Who loves Rittenhouse the most you ask?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
The scariest part about the justification of someone like Rittenhouse is that the argument is completely devoid of the fact that it was police brutality in the black communities that brought us here.

No investigation or charges filed in the Floyd case is what propelled this already apparent issue into what it became.

Until America wants to take responsibility for the unjust treatment of these people for the past 200 years in the form of lack of proper healthcare, education, opportunity and equality….. it’s only going to get worse.

Arming yourselves makes you look insane to any civilized human being on this planet FYI.
But teaching about racial history makes the white kids sad!

racism is a disease that is taught and acquired during childhood


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
This is the thing about this whole episode that gets to me: If Rittenhouse was just some fucked up kid who made a big mistake by killing two people, and then got exceedingly lucky and got off, I'd be aggravated but accepting of the whole thing nonetheless. You know, my attitude would have been, well, that's life, and I can't do anything about it.

But the fact that so many have made a hero of him, and in turn there are going to be so many others with his attitude who will think of themselves as heroes because of the lunatics who have cast him as some sort of righteous warrior. It's terrifying and sickening. This is bad karma for everyone.
Exactly! Why is Kyle the brave defender hero of self defense, when this man actually did something heroic and probably actually saved lives, and none of us(probably) even know his name.

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I bet Jack Wilson didn't even get to sit on Trump's lap.

No, I remember that guy! And have posted about him several times! He was a hero too!

Admin wants to see MORE injustice. Not less. Because they have this racist woke political narrative.

Who the fuck know. They never talk.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Any white child who goes armed into Compton looking to take justice into their own hands isn’t making it out alive.

I would like to see BLM go in there and clean up though. End all this black on black violence. How well do you think the community will take it?

When will white people end their white on white violence? Most white people are killed by their own as well.

You got some stats on that? The way I understand it, most white deaths are suicide. Yet in Chicago, there can be 40-100 black on black deaths daily.

In the “Homicide” section of Wikipedia’s Race and Crime in the United States entry
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, the site quotes a report by the U.S. Department of Justice visible
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(see page 13). The report, which analyzes Homicide Trends in the U.S. between 1980-2008, found that within that period “most murders were intraracial”, with 84% of white victims killed by whites and 93% of Black victims killed by Black perpetrators.

Thanks for that, but my point is proven, blacks kill each more. I bet todays numbers are worse. Why stop at 2008? We all know shit started getting real after that.

I did find this, but seems more "gang" related than anything. Suicide still tops all.

There are roughly 32,000 gun deaths per year in the United States. Of those, around 60% are suicides. About 3% are accidental deaths (less than 1,000). About 34% of deaths (just over 11,000 in both 2010 and 2011) make up the remainder of gun deaths. Sometimes the 32,000 and 11,000 figures are used interchangeably by gun control advocates. Clearly, the 32,000 figure is a far more dramatic number and is often used for impact. These numbers are also regularly compared to other countries' gun statistics. But are they true? Here, we will examine some of the most common gun control arguments used and put those figures into perspective.

Gang Violence Driving Force of Gun Violence

To hear gun control advocates speak, one would be led to believe that gun violence is a widespread problem whereby the mere existence of a gun is as much a problem as the person who intends to wield it. But the reality is that gun homicides are overwhelmingly tied to gang violence. In fact, a staggering 80% of gun homicides are gang-related. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), gang homicides
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roughly 8,900 of 11,100 gun murders in both 2010 and 2011. That means that there were just 2,200 non gang-related firearm murders in both years in a country of over 300 million people and 250 million guns.

Cities such as Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Cleveland, and New Orleans all have very high per-capita murder rates. Individual police estimates usually find at least 65% and often more than 80% of all murders in those cities are gang-related. Solve the problem of gang violence, and a huge chunk of the gun homicide and violence problem is solved. And what national gun control measures would slow the gang violence problem, when local gun control laws have failed in cities like Chicago? If politicians were really worried about gun deaths, wouldn't they be specifically targeting where a majority of the problems exist?

They are also poorer than whites.

Crime follows poverty.

This is something these meatheads never seem capable of understanding. Poverty has a huge, huge influence on all of this.

Speak for yourself, Meatloaf Queen.


This is the thing about this whole episode that gets to me: If Rittenhouse was just some fucked up kid who made a big mistake by killing two people, and then got exceedingly lucky and got off, I'd be aggravated but accepting of the whole thing nonetheless. You know, my attitude would have been, well, that's life, and I can't do anything about it.

