Youth staging walk-outs from schools due to school shootings


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Oh Boy! A bunch of kids were herded by Registered Democrats to stage a "walk out." That'll make the difference, I'm sure.

You're an even bigger idiot than I thought if you don't believe kids organize this type of thing on their own. They are fucking sick of it. Just ask THEM.

I don't believe for a second that these kids organized any walk out by themselves without prompting from vile Registered Democrat teachers -- just as I don't believe for a second that 8-year-olds spontaneously decide they are the opposite gender with out prompting from you vile people.

I guess you aren't aware of how youngsters communicate via social media, oh and that they have brains.
Californian adults

with brains!!

Locust, aidsman, major seamen, and oak all support doing this. FACT! And hollifaggut and peaches would be shamed into going along in about 3 fukin seconds!

Didn't watch the video. However, based on what it says I do not support arresting dumb people. Too expensive to house all Trumpsters.

Bitch, you woulda signed your name and 2 others.

Your mother.

My mother? ????? Good one, pig.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
these young men and women will be voting soon. Ignore them at your own peril, cons.


They've had a lotta shootings in the US High Schools lately and in the past couple of years @Lily.

Ya'd think they'd do something about it & someone would hold a national inquiry on this issue.

I know they would in every other democratic partner nation the US has.

Are people that dim in the USA that they won't wake up & say, "Enough is Enough"?

These people who are denying it are like ostriches with their heads in the sand.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
these young men and women will be voting soon. Ignore them at your own peril, cons.


They've had a lotta shootings in the US High Schools lately and in the past couple of years @Lily.

Ya'd think they'd do something about it & someone would hold a national inquiry on this issue.

I know they would in every other democratic partner nation the US has.

Are people that dim in the USA that they will finally say, "Enough is Enough"?

These people who are denying it are like ostriches with their heads in sand.


I don't hold out hopes for real change. Right wing Americans have no issue sacrificing our nation's children for their rights. They're pro-life you know.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It is difficult to know when Senile @Joe in flat out lying, or just making a stupid mistake.

sez Racist @The Prowler.

No flaming, Senile @Joe.

Given your racist tendencies, I think it's about time you were sent to a 're-education camp' to be rehabilitated & reprogrammed properly. North Korea, China...take yer pick. Yer free ta choose @The Prowler.


...but be careful. Remember what they did to Otto Warmbier, eh?



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
these young men and women will be voting soon. Ignore them at your own peril, cons.


They've had a lotta shootings in the US High Schools lately and in the past couple of years @Lily.

Ya'd think they'd do something about it & someone would hold a national inquiry on this issue.

I know they would in every other democratic partner nation the US has.

Are people that dim in the USA that they won't wake up & say, "Enough is Enough"?

These people who are denying it are like ostriches with their heads in the sand.


It's not that they are dim. It's that money talks in the US, louder than anything else, and the NRA has been greasing the wheels in DC for decades. And the dupes who buy the NRA's propaganda of fear are making the NRA richer and more powerful every year.