Swedish Youth Beaten and Urinated on by Negro Immigrants


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MeNs tOiLEts
On the wonderful, multicultural haven that is Sweden, a white young man was culturally enriched by being assaulted, beaten and urinated on by negro immigrants. It looks like the immigrant forced the youth to open his mouth so he can piss in his throat.
Recently, Volvo CEO Håkan Samuelsson said during an
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that he is considering moving Volvo out of Sweden due to violent crime, including grenade attacks, and because as a result of the rising migrant crime rates, it’s become hard attracting engineers.
Jewess Barbara Lerner Spectre approves

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Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
The “enlightened progressives” aren’t leaving us to a golden age, they are dragging us into a golden shower.
all of this is caused by the destruction of white society due to:
1. letting women vote (women are emotional and can be controlled through their emotions)
2. allowing black and brown people into white lands (women always vote for more immigration because “sad”)
3. the expansion of the federal government beyond constitutional limits (women always vote to expand government because “need to help people”)
4. the disintegration of the family unit, which itself is caused by:
-4.A – bad parents who abuse and traumatize their children; the trauma is then passed down to the next generation
-4.B – weak men who are sex addicts, and evil women who are sex dealers (women control men by dealing sex)
-4.C – government indoctrination of children through the politicization of academia: kids are taught to hate free market captialism and love big government socialism


Put your glasses on!
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I feel so bad for Sweden, it use to be such a great country! Poor kid.

That one kneegrow aint hitting hard at all. I bet the kid is ok, just needs a shower.

And the world wonders why white kids go postal lol.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
I feel so bad for Sweden, it use to be such a great country! Poor kid.

That one kneegrow aint hitting hard at all. I bet the kid is ok, just needs a shower.

And the world wonders why white kids go postal lol.
The piss stream was brutal.
poor Sweden.


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I wonder if the kid was bald ?? fucking peculiar things those people with skin instead of hair

ffs ...


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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In NYC, these nice young members of society did something to someone somewhere


Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
It’s a mixture of Jews and batshit crazy feminists who are the cause of Sweden’s spiral into the abyss.

Swedish men have been completely cucked and are dominated by uppity, bossy SJW females who predictably have taken the ‘refugees welcome’ schtick to another level and have invited half of the turd world to settle in a once homogeneous white nation.

Nice work Jews and leftists! Sweden is now the rape capital of Europe and actually has areas which are now no go zones for the indigenous population due to out of control immigrant criminals. Another bonus to this vibrant enrichment is that the vast majority of these primitive subhuman vermin which have been imported by the boat load refuse to work and instead are completely reliant on the Swedish benefit system.

And finally, who could forget this delightful Jewess who let slip her tribe’s plans for Sweden and Europe as a whole...



Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
It’s a mixture of Jews and batshit crazy feminists who are the cause of Sweden’s spiral into the abyss.

Swedish men have been completely cucked and are dominated by uppity, bossy SJW females who predictably have taken the ‘refugees welcome’ schtick to another level and have invited half of the turd world to settle in a once homogeneous white nation.

Nice work Jews and leftists! Sweden is now the rape capital of Europe and actually has areas which are now no go zones for the indigenous population due to out of control immigrant criminals. Another bonus to this vibrant enrichment is that the vast majority of these primitive subhuman vermin which have been imported by the boat load refuse to work and instead are completely reliant on the Swedish benefit system.

And finally, who could forget this delightful Jewess who let slip her tribe’s plans for Sweden and Europe as a whole...

LoL at turd world! Will remember that.
brother Scouse. We need ww3. There is no other choice. Aids prides, Leftflix, hate against Trump, selfie thoties , clucked men, SJW, war against masculinity, etc.

you can’t be a conservative man anymore. Gay agenda pushed even in football with these retarded footballers with IQ of Semens dead foreskin.
what is the solution for you?


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Nastyflix decided it was a good idea to make a series with a bunch of lefty comedian faggots here, portraying Jesus as a homo and twisting a lot of the stuff in the New Testament.