But the fact that so many have made a hero of him, and in turn there are going to be so many others with his attitude who will think of themselves as heroes if they go out and shoot someone because of the lunatics who have cast Kyle as some sort of righteous warrior. It's terrifying and sickening. This is bad karma for everyone.
If he hadn't been prosecuted he would not be a hero. We would have forgotten all about it by now. JoJo wouldn't have been missed.

So, we can't prosecute people for murder for fear they will become heroes? I am not even sure what you think your point means. He was prosecuted according to the law.
It is stupid to prosecute such a weak case, especially if it is high profile. You can argue all you like that he shouldn't have been there or he shouldn't have had a gun, but then why not change the gun laws or the self defense laws instead? Why should Kyle be punished for acting irresponsibly within the confines of the law?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
The scariest part about the justification of someone like Rittenhouse is that the argument is completely devoid of the fact that it was police brutality in the black communities that brought us here.

No investigation or charges filed in the Floyd case is what propelled this already apparent issue into what it became.

Until America wants to take responsibility for the unjust treatment of these people for the past 200 years in the form of lack of proper healthcare, education, opportunity and equality….. it’s only going to get worse.

Arming yourselves makes you look insane to any civilized human being on this planet FYI.
But teaching about racial history makes the white kids sad!

racism is a disease that is taught and acquired during childhood
I had no idea POC's were to be avoided until that day GrandPa decided not to take us to KFC for lunch, like he promised, because there were to many darkies in the place.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Any white child who goes armed into Compton looking to take justice into their own hands isn’t making it out alive.

I would like to see BLM go in there and clean up though. End all this black on black violence. How well do you think the community will take it?

When will white people end their white on white violence? Most white people are killed by their own as well.

You got some stats on that? The way I understand it, most white deaths are suicide. Yet in Chicago, there can be 40-100 black on black deaths daily.

In the “Homicide” section of Wikipedia’s Race and Crime in the United States entry
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, the site quotes a report by the U.S. Department of Justice visible
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(see page 13). The report, which analyzes Homicide Trends in the U.S. between 1980-2008, found that within that period “most murders were intraracial”, with 84% of white victims killed by whites and 93% of Black victims killed by Black perpetrators.

Thanks for that, but my point is proven, blacks kill each more. I bet todays numbers are worse. Why stop at 2008? We all know shit started getting real after that.

I did find this, but seems more "gang" related than anything. Suicide still tops all.

There are roughly 32,000 gun deaths per year in the United States. Of those, around 60% are suicides. About 3% are accidental deaths (less than 1,000). About 34% of deaths (just over 11,000 in both 2010 and 2011) make up the remainder of gun deaths. Sometimes the 32,000 and 11,000 figures are used interchangeably by gun control advocates. Clearly, the 32,000 figure is a far more dramatic number and is often used for impact. These numbers are also regularly compared to other countries' gun statistics. But are they true? Here, we will examine some of the most common gun control arguments used and put those figures into perspective.

Gang Violence Driving Force of Gun Violence

To hear gun control advocates speak, one would be led to believe that gun violence is a widespread problem whereby the mere existence of a gun is as much a problem as the person who intends to wield it. But the reality is that gun homicides are overwhelmingly tied to gang violence. In fact, a staggering 80% of gun homicides are gang-related. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), gang homicides
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roughly 8,900 of 11,100 gun murders in both 2010 and 2011. That means that there were just 2,200 non gang-related firearm murders in both years in a country of over 300 million people and 250 million guns.

Cities such as Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Cleveland, and New Orleans all have very high per-capita murder rates. Individual police estimates usually find at least 65% and often more than 80% of all murders in those cities are gang-related. Solve the problem of gang violence, and a huge chunk of the gun homicide and violence problem is solved. And what national gun control measures would slow the gang violence problem, when local gun control laws have failed in cities like Chicago? If politicians were really worried about gun deaths, wouldn't they be specifically targeting where a majority of the problems exist?

They are also poorer than whites.

Crime follows poverty.

This is something these meatheads never seem capable of understanding. Poverty has a huge, huge influence on all of this.

Speak for yourself, Meatloaf Queen.

No no Blazor. Only white late lefties who went to university can talk about poverty

Us? We will NEVER understand it.

