice unwitting males on an internet forum?

It makes no sense to use images depicting Frankenstein's sister on a crack binge.

More fucking deflections so you can attempt to forget that you're a little fucking twat that thinks he's as smart as he is good looking.

Fine. I'll show you what a fucking cowardly cunt you are. You are so shaken up about trying to hide that fucking ugly mug you call a "face" that you accused me of trying to "hide" under an "alt."

Well let me just burst your little retarded bubble right fucking now. It was January of 2020 that I started a thread TELLING EVERYONE HERE WHO IN FACT I REALLY WAS. Here is the link you fucking fairy tale spiining net coward.

You make shit up on the fly like most of the other sodden members here. You've always been shit, now you're just a shitty coward with bad teeth.

Post more of your made up fallacies and i'll continue making you look like Uncle DILF.
Btw, ^^this present apparition of Borian is in fact Gunzablazin. A MALE poster. The dumbass gave it away when it jumped on the Serafina match and falsely claimed victory.