This is the dawning of the age of Conservative Victimhood.



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Do cons or libs send moar crying PMs to forum admins?
A staple of Oink’s forum life
And she is not even here today, but here you are crying your eyes out over her.
Lol. You indentify her as oink too



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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@Bastard Factory

I wish this dickwad would stop posting porn in the non-porn boards. Some of us may be posting around people who shouldn't see these things, but we have no way of knowing what thread they may pop up in with assholes like this who can't construct a logical argument posting porn instead.
IKR? This dickhead put me in timeout a couple times, after Big man stubby whined to him about some minor infraction I may have made....but we already knew Conservatives are gutless hypocrites.
How many threads have you made about the same fuckin thing???? You're a massive spamming spanner!
I don't spread pron in the non porn boards, I was under the impression that you neurotics are very particular about what material can be placed where in this forum. What makes you special, besides being a back up felcher for Stubby?
Hey, it's a fuckin adult board fahget... COPE!
Then tell Bald Midget #1 to stop being a cry baby snitch.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
@Bastard Factory

I wish this dickwad would stop posting porn in the non-porn boards. Some of us may be posting around people who shouldn't see these things, but we have no way of knowing what thread they may pop up in with assholes like this who can't construct a logical argument posting porn instead.
IKR? This dickhead put me in timeout a couple times, after Big man stubby whined to him about some minor infraction I may have made....but we already knew Conservatives are gutless hypocrites.
How many threads have you made about the same fuckin thing???? You're a massive spamming spanner!
I don't spread pron in the non porn boards, I was under the impression that you neurotics are very particular about what material can be placed where in this forum. What makes you special, besides being a back up felcher for Stubby?
Hey, it's a fuckin adult board fahget... COPE!
Then tell Bald Midget #1 to stop being a cry baby snitch.
Is Lotus bald?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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@Bastard Factory

I wish this dickwad would stop posting porn in the non-porn boards. Some of us may be posting around people who shouldn't see these things, but we have no way of knowing what thread they may pop up in with assholes like this who can't construct a logical argument posting porn instead.
IKR? This dickhead put me in timeout a couple times, after Big man stubby whined to him about some minor infraction I may have made....but we already knew Conservatives are gutless hypocrites.
How many threads have you made about the same fuckin thing???? You're a massive spamming spanner!
I don't spread pron in the non porn boards, I was under the impression that you neurotics are very particular about what material can be placed where in this forum. What makes you special, besides being a back up felcher for Stubby?
Hey, it's a fuckin adult board fahget... COPE!
Then tell Bald Midget #1 to stop being a cry baby snitch.
Is Lotus bald?
That's a private matter between her and her Husband, ew how cringe.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
@Bastard Factory

I wish this dickwad would stop posting porn in the non-porn boards. Some of us may be posting around people who shouldn't see these things, but we have no way of knowing what thread they may pop up in with assholes like this who can't construct a logical argument posting porn instead.
IKR? This dickhead put me in timeout a couple times, after Big man stubby whined to him about some minor infraction I may have made....but we already knew Conservatives are gutless hypocrites.
How many threads have you made about the same fuckin thing???? You're a massive spamming spanner!
I don't spread pron in the non porn boards, I was under the impression that you neurotics are very particular about what material can be placed where in this forum. What makes you special, besides being a back up felcher for Stubby?
Hey, it's a fuckin adult board fahget... COPE!
Then tell Bald Midget #1 to stop being a cry baby snitch.
Is Lotus bald?
That's a private matter between her and her Husband, ew how cringe.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The conservative urge to be a victim: Why right-wing victimhood is spreading so fast
Victimized Bully Syndrome: From Kyle Rittenhouse to Donald Trump, conservatives are obsessed with being the victim
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"We have treated very unfairly, it's sad really, it shouldn't be that way, but it be"

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Yup. They are such cry babies, it's insufferable.

Just read a couple of Dove's posts, and you have the whole syndrome laid out for you.


Look at how YOU guys labeled Kyle "teh right" and threw fits over this innocent person defending himself?

Looks like the "syndrome" is that you guys have dehumanized people based on your politcs and simply dont give a fuck about the country or anyone in it and when people have valid grievances you like you criticize people for it.