Get it right Blaze!!! We don't know shit about the lives we LIVED. The experts are here to tell us!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The scariest part about the justification of someone like Rittenhouse is that the argument is completely devoid of the fact that it was police brutality in the black communities that brought us here.

No investigation or charges filed in the Floyd case is what propelled this already apparent issue into what it became.

Until America wants to take responsibility for the unjust treatment of these people for the past 200 years in the form of lack of proper healthcare, education, opportunity and equality….. it’s only going to get worse.

Arming yourselves makes you look insane to any civilized human being on this planet FYI.
But teaching about racial history makes the white kids sad!

racism is a disease that is taught and acquired during childhood
I had no idea POC's were to be avoided until that day GrandPa decided not to take us to KFC for lunch, like he promised, because there were to many darkies in the place.

Admin never call black people "POCs" if you mean black people. Its insulting and they genuinely hate it. Saying "black" isnt a bad word. Dont treat it like one. I have no idea why you just went off on THAT but its gross.

I know this because where I grew up? I was the minority.

Now Admin.....can you tell us who Kenneth Walker and Andrew Coffee IV are?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Those pics of him literally make me want to vomit. The people who cast him as a hero have serious issues.

So, I'm pretty sure I do not love him the most.

Right well the people who demonized him are mindless shills of the establishment.

Maybe if the whole establishment didnt smear him the regular peasents wouldnt be defending him.

I'm sure the effects of propaganda make you physically sick when they pull your hate trigger. Nazis experienced similar. There is a phrase for the emotional impact of propaganda. Please get help.
I wouldn't have cared one way or another if not for the libs attacking him.

That was our rights they attacked. Not really Kyle.

That's how the establishment took a swing at our constitutional rights. They made that kid "teh right" and built a nasty narrative.

Think about what just happened and how sick and fucking EVIL it actually is. It's our rights being attacked.
Our right to shoot to kill strangers?

When they to kill you? Absolutely, you moron.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
The scariest part about the justification of someone like Rittenhouse is that the argument is completely devoid of the fact that it was police brutality in the black communities that brought us here.

No investigation or charges filed in the Floyd case is what propelled this already apparent issue into what it became.

Until America wants to take responsibility for the unjust treatment of these people for the past 200 years in the form of lack of proper healthcare, education, opportunity and equality….. it’s only going to get worse.

Arming yourselves makes you look insane to any civilized human being on this planet FYI.
But teaching about racial history makes the white kids sad!

racism is a disease that is taught and acquired during childhood
I had no idea POC's were to be avoided until that day GrandPa decided not to take us to KFC for lunch, like he promised, because there were to many darkies in the place.

I remember driving with my grandmother and she rolled up her windows and said “ooh it just got dark” when it was 2 pm in the afternoon. There were 2 black men walking on the sidewalk. I was horrified at 12 by this.

I refuse to judge people based on color…. but I’m not a herd follower, even in my own family.


Sometimes I wonder why libs don't spend even half the attention they devote to these list causes to forcing the Joe Manchins of their party to show some loyalty and party discipline. That's why the left are losers even when they win....


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Oh the irony, Blazor is the one implying black people are the problem and ding-a-ling blames us.

Man, if your skull is as thick as your gut, no wonder you're such a dumb fuck.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
My cousin manages a section 8 building. She called me one night because a black male tenant drove into the complex at 11 pm at night with the music LOUD.

She called me because she was scared and didn’t want to go down to talk to him. I told her no, you’re going down there and you’re telling him to turn it down. I also told her to not make it about race even if he did. The guy made a comment about her being snowflake white and she stuck to the facts and insisted he turn it down.

He did.

They think we are all racist. They test that theory and most people fall for it and use the N word. They know you’re not going to change a racist and that racists aren’t worth dealing with.

I think some people need to step away from the fear infested news and get a life.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Sometimes I wonder why libs don't spend even half the attention they devote to these list causes to forcing the Joe Manchins of their party to show some loyalty and party discipline. That's why the left are losers even when they win....

D, the establishment shills dont care what their politicains do. They will align with whatever they are told.

Their entire platform is based on hatred of us. They just oppose. They have no principles, or values or convictions.

You see how they just jump around from one thing to the next throwing it at us as if it's our fault? How they never just discuss something or explain their thinking? It's just constant belittling and hate.

They run on media and wont see past whatever narrative given. Its terrifying.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Any white child who goes armed into Compton looking to take justice into their own hands isn’t making it out alive.

