Washington State Transsexual Arrested on Child Rape Charges, that resulted in a child birth.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I have no clue who this guy is but he nails it. It should NOT be fucking okay for biological men to come exposing their dicks and being inside private areas for women.

How the fuck is this even an argument? Like he said it's taking womens rights and safety backwards and these activists are abusing and attacking women who stand up for our rights.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Aidsman's stupidity aside, yes, transvestites are much more likely than other groups to be both sex offenders and pedophiles.

Transvestites are just autogynophiliacs. They are not transgender. They dont experience dysphoria. They just have a fetish.

And yeah they are coming into womens areas and assaulting women now and Admin has no problem with that. In fact people who do are just bigots.

I had this discussion with my wife. She thinks men would assault women if it’s their intent whether they’re transsexual or not.

One of the basic traits of the modern American Conservative is to fear and loathe that which they do not understand.

I am literally telling you EXACTLY what the fucking problem IS.

WHAT dont I understand here? YOU are the stupid fuckinv piece of shit who doesnt understand that MEN WHO ARE NOT TRANS ARE RAPING AND ASSAULTING WOMEN IN FEMALE AREAS

Fucking answer......was the WI SPA flasher trans? You stupid fucking misogynist cock sucker?

Dove…calm down. Be cute again. :AssKisser:

You Yanks need to chill out and take a break. Smell the roses, take a walk in the hills. Reset.

Yeah. Its just my daughters safety, it's not a big deal or anything.

Womens sex based rights are not important or anything.

Answer this. Why do we need legislation when actual trans women have BEEN using female facilities without a problem? As leftists ironically point out.....you cant even TELL. So why did this have to be law to let ALL fucking men in? Tell me that.

See what I mean about rights and prudence?

I don’t agree with transsexuals sharing women’s facilities. I’ve told you that already. Solution: create transsexual spaces. Police common areas. You can’t blame all democrats because of a recently passed legislation. That’s not fair.

Listen up, you retarded dickhead, just like faggits refused anything other than marriage, so to do trannies refuse anything other than being treated as the gender they air claim to be. You're one majorly retarded thick skulled asshole!

Are you civil warring now, or just keyboard warring?

YOu're just sucking cock


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Aidsman's stupidity aside, yes, transvestites are much more likely than other groups to be both sex offenders and pedophiles.

Transvestites are just autogynophiliacs. They are not transgender. They dont experience dysphoria. They just have a fetish.

And yeah they are coming into womens areas and assaulting women now and Admin has no problem with that. In fact people who do are just bigots.

I had this discussion with my wife. She thinks men would assault women if it’s their intent whether they’re transsexual or not.

One of the basic traits of the modern American Conservative is to fear and loathe that which they do not understand.

I am literally telling you EXACTLY what the fucking problem IS.

WHAT dont I understand here? YOU are the stupid fuckinv piece of shit who doesnt understand that MEN WHO ARE NOT TRANS ARE RAPING AND ASSAULTING WOMEN IN FEMALE AREAS

Fucking answer......was the WI SPA flasher trans? You stupid fucking misogynist cock sucker?

Dove…calm down. Be cute again. :AssKisser:

You Yanks need to chill out and take a break. Smell the roses, take a walk in the hills. Reset.

Yeah. Its just my daughters safety, it's not a big deal or anything.

Womens sex based rights are not important or anything.

Answer this. Why do we need legislation when actual trans women have BEEN using female facilities without a problem? As leftists ironically point out.....you cant even TELL. So why did this have to be law to let ALL fucking men in? Tell me that.

See what I mean about rights and prudence?

I don’t agree with transsexuals sharing women’s facilities. I’ve told you that already. Solution: create transsexual spaces. Police common areas. You can’t blame all democrats because of a recently passed legislation. That’s not fair.

Listen up, you retarded dickhead, just like faggits refused anything other than marriage, so to do trannies refuse anything other than being treated as the gender they air claim to be. You're one majorly retarded thick skulled asshole!

Oh shut the fuck up already cunt!


Factory Bastard
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This past Monday, a teen girl walked into Courtroom 1A of the Loudoun County courthouse and testified, clearly and boldly, that a boy had violently sodomized her in the stall of a girl’s bathroom at Stone Bridge High School late last May, leading to Judge Pamela L. Brooks’ ruling the sexual act was non-consensual.

The teen realized justice for herself and another sexual assault victim of the boy, and she vindicated her father, Scott Smith, whose story would otherwise have been relegated to a footnote – footnote number 13 – in a letter dispatched late last month from the National School Boards Association to President Joe Biden, accusing angry parents of “domestic terrorism.” Her father had been arrested in June when he attended a Loudoun County Public Schools Board meeting, attempting to advocate for his daughter."

Let me guess they should lighten up. This boy was gonna rape anyway.
You’re lucky you weren’t born and raised in South Africa. Do you love Nelson Mandela? I know a lot of Americans were brainwashed by the terrorist.
I remember hearing blacks were segregated from whites and didnt have much of a say in the government. I also remember hearing mandella was a commie and that he was a crook. Then I heard about his cunt wife. Then I heard about all the white farmers being killed. As I recall, I remember thinking at one point "blacks got their way and fucked it all up." "No surprise."
Is this like some kind of Civil War propaganda campaign, or what?
I'm talking about you, fucktard, not TOO you. STFU.


Factory Bastard
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This past Monday, a teen girl walked into Courtroom 1A of the Loudoun County courthouse and testified, clearly and boldly, that a boy had violently sodomized her in the stall of a girl’s bathroom at Stone Bridge High School late last May, leading to Judge Pamela L. Brooks’ ruling the sexual act was non-consensual.

The teen realized justice for herself and another sexual assault victim of the boy, and she vindicated her father, Scott Smith, whose story would otherwise have been relegated to a footnote – footnote number 13 – in a letter dispatched late last month from the National School Boards Association to President Joe Biden, accusing angry parents of “domestic terrorism.” Her father had been arrested in June when he attended a Loudoun County Public Schools Board meeting, attempting to advocate for his daughter."

Let me guess they should lighten up. This boy was gonna rape anyway.
You’re lucky you weren’t born and raised in South Africa. Do you love Nelson Mandela? I know a lot of Americans were brainwashed by the terrorist.
I remember hearing blacks were segregated from whites and didnt have much of a say in the government. I also remember hearing mandella was a commie and that he was a crook. Then I heard about his cunt wife. Then I heard about all the white farmers being killed. As I recall, I remember thinking at one point "blacks got their way and fucked it all up." "No surprise."
Blacks were segregated, but it was a little more complex than just apartheid. Blacks in South Africa will stab you over a spilt drink. Some blacks get massively drunk and hold no value for human life. Both Winnie and Nelson Mandela were terrorists and advocated violence. Biden supported their violence to help his career in the right direction after his own racist slurs in office.
There’s so much to tell. Today it’s almost impossible to google the truth because of the censorship. The blacks fucked it for themselves when they had a chance at a new South Africa. 28 years later and it’s the worst it’s ever been.
Yep, and I also remembered thinking that whites need their own country free of blacks in Africa.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
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This past Monday, a teen girl walked into Courtroom 1A of the Loudoun County courthouse and testified, clearly and boldly, that a boy had violently sodomized her in the stall of a girl’s bathroom at Stone Bridge High School late last May, leading to Judge Pamela L. Brooks’ ruling the sexual act was non-consensual.

The teen realized justice for herself and another sexual assault victim of the boy, and she vindicated her father, Scott Smith, whose story would otherwise have been relegated to a footnote – footnote number 13 – in a letter dispatched late last month from the National School Boards Association to President Joe Biden, accusing angry parents of “domestic terrorism.” Her father had been arrested in June when he attended a Loudoun County Public Schools Board meeting, attempting to advocate for his daughter."

