Why do Conservatives Hate Poetry and Rock 'n Roll?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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What a shame that conservatives will always be in the 1950s
no matter the age.
This could be repeated 1000 times w/o being understood even with repeated explanation.
Conservatives will always be figuratively in the 50's (the past) because they are rooted like potted plants
never looking forward. (always needing to be dragged into the present)
Conservatives hated Rock n Roll (now they claim to love it)
Conservatives vilified sex (Now they are the world's biggest pervs)
Conservatives reviled the weed (now they love to grow it)

One day - Conservatives will embrace environmentalism (and no doubt claim they invented it)

Conservatives: (the embodiment of Evil) the anti-human evolutionary element. The selfish. The materialists.
The antithesis of Liberal Jesus, the Christ acting through Him.

Yeah you are completely wrong on every point. Since the whole establishment reinforces your hate of other Americans you feel empowered in it. You dont need to bother talking to people when the man tells you what to think.

You'll stick with this because of ignorance and hate.

Shitty old hateful man who hates metal and cant keep up with change.

Keep fighting peoples individual rights. Its soooooooo edgy.
no yuodidlio do!


It's not 1950 anymore, H.

As Johnny Rotten pointed out, dems/progs are the sanctimonious pro establishment status quo anti liberty, anti working class party today.

Rock and metal are supposed to challange the system. Not align with it. It's why music and entertainment fucking suck now.

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Btw, Jim Morrison was alright. But he was pretentious as fuck. Many people from that era either moved more left or stayed the same and have been labeled "cons".

I dont even think YOU know what conservativism is. Especially considering you think Islam is conservative.
You're confusing pop music with Realpolitik
Metal has always been the establishment. Tight...UpTight.
..and anarchy is as it always has been
anti-community. Anti-Love. Selfish. The Satanic element. The material (singular), aka conservative.
anti-liberal. The opposite of the avatar's teachings which was Bhakti.

I don't think that's true. Some metal is establishment, other metal, not at all. Black Flag? Come on. There's that metal meld with punk...

Anyhoo, Cons really do hate true art of any genre or niche. It scares them, I think. The unknown/hyper intelligent/challenging is petrifying to them.
You know, that head banger, ultra loud noise Metal - that's what I was referring to. It just strikes me as very angry and violent. I love Rockabilly, but not Psychobilly which also seems to be a con thing. Punk I was very much part of the culture as it originated in NYC and the true proto-punk bands of the early 70s were and remain favs of mine - New York Dolls, Iggy Pop.....
..In one sense of the term conservative, Punk in it's original form was a conservative movement seeking to return RnR back to the fun and simplicity of its earlier form - you know, pre-fusion etc. Then again it was really an effort to purify what had become horribly contaminated and homogenized. (Joey sang "Lately it all sounds the same to me"). But true enough, Lotus - all the genres have their good and bad elements. Metal by-and-large just seems like a very dumb music. Not that on occasion I haven't enjoyed some AC/DC. Of course this is where Bigly will yump in and claim I've admitted to being Bi.

...anyway - one thing for certain - one hears too little Electric Flag on these messageboards.



What a shame that conservatives will always be in the 1950s
no matter the age.
This could be repeated 1000 times w/o being understood even with repeated explanation.
Conservatives will always be figuratively in the 50's (the past) because they are rooted like potted plants
never looking forward. (always needing to be dragged into the present)
Conservatives hated Rock n Roll (now they claim to love it)
Conservatives vilified sex (Now they are the world's biggest pervs)
Conservatives reviled the weed (now they love to grow it)

One day - Conservatives will embrace environmentalism (and no doubt claim they invented it)

Conservatives: (the embodiment of Evil) the anti-human evolutionary element. The selfish. The materialists.
The antithesis of Liberal Jesus, the Christ acting through Him.

Yeah you are completely wrong on every point. Since the whole establishment reinforces your hate of other Americans you feel empowered in it. You dont need to bother talking to people when the man tells you what to think.

You'll stick with this because of ignorance and hate.

Shitty old hateful man who hates metal and cant keep up with change.

Keep fighting peoples individual rights. Its soooooooo edgy.
no yuodidlio do!
Interesting that people who support Orwellian autocrats and want democracy undermined and destroyed should be crying about lost personal rights. LoLz (if only it was funny though)

PS: Keep meaning to mention...
When I use the terms conservative and Liberal it seems people imagine I am referring to political/economic/positions rather than what I might just call spiritual temperaments, which do translate into the other in some way. But the careful reader won't need any further explanation.


It's not 1950 anymore, H.

As Johnny Rotten pointed out, dems/progs are the sanctimonious pro establishment status quo anti liberty, anti working class party today.

Rock and metal are supposed to challange the system. Not align with it. It's why music and entertainment fucking suck now.

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Btw, Jim Morrison was alright. But he was pretentious as fuck. Many people from that era either moved more left or stayed the same and have been labeled "cons".

I dont even think YOU know what conservativism is. Especially considering you think Islam is conservative.
You're confusing pop music with Realpolitik
Metal has always been the establishment. Tight...UpTight.
..and anarchy is as it always has been
anti-community. Anti-Love. Selfish. The Satanic element. The material (singular), aka conservative.
anti-liberal. The opposite of the avatar's teachings which was Bhakti.
What's more Establishment than Alice Cooper? As a Teeny Bopper we dug his comic book horror show schtick but it soon became the act and not so much the music and here we are 40 years later. He's selling Insurance with the cute QB De Jure

John Lenon. He was far more establishment than Alice Cooper.

When your ideology and beliefs are the ones no one is allowed to challange without being attacked and "protested" by corporate America.... you are not the counter party.

So basically you guys hate the whole individual rights and liberties thing and think people should be coerced by government to be "community" centered.
You know nothing of John Lennon, establishment wanted to crucify John Lennon for an off hand remark, that at the time might be arguably true.

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Hey, you know what else, speaking of that - You know that song Imagine (?)..
Ironically, I suppose, so similar to the teachings of the avatar he said the Beatles were more popular than.


Factory Bastard
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I like head banger metal, if it's good. And banging your head to it is cathartic. But, honestly, I like every kind of music when it's good. Even country.