Well okay -- We know Christmas and Easter are reserved for rage but what about Valentines day?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
We got Biden for the same reason we got Trump.

People know they're only being allowed to choose between red shit and blue shit but they nevertheless continue to believe they can *only* choose between red shit and blue shit so they repeatedly vote for the one they hate the least.

The result is ...<gestures vaguely>... all of this.

We've done it to ourselves and that's why it's funny as well as pathetic.

My kid is making me vote in the next election. I’m like why? No one gives a shit about the working class enough to vote independent. She was like “mom, this is unacceptable! But agrees that we will not see an independent elected in our lifetime…

So she played the “but… but… what about your grandchildren and great grandchildren?” card. That little turd!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
My cousin says the same things. It’s all Trumps fault that Biden is in office.

My cousin is a college graduate, btw lol

Bernie Sanders was the Dem fave.

Also, we are allowed to vote but that does not mean we have control over who is president.

Most of my political ideologies were adapted before I ever graduated HS. I think this is true of most people.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
My kid is making me vote in the next election. I’m like why? No one gives a shit about the working class enough to vote independent. She was like “mom, this is unacceptable! But agrees that we will not see an independent elected in our lifetime…

So she played the “but… but… what about your grandchildren and great grandchildren?” card. That little turd!

That kind of circular logic makes me want to break things:

"I never vote third party."
"Why not?"
"They never win."
"Why not?"
"I never vote for them."

The instinct/conditioning/whatever to travel in herds is killing us.

Just do what you believe to be right and stop worrying about what all the other shaved apes are doing. Some of them are professional liars and many enjoy nothing more than following the directions of professional liars.

Think for yourself.

Oh, and... #TranscendTheDuopoly


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
That kind of circular logic makes me want to break things:

"I never vote third party."
"Why not?"
"They never win."
"Why not?"
"I never vote for them."

The instinct/conditioning/whatever to travel in herds is killing us.

Just do what you believe to be right and stop worrying about what all the other shaved apes are doing. Some of them are professional liars and many enjoy nothing more than following the directions of professional liars.

Think for yourself.

Oh, and... #TranscendTheDuopoly

Well, my kid was raised in a military family and we never discussed politics.

She has become one of the best human rights activists I’ve ever seen since her freshman year of college. She despises Trump and has 3 degrees from 2 private universities.

We never talked about Trump until after Floyd. The apple does not fall far from the tree. I think political affiliation is hardwired into our DNA tbh.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
I think political affiliation is hardwired into our DNA tbh.

And I'm pretty sure you've been conditioned to think that.

Government isn't even about parties for fuck's sake.
It's about policies.

When you reduce voting to a popularity contest between two unacceptable candidates the outcome is predetermined:

Everyone loses.

When you resign yourself to the "inevitability" of a grotesque process you surrender your free will. When you're a cheerleader for the system that built the grotesque process you're an active participant in the abominations that follow.

No. I will not.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
And I'm pretty sure you've been conditioned to think that.

Government isn't even about parties for fuck's sake.
It's about policies.

When you reduce voting to a popularity contest between two unacceptable candidates the outcome is predetermined:

Everyone loses.

When you resign yourself to the "inevitability" of a grotesque process you surrender your free will. When you're a cheerleader for the system that built the grotesque process you're an active participant in the abominations that follow.

No. I will not.

I think you missed my point… she wasn’t conditioned to think this way and still ended up being just like me with her ideologies.
Last edited:
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

Question for you good sir.

Not that I expect you to have an answer as I am just as baffled at the overwhelming stupidity up on public display as the next sane individual.

But how does one become stupid enough to vote for, or even support a vegetable like Biden under any context? Provided the alternative is not the reincarnation of idi amin running on the campaign promise to expedite the extermination of every last one of us in the most inhumane fashion imaginable?

I mean here you have a candidate promising to go after millionaires while at the same time accepting millions in campaign donations from the very same millionaires he claims to target. Is it normal for these cretins in upsidedown world to believe millionaires invest in causes that are in stark contrast to their own financial interests?

Isn't that a conundrum obvious to even the basic forms of Fungi crawling out of some desolate area in Costa Rica to fart out one wasteful post after another?

This one contradiction alone tells me something stinks in Oak's underwear and without visiting any of his other myriad of abject failures would be enough cause for me to avoid him like a SpazX post.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I think you missed my point…
No, we see your point, but it is the one at the top of your cone shaped head wrapped in tinfoil you fucking obtuse marble of tedious idiocy.

Stick to posing for boujee impersonations dot com and talking about your 12 person table that could not possibly fit in your dining room which also happens to expose your last two cars as Flin stone era bipedal rust buckets. You're way out of your fucking league in this discussion

sheesh. Quote me an X post for crying out loud.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I think you need to broaden your definition of "conditioning".

We didn’t talk about politics in our home. Her father is a Republican who served 25+ years as an officer in the USCG.