I would like to see BLM go in there and clean up though. End all this black on black violence. How well do you think the community will take it?
The Panthers did that back in the 60's...then The Man threw them all into prison (well the ones they didn't gun down in the street first)

For real? Thats fucked up if so.

Times are different today, they could've EASILY cleaned up during the Floyd riots and not a soul would've been arrested.
Yes it is true, the hoods they patrolled saw crime rates drop to near zero.

And then it became impossible for law abiding citizens in the hood to arm themselves.

We know. Typically when we point this out you give a bad emojis and say something stupid.

Yup, which is why most homicides are carried out with illegal guns....

  • Most gun-related crimes are carried out with
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    —as much as 80 percent according to some estimates.

  • Are you in a gang? According to the Department of Justice’s National Gang Center, particularly in urban areas,
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    of gun-related homicides (15 percent to 33 percent) are
    Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
    and drug activity. Gang-related homicides are
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    than non-gang-related homicides are.

  • Are you a male between 15 and 34? The majority of standard gun murder victims are men between the ages of 15 and 34. Although black men make up roughly 7 percent of the population, they account for
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    of gun murder victims every year.
Are illegal guns born illegal, or are they stolen from "responsible run owners"

My son had his stolen out of his glove box, so prolly.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Oh the irony, Blazor is the one implying black people are the problem and ding-a-ling blames us.

Man, if your skull is as thick as your gut, no wonder you're such a dumb fuck.

They are fucking stupid. They either are liars or stupid.

They have this baseline cultish belief that everyone not them hates black people.

So when we say democrat policies have driven high crimes rates and poverty that has disproportionately impacted black Americans.... they dont hear that. They have all these extra voices in their heads from being heavily propagandized.


Sometimes I wonder why libs don't spend even half the attention they devote to these list causes to forcing the Joe Manchins of their party to show some loyalty and party discipline. That's why the left are losers even when they win....

D, the establishment shills dont care what their politicains do. They will align with whatever they are told.

Their entire platform is based on hatred of us. They just oppose. They have no principles, or values or convictions.

You see how they just jump around from one thing to the next throwing it at us as if it's our fault? How they never just discuss something or explain their thinking? It's just constant belittling and hate.

They run on media and wont see past whatever narrative given. Its terrifying.
That's exactly what they don't get about TRUMP. Even our media didn't want him until he became inevitable. I mean how can libs accept the bullshit they are fed?

If they just said they support Biden because he pisses us off it would make a little sense...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Sometimes I wonder why libs don't spend even half the attention they devote to these list causes to forcing the Joe Manchins of their party to show some loyalty and party discipline. That's why the left are losers even when they win....

D, the establishment shills dont care what their politicains do. They will align with whatever they are told.

Their entire platform is based on hatred of us. They just oppose. They have no principles, or values or convictions.

You see how they just jump around from one thing to the next throwing it at us as if it's our fault? How they never just discuss something or explain their thinking? It's just constant belittling and hate.

They run on media and wont see past whatever narrative given. Its terrifying.
That's exactly what they don't get about TRUMP. Even our media didn't want him until he became inevitable. I mean how can libs accept the bullshit they are fed?

If they just said they support Biden because he pisses us off it would make a little sense...

They dont have the guts to just admit they dont really care about anything and it's entirely about how they fucking hate us and want to subvert the country and force their ideology on everyone.

I dont know who they are performing for. We know this. We see this. There are endless examples of the lies and double standards.

They know it. At least deep down they know it. So why not just be honest instead of the dumb comments, gaslighting and nonsense?

We know they dont care about the lower classes or minorities and that they see it as a good way to manipulate. If they cared they would be outraged by the violence. Not comfortable with it or calling it "blow back"(which is absurd considering it's pretty much government sanctioned and only destroys the lower classes, changes nothing, and strips our rights.)

They have dove into such depths of absurdity that they know they cant engage without anger and hate.

Useful idiots like Orwell said.

They dont get it at all because they listen to the enemy.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Sometimes I wonder why libs don't spend even half the attention they devote to these list causes to forcing the Joe Manchins of their party to show some loyalty and party discipline. That's why the left are losers even when they win....

D, the establishment shills dont care what their politicains do. They will align with whatever they are told.

Their entire platform is based on hatred of us. They just oppose. They have no principles, or values or convictions.

You see how they just jump around from one thing to the next throwing it at us as if it's our fault? How they never just discuss something or explain their thinking? It's just constant belittling and hate.

