Why are people mad at safe haven laws?


Domestically feral
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United states
I love these laws. And I worked in an inner city hospital and we were all trained to respond appropriately to a newborn surrender.

If a woman comes in and hands you a baby....you thank her and ask her if she needs medical care or anything we can do for her. She says no ....just let her go and dont try to talk her out of it.

Reason being is because if she feels judged she can take that baby and dump it. It can be a very dangerous situation.

And now I'm seeing people bitch about baby boxes and safe haven surrenders. Why? Why are people suddenly bitching about this? Hundreds and thousands of babies in America have been saved because of these laws.

Would people rather be fishing them out of dumpsters? Because that's what fucking happens. You know it's a fucked and desperate situation when a mother is actually surrendering her BABY.

I wouldn't ever judge a woman for this. I would just glad I had that baby in my arms and we can find a safe home for him/her. I'd be happy the baby wasnt ripped into pieces while still alive and thrown away like trash or dumped after birth.

We should be support these laws....not attacking them. I think the laws to should extend to a month. Possibly even forever. If people are desperate to get rid of a child....just fucking let them bring the child to a hospital or fire dept and let them go with no consequences....otherwise those poor kids could end up killed.

Anyway I dont have a specific link. I've just stumbled across a few things about the baby boxes and people all mad in the comments saying shit like "what about the dad der der derpa derp!" as if a woman surrendering a baby has the father in the background ready and willing to take the baby. That's just not the reality MOST of the time.

Just bums me out seeing so many shit on baby boxes a safe haven laws that have saved so many babies.

I cant imagine being so desperate to surrender a baby but that's not some silly ass shit....that woman is going through something intensely serious and means it. If not for these laws, the babies can end up in a fucking dumpster or left at a door somewhere.

What the fuck is wrong with people bitching about THIS?
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What people are mad at Safe Haven laws? Let me guess..

adults who were once abandoned to strangers themselves?

GOOD thing DNA can trace you back to relatives if and when you want them.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
What people are mad at Safe Haven laws? Let me guess..

adults who were once abandoned to strangers themselves?

GOOD thing DNA can trace you back to relatives if and when you want them.

Bunch of randos on socail media.

It just bothered me.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I believe they’ve had this in places like China for a few years now. I agree it’s better than the baby being dumped somewhere. Unless your a piece of shit that don’t give a fuck, this must take allot of inner strength, handing over your child and walking away, I don’t consider myself a weak person, but I couldn’t have done it in a million years, but who knows what situation they are in, it beggars belief.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I believe they’ve had this in places like China for a few years now. I agree it’s better than the baby being dumped somewhere. Unless your a piece of shit that don’t give a fuck, this must take allot of inner strength, handing over your child and walking away, I don’t consider myself a weak person, but I couldn’t have done it in a million years, but who knows what situation they are in, it beggars belief.

I would never hand over a child in a billion years.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
They are so brainwashed they dislike even hearing there are alternatives to killing the child.