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random facts and information

  • The right ear hears better than the left one. This is because the brain’s 2 halves don’t work the same way. During childhood, we’re more left-brain oriented. This side of the brain is responsible for speech and language. After that time, we just get used to it.

  • Male dolphins give presents to female dolphins. They present them sponges as a symbol of their serious intentions.

  • In China, white is the color of mourning.

  • Sheep can recognize people’s faces, even in photos.

  • There is a city that consists of 72 tons of diamonds: they are in the walls melded together with the building’s materials.

  • Nikolay Shustov, a Russian businessman of the 20th century decided to promote his new cognac. He hired young people who went to bars and asked for Shustov’s cognac. When they didn’t get it, they started a fight. As a result, bar owners had to buy the necessary cognac, and people learned that it existed.

  • Whales jump out of the water to communicate. They make a loud noise to attract other whales that are not further than 2.4 miles away.

  • Like people, cats can be right-handed or left-handed.

  • The bottom of the ocean is deformed by the weight of the water.

  • Animals blow their noses too, but it’s very hard for them. Giraffes use their tongues and primates use sticks.

  • Rich people in China hire look-alikes and send them to jail instead of themselves if they need to.

  • “Barbie” is not the name of the popular doll, it’s a nickname. The full name of the doll is Barbara Millicent Roberts.

  • When trees are in deep sleep, their branches droop.

  • Some kinds of moss can drink fog. You can even see how they do it.

  • Indian housewives own 11% of the world’s gold reserve. This means that they have more gold than Switzerland, the U.S., and Germany combined.

  • One hardworking bee can only produce 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey during the course of its entire life.

  • Japanese monkeys learned how to buy food from vending machines. They pick up coins in the street and use them.

  • Birds sing to their eggs about the weather. Zebra finches give a signal to their unhatched chicks if the temperature goes down. Embryos start developing slower because a smaller size is more beneficial if it’s hot.

  • Once, mathematician George Dantzig accidentally solved a math problem in statistical theory thinking that is was homework. He was late for class and didn’t know what the equation on the board meant.

  • There is a state that is on an abandoned military platform in the middle of the sea.

  • A male penguin proposed to a female penguin with a stone. If the female agrees, she takes it to her nest.

  • The shortest war in the world lasted for 38 minutes.

  • A female armadillo can postpone labor by 2 years if she is stressed.

  • This is what a human skull looks like before it loses its primary teeth:
  • 2284960-dskhFqj-1530184557-728-77a314a35e-1530498070.jpg


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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A man's cock is harder when the moon is over head and why most people have sex at night- - - - - - - -

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
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York, P.A.
You can be vaccinated several times for a disease and still not be protected.

I found this out when I was pregnant with my first child, and again with my second. I probably still have no immunity. It was my MMR vaccine.

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
Fritz Haber was the inventor of the first poison gas of WW1 which was Chlorine Gas. Fritz was also generally credited for keeping Germany's munitions and fertilizers in stock.

Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of England during World War Two.

An average male needs 56 grams of protein per day, based on the recommended dietary allowance for protein.

The First Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates from twelve of the thirteen colonies that met on September 5 to October 26, 1774 at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, early in the American Revolution.


Factory Feline
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Today I learned that male mosquitos eat nectar.

It's the femalws who dine on blood.

Evil cunts, fucking earned my respect they did.



Factory Bastard
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A 600 pound octopus can get through a one inch hole in about a minute.

Adding 40 to the number of chirps a cricket makes in 14 seconds will give you the ambient temperature in °F.


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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Did you know that female spiders are bigger than a male spider and eat the poor guy after sex,how do you like that for a thank you- - - - - - -


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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If you take a dump at at 11:59p and the clock turns to 12:00a, is it same shit different day?


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I'm waiting for my friend to get dressed and then going shopping, I hate shopping on Saturdays..really, but they have a booth there they sell movies 5 for $10 ... anybody want one ?


Factory Bastard
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cockroaches can live 9 days w/o their head

cows make best friends and keep them 4 life <3