Well okay -- We know Christmas and Easter are reserved for rage but what about Valentines day?

Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
As soon as one investigation finishes with no result they start another one.
What they've proven with all their failed witch hunts is the guy is squeaky clean

I bet animals like Orb and Admutant have move illegal activity hiding along with the bones in their closets than he does at this point.

But of course, they are commanded to hate him and like the dutiful lemmings they are they do just that.

No One

Factory Bastard
If He cheated on His taxes they should prosecute him. If He didn't they should stfu.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Lol... are you trying to say 6,000 + nuclear war heads Russia is some type of innocent victim in invading his zero nuclear headed neighbour...?

And the west is to blame?

Oh boy...*rolls eyes*

Tell me you aren't that silly!!!

NATO has been breaking promises and negotiated terms since the fall of the soviet union, expanding right up to Russia's very doorstep.

'Murica helped plan and execute the 2014 coup that resulted in a western puppet government in Ukraine.

The people of the Donbass region, predominantly ethnic Russians, wanted to be a neutral territory so they could maintain their cultural and economic ties to Russia. The Ukrainian government begins an eight-year campaign of shelling the Donbass and its civilian population as if they were at war... but it was a slaughter. A genocide.

The Minsk Accords are ratified and immediately disregarded by western-backed Ukrainian forces.

Russia finally gets fed up with watching the Donbass be used as target practice for Ukrainian artillery units and invades to put an end to it.

Serious negotiations for a peaceful end to the conflict are entered into by Ukraine and Russia until western entities, including a personal appearance by Boris Johnson, convince Ukraine to withdraw from the negotiations.

'Murica and the west get what they wanted... a proxy war with Russia that they hope to exploit in order to weaken or deplete Russia's military forces. Muti-billions of dollars in western materiel and other "support" pour into Ukraine and sanctions are placed on Russia that ultimately hurt the west, europe especially, far more than Russia itself.

Western leaders will sacrifice every life in Ukraine and even their own countries just to drag Russia down with them.

It's insane and apparently only a hopelessly propagandized yammering troll who incorrectly thinks she knows anything about anything can't see it as such.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
DEAN USED TO TAKE OUT GROUPS on MSN so did a few others. There is only one thing you can do to these censor nutters and that is to instantaneously ban them on the spot. No ifs, no butts about it.

These forum assassins need to find another forum that is more suited to their prissy characters.

It is very, very disappointing to learn Oak is one of these types... I don't know about you but if I hate a place, I just don't post there long term.

If only they hadn’t went real life Legal action on Dean. He’d be cutting up on these forums lol
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
NATO has been breaking promises and negotiated terms since the fall of the soviet union, expanding right up to Russia's very doorstep.
And see, this is the key right here. The left believes Russia has no right to protect it's sovereignty and this isn't at all surprising as they believe we haven't that right either.

I'm no fan of Putin but I really can't see much of a contrast in the sequence of events leading up to Russia's invasion and the Cuban missile crisis which is being hailed as an act of unmitigated magnificence to this day. And rightly so. It was. JFK stood for the soverignty of America and as a true American patriot, at least in this instance, was well aware that neither he, nor any American wanted nuclear armed warheads positioned a mere 90 miles off the U.S coastline.

Like Putin he took action. Only difference is, in that case the Russian leadership opted to back away from mutually assured destruction whereas the crop of scumbags we have in office today are happily marching ignorant GenZ lemmings too embroiled in the labyrinth of TikTok too see the battlefield fates that await them.

Any idiot with a modicum of intelligence can see that it was the Biden administration engineering a proxy war with Russia to further enrich the wartime industrial complex. If not that then what? I cannot recall Putin instigating a single act of military aggression against any sovereign nation during the entire Trump presidency. So if something isn't broken why are we expending so much effort to fixing it?

But turn a democrat lemming to those facts and they will say "but Jan 6th tho" as if whataboutism will sheild any of us when the warheads start zipping to and fro across the north pole -- useful fucking idiots, the lot of them.

I can only hope that if, God Forbid, a real world war III does break out it is the loved ones who matter most to all of these rodents who are burdened with paying the ultimate price for their arrogance.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
And see, this is the key right here. The left believes Russia has no right to protect it's sovereignty and this isn't at all surprising as they believe we haven't that right either.

I'm no fan of Putin but I really can't see much of a contrast in the sequence of events leading up to Russia's invasion and the Cuban missile crisis which is being hailed as an act of unmitigated magnificence to this day. And rightly so. It was. JFK stood for the soverignty of America and as a true American patriot, at least in this instance, was well aware that neither he, nor any American wanted nuclear armed warheads positioned a mere 90 miles off the U.S coastline.