They run on media and wont see past whatever narrative given. Its terrifying.
That's exactly what they don't get about TRUMP. Even our media didn't want him until he became inevitable. I mean how can libs accept the bullshit they are fed?

If they just said they support Biden because he pisses us off it would make a little sense...

I will say with 100% certainty that the majority voted for Biden after Trump instigated a race riot with his totalitarian dictatorship antics.

It’s obvious to anyone who is not racist that Trumpers are RACIST AF. Here, I’ll prove my theory…

The non racists share stories that show even we were exposed to racism as children and the racists jump all over it like flies on shit.

Things stolen out of vehicles isn’t a reason to hate an entire race or arm yourself to kill the political/civil rights activists.

Does anyone even have proof that it was a *gasp* “darkie?”

Just admit that you’re a “Nigger Hating Racist” and free yourself from the delusion. Most of us won’t deal with you anymore… but at least you can die with the honor of being a cracker honky assfuck.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Sometimes I wonder why libs don't spend even half the attention they devote to these list causes to forcing the Joe Manchins of their party to show some loyalty and party discipline. That's why the left are losers even when they win....

D, the establishment shills dont care what their politicains do. They will align with whatever they are told.

Their entire platform is based on hatred of us. They just oppose. They have no principles, or values or convictions.

You see how they just jump around from one thing to the next throwing it at us as if it's our fault? How they never just discuss something or explain their thinking? It's just constant belittling and hate.

They run on media and wont see past whatever narrative given. Its terrifying.
That's exactly what they don't get about TRUMP. Even our media didn't want him until he became inevitable. I mean how can libs accept the bullshit they are fed?

If they just said they support Biden because he pisses us off it would make a little sense...

I will say with 100% certainty that the majority voted for Biden after Trump instigated a race riot with his totalitarian dictatorship antics.

It’s obvious to anyone who is not racist that Trumpers are RACIST AF. Here, I’ll prove my theory…

The non racists share stories that show even we were exposed to racism as children and the racists jump all over it like flies on shit.

Things stolen out of vehicles isn’t a reason to hate an entire race or arm yourself to kill the political/civil rights activists.

Does anyone even have proof that it was a *gasp* “darkie?”

Just admit that you’re a “Nigger Hating Racist” and free yourself from the delusion. Most of us won’t deal with you anymore… but at least you can die with the honor of being a cracker honky assfuck.
Quiet, nigger lover.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Those pics of him literally make me want to vomit. The people who cast him as a hero have serious issues.

So, I'm pretty sure I do not love him the most.

Right well the people who demonized him are mindless shills of the establishment.

Maybe if the whole establishment didnt smear him the regular peasents wouldnt be defending him.

I'm sure the effects of propaganda make you physically sick when they pull your hate trigger. Nazis experienced similar. There is a phrase for the emotional impact of propaganda. Please get help.
I wouldn't have cared one way or another if not for the libs attacking him.

That was our rights they attacked. Not really Kyle.

That's how the establishment took a swing at our constitutional rights. They made that kid "teh right" and built a nasty narrative.

Think about what just happened and how sick and fucking EVIL it actually is. It's our rights being attacked.
Our right to shoot to kill strangers?

When they to kill you? Absolutely, you moron.
With those formidable plastic bag weapons?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Those pics of him literally make me want to vomit. The people who cast him as a hero have serious issues.

So, I'm pretty sure I do not love him the most.

Right well the people who demonized him are mindless shills of the establishment.

Maybe if the whole establishment didnt smear him the regular peasents wouldnt be defending him.

I'm sure the effects of propaganda make you physically sick when they pull your hate trigger. Nazis experienced similar. There is a phrase for the emotional impact of propaganda. Please get help.
I wouldn't have cared one way or another if not for the libs attacking him.

That was our rights they attacked. Not really Kyle.

That's how the establishment took a swing at our constitutional rights. They made that kid "teh right" and built a nasty narrative.

Think about what just happened and how sick and fucking EVIL it actually is. It's our rights being attacked.
Our right to shoot to kill strangers?

When they to kill you? Absolutely, you moron.
With those formidable plastic bag weapons?
Please keep your prolapsed asshole covered with a plastic bag, faggit.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Sometimes I wonder why libs don't spend even half the attention they devote to these list causes to forcing the Joe Manchins of their party to show some loyalty and party discipline. That's why the left are losers even when they win....

