What do you think of the flooding of Illegal Immigration?

Big Sexy

narcoleptic mattress salesman
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Look. The whole reason were talking about this is because it's a problem.

Where all human here and want what's best for our lives and family, but I don't want these people sleeping in my bushes. Couldn't Trump just set up a couple of military bases down at the border? We can use some of the empty land down there to test missiles, dump nuclear waste, B-52s could live fire while down there. Run training drills where soldiers patrol large swaths of land with trained attack dogs flying drones? Plus a jumbo sized wall that birds can't fly over.
Big Sexy

Big Sexy

narcoleptic mattress salesman
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If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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1st thing that come's to mind is>>>Where do all those people shit<<< and bet that truck on the right is full of Taco's- - - - - - - -


Factory Bastard
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Too many third worlders in a first world country will most likely turn the first world country into third world. maybe it won't but is it worth the risk? IMO nope.


white wine divorcee
I think they should let them all come over, just make them legal. I work with a lot of Mexicans here at the clinic, and they not only bust ass but also obedient . All I've met work as much as they can, live as cheap as they can, and send the rest of their money home to their families. if you make them legal u can keep wages up and collect taxes on them. they're just like the rest of us, wanna try to do the best they can for their families. I will also say though i live in the Midwest and probably don't run across the same problems with them as a lot of you might
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Factory Bastard
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I think they should let them all come over, just make them legal. I work with a lot of Mexicans here at the clinic, and they not only bust ass but also obedient . All I've met work as much as they can, live as cheap as they can, and send the rest of their money home to their families. if you make them legal u can keep wages up and collect taxes on them. they're just like the rest of us, wanna try to do the best they can for their families. I will also say though i live in the Midwest and probably don't run across the same problems with them as a lot of you might
Most are hard workers, no doubt. But along with the hard workers comes some extra crime and a lot of welfare dependency. They also vote 70% democrat. This last part has helped make california a mess. I don't want to see that happen to the US countrywide.

IMO the US immigration system should let in about two or three hundred thousand new people a year (as opposed to the sky high million and a half we let in now). they should be screened and given points like Canada and Australia do. And not too many from any one country. And none, or very little from majority Muslim countries.

Too much illegal and legal Immigration is vastly changing our demographics and unless it is reigned in we will regret it.


Factory Bastard
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I like NZ policy, you are welcome to land here, but only if you have a ticket in the next 90 days to leave. That gives you 90 days to get your shit together and apply for a work or permanent visa. Oh and yea you have to show you are a productive member of society to get one of those. As an American that just seems astoundingly fucking smart.


Factory Bastard
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I like NZ policy, you are welcome to land here, but only if you have a ticket in the next 90 days to leave. That gives you 90 days to get your shit together and apply for a work or permanent visa. Oh and yea you have to show you are a productive member of society to get one of those. As an American that just seems astoundingly fucking smart.
It certainly sounds a hell of a lot better than the American system. We let anybody in, don't need a job, don't need skills, you can go on welfare all you want (over half of immigrants in the US are on some form of welfare). If you are illegal and you are caught, they just give a you a ticket and let you go, all you have to do is not show for court (90% of them don't show). The government will never find you, unless you commit a serious crime, and even then some sanctuary city asshole will fight to keep you here.

It's already a known fact Hispanics and blacks will outnumber whites in 20 years or less at this rate. At which point we will most likely become a third world country. Our system is broken and needs fixing, but the only one who wants to do that is Trump. Most of the rest of the politicians want to make it worse not better.


Factory Bastard
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I like NZ policy, you are welcome to land here, but only if you have a ticket in the next 90 days to leave. That gives you 90 days to get your shit together and apply for a work or permanent visa. Oh and yea you have to show you are a productive member of society to get one of those. As an American that just seems astoundingly fucking smart.
Do you mean travel visas?

New Zealand does not have visa free status for most third world countries..

And if you land there from a visa free country like Canada or the USA, you should have return ticket or you will be subject to extra screening about your intentions in their country..

It's the same for visa free status passport holders visiting Canada.


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
What do I think of the flooding of illegal immigration?

I think it's a fantastic idea. Every colonia in the U.S. currently occupied by illegals should be flooded. The border, too. Channel the Rio Grande into a moat.


