Um, does Lokmar live in Colorado Springs?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Grandpa's a Trumptard, Dad's a Trumptard but the murderer is simply a "Non-binary fgt" as per Rancy et al.

Dad's non-plussed about the killings, he's simply relieved his screwed up Son isn't gay.

Maybe he is Gay or Non-binary, with a Dad like that how could he possibly be ashamed of it?

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Just another example of the left being evil and lying. Their whole world view and claims are, of course, based upon lies.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Oh, and let us reme.ber the crazed leftist who literally murdered a teenager by running him over because the kid was a Republican.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Stick your whataboutisms up your ass, dumbfuck.

That leftists constantly commit hate hoaxes is not whataboutism, retard. Learn the definition of words before you attempt to use them. Are you still lying and trying to claim that the gunman was not LGBT? You have a pattern of lying and trying to blame conservatives for the crimes of left wingers. You did exactly the same thing with the left wing lunatic in the Paul Pelosi case. Hell, you spent years of lying and denying to protect violent communists terrorists of Antifa.

Lying is pretty much what you do.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
That leftists constantly commit hate hoaxes is not whataboutism, retard. Learn the definition of words before you attempt to use them. Are you still lying and trying to claim that the gunman was not LGBT? You have a pattern of lying and trying to blame conservatives for the crimes of left wingers. You did exactly the same thing with the left wing lunatic in the Paul Pelosi case. Hell, you spent years of lying and denying to protect violent communists terrorists of Antifa.

Lying is pretty much what you do.
Quiet down Capon.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Were any of the patrons of the gay bar friends/ex lovers of yours?

You seem very emotionally invested in the story, is it because you regard it as an attack on the LGBT community as a whole?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
STFU You whiny dildo.

See how dem/prog supporters are always angry and full of hate and resentment?

It's always some psycho leftist committing these violent acts. That's because while corporate media attacks the people who challange the status quo.....its your "side" who incites and commits actual acts of violence.

You dont want to believe this because you love whatever feeling or high you get from hating and demonizing your own neighbors....but yeah it's true.

Dem/progs shoot innocent people, run people over with vehicles, burn down communities, bomb government buildings, and call their opposition "dangerous" while they try to control and police speech and thoughts.

Just look at how YOU respond to people you don't even know because they disagree with your politcal beliefs. None of you have respectful conversations ever. You devolve right into this nasty shit posting.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
See how dem/prog supporters are always angry and full of hate and resentment?

It's always some psycho leftist committing these violent acts. That's because while corporate media attacks the people who challange the status quo.....its your "side" who incites and commits actual acts of violence.

You dont want to believe this because you love whatever feeling or high you get from hating and demonizing your own neighbors....but yeah it's true.

Dem/progs shoot innocent people, run people over with vehicles, burn down communities, bomb government buildings, and call their opposition "dangerous" while they try to control and police speech and thoughts.

Just look at how YOU respond to people you don't even know because they disagree with your politcal beliefs. None of you have respectful conversations ever. You devolve right into this nasty shit posting.

And those who you follow don’t? Please Dovey


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Erstwhile Trump Attorney Jenna Ellis speaks on behalf of the conservitard community condemning the victims of the conservative republican's spawn, to burn in hell.

Stay classy Trumptards.

I’m disgusted.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Ban all assault weapons

Few problems here

There is no such thing as an "assault weapon".....that's an anti 2A propaganda term. The "AR" in the AR-15 doesnt mean "assault rifle"

Also this gay club shooting was done with a ghost gun. Banning guns only disarms law abiding people. It would turn everywhere into Chicago or any other democrat ran city with strict gun regulations. Only criminals have the guns.

It also sets a precedent that our constitutional rights are negotiatble.....and they are not.

Making people like me and my family less able to defend ourselves isnt going to stop any shootings.

Perhaps cracking down on violent crime and ditching the soft on crime approach might help. As well dropping the hysterical partisan narratives that everyone who disagrees with democrats is a "danger to democracy", and extremist, and all the other smears that do nothing but fuel divide, fear and hate.

It's not like our culture is promoting peace and unity and understanding. That might be part of the problem, you know? Instead of engaging in cold civil war and dehumanizing and demonizing other parties ....we could be actually progressing. Instead we are becoming a third world.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
And those who you follow don’t? Please Dovey

Sea people can only take so much of being called names and labeled racist, white supremacists, homophobes, bigots, pigs and accused of insane levels of bullshit before they start lashing back out.

As far as Admin? I was never rude to him or called him names. He has been the nasty one.

I dont get angry when people disagree with me. I'm absolutely down to discuss it.