My Aunt mentioned to me that she knew she was a dem at age 12 when my aunt was watching the Kennedy assassination… so that’s what I’m basing my theory on here. Her comment.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
"Someone said something on the internet that I don't like! I am going to call the internet police!"


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land

I think this loosely applies as well…

I do not hold any racial bias against blacks or their communities.

My Norwegian great-grandparents were part of an anti-slavery farming movement in the late 1800s.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
All wars started in the Balkans.... if you leave them to there own devices you will cause mass migration,,,,you want more refugees???? I don't.

As long as they come in legally and assimilate to OUR country? Sure come on in.

It's the illegal immigration and subversion I'm against.

And the involvement of our country in the conflict of other countries. Our scum bag president is giving billions to Ukraine and it's disgusting.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA

Question for you good sir.

Not that I expect you to have an answer as I am just as baffled at the overwhelming stupidity up on public display as the next sane individual.

But how does one become stupid enough to vote for, or even support a vegetable like Biden under any context?

Propaganda that spans not just an election cycle or two but generations.

There are now people who have not only bought into the idea that 'Murica can only ever choose between a democrat or a republican but they bought into it then taught it to their children who then teach it to their children until it has the force of tradition or culture. The lie becomes so endemic that it is never questioned; indeed to even question it is to invite labels such as "weird", "unnatural", and "dangerous". Fear of being ostracized, of being seen as "wrong" or "not one of us" is all it takes in most instances. People are taught from the day they're born they ought to "fit in" and be "normal" so anything that threatens to drag them off that path is terrifying and hated. Even if parents aren't conscientious about imparting that particular fear to their offspring social structures (controlled and/or influenced by individuals with a vested interest in maintaining the status quo) are more than happy to pick up the slack.

In this context we could easily swap "propaganda" with "marketing" because they are one and the same. Commercials, entertainment, and "official" sources of information all work together to construct a particular narrative and as much as possible prevent any other narratives from interfering. In the marketplace of ideas controlling the range and depth of allowable thought is key to achieving homogeneity.

So even though very few people are genuinely enthusiastic about candidates presented to a voting public as their only viable options most will *still* pull the lever for one or the other because doing anything else is unthinkable. It doesn't matter if only a small percentage of people would vote *for* a candidate as long as you can convince them to vote *against* the other guy. There's no functional difference to an outcome.

So we have elections in which the duopoly can spend a billion dollars giving occasional lip service (which everyone knows are lies anyway) to policy initiatives but smears and personal attacks are issued in rapid-fire succession for months on end. It's all theater so the more one of the actors is hated the more interest it generates and the more division it incites, both of which only benefit the establishment.

So why vote for Biden?
For some it was an irrational fear of the alternative.
For some it was an act of partisan solidarity.

But in every case the one constant is a complete inability to even imagine saying "No thank you" to both candidates proffered by the duopoly. That cultivated inability to take a different path is the establishment's greatest strength and its worst potential weakness which is why it's worked so hard for so long to make people think it's "in their DNA" to ignore or even revile any other option.

People voted for Biden because they actually believed they had to.

And that's one reason I want off this fucking planet.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
My kid is making me vote in the next election. I’m like why? No one gives a shit about the working class enough to vote independent. She was like “mom, this is unacceptable! But agrees that we will not see an independent elected in our lifetime…

So she played the “but… but… what about your grandchildren and great grandchildren?” card. That little turd!

You've already fucked them.

And if your daughter gets assaulted in a female facility by a predatory male, that's on you for fucking her over.

Dont expect any of your disgusting pals here to give a fuck. Theyll probably lecture you on transphobia and you'll deserve it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

I think this loosely applies as well…

I do not hold any racial bias against blacks or their communities.

My Norwegian great-grandparents were part of an anti-slavery farming movement in the late 1800s.

You just think they are dumber, more poor and more violent than white people. And more disadvantaged.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
That kind of circular logic makes me want to break things:

"I never vote third party."
"Why not?"
"They never win."
"Why not?"
"I never vote for them."

The instinct/conditioning/whatever to travel in herds is killing us.

Just do what you believe to be right and stop worrying about what all the other shaved apes are doing. Some of them are professional liars and many enjoy nothing more than following the directions of professional liars.

Think for yourself.

Oh, and... #TranscendTheDuopoly

People need to NOT look at what party they are in and instead look at the policies.

I voted in the last two elections based on policy. I could NOT vote for Jo Jo because I did not agree with some of her policies.

If Tulsi had ran as a democrat there is a good chance I would vote for her. Democrat or not.

It's not a duopoly....its a monoparty. Most of those people are on the same side and it's not ours. Getting people in there to fracture that mess and expose it is awesome but....all that propaganda actually works.

ANYONE who is effective and serving the people that vote for them is going to be ruthlessly and visciously attacked by the corporate media.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I think Trumps presidency was the best one I've seen in my life thus far HOWEVER.....his presidency exposed the deep contempt and hatred this country has towards the working class.