Let me guess they should lighten up. This boy was gonna rape anyway.
You’re lucky you weren’t born and raised in South Africa. Do you love Nelson Mandela? I know a lot of Americans were brainwashed by the terrorist.
I remember hearing blacks were segregated from whites and didnt have much of a say in the government. I also remember hearing mandella was a commie and that he was a crook. Then I heard about his cunt wife. Then I heard about all the white farmers being killed. As I recall, I remember thinking at one point "blacks got their way and fucked it all up." "No surprise."
Is this like some kind of Civil War propaganda campaign, or what?
I'm talking about you, fucktard, not TOO you. STFU.
Are you starting your little civil war now, or just posturing in this little chat room?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
@Dove …take a moment and look at my naked lily-white bum. Ocean Segments. Smile darling xx

Do you notice most of the women agree with me?

This isnt about partisan politics. This is about women and girls SAFETY.
No it’s about making you take a breath and smiling. Did you look at my white bum or not?

I didnt see it!
Get out of politics and look in Images Ocean segments. And have a chuckle. I had the tan of a nigger. The contrast is blinding! Lol

Okay but you arent going to make me forget how horrible and misogynistic Admin is and how bad I want to spit in his smug fucking face.

Misogynistic is another term used too loosely. You’ll find Admin is mostly just trolling back. I agree with particular segregation. If transgenders put so much time into dress-up, they should put a bit of time into dress-down and piss standing up in a male toilet. That’s my take on it all.

He isnt "trolling back". I've gone into why this is really dangerous and bad for women and girls.

I started a thread in politics about the teenager who was anally raped in school by a boy in a skirt. The school tried to keep police out of it. The girls dad got police involved and had a rape kit done that confirmed she was raped.

The school board just sent the rapist to another school in the district where he assaulted another girl.

The father was approached by a transactivist at a school board meeting where he went to advocate for his daughter. She accused him of lying, and called his daughter a mentally ill bitch. Dad lost it and they arrested him. Put yourself in this fathers position.

And it response to this, Admin busted in laughing and saying he didnt care. And Lotus claimed it wasnt even true(it was definately true).

Do you understand this is who they are? This is what we see everyday. They are completely incapable of normal human empathy and yes, I call him a misogynist because he is.
I’m guilty of busting in and not properly reading threads. There’s just so much banter that I gloss way ahead and then put my foot into it because of what I haven’t read. Ahhhh…it’s all good Hollywood. I enjoy your strong stance on particular issues, particularly the safety of children and women.

A normal person with a normal level of empathy would come in to a topic like this one to troll a woman who has 3 daughters.

A sociopath WOULD. I'm directly explaining why this legislation is dangerous and bad for me as a woman and for my daughters and I'm showing several examples of women and girls being harmed because of it.

And he is just laughing, accusing us of being bigots, insisting it's about us hating trans people and blathering WRONG stereotypes about conservatives. I'm not even a conservative but I may as well be because everyone who challenges these assholes is a "con".

He doesnt care that any men can say they are women and get into private female spaces and prisons.

There is a HUGE difference between someone who experiences real gender dysphoria....this is a medical condition...a mental health crisis...and a transvestite (an autogynophiliac). A transvestite has a FETISH. It's a sexual fetish to dress up like women and some go as far as to fetishize being a woman and having others treat them as women. This is an actual paraphilia

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Many sex offenders (and even serial killers) have this fetish on various degrees.

Its NOT THE SAME as gender dysphoria. This is extremely important. Because they are just letting these people be included as "trans" people and if they identify as women that's all it takes to force us to tolerate them in our private spaces. And even be forced to share prison cells with rapists.

And Admin completely refuses to understand this problem and how real it is and is completely stuck on his partisan hatred.

Do you see the issue? Do see why unity is not ever going to be possible? No matter how clearly and directly do you address an issue....and very important ones that involve our safety, rights and freedoms....that's all they do. They dont CARE about anything but opposing us just because.

That OR they are just too stupid to understand anything and can only think in media sound bytes. And he has no empathy at all.
When do you think the legislation will be reversed? After Biden is stood down or succeeded?

It's not going to be reversed. Not without a huge fight. Even establishment Republicans supported.

This comes with a whole ideology that is overwhelmingly problematic. It's a cancerous end to womens rights.
The fact that this legislation has made it easier for transsexuals to rape women or children is disturbing. Men have had this problem with regard to predators forever.

That's what I've been saying. Admin is mocking this and either too stupid to get it or he is just sociopathic and doesnt CARE.

I asked him SEVERAL times if the Wi Spa flasher(guy who said he identified as a woman went into a Wi Spa wet area where women and girls are nude and was exposing his ERECTION to women AND a little girl. Tried to get into a hot tub right next to a nude little girl with his hard rape stick out swinging in her face) was a "tranny"(his word.. i dont use degrading language towards gender dysphoric people).

He refused to answer this. Even said it didnt matter... when that's really the critical part.

So he knows that predators are using this gender legislation to come in and prey on women and girls. But he doesnt care. And he ignores this so he can pretend in his stupid head that we are just anti trans bigots and spew his stereotypes about "cons" and pretend he is all about civil rights. And he KNOWS its lies and that woman and girls are placed in harm's way.
Did you just call the erect male penis a rape stick?

Yes.... when it's on a predator like that piece of shit... it's a rape stick.

Not like EVERY erect penis. Just when it's on a rapist predator.
…bring us solutions.

The solution is letting women have our private spaces back. Dont allow fucking men in them!

This was never a problem up until the left forced it. Now anyone who opposes it is a bigot.

And you cant fucking talk to these people. They refuse to talk. About anything. All you get from them is hate and shittiness. We are BIGOTS for not wanting dick and balls in our faces in private female areas or getting police involved in our daughters get raped at school.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
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This past Monday, a teen girl walked into Courtroom 1A of the Loudoun County courthouse and testified, clearly and boldly, that a boy had violently sodomized her in the stall of a girl’s bathroom at Stone Bridge High School late last May, leading to Judge Pamela L. Brooks’ ruling the sexual act was non-consensual.

The teen realized justice for herself and another sexual assault victim of the boy, and she vindicated her father, Scott Smith, whose story would otherwise have been relegated to a footnote – footnote number 13 – in a letter dispatched late last month from the National School Boards Association to President Joe Biden, accusing angry parents of “domestic terrorism.” Her father had been arrested in June when he attended a Loudoun County Public Schools Board meeting, attempting to advocate for his daughter."

Let me guess they should lighten up. This boy was gonna rape anyway.
You’re lucky you weren’t born and raised in South Africa. Do you love Nelson Mandela? I know a lot of Americans were brainwashed by the terrorist.
I remember hearing blacks were segregated from whites and didnt have much of a say in the government. I also remember hearing mandella was a commie and that he was a crook. Then I heard about his cunt wife. Then I heard about all the white farmers being killed. As I recall, I remember thinking at one point "blacks got their way and fucked it all up." "No surprise."
Blacks were segregated, but it was a little more complex than just apartheid. Blacks in South Africa will stab you over a spilt drink. Some blacks get massively drunk and hold no value for human life. Both Winnie and Nelson Mandela were terrorists and advocated violence. Biden supported their violence to help his career in the right direction after his own racist slurs in office.
There’s so much to tell. Today it’s almost impossible to google the truth because of the censorship. The blacks fucked it for themselves when they had a chance at a new South Africa. 28 years later and it’s the worst it’s ever been.
Yep, and I also remembered thinking that whites need their own country free of blacks in Africa.
They have, it’s called Orania.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Aidsman's stupidity aside, yes, transvestites are much more likely than other groups to be both sex offenders and pedophiles.