Like Putin he took action. Only difference is, in that case the Russian leadership opted to back away from mutually assured destruction whereas the crop of scumbags we have in office today are happily marching ignorant GenZ lemmings too embroiled in the labyrinth of TikTok too see the battlefield fates that await them.

Any idiot with a modicum of intelligence can see that it was the Biden administration engineering a proxy war with Russia to further enrich the wartime industrial complex. If not that then what? I cannot recall Putin instigating a single act of military aggression against any sovereign nation during the entire Trump presidency. So if something isn't broken why are we expending so much effort to fixing it?

But turn a democrat lemming to those facts and they will say "but Jan 6th tho" as if whataboutism will sheild any of us when the warheads start zipping to and fro across the north pole -- useful fucking idiots, the lot of them.

I can only hope that if, God Forbid, a real world war III does break out it is the loved ones who matter most to all of these rodents who are burdened with paying the ultimate price for their arrogance.

As if someone would miss you. Maw would probably be happy


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Of course it'll have nothing to do with lawyers making a shit load of money, right?

That is what is behind all this.

Lawyers get a bad wrap. I’m not saying all are good, but to go after a wealthy man with deep pockets and face sanctions by the court for doing so takes balls imho.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Well there your have it folks

It takes real courage to embark on a two year investigation costing 34 million dollars only to turn up absolutely nothing but a play on words designed to mislead the dumbest of Americans.



Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
And see, this is the key right here. The left believes Russia has no right to protect it's sovereignty and this isn't at all surprising as they believe we haven't that right either.

I see it much the same except 'Murica acts as if it's the *only* nation that deserves sovereignty.

'Murica, with the western alliance following along like a puppy desperate to please a violent and unpredictable master, is obsessed with dominion. It has decided a unipolar model of global politics and socio-economics with itself at the tip of the pyramid is the only acceptable configuration for mankind going forward.

We are the evil empire and NATO is our deathstar.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Well there your have it folks

It takes real courage to embark on a two year investigation costing 34 million dollars only to turn up absolutely nothing but a play on words designed to mislead the dumbest of Americans.


Be patient Stubby. It won’t be pretty, and you’ll probably kill your little self
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I see it much the same except 'Murica acts as if it's the *only* nation that deserves sovereignty.

'Murica, with the western alliance following along like a puppy desperate to please a violent and unpredictable master, is obsessed with dominion. It has decided a unipolar model of global politics and socio-economics with itself at the tip of the pyramid is the only acceptable configuration for mankind going forward.

We are the evil empire and NATO is our deathstar.

And as we continue believe we have the right to impose policy on others, China, Iran and North Korea are already aligning themselves against us.

And make no mistake about it, when that event comes to pass you will see the cowardly fuckwad nations like france get the fuck outta dodge faster than spazX can make a fool of himself on any given thread.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I have to disagree.
For all of Trump's shenanigans at least he never sent 100 billion dollars to the most corrupt nation in Europe to arm literal nazis in a proxy war with Russia.

Have you seen the interview of the founder/leader of 'The Mozart Group', one of if not the biggest mercenary organization operating in Ukraine? He gets slurring drunk and lets a few cats out of their bags. Good stuff. Well... for a given value of "good" of course, since we're talking about a US/NATO provoked war that's killing thousands upon thousands in the name of good ol' 'Murican hegemony.

Not since Shrub Jr. lied us into a war of aggression with Iraq has a president fucked up so badly.

Facts are not important here. Useful idiots have no clue what's going on. They just parrot whatever narrative the establishment gives them so they dont have to be go against the grain and be uncomfortable.

She doesnt even know that Bush and the establishment Republicans are batting for her team.

Shes the best kind of useful idiot because she refuses to hear a single word that contradicts what she wants to think and is willing to stay loyal to the party of war and death to the point of burning down her friendships with people who see their game.

She is willing to fuck off all HER rights as well for the authoritarian cancer running America right now. She will hate who she is told to hate.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I see it much the same except 'Murica acts as if it's the *only* nation that deserves sovereignty.

'Murica, with the western alliance following along like a puppy desperate to please a violent and unpredictable master, is obsessed with dominion. It has decided a unipolar model of global politics and socio-economics with itself at the tip of the pyramid is the only acceptable configuration for mankind going forward.

We are the evil empire and NATO is our deathstar.

You are an air polluter


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I have to disagree.
For all of Trump's shenanigans at least he never sent 100 billion dollars to the most corrupt nation in Europe to arm literal nazis in a proxy war with Russia.

Have you seen the interview of the founder/leader of 'The Mozart Group', one of if not the biggest mercenary organization operating in Ukraine? He gets slurring drunk and lets a few cats out of their bags. Good stuff. Well... for a given value of "good" of course, since we're talking about a US/NATO provoked war that's killing thousands upon thousands in the name of good ol' 'Murican hegemony.

