#TrumpIsARapist #TrumpIsATraitorAndACriminal


Factory Bastard
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Tell me, then, O Expert Rapist, what's it based on? Because I still don't see a billionaire married to a literal model saying, "Hey, gosh, here's this ugly, mousy little bag of antlers, I wanna get me some of that!"

Not credible. And the only reason a jury decided otherwise was, "This guy represented Americans beyond those who live on Wall Street and K Street, and for that he has to be punished!"
Bill Cosby could have fucked hundreds of willing and beautiful women, instead he drugged and raped them. Some men prefer to rape, you complete braindead fuckbuckle. Do you understand that rape is a power play? The Donald probably couldn't pull that off with his legally wedded wife.


Not Important
Just Behind You
Right, I know. You're infuriated that he's defending himself at all.

That's right. Keep your eye off the ball. Hyperfocus on Orange Man, and don't pay any attention to why we put him where we put him -- focus on the messenger, stay blind to the message.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Right, I know. You're infuriated that he's defending himself at all.

That's right. Keep your eye off the ball. Hyperfocus on Orange Man, and don't pay any attention to why we put him where we put him -- focus on the messenger, stay blind to the message.
I still haven't seen a pic of your Wife to determine her rapeability.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Right, I know. You're infuriated that he's defending himself at all.

That's right. Keep your eye off the ball. Hyperfocus on Orange Man, and don't pay any attention to why we put him where we put him -- focus on the messenger, stay blind to the message.
The ball ? The ball is the fact that Trump has gotten away with assault, rape, and other destructive acts against women for decades, and you are just another apologist for this type of behavior.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Right, I know. You're infuriated that he's defending himself at all.

That's right. Keep your eye off the ball. Hyperfocus on Orange Man, and don't pay any attention to why we put him where we put him -- focus on the messenger, stay blind to the message.
Talking about the law breaking raping twice impeached one term loser? I’ll stick with the truth.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard

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The following pics are of Trump with his despotic overlord after being taken to the woodshed.



I prefer Presidents that don't grovel to foreign dictators.
Remember when Obama said "wait until the after the election and I'll have more leeway"........sure you do......

Leeway for what? Capitulation on security issues? Looking the other way as Putin stormed into Crimea?

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Lefty fool.......


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
2012? What a zinger. Makes me wonder what appeal will Fatso attending to today?
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Remember when Obama said "wait until the after the election and I'll have more leeway"........sure you do......

Leeway for what? Capitulation on security issues? Looking the other way as Putin stormed into Crimea?

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Lefty fool.......
Remember when Turtle let a scotus seat sit vacant for a year?

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
2012? What a zinger. Makes me wonder what appeal will Fatso attending to today?
Zinger Aye?

The sitting President (Obama) engaged in conspiring with Putin after he won the next election......conspiring, not comparing a former KGB agent to our own "intelligence" agencies........

Big difference for those paying attention

The zinger was for the folks in Crimea......Obama fell flat.....Russia stormed in.......elections have consequences

Now we know why Obama criticized Romney during the debate regarding Russia......"the 1980s want their policy back"........Obama .......the apologist for Putins Russia.......
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Zinger Aye?

The sitting President (Obama) engaged in conspiring with Putin after he won the next election......conspiring, not comparing a former KGB agent to our own "intelligence" agencies........

Big difference for those paying attention

The zinger was for the folks in Crimea......Obama fell flat.....Russia stormed in.......elections hane consequences

Now we know why Obama criticized Romney during the debate regarding Russia......"the 1980s want their policy back"........Obama .......the apologist for Putins Russia.......
You are a moron.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
You are a moron.
Can you cite a reference that I am wrong? If not, you have just demonstrated who the actual moron is.

I really dont care what your opinion is......my replies are to inform the casual reader that may find this thread......of the truth......what the real situation is.......you know,.......to help.

That is what I'm here for.......I came to help

Not you, or the other Echo Chamber residents.......but those capable of reading and reason.