Transvestites are just autogynophiliacs. They are not transgender. They dont experience dysphoria. They just have a fetish.

And yeah they are coming into womens areas and assaulting women now and Admin has no problem with that. In fact people who do are just bigots.

I had this discussion with my wife. She thinks men would assault women if it’s their intent whether they’re transsexual or not.

One of the basic traits of the modern American Conservative is to fear and loathe that which they do not understand.

I am literally telling you EXACTLY what the fucking problem IS.

WHAT dont I understand here? YOU are the stupid fuckinv piece of shit who doesnt understand that MEN WHO ARE NOT TRANS ARE RAPING AND ASSAULTING WOMEN IN FEMALE AREAS

Fucking answer......was the WI SPA flasher trans? You stupid fucking misogynist cock sucker?

Dove…calm down. Be cute again. :AssKisser:

You Yanks need to chill out and take a break. Smell the roses, take a walk in the hills. Reset.

Yeah. Its just my daughters safety, it's not a big deal or anything.

Womens sex based rights are not important or anything.

Answer this. Why do we need legislation when actual trans women have BEEN using female facilities without a problem? As leftists ironically point out.....you cant even TELL. So why did this have to be law to let ALL fucking men in? Tell me that.

See what I mean about rights and prudence?

I don’t agree with transsexuals sharing women’s facilities. I’ve told you that already. Solution: create transsexual spaces. Police common areas. You can’t blame all democrats because of a recently passed legislation. That’s not fair.

Listen up, you retarded dickhead, just like faggits refused anything other than marriage, so to do trannies refuse anything other than being treated as the gender they air claim to be. You're one majorly retarded thick skulled asshole!

Oh shut the fuck up already cunt!

You moronic asshole, its an incredibly stupid thing to even suggest a third option for trannies. They sued and won the right to visit the bathrooms and be interred in the prisons of their sexual choice. Stop the fucking idiocy!!!!!!


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
@Dove …take a moment and look at my naked lily-white bum. Ocean Segments. Smile darling xx

Do you notice most of the women agree with me?

This isnt about partisan politics. This is about women and girls SAFETY.
No it’s about making you take a breath and smiling. Did you look at my white bum or not?

I didnt see it!
Get out of politics and look in Images Ocean segments. And have a chuckle. I had the tan of a nigger. The contrast is blinding! Lol

Okay but you arent going to make me forget how horrible and misogynistic Admin is and how bad I want to spit in his smug fucking face.

Misogynistic is another term used too loosely. You’ll find Admin is mostly just trolling back. I agree with particular segregation. If transgenders put so much time into dress-up, they should put a bit of time into dress-down and piss standing up in a male toilet. That’s my take on it all.

He isnt "trolling back". I've gone into why this is really dangerous and bad for women and girls.

I started a thread in politics about the teenager who was anally raped in school by a boy in a skirt. The school tried to keep police out of it. The girls dad got police involved and had a rape kit done that confirmed she was raped.

The school board just sent the rapist to another school in the district where he assaulted another girl.

The father was approached by a transactivist at a school board meeting where he went to advocate for his daughter. She accused him of lying, and called his daughter a mentally ill bitch. Dad lost it and they arrested him. Put yourself in this fathers position.

And it response to this, Admin busted in laughing and saying he didnt care. And Lotus claimed it wasnt even true(it was definately true).

Do you understand this is who they are? This is what we see everyday. They are completely incapable of normal human empathy and yes, I call him a misogynist because he is.
I’m guilty of busting in and not properly reading threads. There’s just so much banter that I gloss way ahead and then put my foot into it because of what I haven’t read. Ahhhh…it’s all good Hollywood. I enjoy your strong stance on particular issues, particularly the safety of children and women.

A normal person with a normal level of empathy would come in to a topic like this one to troll a woman who has 3 daughters.

A sociopath WOULD. I'm directly explaining why this legislation is dangerous and bad for me as a woman and for my daughters and I'm showing several examples of women and girls being harmed because of it.

And he is just laughing, accusing us of being bigots, insisting it's about us hating trans people and blathering WRONG stereotypes about conservatives. I'm not even a conservative but I may as well be because everyone who challenges these assholes is a "con".

He doesnt care that any men can say they are women and get into private female spaces and prisons.

There is a HUGE difference between someone who experiences real gender dysphoria....this is a medical condition...a mental health crisis...and a transvestite (an autogynophiliac). A transvestite has a FETISH. It's a sexual fetish to dress up like women and some go as far as to fetishize being a woman and having others treat them as women. This is an actual paraphilia

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Many sex offenders (and even serial killers) have this fetish on various degrees.

Its NOT THE SAME as gender dysphoria. This is extremely important. Because they are just letting these people be included as "trans" people and if they identify as women that's all it takes to force us to tolerate them in our private spaces. And even be forced to share prison cells with rapists.

And Admin completely refuses to understand this problem and how real it is and is completely stuck on his partisan hatred.

Do you see the issue? Do see why unity is not ever going to be possible? No matter how clearly and directly do you address an issue....and very important ones that involve our safety, rights and freedoms....that's all they do. They dont CARE about anything but opposing us just because.

That OR they are just too stupid to understand anything and can only think in media sound bytes. And he has no empathy at all.
When do you think the legislation will be reversed? After Biden is stood down or succeeded?

It's not going to be reversed. Not without a huge fight. Even establishment Republicans supported.

This comes with a whole ideology that is overwhelmingly problematic. It's a cancerous end to womens rights.
The fact that this legislation has made it easier for transsexuals to rape women or children is disturbing. Men have had this problem with regard to predators forever.

That's what I've been saying. Admin is mocking this and either too stupid to get it or he is just sociopathic and doesnt CARE.

I asked him SEVERAL times if the Wi Spa flasher(guy who said he identified as a woman went into a Wi Spa wet area where women and girls are nude and was exposing his ERECTION to women AND a little girl. Tried to get into a hot tub right next to a nude little girl with his hard rape stick out swinging in her face) was a "tranny"(his word.. i dont use degrading language towards gender dysphoric people).

He refused to answer this. Even said it didnt matter... when that's really the critical part.

So he knows that predators are using this gender legislation to come in and prey on women and girls. But he doesnt care. And he ignores this so he can pretend in his stupid head that we are just anti trans bigots and spew his stereotypes about "cons" and pretend he is all about civil rights. And he KNOWS its lies and that woman and girls are placed in harm's way.
Did you just call the erect male penis a rape stick?

Yes.... when it's on a predator like that piece of shit... it's a rape stick.

Not like EVERY erect penis. Just when it's on a rapist predator.
…bring us solutions.

The solution is letting women have our private spaces back. Dont allow fucking men in them!

This was never a problem up until the left forced it. Now anyone who opposes it is a bigot.

And you cant fucking talk to these people. They refuse to talk. About anything. All you get from them is hate and shittiness. We are BIGOTS for not wanting dick and balls in our faces in private female areas or getting police involved in our daughters get raped at school.
Tell me more about women's private spaces in the middle ages, or better yet on the Oregon trail, or the Pacific Crest Trail, or on the trail to the summit of K2?


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
@Dove …take a moment and look at my naked lily-white bum. Ocean Segments. Smile darling xx

Do you notice most of the women agree with me?

This isnt about partisan politics. This is about women and girls SAFETY.
No it’s about making you take a breath and smiling. Did you look at my white bum or not?