This is why you guys shouldnt have anymore power over everyones life. You dont care what happens and you are more likely to laugh in a real victims face. Like a girl who was anally raped in a female space or someone who was attacked by leftwing rioters.

The shit you people support hurts EVERYONE. But can always label right wing so you can dehumanize them and mock them.

This is why civil war is being predicted.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
The conservative urge to be a victim: Why right-wing victimhood is spreading so fast
Victimized Bully Syndrome: From Kyle Rittenhouse to Donald Trump, conservatives are obsessed with being the victim
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"We have treated very unfairly, it's sad really, it shouldn't be that way, but it be"

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Yup. They are such cry babies, it's insufferable.

Just read a couple of Dove's posts, and you have the whole syndrome laid out for you.


Look at how YOU guys labeled Kyle "teh right" and threw fits over this innocent person defending himself?

Looks like the "syndrome" is that you guys have dehumanized people based on your politcs and simply dont give a fuck about the country or anyone in it and when people have valid grievances you like you criticize people for it.

This is why you guys shouldnt have anymore power over everyones life. You dont care what happens and you are more likely to laugh in a real victims face. Like a girl who was anally raped in a female space or someone who was attacked by leftwing rioters.

The shit you people support hurts EVERYONE. But can always label right wing so you can dehumanize them and mock them.

This is why civil war is being predicted.


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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
These people who validate political violence.

Shit Lotus calls it "blow back". Because they view a BLACK criminal as a "victim" when he gets shot for violently resisting arrest.

Then the violently political attacks on communities of innocent people is "blow back" and all these people whose lives were ruined, who were beaten or killed are just experiencing "right wing victim syndrome".

Women and girls raped and assaulted in female spaces is just "right wing victim syndrome". Oh boy.

And if you shoot left wing rioters who are attacking are not the victim. The attackers are.

The LEFT are the real victims guys. If we just all shut up and understood they need to do their blow back and severely harm or kill innocent people.....well they are just entitled to do so.

If we complain about the nasty violent and hateful shit they do and how they attack the rights of everyone(including their own stupid selves) we are having "right wing victim syndrome"

Only leftists are allowed to have grievances with anything. It has to be their fake racist bullshit. No one else can speak out on anything......especailly when it's about something they push. Like revolting psychological abuse of children and letting men into womens spaces. Our destroying all the small businesses. Or lying.


Domestically feral
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United states
Basically it's just a victim mentality if we wont subjugate to their partisan wills.

Any grievances against anything they impose upon people is gaslitable "right wing victim syndrome". Like when a predator forces his dick into your teen daughters rectum against her will. You are just playing victim.

Could it be any clearer that this authoritarian regime wants people to just shut up and submit? As I've stated......they dont care about building a stronger and better country for regular people. They want to control the country and punish any dissent.

This is the mentality. The frame it like this because that's how they think. They've decided a long time ago that everyone not in line with them is an enemy. If they do damage, ruin peoples lives, drive poverty, crime, rape and abuse they dont care at all. They just want people to shut up.

This lack of empathy will have a very heavy cost and people will eventually start with REAL blow back. And when that happens......these heartless authoritarian fuckwads will be crying victim and blaming "teh right". When you label everyone with a political tag like they start to notice how small your camp becomes and how big the other ones. All they see is politics.
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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I am a Victim, hear me snore
In numbers too big to ignore
And I Youtube too much to go back an' pretend
'Cause I've heard it all before
And I've gone down there on the floor
No one's ever gonna go down on me again

Oh yes Ima dumb ass
But it's dumbness born of spam
Yes, I've paid the price
But look how much I gained
If I have to, I can wreck anything
I am wrong (wrong)
I am gullible (gullible)
I am Victim!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I am a Victim, hear me snore
In numbers too big to ignore
And I Youtube too much to go back an' pretend
'Cause I've heard it all before
And I've gone down there on the floor
No one's ever gonna go down on me again

Oh yes Ima dumb ass
But it's dumbness born of spam
Yes, I've paid the price
But look how much I gained
If I have to, I can wreck anything
I am wrong (wrong)
I am gullible (gullible)
I am Victim!