D, the establishment shills dont care what their politicains do. They will align with whatever they are told.

Their entire platform is based on hatred of us. They just oppose. They have no principles, or values or convictions.

You see how they just jump around from one thing to the next throwing it at us as if it's our fault? How they never just discuss something or explain their thinking? It's just constant belittling and hate.

They run on media and wont see past whatever narrative given. Its terrifying.
That's exactly what they don't get about TRUMP. Even our media didn't want him until he became inevitable. I mean how can libs accept the bullshit they are fed?

If they just said they support Biden because he pisses us off it would make a little sense...

I will say with 100% certainty that the majority voted for Biden after Trump instigated a race riot with his totalitarian dictatorship antics.

It’s obvious to anyone who is not racist that Trumpers are RACIST AF. Here, I’ll prove my theory…

The non racists share stories that show even we were exposed to racism as children and the racists jump all over it like flies on shit.

Things stolen out of vehicles isn’t a reason to hate an entire race or arm yourself to kill the political/civil rights activists.

Does anyone even have proof that it was a *gasp* “darkie?”

Just admit that you’re a “Nigger Hating Racist” and free yourself from the delusion. Most of us won’t deal with you anymore… but at least you can die with the honor of being a cracker honky assfuck.
Quiet, nigger lover.

Things like opportunity zones, school choice, low unemployment, First step act.....all totalitarian.

These people are so stupid and rotted in the head they are blaming Trump for THEIR "race war".

There is no reasoning with these mindless establishment cucks.

Vote for jim crow joe.....the crony who caused the problems. Unfucking real. They still cant figure out no one "hates a whole race" and black Republicans are not "white supremacists". You would they'd figure out they are on the wrong side of history.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Sometimes I wonder why libs don't spend even half the attention they devote to these list causes to forcing the Joe Manchins of their party to show some loyalty and party discipline. That's why the left are losers even when they win....

D, the establishment shills dont care what their politicains do. They will align with whatever they are told.

Their entire platform is based on hatred of us. They just oppose. They have no principles, or values or convictions.

You see how they just jump around from one thing to the next throwing it at us as if it's our fault? How they never just discuss something or explain their thinking? It's just constant belittling and hate.

They run on media and wont see past whatever narrative given. Its terrifying.
That's exactly what they don't get about TRUMP. Even our media didn't want him until he became inevitable. I mean how can libs accept the bullshit they are fed?

If they just said they support Biden because he pisses us off it would make a little sense...

I will say with 100% certainty that the majority voted for Biden after Trump instigated a race riot with his totalitarian dictatorship antics.

It’s obvious to anyone who is not racist that Trumpers are RACIST AF. Here, I’ll prove my theory…

The non racists share stories that show even we were exposed to racism as children and the racists jump all over it like flies on shit.

Things stolen out of vehicles isn’t a reason to hate an entire race or arm yourself to kill the political/civil rights activists.

Does anyone even have proof that it was a *gasp* “darkie?”

Just admit that you’re a “Nigger Hating Racist” and free yourself from the delusion. Most of us won’t deal with you anymore… but at least you can die with the honor of being a cracker honky assfuck.
Quiet, nigger lover.

Things like opportunity zones, school choice, low unemployment, First step act.....all totalitarian.

These people are so stupid and rotted in the head they are blaming Trump for THEIR "race war".

There is no reasoning with these mindless establishment cucks.

Vote for jim crow joe.....the crony who caused the problems. Unfucking real.
Do you realize yet that you're wasting time trying to reason with these people? Its best to throw gas on em.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Sometimes I wonder why libs don't spend even half the attention they devote to these list causes to forcing the Joe Manchins of their party to show some loyalty and party discipline. That's why the left are losers even when they win....

D, the establishment shills dont care what their politicains do. They will align with whatever they are told.

Their entire platform is based on hatred of us. They just oppose. They have no principles, or values or convictions.

You see how they just jump around from one thing to the next throwing it at us as if it's our fault? How they never just discuss something or explain their thinking? It's just constant belittling and hate.

They run on media and wont see past whatever narrative given. Its terrifying.
That's exactly what they don't get about TRUMP. Even our media didn't want him until he became inevitable. I mean how can libs accept the bullshit they are fed?

If they just said they support Biden because he pisses us off it would make a little sense...