I didnt see it!
Get out of politics and look in Images Ocean segments. And have a chuckle. I had the tan of a nigger. The contrast is blinding! Lol

Okay but you arent going to make me forget how horrible and misogynistic Admin is and how bad I want to spit in his smug fucking face.

Misogynistic is another term used too loosely. You’ll find Admin is mostly just trolling back. I agree with particular segregation. If transgenders put so much time into dress-up, they should put a bit of time into dress-down and piss standing up in a male toilet. That’s my take on it all.

He isnt "trolling back". I've gone into why this is really dangerous and bad for women and girls.

I started a thread in politics about the teenager who was anally raped in school by a boy in a skirt. The school tried to keep police out of it. The girls dad got police involved and had a rape kit done that confirmed she was raped.

The school board just sent the rapist to another school in the district where he assaulted another girl.

The father was approached by a transactivist at a school board meeting where he went to advocate for his daughter. She accused him of lying, and called his daughter a mentally ill bitch. Dad lost it and they arrested him. Put yourself in this fathers position.

And it response to this, Admin busted in laughing and saying he didnt care. And Lotus claimed it wasnt even true(it was definately true).

Do you understand this is who they are? This is what we see everyday. They are completely incapable of normal human empathy and yes, I call him a misogynist because he is.
I’m guilty of busting in and not properly reading threads. There’s just so much banter that I gloss way ahead and then put my foot into it because of what I haven’t read. Ahhhh…it’s all good Hollywood. I enjoy your strong stance on particular issues, particularly the safety of children and women.

A normal person with a normal level of empathy would come in to a topic like this one to troll a woman who has 3 daughters.

A sociopath WOULD. I'm directly explaining why this legislation is dangerous and bad for me as a woman and for my daughters and I'm showing several examples of women and girls being harmed because of it.

And he is just laughing, accusing us of being bigots, insisting it's about us hating trans people and blathering WRONG stereotypes about conservatives. I'm not even a conservative but I may as well be because everyone who challenges these assholes is a "con".

He doesnt care that any men can say they are women and get into private female spaces and prisons.

There is a HUGE difference between someone who experiences real gender dysphoria....this is a medical condition...a mental health crisis...and a transvestite (an autogynophiliac). A transvestite has a FETISH. It's a sexual fetish to dress up like women and some go as far as to fetishize being a woman and having others treat them as women. This is an actual paraphilia

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Many sex offenders (and even serial killers) have this fetish on various degrees.

Its NOT THE SAME as gender dysphoria. This is extremely important. Because they are just letting these people be included as "trans" people and if they identify as women that's all it takes to force us to tolerate them in our private spaces. And even be forced to share prison cells with rapists.

And Admin completely refuses to understand this problem and how real it is and is completely stuck on his partisan hatred.

Do you see the issue? Do see why unity is not ever going to be possible? No matter how clearly and directly do you address an issue....and very important ones that involve our safety, rights and freedoms....that's all they do. They dont CARE about anything but opposing us just because.

That OR they are just too stupid to understand anything and can only think in media sound bytes. And he has no empathy at all.
When do you think the legislation will be reversed? After Biden is stood down or succeeded?

It's not going to be reversed. Not without a huge fight. Even establishment Republicans supported.

This comes with a whole ideology that is overwhelmingly problematic. It's a cancerous end to womens rights.
The fact that this legislation has made it easier for transsexuals to rape women or children is disturbing. Men have had this problem with regard to predators forever.

That's what I've been saying. Admin is mocking this and either too stupid to get it or he is just sociopathic and doesnt CARE.

I asked him SEVERAL times if the Wi Spa flasher(guy who said he identified as a woman went into a Wi Spa wet area where women and girls are nude and was exposing his ERECTION to women AND a little girl. Tried to get into a hot tub right next to a nude little girl with his hard rape stick out swinging in her face) was a "tranny"(his word.. i dont use degrading language towards gender dysphoric people).

He refused to answer this. Even said it didnt matter... when that's really the critical part.

So he knows that predators are using this gender legislation to come in and prey on women and girls. But he doesnt care. And he ignores this so he can pretend in his stupid head that we are just anti trans bigots and spew his stereotypes about "cons" and pretend he is all about civil rights. And he KNOWS its lies and that woman and girls are placed in harm's way.
Did you just call the erect male penis a rape stick?

Yes.... when it's on a predator like that piece of shit... it's a rape stick.

Not like EVERY erect penis. Just when it's on a rapist predator.
…bring us solutions.

The solution is letting women have our private spaces back. Dont allow fucking men in them!

This was never a problem up until the left forced it. Now anyone who opposes it is a bigot.

And you cant fucking talk to these people. They refuse to talk. About anything. All you get from them is hate and shittiness. We are BIGOTS for not wanting dick and balls in our faces in private female areas or getting police involved in our daughters get raped at school.
Little boys, including myself, have always had problems with bad men when we used public male toilets. I carried a knife on me 24/7 before I carried a gun at 17. All legal.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
Aidsman's stupidity aside, yes, transvestites are much more likely than other groups to be both sex offenders and pedophiles.

Transvestites are just autogynophiliacs. They are not transgender. They dont experience dysphoria. They just have a fetish.

And yeah they are coming into womens areas and assaulting women now and Admin has no problem with that. In fact people who do are just bigots.

I had this discussion with my wife. She thinks men would assault women if it’s their intent whether they’re transsexual or not.

One of the basic traits of the modern American Conservative is to fear and loathe that which they do not understand.

I am literally telling you EXACTLY what the fucking problem IS.

WHAT dont I understand here? YOU are the stupid fuckinv piece of shit who doesnt understand that MEN WHO ARE NOT TRANS ARE RAPING AND ASSAULTING WOMEN IN FEMALE AREAS

Fucking answer......was the WI SPA flasher trans? You stupid fucking misogynist cock sucker?

Dove…calm down. Be cute again. :AssKisser:

You Yanks need to chill out and take a break. Smell the roses, take a walk in the hills. Reset.

Yeah. Its just my daughters safety, it's not a big deal or anything.

Womens sex based rights are not important or anything.

Answer this. Why do we need legislation when actual trans women have BEEN using female facilities without a problem? As leftists ironically point out.....you cant even TELL. So why did this have to be law to let ALL fucking men in? Tell me that.

See what I mean about rights and prudence?

I don’t agree with transsexuals sharing women’s facilities. I’ve told you that already. Solution: create transsexual spaces. Police common areas. You can’t blame all democrats because of a recently passed legislation. That’s not fair.

Listen up, you retarded dickhead, just like faggits refused anything other than marriage, so to do trannies refuse anything other than being treated as the gender they air claim to be. You're one majorly retarded thick skulled asshole!

Oh shut the fuck up already cunt!

You moronic asshole, its an incredibly stupid thing to even suggest a third option for trannies. They sued and won the right to visit the bathrooms and be interred in the prisons of their sexual choice. Stop the fucking idiocy!!!!!!

Do the niggers git to choose their own prisons too?


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Aidsman's stupidity aside, yes, transvestites are much more likely than other groups to be both sex offenders and pedophiles.

Transvestites are just autogynophiliacs. They are not transgender. They dont experience dysphoria. They just have a fetish.

And yeah they are coming into womens areas and assaulting women now and Admin has no problem with that. In fact people who do are just bigots.

I had this discussion with my wife. She thinks men would assault women if it’s their intent whether they’re transsexual or not.

One of the basic traits of the modern American Conservative is to fear and loathe that which they do not understand.

I am literally telling you EXACTLY what the fucking problem IS.

