Why can’t Republican Kevin McCarthy get votes needed to become Speaker of the House?


Factory Bastard
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There was no legitimate defeat in 2020. There was only massive deepstate voter fraud.

It's the worst kept secret and as a left leaning Canadian prog boi, you really need to zip it because you sound like a know nothing establishment shill tool.
Wanna know what you sound like?


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Originally Lauren Boebert n co went to McCarthy wanting border controls, term limits and corruption investigations. Think they got the last but dont know about the others, 15 votes suggests its all a bit piecemeal.

I was glad to see they got the rule changed back so any member of their delegation can call for a no-confidence vote on the speaker instead of requiring at least half of the delegation to even make the motion. How paranoid did Nancy have to be to make that rule change even though all the democrats were totally subservient to her anyway?


Factory Bastard
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Nancy was one of the better Speakers. She will go down in history as such

senior penor

Factory Bastard
. Canada shut people out of their bank accounts because they donated to the trucker protests.

These people are so authoritarian they treat opposition to their power grabs as terrorism. That SHOULD be a wake up call.

Here our useful idiots get so giddy and excited off seeing the people they have been programmed to hate being punished for ....opposing them.

They have the full weight of all the institutions and corporate elites and they control the narratives. And they are butt ass hurt and grasping pearls because working Americans were able to use some leverage to have their interests represented.

It's clear they just want everyone to fall in line, don't cause any trouble, and give up our rights and way of life and values because.....yeah its "extreme" to push back against authoritarianis.

And don't forget who else helps Trudeau's liberals. the NDP and jagmeet singh swing on the red cocks like a homosexual Tarzan. You know why Trudeau has changed his tune and ratcheted back the rhetoric? because the Conservative party no longer has a leader that acts like the RINOS in the u.s. caucus and has been an absolute juggernaut of a leader that forging ahead in spite of the protests of the UNIFOR-ran/LPOC-paid media. some have had meltdowns when pierre told them to go pound sand. The media licked Jean Charent's taint and tried to prop up he old windbag in a desparate attempt to get another CINO in as leader, but Pierre won the leadership on ballot 1 with 70% of the vote(with more votes than even Trudeau won his leadership candivace in 2015), and the media has been having a huge meltdown ever since and trying to call pierre every istaphobe name under the sun and running skewed polls to convince everybody that Canadians love Trudeau and his jackboot authoritarianism.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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you know what I found most entertaining about this thread? the fact that admong believed getting his face kicked in was him trolling :LOL3:


Domestically feral
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United states
Who said I was offended @Dove?

More than anything else, I was baffled why anyone would be fighting so hard against a house speaker nominee - especially within their own party!

I've never seen this happen ever in any other democracy.

Most people just assume that the Speaker's role is to maintain order in a legislative chamber not to dethrone it.

But maybe in the US, the Speaker has a lot more power than other democratic nations?

Well your mistake in understanding here is thinking McCarthy is our own party.

He is a uniparty doofus who needs to be beaten into submission.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
And don't forget who else helps Trudeau's liberals. the NDP and jagmeet singh swing on the red cocks like a homosexual Tarzan. You know why Trudeau has changed his tune and ratcheted back the rhetoric? because the Conservative party no longer has a leader that acts like the RINOS in the u.s. caucus and has been an absolute juggernaut of a leader that forging ahead in spite of the protests of the UNIFOR-ran/LPOC-paid media. some have had meltdowns when pierre told them to go pound sand. The media licked Jean Charent's taint and tried to prop up he old windbag in a desparate attempt to get another CINO in as leader, but Pierre won the leadership on ballot 1 with 70% of the vote(with more votes than even Trudeau won his leadership candivace in 2015), and the media has been having a huge meltdown ever since and trying to call pierre every istaphobe name under the sun and running skewed polls to convince everybody that Canadians love Trudeau and his jackboot authoritarianism.
Ive been following this on various media, its like Trump2 but fewer people are falling for it. lol


Domestically feral
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United states
Cute that Admin thinks MTG is still respected by the right.

Shes toast, Admin. And it was by her own hand. It was always eyeroll inducing the stuff lefties chose to criticize her with. Now it's just beyond stupid.

You guys never have a single clue. And since when it is bills? You guys never read any bills....least of all the ones you even support!


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Cute that Admin thinks MTG is still respected by the right.

Shes toast, Admin. And it was by her own hand. It was always eyeroll inducing the stuff lefties chose to criticize her with. Now it's just beyond stupid.

You guys never have a single clue. And since when it is bills? You guys never read any bills....least of all the ones you even support!
Why do you bother talking to that spaz. He’s dreadfully retarded

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
To be fair Big I wasnt really talking to him because I know that's a waste of time. I was talking about him though because he is just resuming the same old dumb shit.

As if she didnt fuck herself.
I see. So you assumed he was spewing the same redundant and senseless drivel and probably nailed it despite having the dullard on ignore.

That’s sound


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I see. So you assumed he was spewing the same redundant and senseless drivel and probably nailed it despite having the dullard on ignore.

That’s sound

Nope I peeked lol. I actually FELT like he was posting some dumb shit on MTG and he was.

senior penor

Factory Bastard

Today's GOP gutless toadies to the Orange Moran.

What is the problem? you wanted a bunch of weak establishment neo-con yesmen that won't ever stand up to your blue people, and then get big mad when those same yesmen can't handle a little bit of resistence in their own party by people who actually do their jobs and represent their districts. Enjoy being the "orange moran"'s bitch for the next 2 years because a few rinos want to appease the "vote blue no matter who" crowd. Its ok. its a painful lesson that Andfrew Scheer, Aaron otoole, Jim prentice, patrick brown, jason kenney, and other leftist bootlickers had to learn.


Factory Bastard
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So the first things these fuckups will do is cut veterans benefits