I will say with 100% certainty that the majority voted for Biden after Trump instigated a race riot with his totalitarian dictatorship antics.

It’s obvious to anyone who is not racist that Trumpers are RACIST AF. Here, I’ll prove my theory…

The non racists share stories that show even we were exposed to racism as children and the racists jump all over it like flies on shit.

Things stolen out of vehicles isn’t a reason to hate an entire race or arm yourself to kill the political/civil rights activists.

Does anyone even have proof that it was a *gasp* “darkie?”

Just admit that you’re a “Nigger Hating Racist” and free yourself from the delusion. Most of us won’t deal with you anymore… but at least you can die with the honor of being a cracker honky assfuck.
Quiet, nigger lover.

^^^ See… but at least he owns it.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Those pics of him literally make me want to vomit. The people who cast him as a hero have serious issues.

So, I'm pretty sure I do not love him the most.

Right well the people who demonized him are mindless shills of the establishment.

Maybe if the whole establishment didnt smear him the regular peasents wouldnt be defending him.

I'm sure the effects of propaganda make you physically sick when they pull your hate trigger. Nazis experienced similar. There is a phrase for the emotional impact of propaganda. Please get help.
I wouldn't have cared one way or another if not for the libs attacking him.

That was our rights they attacked. Not really Kyle.

That's how the establishment took a swing at our constitutional rights. They made that kid "teh right" and built a nasty narrative.

Think about what just happened and how sick and fucking EVIL it actually is. It's our rights being attacked.
Our right to shoot to kill strangers?

When they to kill you? Absolutely, you moron.
With those formidable plastic bag weapons?

Don’t forget that skateboards are a “LEGAL” reason to kill someone :facepalm:

I’m shook. I’ve been a Dog Town raised skater since I was 9 years old.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Those pics of him literally make me want to vomit. The people who cast him as a hero have serious issues.

So, I'm pretty sure I do not love him the most.

Right well the people who demonized him are mindless shills of the establishment.

Maybe if the whole establishment didnt smear him the regular peasents wouldnt be defending him.

I'm sure the effects of propaganda make you physically sick when they pull your hate trigger. Nazis experienced similar. There is a phrase for the emotional impact of propaganda. Please get help.
I wouldn't have cared one way or another if not for the libs attacking him.

That was our rights they attacked. Not really Kyle.

That's how the establishment took a swing at our constitutional rights. They made that kid "teh right" and built a nasty narrative.

Think about what just happened and how sick and fucking EVIL it actually is. It's our rights being attacked.
Our right to shoot to kill strangers?

When they to kill you? Absolutely, you moron.
With those formidable plastic bag weapons?

Don’t forget that skateboards are a “LEGAL” reason to kill someone :facepalm:

I’m shook. I’ve been a Dog Town raised skater since I was 9 years old.
Well maybe this is progress, it wasn't too many years ago, a black child could be shot for wearing a hoodie.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Those pics of him literally make me want to vomit. The people who cast him as a hero have serious issues.

So, I'm pretty sure I do not love him the most.

Right well the people who demonized him are mindless shills of the establishment.

Maybe if the whole establishment didnt smear him the regular peasents wouldnt be defending him.

I'm sure the effects of propaganda make you physically sick when they pull your hate trigger. Nazis experienced similar. There is a phrase for the emotional impact of propaganda. Please get help.
I wouldn't have cared one way or another if not for the libs attacking him.

That was our rights they attacked. Not really Kyle.

That's how the establishment took a swing at our constitutional rights. They made that kid "teh right" and built a nasty narrative.

Think about what just happened and how sick and fucking EVIL it actually is. It's our rights being attacked.
Our right to shoot to kill strangers?

When they to kill you? Absolutely, you moron.
With those formidable plastic bag weapons?

Rosenbuam wasn't even a rioter. He was random violent psycho who was wandered there and started threatening people. Then he targeted and attacked Kyle.

But they all side with the dangerous child rapist who attacked an innocent person who was there helping the community and giving first aid to rioters. He wasnt even political.... but YOU asshole useful idiots made a 17 year old "THE right".

THEN when Kyle said he supported BLM....and peaceful assembly ....you thought that would what? Piss US off? We are not the deranged, hateful shit bags who made it political. The corporate establishment attacked and you drooling foot soldiers hate Anericans THAT much. You minimize and support violent riots.

Just sick and sad. And even though its obviously all lies....you'll stick to your story because "Trumptards!!"