The establishment wants us to be slaves. That's obvious.

Gotta love the part where Biden "paused" Trumps policy to lower the cost of essential meds like insulin..waited over a year....unpaused it and tried to take fucking credit for it. And they STILL cost more than they were gonna cost under Trumps.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Propaganda that spans not just an election cycle or two but generations.

There are now people who have not only bought into the idea that 'Murica can only ever choose between a democrat or a republican but they bought into it then taught it to their children who then teach it to their children until it has the force of tradition or culture. The lie becomes so endemic that it is never questioned; indeed to even question it is to invite labels such as "weird", "unnatural", and "dangerous". Fear of being ostracized, of being seen as "wrong" or "not one of us" is all it takes in most instances. People are taught from the day they're born they ought to "fit in" and be "normal" so anything that threatens to drag them off that path is terrifying and hated. Even if parents aren't conscientious about imparting that particular fear to their offspring social structures (controlled and/or influenced by individuals with a vested interest in maintaining the status quo) are more than happy to pick up the slack.

In this context we could easily swap "propaganda" with "marketing" because they are one and the same. Commercials, entertainment, and "official" sources of information all work together to construct a particular narrative and as much as possible prevent any other narratives from interfering. In the marketplace of ideas controlling the range and depth of allowable thought is key to achieving homogeneity.

So even though very few people are genuinely enthusiastic about candidates presented to a voting public as their only viable options most will *still* pull the lever for one or the other because doing anything else is unthinkable. It doesn't matter if only a small percentage of people would vote *for* a candidate as long as you can convince them to vote *against* the other guy. There's no functional difference to an outcome.

So we have elections in which the duopoly can spend a billion dollars giving occasional lip service (which everyone knows are lies anyway) to policy initiatives but smears and personal attacks are issued in rapid-fire succession for months on end. It's all theater so the more one of the actors is hated the more interest it generates and the more division it incites, both of which only benefit the establishment.

So why vote for Biden?
For some it was an irrational fear of the alternative.
For some it was an act of partisan solidarity.

But in every case the one constant is a complete inability to even imagine saying "No thank you" to both candidates proffered by the duopoly. That cultivated inability to take a different path is the establishment's greatest strength and its worst potential weakness which is why it's worked so hard for so long to make people think it's "in their DNA" to ignore or even revile any other option.

People voted for Biden because they actually believed they had to.

And that's one reason I want off this fucking planet.
You can certainly expect to see cretinous displeasure manifested in the form of "fuck you" drool droplets administered to this very insightful and well thought out post via the "look at me I'm a fucking spaz and I want you to hear me roar" provision this site seems to have adopted on behalf braindead fumbling spastics like stoolmajor, spaceyX and admongo who consistently find their way unto a user's ignore list. For good reason.

Bravo sir, you hit this one out the park!
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Next up?

What was Poark busy doing on cinco de mayo?

I'll tell you what she wasn't doing.

Enjoying time offline with family and friends

Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
would any of you like to take a guess as to who was the target of her rage on Cinco De Mayo?

Clue. it wasn't aryan, deport_liberals or rancid


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
As long as they come in legally and assimilate to OUR country? Sure come on in.

It's the illegal immigration and subversion I'm against.

And the involvement of our country in the conflict of other countries. Our scum bag president is giving billions to Ukraine and it's disgusting.

They might come in but assimilation???, hardly.... They are far left usually and expect us to pander to them and once they realize they have found lefty paradise, they never go home.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
I thought you'd never ask?

Valentines day. 2019.

Tis the cusp of spring and the spry young men, eager to impress their one true love with both song and words of endearment expressed by tongue and letter abound throughout the land. It is a time for joy. A time for proposals. A time to let your companion of the fairer sex know how much she means to you. The one day where every man is expected to look his lovely right in the eyes and say "baby I care"

Or, where such is simply not possible due to a life long battle with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, a corrosive body odor and a body mass index substantially greater than her IQ; ""partners"" of the male disposition are busy as buzzing bees drafting cease and desist letters to be promptly forwarded to avatars, PM utilities, web master addresses etc. etc. Indicating to all parties involved that the heckling must cease immediately. Or, if they neglect to comply they can expect another strongly worded letter of equal force to arrive once again!

And again and again thereafter.

Are you paying attention friends? Do you really wish to have your online handle named a defendant in something as serious as a lolsuit?

I don't

Heed the grave warning and gravity of the happenings. Amen


On a side note.

One simply has to wonder exactly what transpired in the two minutes between the draft of these rage PMs? Did they consult a Lawyers for Dummies manuscript? Together? And determine conclusively that stringing a bunch of words together on a piece of paper beginning with a target and ending with a signature was indeed feasible?

I must say, I was spending my 2019 Valentines day in an entirely different context.

What about you guys?
Yes…I was wining, dining and 69’ing myself. That Oak individual needs to get a life that’s fer shizzle!