WHAT dont I understand here? YOU are the stupid fuckinv piece of shit who doesnt understand that MEN WHO ARE NOT TRANS ARE RAPING AND ASSAULTING WOMEN IN FEMALE AREAS

Fucking answer......was the WI SPA flasher trans? You stupid fucking misogynist cock sucker?

Dove…calm down. Be cute again. :AssKisser:

You Yanks need to chill out and take a break. Smell the roses, take a walk in the hills. Reset.

Yeah. Its just my daughters safety, it's not a big deal or anything.

Womens sex based rights are not important or anything.

Answer this. Why do we need legislation when actual trans women have BEEN using female facilities without a problem? As leftists ironically point out.....you cant even TELL. So why did this have to be law to let ALL fucking men in? Tell me that.

See what I mean about rights and prudence?

I don’t agree with transsexuals sharing women’s facilities. I’ve told you that already. Solution: create transsexual spaces. Police common areas. You can’t blame all democrats because of a recently passed legislation. That’s not fair.

Listen up, you retarded dickhead, just like faggits refused anything other than marriage, so to do trannies refuse anything other than being treated as the gender they air claim to be. You're one majorly retarded thick skulled asshole!

Oh shut the fuck up already cunt!

You moronic asshole, its an incredibly stupid thing to even suggest a third option for trannies. They sued and won the right to visit the bathrooms and be interred in the prisons of their sexual choice. Stop the fucking idiocy!!!!!!

Oh my God!!!!! Somebody pour the bloke a stiff drink!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
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This past Monday, a teen girl walked into Courtroom 1A of the Loudoun County courthouse and testified, clearly and boldly, that a boy had violently sodomized her in the stall of a girl’s bathroom at Stone Bridge High School late last May, leading to Judge Pamela L. Brooks’ ruling the sexual act was non-consensual.

The teen realized justice for herself and another sexual assault victim of the boy, and she vindicated her father, Scott Smith, whose story would otherwise have been relegated to a footnote – footnote number 13 – in a letter dispatched late last month from the National School Boards Association to President Joe Biden, accusing angry parents of “domestic terrorism.” Her father had been arrested in June when he attended a Loudoun County Public Schools Board meeting, attempting to advocate for his daughter."

Let me guess they should lighten up. This boy was gonna rape anyway.
You’re lucky you weren’t born and raised in South Africa. Do you love Nelson Mandela? I know a lot of Americans were brainwashed by the terrorist.
I remember hearing blacks were segregated from whites and didnt have much of a say in the government. I also remember hearing mandella was a commie and that he was a crook. Then I heard about his cunt wife. Then I heard about all the white farmers being killed. As I recall, I remember thinking at one point "blacks got their way and fucked it all up." "No surprise."
Is this like some kind of Civil War propaganda campaign, or what?
I'm talking about you, fucktard, not TOO you. STFU.
Are you starting your little civil war now, or just posturing in this little chat room?
You're still gay. Now STFU.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
@Dove …take a moment and look at my naked lily-white bum. Ocean Segments. Smile darling xx

Do you notice most of the women agree with me?

This isnt about partisan politics. This is about women and girls SAFETY.
No it’s about making you take a breath and smiling. Did you look at my white bum or not?

I didnt see it!
Get out of politics and look in Images Ocean segments. And have a chuckle. I had the tan of a nigger. The contrast is blinding! Lol

Okay but you arent going to make me forget how horrible and misogynistic Admin is and how bad I want to spit in his smug fucking face.

Misogynistic is another term used too loosely. You’ll find Admin is mostly just trolling back. I agree with particular segregation. If transgenders put so much time into dress-up, they should put a bit of time into dress-down and piss standing up in a male toilet. That’s my take on it all.

He isnt "trolling back". I've gone into why this is really dangerous and bad for women and girls.

I started a thread in politics about the teenager who was anally raped in school by a boy in a skirt. The school tried to keep police out of it. The girls dad got police involved and had a rape kit done that confirmed she was raped.

The school board just sent the rapist to another school in the district where he assaulted another girl.

The father was approached by a transactivist at a school board meeting where he went to advocate for his daughter. She accused him of lying, and called his daughter a mentally ill bitch. Dad lost it and they arrested him. Put yourself in this fathers position.

And it response to this, Admin busted in laughing and saying he didnt care. And Lotus claimed it wasnt even true(it was definately true).

Do you understand this is who they are? This is what we see everyday. They are completely incapable of normal human empathy and yes, I call him a misogynist because he is.
I’m guilty of busting in and not properly reading threads. There’s just so much banter that I gloss way ahead and then put my foot into it because of what I haven’t read. Ahhhh…it’s all good Hollywood. I enjoy your strong stance on particular issues, particularly the safety of children and women.

A normal person with a normal level of empathy would come in to a topic like this one to troll a woman who has 3 daughters.

A sociopath WOULD. I'm directly explaining why this legislation is dangerous and bad for me as a woman and for my daughters and I'm showing several examples of women and girls being harmed because of it.

And he is just laughing, accusing us of being bigots, insisting it's about us hating trans people and blathering WRONG stereotypes about conservatives. I'm not even a conservative but I may as well be because everyone who challenges these assholes is a "con".

He doesnt care that any men can say they are women and get into private female spaces and prisons.

There is a HUGE difference between someone who experiences real gender dysphoria....this is a medical condition...a mental health crisis...and a transvestite (an autogynophiliac). A transvestite has a FETISH. It's a sexual fetish to dress up like women and some go as far as to fetishize being a woman and having others treat them as women. This is an actual paraphilia

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Many sex offenders (and even serial killers) have this fetish on various degrees.

Its NOT THE SAME as gender dysphoria. This is extremely important. Because they are just letting these people be included as "trans" people and if they identify as women that's all it takes to force us to tolerate them in our private spaces. And even be forced to share prison cells with rapists.

And Admin completely refuses to understand this problem and how real it is and is completely stuck on his partisan hatred.

Do you see the issue? Do see why unity is not ever going to be possible? No matter how clearly and directly do you address an issue....and very important ones that involve our safety, rights and freedoms....that's all they do. They dont CARE about anything but opposing us just because.

That OR they are just too stupid to understand anything and can only think in media sound bytes. And he has no empathy at all.
When do you think the legislation will be reversed? After Biden is stood down or succeeded?

It's not going to be reversed. Not without a huge fight. Even establishment Republicans supported.

This comes with a whole ideology that is overwhelmingly problematic. It's a cancerous end to womens rights.
The fact that this legislation has made it easier for transsexuals to rape women or children is disturbing. Men have had this problem with regard to predators forever.

That's what I've been saying. Admin is mocking this and either too stupid to get it or he is just sociopathic and doesnt CARE.

I asked him SEVERAL times if the Wi Spa flasher(guy who said he identified as a woman went into a Wi Spa wet area where women and girls are nude and was exposing his ERECTION to women AND a little girl. Tried to get into a hot tub right next to a nude little girl with his hard rape stick out swinging in her face) was a "tranny"(his word.. i dont use degrading language towards gender dysphoric people).

He refused to answer this. Even said it didnt matter... when that's really the critical part.

So he knows that predators are using this gender legislation to come in and prey on women and girls. But he doesnt care. And he ignores this so he can pretend in his stupid head that we are just anti trans bigots and spew his stereotypes about "cons" and pretend he is all about civil rights. And he KNOWS its lies and that woman and girls are placed in harm's way.
Did you just call the erect male penis a rape stick?

Yes.... when it's on a predator like that piece of shit... it's a rape stick.

Not like EVERY erect penis. Just when it's on a rapist predator.
…bring us solutions.

The solution is letting women have our private spaces back. Dont allow fucking men in them!

