What's worse, a question for the moronic libs around here

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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So the whole premise this Alvin & the Chipmunks idiot is hinging his bets on is the fact that Trump used campaign finances as "hush" money with Stormy dildos.

Aside from the fact that this imbecile has NO banking record showing a transfer from the campaign account to his personal and then to Cohen. Or even from campaign account to Cohen. What makes this this premise even more laughable is the guy is a fucking billionaire.

Maybe if he was some poverty stricken bloke who suddenly turned up 130K for this purpose you'd have a leg to stand on but this is a guy who is so rich he voluntarily walked away from 1.4 million dollars in presidential salary

He is also dead ass failing on the theory that Trump was worried this news of an consensual extramarital affair would sink his campaign.

you morons are kidding right?

This is the same guy who laughed on video and said " I grab them by the pussy" and was a well known womanizer for over 40 years prior to running for president. -- and to boot, despite all of that STILL won against the first ever female candidate who was already IN the white house for 8 years previously as a first lady. How's that for fucking irony?

So suddenly he's worried about sex sinking his campaign? Are you people seriously this stupid?


Factory Bastard
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Stormy had him by his balls then, and again now. Fatso is seething right now including threats, name calling, etc. Hope his heart holds out


Domestically feral
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United states
They are pumped on this nonsense too. It's not an issue and they sure don't give a fuck when democrats violate laws.....suddenly the slightest crumb of a possible violation of stupid laws is a big big deal when it's opposition to their "democracy"(meaning power).
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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I'd bet a cool thousand that Alvin winds up as a well paid contributor to CNN or some other propaganda outlet inside of 5 years

and that's what this is really all about


Factory Bastard
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The fat fuck is talking death and destruction if he’s indicted. What a laugh.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
For a variety of reasons (including preventing him from legally running for office again) the rabidly anti-Trump crowd are desperate to have him punished somehow for something.

They'll grasp at any straw of hope because they don't have any candidates who could easily best Trump in an election.

Instead of doing the smart thing of getting better candidates (uncluttering their party of corrupt neoliberals/neocons is out of the question) they've decided to go the sleazier route of trying to destroy the competition.

I say fuck 'em all.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
For a variety of reasons (including preventing him from legally running for office again) the rabidly anti-Trump crowd are desperate to have him punished somehow for something.

They'll grasp at any straw of hope because they don't have any candidates who could easily best Trump in an election.

Instead of doing the smart thing of getting better candidates (uncluttering their party of corrupt neoliberals/neocons is out of the question) they've decided to go the sleazier route of trying to destroy the competition.

I say fuck 'em all.

And all they are doing via this process is proving to folks with an IQ of 100 or above one of two things.

a) The process is completely corrupt and this is all political theater designed to enrich a few people at the top of the ponzi scheme also known as the federal government. AND provide a lucrative career path for valueless and integrity depleted DA's like Alvin Bug.


b) Trump is the most squeaky clean president we've ever had.

My money is on A.