The catholic church is a disgrace as of lately, but Jesus's teaching are as useful and modern as ever.

Brazil, like the US, will have to fight internal wars to get rid of the lefties, most notably the ones who entrenched in our most important institutions.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
Nastyflix decided it was a good idea to make a series with a bunch of lefty comedian faggots here, portraying Jesus as a homo and twisting a lot of the stuff in the New Testament.

The catholic church is a disgrace as of lately, but Jesus's teaching are as useful and modern as ever.

Brazil, like the US, will have to fight internal wars to get rid of the lefties, most notably the ones who entrenched in our most important institutions.
What a downfall.
i hate LeftFlix.


Put your glasses on!
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We should use segregation again, niggers IQ ain’t enough to mix in a decent society, they even hold our children back in school, teachers have to be police and social worker too cos of the badly behaved apes.

It honestly sounds like what they want, since they hate whitey so much.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
It’s a mixture of Jews and batshit crazy feminists who are the cause of Sweden’s spiral into the abyss.

Swedish men have been completely cucked and are dominated by uppity, bossy SJW females who predictably have taken the ‘refugees welcome’ schtick to another level and have invited half of the turd world to settle in a once homogeneous white nation.

Nice work Jews and leftists! Sweden is now the rape capital of Europe and actually has areas which are now no go zones for the indigenous population due to out of control immigrant criminals. Another bonus to this vibrant enrichment is that the vast majority of these primitive subhuman vermin which have been imported by the boat load refuse to work and instead are completely reliant on the Swedish benefit system.

And finally, who could forget this delightful Jewess who let slip her tribe’s plans for Sweden and Europe as a whole...

LoL at turd world! Will remember that.
brother Scouse. We need ww3. There is no other choice. Aids prides, Leftflix, hate against Trump, selfie thoties , clucked men, SJW, war against masculinity, etc.

you can’t be a conservative man anymore. Gay agenda pushed even in football with these retarded footballers with IQ of Semens dead foreskin.
what is the solution for you?

I dunno man, there has been some push back against it all, Brexit, Trump being elected and an overall rise of right wing sentiment across Europe and elsewhere. What is there for right wingers in Germany? Don’t you have the AFD party? Are they genuine nationalists or the fake Zionist Kosherservatives?

Here in England we’ve basically got fuck all. The British National Party is dead and buried and although we are thankfully not ruled over by the Marxist Labour Party, we are under a centrist Conservative government which is nowhere near as right wing as they used to be, particularly on social issues like immigration.

I’d love to be a super wealthy billionaire, I’d start my own Nationalist party and give the English a viable right wing alternative to the established parties.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Nastyflix decided it was a good idea to make a series with a bunch of lefty comedian faggots here, portraying Jesus as a homo and twisting a lot of the stuff in the New Testament.

The catholic church is a disgrace as of lately, but Jesus's teaching are as useful and modern as ever.

Brazil, like the US, will have to fight internal wars to get rid of the lefties, most notably the ones who entrenched in our most important institutions.

What’s the J people situation like in Brazil?

Are there many mazeltophs in positions of power and influence like is the case throughout Europe and the US?


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
Site Supporter ☠️
MeNs tOiLEts
Nastyflix decided it was a good idea to make a series with a bunch of lefty comedian faggots here, portraying Jesus as a homo and twisting a lot of the stuff in the New Testament.

The catholic church is a disgrace as of lately, but Jesus's teaching are as useful and modern as ever.

Brazil, like the US, will have to fight internal wars to get rid of the lefties, most notably the ones who entrenched in our most important institutions.

What’s the J people situation like in Brazil?

Are there many mazeltophs in positions of power and influence like is the case throughout Europe and the US?
Are there many mazeltophs in power??? Bahahaha!!

Scouse you are the best!

You should do a bitchute channel or YouTube channel. Trust me. Many subscribers. You are for life brother!

Since 2008.