Why does ur life need a purpose at all?


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Sharona makes a valid point, though.

Just as life doesn't come with an instruction manual, neither does it come with a built-in purpose.

It's up to each individual to create the meaning they pine for in their lives.

Problems arise when people try to impose the meaning they found for themselves onto others.

People become so enthusiastic (literally, "having God within") about their spiritual/emotional/psychological discoveries that they can't for a moment imagine that it's possible for anyone else not to be as turned on by their rapture as they themselves have become.

Want to see the world flourish? For starters, abolish organized religion and board shorts.

LOL how can someone bitch about "others telling me how to live", but ends up saying religion should be abolished, all in the same post.

You people are fucking hopeless.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
You sound upset, brah. Things not going so well in your conservative jungle paradise? I'm doing just fine, btw. As always. You don't hear me perpetually bitching about every little political issue in another country do you?
That's when you know for sure somebody's got some major issues. Lulz.

You're old and you don't give a fuck. And yeah you dumbshit, I have major issues with liberals fucking up the world. Being old and useless, you've given up a long time ago and your lifestyle shows that.

Aren't the conservatives in charge in your country? It seems Brazil is going through a difficult time. Whom do you hold responsible?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You sound upset, brah. Things not going so well in your conservative jungle paradise? I'm doing just fine, btw. As always. You don't hear me perpetually bitching about every little political issue in another country do you?
That's when you know for sure somebody's got some major issues. Lulz.

You're old and you don't give a fuck. And yeah you dumbshit, I have major issues with liberals fucking up the world. Being old and useless, you've given up a long time ago and your lifestyle shows that.

Benzo most likely wears a pussy hat.


Domestically feral
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United states
I have a little tip for you people who bitch on a full belly.

Next time all the comfort, privilege, health and stability are being too much on your poor soul, leave your safe space and go visit people who REALLY have a reason to complain about life.

Sounds like a cliché advice, and maybe it is, but it works like a charm.

All the famous wealthy leftists do that and come back with third world children and this whole "enlightened" mentality.

As if seeing how other people are struggling and "saving" the children from poverty(meaning desperate parents begged for their children to be taken to a first world, and these rich leftwing peices of shit did it.....instead of helping the family, which would have been nothing for them) has given them so much deep spiritual insight.

So what I'm saying is, people who do that "gratitude" touring of real 3rd world poverty just come back MORE idiotic and out of touch than when they left. It's still all about them.

You cant fix narcissism. Only the narc has to see themselves and make a real, genuine and deep effort to connect sincerely with humanity. Until then they think nihilism is the deepest shit there is and truly enlightened. With plenty of shallow judgement on everyone else as below them.


Bastard of the Century
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You heard it here first, folks; Dovey says narcissism can't be fixed.

We'll have to put up with her posts for a while longer.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
You sound upset, brah. Things not going so well in your conservative jungle paradise? I'm doing just fine, btw. As always. You don't hear me perpetually bitching about every little political issue in another country do you?
That's when you know for sure somebody's got some major issues. Lulz.

You're old and you don't give a fuck. And yeah you dumbshit, I have major issues with liberals fucking up the world. Being old and useless, you've given up a long time ago and your lifestyle shows that.
Not so.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
I have been steadily embracing more of nihilism, and I think I have finally reached the peak.

What is the purpose of life? None. We were just accidentally formed a billion years ago due 2 a freak reaction and have been evolving since. There is no great purpose behind it. Why do I continue 2 live? I will b honest, I tried to commit suicide a few months ago, my nihilism had reached such a state. But I failed and the doctors saved me, and I have managed 2 convince everyone I wasn't actually committing suicide (hopefully they won't come across this answer). And this entire incident is what led me 2 the peak of nihilism as I have said.

There is no meaning, no purpose, in suicide either. Just like I don't care about life anymore, I now also don't care about death anymore. I don't care about posting on websites anymore. Even if I changed my worldview, my life philosophy, would it really matter? No it won't! This is, I think, the peak of nihilism. A double negative, leading to a positive. The world will never look the same 2 me again, but I will not go out of my way to try and commit suicide either. One failure was enough.

You probably should consider trying heroin...