"We need to encourage a return to traditional American Style Christian values."

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Relax ladies, no one here will be stopping you two from soaping up and showering together when your melties are complete

just sayin


Factory Bastard
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Remember Kids, Christian love will fucking kill you!
Peepoe like you should die.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
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Five Christian School Officials Hid Horrific Locker Room Sex Assault, Police Say

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What is more American than simulated anal rape, among boys?
Why do you attack Christians, sir? Do you not know that Islam promotes PLEASE ASS BOX ME! and rape on a wide scale? Yet you cherry pick the few bad people who claim Christianity. You are in dire need of Jesus, fren.
Why do you support sadistic homoerotic hazing rituals? Are you a poofter?
Excuse you? I do not and no other Christian I know does. There are bad apples in every religion no doubt but I can't help but notice left wingers go after Christians more often than not.
You mean like the Catlick Church which hid child abuse and paid out billions in hush money?
Catholics aren't even considered real Christians by real Christians you obtuse buffoon

I don't know a single Catholic that has read their bible from cover to cover. not one.

Big fail right there
@Holliday1881 I couldn't have said it better. Catholics are not Christian


Domestically feral
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United states

Remember Kids, Christian love will fucking kill you!

I had an anti theist harrassing me for months telling me I should be raped and burned alive in front of my kids so they can be liberated from my indoctrination.

If someone was smashing a steak and telling you they were vegan and you pointed out that vegans dont eat animal products you would be committing a No True Scotsman. Right?

How do you identify a Christian?


Domestically feral
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United states
Five Christian School Officials Hid Horrific Locker Room Sex Assault, Police Say

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What is more American than simulated anal rape, among boys?
Why do you attack Christians, sir? Do you not know that Islam promotes PLEASE ASS BOX ME! and rape on a wide scale? Yet you cherry pick the few bad people who claim Christianity. You are in dire need of Jesus, fren.
admin supports PLEASE ASS BOX ME!
It certainly gets ignored when it's on the left side but on the right side it's blown up. There is obviously pedos of both left and right and shouldn't be ignored cuz of political views one way or the other.

Exactly. But it is ignored. Enabled as well. All because of politcs.


Domestically feral
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United states
Five Christian School Officials Hid Horrific Locker Room Sex Assault, Police Say

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What is more American than simulated anal rape, among boys?
Why do you attack Christians, sir? Do you not know that Islam promotes PLEASE ASS BOX ME! and rape on a wide scale? Yet you cherry pick the few bad people who claim Christianity. You are in dire need of Jesus, fren.
Why do you support sadistic homoerotic hazing rituals? Are you a poofter?
Excuse you? I do not and no other Christian I know does. There are bad apples in every religion no doubt but I can't help but notice left wingers go after Christians more often than not.
You mean like the Catlick Church which hid child abuse and paid out billions in hush money?
Catholics aren't even considered real Christians by real Christians you obtuse buffoon

I don't know a single Catholic that has read their bible from cover to cover. not one.

Big fail right there
Neither are protestants and evangelicals etc., dingleberry.

I can sit here and provide an extensive list of RC practices that go against scripture starting with veneration(worship) of Mary to praying to dead people to chanting nonsense and everything in between and I can show you were the Roman church became corrupt.

I would love to see you do the same with protestants considering all thar means is "not catholic". Messianiacs would be "protestant".

Evangelicals are not even a denomination. I'm sure your reasons for disqualifying them as Christian's are a bunch of stupid crap that has nothing to do with proper interpretation of scripture or their malignant of the gospel as a tool of prosperity.


The Bible doesnt say the earth was created 6000 years ago.
Oh sure - go ahead and deny it. :EvilOne:
Five Christian School Officials Hid Horrific Locker Room Sex Assault, Police Say

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What is more American than simulated anal rape, among boys?
Why do you attack Christians, sir? Do you not know that Islam promotes PLEASE ASS BOX ME! and rape on a wide scale? Yet you cherry pick the few bad people who claim Christianity. You are in dire need of Jesus, fren.
Why do you support sadistic homoerotic hazing rituals? Are you a poofter?
Excuse you? I do not and no other Christian I know does. There are bad apples in every religion no doubt but I can't help but notice left wingers go after Christians more often than not.
You mean like the Catlick Church which hid child abuse and paid out billions in hush money?
Catholics aren't even considered real Christians by real Christians you obtuse buffoon

I don't know a single Catholic that has read their bible from cover to cover. not one.

Big fail right there
@Holliday1881 I couldn't have said it better. Catholics are not Christian
I agree most completely. I think my post should have been self explanatory. The inherent evil in the Church of Rome and the bastard offspring of that Frankenstein religion was clear enough to me by the age of 5 or 6. And when I say Frankenstein religion I mean that which at Nicea (325) sowed together the dismembered paganism of the time, Judaism, and the selected altered tests of Christians (the modern regional inheritors of the teachings of Gautama, Zoroaster, Hermes etc.) which became the Bible (excluding most of the Christian texts far more voluminous and enlightening, the Gnostics, and occultists of the time), neatly incorporated to control the minds and spirits of man. And, the so-called reformations which were no more than further corruptions of the liberal teachings of the Christ through Jesus, that is, the putrid protestant and evanjellyal nonsense being the bastard children thereof. Conservatives spoil everything, being the very personification of evil, obfuscators of truth, lovers of the World (Satanists).
.To be sure there are the occasional small groups associated (by necessity) with them who appear with the mission of doing some occult work for the benefit of man and human advancement, then vanish as mysteriously, but filthy conservatives all work double hard to slow man's spiritual progress.
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Factory Bastard
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Follow the money.
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The Bible doesnt say the earth was created 6000 years ago.

You think telling him anything will do anything? He just laughs at shit that contradicts his opinions about people he doesnt like.
How does that make you feel Dove?
I'll answer. It makes her feel like burning you at the stake.
Is that one of your homogay things?


all liberals are fags
So the founding fathers were fags?
.Then how did they become fathers?

All conservatards are stoopit.
Now um...before leaving the subject, I should point out that the founders, in their thinking and philosophy, were the North American fruit of the Enlightenment and Renaissance - the founders of American Liberalism who overthrew those conservative supporters of Monarchy, the Tories. In their wisdom, they created a living system, not subject to the conservatism that they revolted against, but one which enabled a progression in human evolution and expression, and one not subject to the stagnation of conservatism. So that in each passing age, what they themselves could not realize and achieve would be made possible for each succeeding generation. This is what our system of amendment to the constitution and the legislative branch allows. So we don't have to be mired in conservatism and therefore death.