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Can you cite a reference that I am wrong? If not, you have just demonstrated who the actual moron is.

I really dont care what your opinion is......my replies are to inform the casual reader that may find this thread......of the truth......what the real situation is.......you know,.......to help.

That is what I'm here for.......I came to help

Not you, or the other Echo Chamber residents.......but those capable of reading and reason.

A false equivalence or false equivalency is an informal fallacy in which an equivalence is drawn between two subjects based on flawed or false reasoning. This fallacy is categorized as a fallacy of inconsistency. Colloquially, a false equivalence is often called "comparing apples and oranges."

Telling a foreign politician the realities of politics, is not the same as sharing top secret intel with a hostile country.

Pick your "Source"

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Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Crimea didn't want to be part of Ukraine anymore and who could blame them.

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The Donbas region (mostly Russian-speaking people) also wanted independence and got shelled/bombed by the Ukrainian forces for eight years (in spite of the Minsk Accords, now known to be a bad-faith negotiation on the part of Ukraine and NATO to give Ukraine time to upgrade its military) until Russia stepped in. Even then Russia agreed to a peace deal that would have made Donbas independent, not part of Russia, but NATO (specifically Boris Johnson) interfered so they could get the proxy war they wanted all along.

Ukraine was never getting Crimea back and now they've lost the Donbas as well.

I hope Taiwan learns that lesson and stops being NATO's little bitch or their fate will be just as regrettable.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Crimea didn't want to be part of Ukraine anymore and who could blame them.

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The Donbas region (mostly Russian-speaking people) also wanted independence and got shelled/bombed by the Ukrainian forces for eight years (in spite of the Minsk Accords, now known to be a bad-faith negotiation on the part of Ukraine and NATO to give Ukraine time to upgrade its military) until Russia stepped in. Even then Russia agreed to a peace deal that would have made Donbas independent, not part of Russia, but NATO (specifically Boris Johnson) interfered so they could get the proxy war they wanted all along.

Ukraine was never getting Crimea back and now they've lost the Donbas as well.

I hope Taiwan learns that lesson and stops being NATO's little bitch or their fate will be just as regrettable.
Gosh mere weeks after Russia seized and took control of the Crimean Peninsula "The Citizens" vote to join Russia, How convenient.

According to Wikipedia, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the treaty of accession (annexation) with Crimean leaders in Moscow on March 18, 2014. However, a report from the Russian president's Human Rights Council suggests that only 30 percent of Crimean voters participated in the 2014 referendum, and about half of those voted to join Russia.

Putins people even pointed out it was a meaningless "victory"

Why do seemingly intelligent people love to fall for Putin's propaganda?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
"According to Wikipedia" LULZ

Fuck outta here with that bullshit.
But thanks for reminding me why I have you on Ignore.
Prove the article wrong Comrade. Attacking the messenger is so Trumpian, get over your acute case of confirmation bias.

Gosh that was hard, all I had to do was highlight the findings of "The Wiki Article" and google search and voila

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The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
A false equivalence or false equivalency is an informal fallacy in which an equivalence is drawn between two subjects based on flawed or false reasoning. This fallacy is categorized as a fallacy of inconsistency. Colloquially, a false equivalence is often called "comparing apples and oranges."

Telling a foreign politician the realities of politics, is not the same as sharing top secret intel with a hostile country.

Pick your "Source"

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So........a missing intel report about Crossfire Hurricane was left by the DOJ at the White House........and its lost.....and we just found out about it 4 years later........breaking news from the propagana departments/ media of the Democratic Party

Why would they leave it there?

Who said they left it there.......was it the same folk that ran the sham investigation in the first place?

Was this Crossfire Hurricane the investigation that was proven to be a fraudulent which hunt that got folks fired and sent to jail?

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Again......lets hope a casual reader can understand and make sense of it all.

They lied for 4 years
Then got caught
Then mostly got away with it
Then all of the sudden noticed something was missing

Maybe, just maybe they should have looked in the room where Killarys secret servers were