This was never a problem up until the left forced it. Now anyone who opposes it is a bigot.

And you cant fucking talk to these people. They refuse to talk. About anything. All you get from them is hate and shittiness. We are BIGOTS for not wanting dick and balls in our faces in private female areas or getting police involved in our daughters get raped at school.
Tell me more about women's private spaces in the middle ages, or better yet on the Oregon trail, or the Pacific Crest Trail, or on the trail to the summit of K2?
Raven Ditz, you ever gone on a long organized hike?


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
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This past Monday, a teen girl walked into Courtroom 1A of the Loudoun County courthouse and testified, clearly and boldly, that a boy had violently sodomized her in the stall of a girl’s bathroom at Stone Bridge High School late last May, leading to Judge Pamela L. Brooks’ ruling the sexual act was non-consensual.

The teen realized justice for herself and another sexual assault victim of the boy, and she vindicated her father, Scott Smith, whose story would otherwise have been relegated to a footnote – footnote number 13 – in a letter dispatched late last month from the National School Boards Association to President Joe Biden, accusing angry parents of “domestic terrorism.” Her father had been arrested in June when he attended a Loudoun County Public Schools Board meeting, attempting to advocate for his daughter."

Let me guess they should lighten up. This boy was gonna rape anyway.
You’re lucky you weren’t born and raised in South Africa. Do you love Nelson Mandela? I know a lot of Americans were brainwashed by the terrorist.
I remember hearing blacks were segregated from whites and didnt have much of a say in the government. I also remember hearing mandella was a commie and that he was a crook. Then I heard about his cunt wife. Then I heard about all the white farmers being killed. As I recall, I remember thinking at one point "blacks got their way and fucked it all up." "No surprise."
Is this like some kind of Civil War propaganda campaign, or what?
I'm talking about you, fucktard, not TOO you. STFU.
Are you starting your little civil war now, or just posturing in this little chat room?
You're still gay. Now STFU.
Is this the start of your Civil war, or just more posturing, like a rat in a cage?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
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This past Monday, a teen girl walked into Courtroom 1A of the Loudoun County courthouse and testified, clearly and boldly, that a boy had violently sodomized her in the stall of a girl’s bathroom at Stone Bridge High School late last May, leading to Judge Pamela L. Brooks’ ruling the sexual act was non-consensual.

The teen realized justice for herself and another sexual assault victim of the boy, and she vindicated her father, Scott Smith, whose story would otherwise have been relegated to a footnote – footnote number 13 – in a letter dispatched late last month from the National School Boards Association to President Joe Biden, accusing angry parents of “domestic terrorism.” Her father had been arrested in June when he attended a Loudoun County Public Schools Board meeting, attempting to advocate for his daughter."

Let me guess they should lighten up. This boy was gonna rape anyway.
You’re lucky you weren’t born and raised in South Africa. Do you love Nelson Mandela? I know a lot of Americans were brainwashed by the terrorist.
I remember hearing blacks were segregated from whites and didnt have much of a say in the government. I also remember hearing mandella was a commie and that he was a crook. Then I heard about his cunt wife. Then I heard about all the white farmers being killed. As I recall, I remember thinking at one point "blacks got their way and fucked it all up." "No surprise."
Blacks were segregated, but it was a little more complex than just apartheid. Blacks in South Africa will stab you over a spilt drink. Some blacks get massively drunk and hold no value for human life. Both Winnie and Nelson Mandela were terrorists and advocated violence. Biden supported their violence to help his career in the right direction after his own racist slurs in office.
There’s so much to tell. Today it’s almost impossible to google the truth because of the censorship. The blacks fucked it for themselves when they had a chance at a new South Africa. 28 years later and it’s the worst it’s ever been.
Yep, and I also remembered thinking that whites need their own country free of blacks in Africa.
They have, it’s called Orania.
I dont recall the name but I remember seeing that whites had segregated themselves in a community and there was threats that the niggers were gonna basically invade them.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Aidsman's stupidity aside, yes, transvestites are much more likely than other groups to be both sex offenders and pedophiles.

Transvestites are just autogynophiliacs. They are not transgender. They dont experience dysphoria. They just have a fetish.

And yeah they are coming into womens areas and assaulting women now and Admin has no problem with that. In fact people who do are just bigots.

I had this discussion with my wife. She thinks men would assault women if it’s their intent whether they’re transsexual or not.

One of the basic traits of the modern American Conservative is to fear and loathe that which they do not understand.

I am literally telling you EXACTLY what the fucking problem IS.

WHAT dont I understand here? YOU are the stupid fuckinv piece of shit who doesnt understand that MEN WHO ARE NOT TRANS ARE RAPING AND ASSAULTING WOMEN IN FEMALE AREAS

Fucking answer......was the WI SPA flasher trans? You stupid fucking misogynist cock sucker?

Dove…calm down. Be cute again. :AssKisser:

You Yanks need to chill out and take a break. Smell the roses, take a walk in the hills. Reset.

Yeah. Its just my daughters safety, it's not a big deal or anything.

Womens sex based rights are not important or anything.

Answer this. Why do we need legislation when actual trans women have BEEN using female facilities without a problem? As leftists ironically point out.....you cant even TELL. So why did this have to be law to let ALL fucking men in? Tell me that.

See what I mean about rights and prudence?

I don’t agree with transsexuals sharing women’s facilities. I’ve told you that already. Solution: create transsexual spaces. Police common areas. You can’t blame all democrats because of a recently passed legislation. That’s not fair.

Listen up, you retarded dickhead, just like faggits refused anything other than marriage, so to do trannies refuse anything other than being treated as the gender they air claim to be. You're one majorly retarded thick skulled asshole!

Oh shut the fuck up already cunt!

You moronic asshole, its an incredibly stupid thing to even suggest a third option for trannies. They sued and won the right to visit the bathrooms and be interred in the prisons of their sexual choice. Stop the fucking idiocy!!!!!!

Do the niggers git to choose their own prisons too?

The nigger trannies do, faggit.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
@Dove …take a moment and look at my naked lily-white bum. Ocean Segments. Smile darling xx

Do you notice most of the women agree with me?

This isnt about partisan politics. This is about women and girls SAFETY.
No it’s about making you take a breath and smiling. Did you look at my white bum or not?

I didnt see it!
Get out of politics and look in Images Ocean segments. And have a chuckle. I had the tan of a nigger. The contrast is blinding! Lol

Okay but you arent going to make me forget how horrible and misogynistic Admin is and how bad I want to spit in his smug fucking face.

Misogynistic is another term used too loosely. You’ll find Admin is mostly just trolling back. I agree with particular segregation. If transgenders put so much time into dress-up, they should put a bit of time into dress-down and piss standing up in a male toilet. That’s my take on it all.

He isnt "trolling back". I've gone into why this is really dangerous and bad for women and girls.

I started a thread in politics about the teenager who was anally raped in school by a boy in a skirt. The school tried to keep police out of it. The girls dad got police involved and had a rape kit done that confirmed she was raped.

The school board just sent the rapist to another school in the district where he assaulted another girl.

The father was approached by a transactivist at a school board meeting where he went to advocate for his daughter. She accused him of lying, and called his daughter a mentally ill bitch. Dad lost it and they arrested him. Put yourself in this fathers position.

And it response to this, Admin busted in laughing and saying he didnt care. And Lotus claimed it wasnt even true(it was definately true).

Do you understand this is who they are? This is what we see everyday. They are completely incapable of normal human empathy and yes, I call him a misogynist because he is.
I’m guilty of busting in and not properly reading threads. There’s just so much banter that I gloss way ahead and then put my foot into it because of what I haven’t read. Ahhhh…it’s all good Hollywood. I enjoy your strong stance on particular issues, particularly the safety of children and women.