^^^^^This is what these people think democracy in action looks like.

As they force their ideologies on people, infringe on the rights of the people, hold down women and girls for sexual predators, burn down communities and force people into irreversible poverty and force racist material on your children in schools you pay for........this is exactly how they view regular Americans

It's how ALL authoritarians view the common folk. As objects they disdain. They do not see human beings worthy of rights, opportunities and liberties.

If you defend your human and constitutional rights? You are marked as a "right wing" and you are just a "victim"

Dont expect these people to care about anything. They dont. If your business and life are destroyed, if you get raped or better hope it can be blamed on the right or theyll just tell you how you play victim.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Factory Bastard
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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The irony of conservatives throwing an angry bitch session when called out for their victimization fetish*


I dont see "NIGGERS".
You will when his cock is down your throat.
His who, cawk gobbler?
Your roomie in Prison, after you clowns attempt your Dive Bar Putsch
Yea, sure thing, faggit. Now run along and suk sum CAWK!!!!!!
So seriously Mr Potato, I see a lot of hot air, but no action from you Keyboard Potatriots.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The irony of conservatives throwing an angry bitch session when called out for their victimization fetish*


I dont see "NIGGERS".
You will when his cock is down your throat.
His who, cawk gobbler?
Your roomie in Prison, after you clowns attempt your Dive Bar Putsch
Yea, sure thing, faggit. Now run along and suk sum CAWK!!!!!!
So seriously Mr Potato, I see a lot of hot air, but no action from you Keyboard Potatriots.
Then why do you and the other e-cunts get so hysterical over my girl MTG and her "seditious threats"? PWN3D!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Its sociopathy.

A big part of their abusive mentality. When they are met with the truth of how their platforms, actions and policies impact people in reality.......they make it into more partisan hate spewing.

Me pointing out how allowing MEN into womens spaces is resulting in violence against women and girls is now "right wing victim syndrome".

They dont see people as human beings. And theyll still be in this fucked mindset that it's all just "teh right" when people start blowing back and fighting for their rights. Theyll all just be "teh right". There is literally no way to rehumanize humans in their mind. They see "teh right".

We let these people call the shots for everyone and our human and civil rights are dust. They are unreasonable, devoid of empathy and will destroy the country if their cancer spreads into all the states or they manage to get rid of the electoral college and other checks and balances.

They are not for the people. They are for themselves and if others are suffering they wont do anything but blame the ones suffering. "Victim fetish". They will specail priviledges to chosen "groups" and make others 2nd class citizens with limited to no rights. We have to accept rape and assault as a new norm and political violence.

Burning down communities is blow back from some delusional and made up "victim" status.......but rape and assault of women and girls has to be accepted.

WE cant speak out against injustices these pricks push on people......but their activists can murder your child or punch your grandfather after torching his business and that's "blow back" because a black criminal was shot in an act of violence.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Super duper easy to see an "age of conservative victimhood" when you are so full of shit and narrow minded that you think just conservatives oppose you and oppose political violence, attacks on the working and middle class, oppose men in female spaces and defend peoples human right to self defense.

Gonna be millions of right wing "victims"

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
lol... no one is better than trump at making you proggie snowflakes curl up into a fetal position and cry
Player Schlumpy enters the chat.
Hi stainboy... your navy boyfriend was having quite the vaginal episode this morning.

Want to send some navy princess squadron to beat me up.

Is he okay now?

lemme know
And you're still a pudgy little wigger with bad hair.
So basically what you’re saying is that in your homoerotic fantasies I’m not sexy enough for a woman like you.



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
The irony of conservatives throwing an angry bitch session when called out for their victimization fetish*


I dont see "NIGGERS".
You will when his cock is down your throat.
His who, cawk gobbler?
Your roomie in Prison, after you clowns attempt your Dive Bar Putsch
Yea, sure thing, faggit. Now run along and suk sum CAWK!!!!!!
So seriously Mr Potato, I see a lot of hot air, but no action from you Keyboard Potatriots.
Then why do you and the other e-cunts get so hysterical over my girl MTG and her "seditious threats"? PWN3D!