Why are Conservatives Bigots

Lotte Skoring

Factory Bastard
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Center Court
Is it because all bigots are conservatives and always have been?

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In 1939, there were just under 10 million Jews in all of Europe. There were fewer than 400,000 Jews in Germany. But in 1935, Germany passed the Nuremberg Laws, which stripped Jews of various rights including who they might marry and employment opportunities, targeting them in ways that made them lawful victims of persecution. Sound familiar?

The last refuge of the bigot is the ability to overtly discriminate against LGBTQ people. It’s the bigot’s version of the Alamo, their last stand. They can’t say the n - word, they failed to build a wall, they can’t call a Jew or Catholic or Muslim their favorite negative terms — but they can still point to LGBTQ people, bully them, discriminate against them, refuse to bake that cake and boycott that beer.

In 1960, Lyndon Johnson was
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“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

Just insert LGBTQ or immigrant and follow the money to the political party that panders to bigotry.
Lotte Skoring

Lotte Skoring

Factory Bastard
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Center Court
It's because they're all frightened cowards that suffered childhood trauma, hence their need for hatred in order to get out of bed in the morning.
Yes. conservatism begets conservatism that way. Stop the abuse people. Jesus broke bread and was accepting of all people. Except the most virulent conservatives but he even forgave them.
Lotte Skoring

Lotte Skoring

Factory Bastard
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Center Court
We can only hope that science will one day find the final solution for this problem.
It's genetics. One day that inferior gene will evolve out of the human race but only through compassion and understanding. Believe it of not that is how those further along help raise up those less fortunate. Time and experience it is known modifies genetics even in an individual lifetime.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Curious, are you looking for an actual discussion, or simply baiting/trolling those who view themselves as "conservative"?

Fiscal or social conservative? Both?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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