Not since Shrub Jr. lied us into a war of aggression with Iraq has a president fucked up so badly.

I blame Biden on Trump. There was no way we could bring in anything less than a war monger to deal with the aftermath of THAT. The rumors are circulated that Donnie circulated classified nuke codes to commies.

I despise the Bush family. They are the reason I took a political stance to never vote in 10th grade.

We were warned us about this…



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Well there your have it folks

It takes real courage to embark on a two year investigation costing 34 million dollars only to turn up absolutely nothing but a play on words designed to mislead the dumbest of Americans.


Shes a brain dead moron.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I blame Biden on Trump. There was no way we could bring in anything less than a war monger to deal with the aftermath of THAT. The rumors are circulated that Donnie circulated classified nuke codes to commies.

I despise the Bush family. They are the reason I took a political stance to never vote in 10th grade.

We were warned us about this…

What aftermath? The fucking corporate elites freaking out?

You are literally on the same team as Bush and the establishment republicans. You are a mindless CUCK.

Better to have a warmonger puppet of the corporate elites than have a thriving middle and working class and no fucking wars, right?

Turdy Murdy would rather innocent people be killed and have death and poverty than have a president the media doesnt like. Talk about first world priviledge. Smh.

Its gotta be sociopathy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I'm no fan of Putin but I really can't see much of a contrast in the sequence of events leading up to Russia's invasion and the Cuban missile crisis which is being hailed as an act of unmitigated magnificence to this day. And rightly so. It was. JFK stood for the soverignty of America and as a true American patriot, at least in this instance, was well aware that neither he, nor any American wanted nuclear armed warheads positioned a mere 90 miles off the U.S coastline.

But your ilk expects the sovereign Ukranian people to live next door to a country with an active military past and has over 5,977 nuclear warheads.... And they are simply terrified of Ukraine that doesnt have any NUCLEAR WEAPONS... Yeah makes perfect sense, NOT.
Last edited:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
But your ilk expects the sovereign Ukranian people to live next door to a country with an active military past and has over 5,977 nuclear warheads.... And they are simply terrified of Ukraine that doesnt have any NUCLEAR WEAPONS... Yeah makes perfect sence, NOT.

We actually feel like Ukraine isnt our problem and we dont want to be involved.

That's the issue we have. Our traitorous government gives billions to them while our people suffer because they wanna enrich themselves on the war machine.

The Ukraine is a dictatorship as well. Not to sound cold but this is the way the cookie crumbles and if Ukraine cannot defend itself than Russia should take it. Then they can also be a country with nukes.

What's likely to inspire Russia to use their nukes? America fucking with them.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
But your ilk expects the sovereign Ukranian people to live next door to a country with an active military past and has over 5,977 nuclear warheads.... And they are simply terrified of Ukraine that doesnt have any NUCLEAR WEAPONS... Yeah makes perfect sense, NOT.
Actually I don't give the first fuck about Ukraine. Not my nor an other American's problem.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
We actually feel like Ukraine isnt our problem and we dont want to be involved.

That's the issue we have. Our traitorous government gives billions to them while our people suffer because they wanna enrich themselves on the war machine.

The Ukraine is a dictatorship as well. Not to sound cold but this is the way the cookie crumbles and if Ukraine cannot defend itself than Russia should take it. Then they can also be a country with nukes.

What's likely to inspire Russia to use their nukes? America fucking with them.

All wars started in the Balkans.... if you leave them to there own devices you will cause mass migration,,,,you want more refugees???? I don't.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
I blame Biden on Trump.

We got Biden for the same reason we got Trump.

People know they're only being allowed to choose between red shit and blue shit but they nevertheless continue to believe they can *only* choose between red shit and blue shit so they repeatedly vote for the one they hate the least.

The result is ...<gestures vaguely>... all of this.

We've done it to ourselves and that's why it's funny as well as pathetic.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
"we got biden because of Trump"

And in 50 years should a piece of space rock collide with the earth they'll be saying "a piece of space rock collided with earth because of Trump"

It's the little boy who cried wolf repeated so many times over and over it's baffling how people this stupid manage to complete a paragraph's worth of their tedious, uninformed ramblings without suffocating to death in the process.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
My cousin says the same things. It’s all Trumps fault that Biden is in office.

My cousin is a college graduate, btw lol
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
My cousin says the same things. It’s all Trumps fault that Biden is in office.

My cousin is a college graduate, btw lol
It's like they are programmed to never accept accountability for their own actions

Like it's trump's fault they robbed Bernie a 2nd time of the democratic nomination?