How am I supposed to view people who respond with anger and name calling when someone challenges what they push?

I've also noticed when it comes to politics, tr these few people never discuss what they DO support or actual problems they see. It's entirely just mocking people who are not on their "side". Or mischaracterizing issues in ways that allow them to mock their opposition.

A minor girl gets raped in the ass by a boy in a skirt in SCHOOL and all they do is make fun of and minimize the VALID concerns and problems REAL people have with the society being forced on us.

I'm more than willing to engage in a respectful discussion. Its difficult to stay nice to people who are so nasty and angry for no real reason.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Like Stubby, Erica, Shen Li, Herman, Blazer? The murdering of anyone by a con. or lib, is foul. Let’s leave it there.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Grandpa's a Trumptard, Dad's a Trumptard but the murderer is simply a "Non-binary fgt" as per Rancy et al.

Dad's non-plussed about the killings, he's simply relieved his screwed up Son isn't gay.

Maybe he is Gay or Non-binary, with a Dad like that how could he possibly be ashamed of it?


Funny how even with the entire convo attached.....people like you STILL show how you pick out key words from what is being said, push those key words togther and insert whatever bias meaning you need to have.

Also pushing the narrative that all gay people are left and totally support your BS.

We dont talk about the BLM activists who surrounded a gay Republican and pushed him around calling him a "faggot" do we?

Nope. Because you have a decided view and you are imprisoned by it and incapable of seeing big pictures or even accepting any information outside of your biases.

It's like none of you know even what government is for. It's a tool you think should be seized for the purpose of pushing some cultural conformity and actual policies passed that directly impact our lives are a second thought at BEST. You dont even know that your opposition here involves more than "conservative republicans"

So why dont you tell me, if this man is the face of the "conservative republican" and he represents ME better than I fucking do (as your hate porn fantasy dictates) why would any of us support a president who was so pro gay? Who is the first president in history to enter the WH supporting same sex marriage? Who hired the first openly gay cabinet member, Richard Grenell? Who BTW....your corporate media tried to erase and ignore.

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Who also fought to decriminalize homosexuality in truly homophobic countries?

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Even the corporate propaganda rag NBC had to address it

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But yeah Admin. Since you've already decided everyone who opposes your politcal stances (whatever the fuck they just mindlessly agree with anything that the rest of us have a problem with) is this guy on a short video who raised a fucked up mentally ill wack job who has bought into the gender cult (which is also demonstrably violent btw) is just the face of all of us.

Because you said so. And you can conveniently ignore every single bit of factual information that contradicts your biases.

Its floors me that people who support such a violent political party that has incited and tolerated violent and destructive riots and politically motivated murder of innocent people sit and blame their opposition for the violence only they promote and commit.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Like Stubby, Erica, Shen Li, Herman, Blazer? The murdering of anyone by a con. or lib, is foul. Let’s leave it there.

Most of them got sick of being name called.

Shen always trolls. Flea is sick of shit posting.

I agree....murder is foul. I say all the time, if someone has brutalized another human being....their politcal stance doesnt matter. You and I are on the same page here.

The problem is media sources jump right in everytime to push a narrative of hatred and division and when people fall for this, that's when innocence people get harmed and murdered over politics. It's a problem and I think its gonna just become a bigger problem....sadly.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Erstwhile Trump Attorney Jenna Ellis speaks on behalf of the conservitard community condemning the victims of the conservative republican's spawn, to burn in hell.

Stay classy Trumptards.

Okay exactly where did she condemn them to hell?

And what is extreme about a stance that has been held by Christian's for over 2k years?

How ignorant are you to actually twist a LONG STANDING Christian belief that if someone dies without being in Christ they are damned and that saying this is "condemning" them to hell.

We should review some leftwing responses to the deaths of people they deemed "right wing" so you can be shown what condemnation and extremist hatred actually looks like. As if your "side" wasnt combing through the socail media pages of people who died from covid complications to check for any posts where they questioned the government so you could mock them - which you did.

But a Christian saying people who die without Christ are damn is her condemning them personally and "extremist" rigjt.

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Most of them got sick of being name called.

Shen always trolls. Flea is sick of shit posting.

I agree....murder is foul. I say all the time, if someone has brutalized another human being....their politcal stance doesnt matter. You and I are on the same page here.

The problem is media sources jump right in everytime to push a narrative of hatred and division and when people fall for this, that's when innocence people get harmed and murdered over politics. It's a problem and I think its gonna just become a bigger problem....sadly.

Flea is sick of it? Yet she bans anyone with an alternative point of view. Why is that Dovey?