Who will save your Souls?

Maggie Faggart

Salt Lake City
hello aetheists. our bishop sent our ward a memo warning us about this website and a few others. This website is filled with pornographic filth and depicts women in a negative fashion. Even in the days of Sodom, so too were men giving themselves over to all the pleasures of the flesh, eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage. All manner of sinful lusts are being committed. Men shameful with men, women casting aside their role of motherhood and lusting after women.

After seeing the topics of discussion here and the amount of dirt and disease being expelled, I've made it my personal mission to save at least ONE of you.

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Maggie Faggart

Maggie Faggart

Salt Lake City
"for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal [must] put on immortality" (1 Cor. 15:51-53).


Rest In Peace Boyd
Bayou counrty

chew the fat

Fluent In Sarcasm
Site Supporter
Welcome to the forum Maggie...

I hope you have a lovely time here... just ignore all these sexual deviates.

I'm not a sexual deviate so we could be friends and talk about things.

I haven't had intercourse yet as I'm a virgin so maybe you could show me the ropes.

chew the fat...[you can call me chewie]

ps...do you have a Mormon forum somewhere so we can chat without these sexual perverts watching.

chew the fat

Fluent In Sarcasm
Site Supporter
Maggie...hello again...

When I said ''show me the ropes'' it didn't mean I would tie you up...unless you want #metoo.

[with your permission of course]

DTF chewie.


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
Welcome to the forum Maggie...

I hope you have a lovely time here... just ignore all these sexual deviates.

I'm not a sexual deviate so we could be friends and talk about things.

I haven't had intercourse yet as I'm a virgin so maybe you could show me the ropes.

chew the fat...[you can call me chewie]

ps...do you have a Mormon forum somewhere so we can chat without these sexual perverts watching.

Blessed be


chew the fat

Fluent In Sarcasm
Site Supporter
Maggie...hello again...lovely to chat with you...

You have such a nice sweet sophisticated angelic personality and you are so easy to stalk to...

I'll be off to church soon...I'm in charge of the collection plate.

We could meet later and have coffee and a nice lunch at an expensive restaurant and discuss those things I mentioned.

Looking forward to chatting with you once more...[you might have noticed that I'm very quite and shy and I need a fully experienced woman like yourself to pull me into shape]


[my life story...I was born into an orphan family and if it wasn't for our Holy Father I would no doubt be a self obsessed alcoholic drug and sex addict without hope and homeless and living on the streets.

Luckily for me I was born again to a strict fanatical religious cult and I was saved.]


chew the fat

Fluent In Sarcasm
Site Supporter
Maggie...hello again...lovely to chat with you once more...

Just a quick apology at the dreadful spelling mistake I made where I put 'stalk' instead of 'talk'.

I'm sure you can see that this was completely accidental as I would never think to follow you around the Internet and try and get into your funny underwear and fuck you.

I make a lot of grammer mistakes as I hardly had time to be in school when I was young so I missed so many classes...the cult had me under permanent detention for no reason. [cunts]

DTF...chat soon my love...chewie.

Maggie Faggart

Maggie Faggart

Salt Lake City
chew dont joke with the great and powerful. You're on his "good," list and you don't want to be put on the bad list. You know that god doesn't need to pick up the phone. He has powers that are unimaginable.


Factory Bastard
hello aetheists. our bishop sent our ward a memo warning us about this website and a few others. This website is filled with pornographic filth and depicts women in a negative fashion. Even in the days of Sodom, so too were men giving themselves over to all the pleasures of the flesh, eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage. All manner of sinful lusts are being committed. Men shameful with men, women casting aside their role of motherhood and lusting after women.

After seeing the topics of discussion here and the amount of dirt and disease being expelled, I've made it my personal mission to save at least ONE of you.

stifle yourself, nigger faggot, before you find yourself dressed up as an altar boy and getting treated the way a good priest treats a naughty altar boy.

chew the fat

Fluent In Sarcasm
Site Supporter
chew dont joke with the great and powerful. You're on his "good," list and you don't want to be put on the bad list. You know that god doesn't need to pick up the phone. He has powers that are unimaginable.

Dearest Maggie...hello again...lovely to chat with you once more...

I feel so blessed to have you as a special friend.

We need to meat up soon so we can get to no each other...

I guess it's nearly time to swap some DNA for your database.

DTF...chewie xoxo