Factory Bastard
People talk about abortion too, and it's not a problem. Yeah, let's throw billions at the border where illegal immigration is way down.

You're a fucking retard.


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
Illegal immigration was way down -- last year, and specifically because enforcement is ramping up. It's been up again this year.
Big Sexy

Big Sexy

narcoleptic mattress salesman
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I think we got them all. I've heard nothing about this massive issue in months.

Is this issue over?


Factory Bastard
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the caravan invasion is over 7k now and they r going to get shot when they rush that border


Factory Bastard
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I'd flood those filthy messycans!

our troops will only have 2 shoot a couple then the rest will get blisters when they speedy gonzalez back south lol
pfft tbh i hope they ALL stay in mexico, drink the water and crap diarrhea all over the streets cause those MFs let them pass 2 become our prob


Factory Bastard
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not yet, they r south of it. supposedly they r massing and waiting 4 others so there will be so many we wont be able 2 deal with them - especially when they use the children as shields ffs
george soros is funding it all
lol trumps ROE suggestion 2 the commanders is that any arm that throws a rock is a rifle so lethal force is authorized :)


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the caravan invasion is over 7k now and they r going to get shot when they rush that border
No ones getting shot you hysterical wench LOL What makes you think you have the rights to shoot unarmed civilians, unless of course it's a hospital or something..


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Goddamm Trannies always acting like the end of the world is upon us ... smh


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Isn't there a 'process' which is legal, and out of the thousands maybe like one or two will successfully become citizens ... and all the rest is noise meant to confuse the simple ?


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BTW, are you people not aware of a more pressing matter ? like this dieded POSSUM Scoot has found

Does nobody wonder why it's mouth is in such an unnatural state of disarray ...

Call an Ambulance ffs ..


Factory Bastard
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I am DISGUSTED... The governments of these countries need to take care of their own citizens and stop passing the buck to the average working American !! I truly don't care what they do to these people, but I don't want them here... I'm already over burden with taxes and increasing healthcare cost... We have American Veterans, elderly and poor citizens already in need that our tax dollars are spent. This is a ploy from the left to get these people across our border for future democrap voters.. We have a system and laws in place that must be followed.. NO ONE deserves a free ride.. .. Do I want them shot? NO, but a bus waiting at the border to take them back to where their journey started, would be great. Using their children to gain pity and outrage from Americans just shows you these people will stop at nothing for a welfare check/free ride. Using their children for pity doesn't phase me a bit though.... . I don't give a fuck, tbh... They made the choice to put their children in danger.. So if they don't care enough about that, I don't either... :/
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Factory Bastard
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the caravan invasion is over 7k now and they r going to get shot when they rush that border
No ones getting shot you hysterical wench LOL What makes you think you have the rights to shoot unarmed civilians, unless of course it's a hospital or something..

You're a cowardly Canadian kid diddling twat with no life, a bleeding ass and the simple mind of a child so your take on it amounts to shit.


Factory Bastard
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5,000 of the zombie hoard have left Mexico City and are now legging it toward our coveted American utopia with a cloud of needy Mexican flies in tow, but fear not for we needn't aim for the sombreros on these flesh bags as a humble leg shot will suffice.

An ADDITIONAL hoard of 2,000 are hot on their heels, so here is map for reference to note their proximity to the border.

On our side, 5,200 troops have been deployed to the border region as well as an additional 2,200 National Guard tasked to a support role for the border patrol. The present scuttlebutt flying around Camp Smith and Fort Drum is that the if the hoard breaks the 10,000 threshold, additional troops will be deployed.

Once they reach the border it's expected they'll hunker down to gather, recharge, marshall up and get ready to make their push into the promised land.

But where will they attempt the cross?
Considering their jump off point is Mexico City, they'll likely opt to take the shortest route to the border which you can see on the map is the southern tip of Texas and that leaves them 750km to go at the least. If they do opt for this route, great, because the Rio Grande is a natural river boundary we'll be able to cover more easily and a cinch for those who attempt bridge crossings.

The nearest ALTERNATE land route that would offer them a better shot at making it through would be the most western part of Texas although that's also double the distance and not very appealing to those in a ragged pair of Mexican Adidas.