A normal person with a normal level of empathy would come in to a topic like this one to troll a woman who has 3 daughters.

A sociopath WOULD. I'm directly explaining why this legislation is dangerous and bad for me as a woman and for my daughters and I'm showing several examples of women and girls being harmed because of it.

And he is just laughing, accusing us of being bigots, insisting it's about us hating trans people and blathering WRONG stereotypes about conservatives. I'm not even a conservative but I may as well be because everyone who challenges these assholes is a "con".

He doesnt care that any men can say they are women and get into private female spaces and prisons.

There is a HUGE difference between someone who experiences real gender dysphoria....this is a medical condition...a mental health crisis...and a transvestite (an autogynophiliac). A transvestite has a FETISH. It's a sexual fetish to dress up like women and some go as far as to fetishize being a woman and having others treat them as women. This is an actual paraphilia

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Many sex offenders (and even serial killers) have this fetish on various degrees.

Its NOT THE SAME as gender dysphoria. This is extremely important. Because they are just letting these people be included as "trans" people and if they identify as women that's all it takes to force us to tolerate them in our private spaces. And even be forced to share prison cells with rapists.

And Admin completely refuses to understand this problem and how real it is and is completely stuck on his partisan hatred.

Do you see the issue? Do see why unity is not ever going to be possible? No matter how clearly and directly do you address an issue....and very important ones that involve our safety, rights and freedoms....that's all they do. They dont CARE about anything but opposing us just because.

That OR they are just too stupid to understand anything and can only think in media sound bytes. And he has no empathy at all.
When do you think the legislation will be reversed? After Biden is stood down or succeeded?

It's not going to be reversed. Not without a huge fight. Even establishment Republicans supported.

This comes with a whole ideology that is overwhelmingly problematic. It's a cancerous end to womens rights.
The fact that this legislation has made it easier for transsexuals to rape women or children is disturbing. Men have had this problem with regard to predators forever.

That's what I've been saying. Admin is mocking this and either too stupid to get it or he is just sociopathic and doesnt CARE.

I asked him SEVERAL times if the Wi Spa flasher(guy who said he identified as a woman went into a Wi Spa wet area where women and girls are nude and was exposing his ERECTION to women AND a little girl. Tried to get into a hot tub right next to a nude little girl with his hard rape stick out swinging in her face) was a "tranny"(his word.. i dont use degrading language towards gender dysphoric people).

He refused to answer this. Even said it didnt matter... when that's really the critical part.

So he knows that predators are using this gender legislation to come in and prey on women and girls. But he doesnt care. And he ignores this so he can pretend in his stupid head that we are just anti trans bigots and spew his stereotypes about "cons" and pretend he is all about civil rights. And he KNOWS its lies and that woman and girls are placed in harm's way.
Did you just call the erect male penis a rape stick?

Yes.... when it's on a predator like that piece of shit... it's a rape stick.

Not like EVERY erect penis. Just when it's on a rapist predator.
…bring us solutions.

The solution is letting women have our private spaces back. Dont allow fucking men in them!

This was never a problem up until the left forced it. Now anyone who opposes it is a bigot.

And you cant fucking talk to these people. They refuse to talk. About anything. All you get from them is hate and shittiness. We are BIGOTS for not wanting dick and balls in our faces in private female areas or getting police involved in our daughters get raped at school.
Tell me more about women's private spaces in the middle ages, or better yet on the Oregon trail, or the Pacific Crest Trail, or on the trail to the summit of K2?
Do they have private wimmin areas on the ISS? Or why are we not hearing about all the rapes up there?


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
Aidsman's stupidity aside, yes, transvestites are much more likely than other groups to be both sex offenders and pedophiles.

Transvestites are just autogynophiliacs. They are not transgender. They dont experience dysphoria. They just have a fetish.

And yeah they are coming into womens areas and assaulting women now and Admin has no problem with that. In fact people who do are just bigots.

I had this discussion with my wife. She thinks men would assault women if it’s their intent whether they’re transsexual or not.

One of the basic traits of the modern American Conservative is to fear and loathe that which they do not understand.

I am literally telling you EXACTLY what the fucking problem IS.

WHAT dont I understand here? YOU are the stupid fuckinv piece of shit who doesnt understand that MEN WHO ARE NOT TRANS ARE RAPING AND ASSAULTING WOMEN IN FEMALE AREAS

Fucking answer......was the WI SPA flasher trans? You stupid fucking misogynist cock sucker?

Dove…calm down. Be cute again. :AssKisser:

You Yanks need to chill out and take a break. Smell the roses, take a walk in the hills. Reset.

Yeah. Its just my daughters safety, it's not a big deal or anything.

Womens sex based rights are not important or anything.

Answer this. Why do we need legislation when actual trans women have BEEN using female facilities without a problem? As leftists ironically point out.....you cant even TELL. So why did this have to be law to let ALL fucking men in? Tell me that.

See what I mean about rights and prudence?

I don’t agree with transsexuals sharing women’s facilities. I’ve told you that already. Solution: create transsexual spaces. Police common areas. You can’t blame all democrats because of a recently passed legislation. That’s not fair.

Listen up, you retarded dickhead, just like faggits refused anything other than marriage, so to do trannies refuse anything other than being treated as the gender they air claim to be. You're one majorly retarded thick skulled asshole!

Oh shut the fuck up already cunt!

You moronic asshole, its an incredibly stupid thing to even suggest a third option for trannies. They sued and won the right to visit the bathrooms and be interred in the prisons of their sexual choice. Stop the fucking idiocy!!!!!!

Do the niggers git to choose their own prisons too?

The nigger trannies do, faggit.

Does that thought make you feel all tingly down there?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
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This past Monday, a teen girl walked into Courtroom 1A of the Loudoun County courthouse and testified, clearly and boldly, that a boy had violently sodomized her in the stall of a girl’s bathroom at Stone Bridge High School late last May, leading to Judge Pamela L. Brooks’ ruling the sexual act was non-consensual.

The teen realized justice for herself and another sexual assault victim of the boy, and she vindicated her father, Scott Smith, whose story would otherwise have been relegated to a footnote – footnote number 13 – in a letter dispatched late last month from the National School Boards Association to President Joe Biden, accusing angry parents of “domestic terrorism.” Her father had been arrested in June when he attended a Loudoun County Public Schools Board meeting, attempting to advocate for his daughter."

Let me guess they should lighten up. This boy was gonna rape anyway.
You’re lucky you weren’t born and raised in South Africa. Do you love Nelson Mandela? I know a lot of Americans were brainwashed by the terrorist.
I remember hearing blacks were segregated from whites and didnt have much of a say in the government. I also remember hearing mandella was a commie and that he was a crook. Then I heard about his cunt wife. Then I heard about all the white farmers being killed. As I recall, I remember thinking at one point "blacks got their way and fucked it all up." "No surprise."
Is this like some kind of Civil War propaganda campaign, or what?
I'm talking about you, fucktard, not TOO you. STFU.
Are you starting your little civil war now, or just posturing in this little chat room?
You're still gay. Now STFU.
Is this the start of your Civil war, or just more posturing, like a rat in a cage?
Yes, its the start of the civil war. Be sure to brow a beard and wear a dress so you're easily identified as a "friendy".


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
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This past Monday, a teen girl walked into Courtroom 1A of the Loudoun County courthouse and testified, clearly and boldly, that a boy had violently sodomized her in the stall of a girl’s bathroom at Stone Bridge High School late last May, leading to Judge Pamela L. Brooks’ ruling the sexual act was non-consensual.

The teen realized justice for herself and another sexual assault victim of the boy, and she vindicated her father, Scott Smith, whose story would otherwise have been relegated to a footnote – footnote number 13 – in a letter dispatched late last month from the National School Boards Association to President Joe Biden, accusing angry parents of “domestic terrorism.” Her father had been arrested in June when he attended a Loudoun County Public Schools Board meeting, attempting to advocate for his daughter."

Let me guess they should lighten up. This boy was gonna rape anyway.
You’re lucky you weren’t born and raised in South Africa. Do you love Nelson Mandela? I know a lot of Americans were brainwashed by the terrorist.
I remember hearing blacks were segregated from whites and didnt have much of a say in the government. I also remember hearing mandella was a commie and that he was a crook. Then I heard about his cunt wife. Then I heard about all the white farmers being killed. As I recall, I remember thinking at one point "blacks got their way and fucked it all up." "No surprise."
Blacks were segregated, but it was a little more complex than just apartheid. Blacks in South Africa will stab you over a spilt drink. Some blacks get massively drunk and hold no value for human life. Both Winnie and Nelson Mandela were terrorists and advocated violence. Biden supported their violence to help his career in the right direction after his own racist slurs in office.
There’s so much to tell. Today it’s almost impossible to google the truth because of the censorship. The blacks fucked it for themselves when they had a chance at a new South Africa. 28 years later and it’s the worst it’s ever been.
Yep, and I also remembered thinking that whites need their own country free of blacks in Africa.
They have, it’s called Orania.
I dont recall the name but I remember seeing that whites had segregated themselves in a community and there was threats that the niggers were gonna basically invade them.
Orania. They’re majority Afrikaner. White Dutch/German South Africans. I’m of British decent, essentially their enemy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Lokmar …you’re like an excited chimpanzee vying for attention daily. Zip your lip you ditzy fuckwod!
I will....just as soon as you stop suggesting stupid bullshit!
What was stupid specifically?
Comparing apples to apples here, we had civil unions for faggits. This was a seperate but legally equal pairing for faggits. It wasnt good enough. They sued and won the right to get married just like normal people. In the exact same way, trannies won the right to be included by the gender of their own choosing. Its absurd to imagine going backwards to a situation where we have a third bathroom option that would simultaneously prevent men with functioning penis' from entering a womans bathroom.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
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This past Monday, a teen girl walked into Courtroom 1A of the Loudoun County courthouse and testified, clearly and boldly, that a boy had violently sodomized her in the stall of a girl’s bathroom at Stone Bridge High School late last May, leading to Judge Pamela L. Brooks’ ruling the sexual act was non-consensual.

The teen realized justice for herself and another sexual assault victim of the boy, and she vindicated her father, Scott Smith, whose story would otherwise have been relegated to a footnote – footnote number 13 – in a letter dispatched late last month from the National School Boards Association to President Joe Biden, accusing angry parents of “domestic terrorism.” Her father had been arrested in June when he attended a Loudoun County Public Schools Board meeting, attempting to advocate for his daughter."

Let me guess they should lighten up. This boy was gonna rape anyway.
You’re lucky you weren’t born and raised in South Africa. Do you love Nelson Mandela? I know a lot of Americans were brainwashed by the terrorist.
I remember hearing blacks were segregated from whites and didnt have much of a say in the government. I also remember hearing mandella was a commie and that he was a crook. Then I heard about his cunt wife. Then I heard about all the white farmers being killed. As I recall, I remember thinking at one point "blacks got their way and fucked it all up." "No surprise."
Is this like some kind of Civil War propaganda campaign, or what?
I'm talking about you, fucktard, not TOO you. STFU.
Are you starting your little civil war now, or just posturing in this little chat room?
You're still gay. Now STFU.
Is this the start of your Civil war, or just more posturing, like a rat in a cage?
Yes, its the start of the civil war. Be sure to brow a beard and wear a dress so you're easily identified as a "friendy".
When you go r/l civil war what will be your primary pew pew pew, pew pew stick?


Domestically feral
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United states
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This past Monday, a teen girl walked into Courtroom 1A of the Loudoun County courthouse and testified, clearly and boldly, that a boy had violently sodomized her in the stall of a girl’s bathroom at Stone Bridge High School late last May, leading to Judge Pamela L. Brooks’ ruling the sexual act was non-consensual.

The teen realized justice for herself and another sexual assault victim of the boy, and she vindicated her father, Scott Smith, whose story would otherwise have been relegated to a footnote – footnote number 13 – in a letter dispatched late last month from the National School Boards Association to President Joe Biden, accusing angry parents of “domestic terrorism.” Her father had been arrested in June when he attended a Loudoun County Public Schools Board meeting, attempting to advocate for his daughter."

Let me guess they should lighten up. This boy was gonna rape anyway.
You’re lucky you weren’t born and raised in South Africa. Do you love Nelson Mandela? I know a lot of Americans were brainwashed by the terrorist.
I remember hearing blacks were segregated from whites and didnt have much of a say in the government. I also remember hearing mandella was a commie and that he was a crook. Then I heard about his cunt wife. Then I heard about all the white farmers being killed. As I recall, I remember thinking at one point "blacks got their way and fucked it all up." "No surprise."
Is this like some kind of Civil War propaganda campaign, or what?
I'm talking about you, fucktard, not TOO you. STFU.
Are you starting your little civil war now, or just posturing in this little chat room?
You're still gay. Now STFU.
Is this the start of your Civil war, or just more posturing, like a rat in a cage?

You mean the inevitable civil war being forced on us fueled by propaganda inciting psychotic levels of hatred between all the peasents?

The one you are immensely enjoying because you love your hatred so much you laugh at misogyny and abuse of women and girls?

This one?

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I mean that's nuts! It's just the destruction of civil discourse and psychological warfare on the people for shits and giggles!! It's all in good fun right?

You guys are just trolling the country is all.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
@Lokmar …you’re like an excited chimpanzee vying for attention daily. Zip your lip you ditzy fuckwod!
I will....just as soon as you stop suggesting stupid bullshit!
What was stupid specifically?
Comparing apples to apples here, we had civil unions for faggits. This was a seperate but legally equal pairing for faggits. It wasnt good enough. They sued and won the right to get married just like normal people. In the exact same way, trannies won the right to be included by the gender of their own choosing. Its absurd to imagine going backwards to a situation where we have a third bathroom option that would simultaneously prevent men with functioning penis' from entering a womans bathroom.
Oh shaddaup Private Potato Head., fucking coward.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
@Lokmar …you’re like an excited chimpanzee vying for attention daily. Zip your lip you ditzy fuckwod!
I will....just as soon as you stop suggesting stupid bullshit!
What was stupid specifically?
Comparing apples to apples here, we had civil unions for faggits. This was a seperate but legally equal pairing for faggits. It wasnt good enough. They sued and won the right to get married just like normal people. In the exact same way, trannies won the right to be included by the gender of their own choosing. Its absurd to imagine going backwards to a situation where we have a third bathroom option that would simultaneously prevent men with functioning penis' from entering a womans bathroom.
Oh shaddaup Private Potato Head., fucking coward.

He should have the balls to go fire bomb black businesses and terrorize communities and brutally beat innocent people like 70 year old business owners.

Then cry "murder" when someone he attacks shoots him.

It's only brave when you are attacking innocent people and destroying their lives and community right? Team Blue!!

Maybe calling for violence and harrassing women who dont want to be raped and assaulted would make him as brave as leftists.