Yup. Scientists say Covid probably did come from Wuhan lab


Domestically feral
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United states
This kind of spread of bullshit propaganda is the very reason why it's so difficult to ever get at the truth. You people do stuff like totally distort what the CDC director actually said, then when someone like me wants to get at the truth about the Wuhan lab, I am dismissed as a lunatic conspiracy theorist because of YOUR fucking bullshit. You people make it far easier for all of us to be duped by the corporate owners of the world's countries. Fuckwits.

Yeah not so much. Your "side" has been doing the SAME thing Lotus.

You will get dismissed as a lunatic conspiracy theorist because of the establishment. Who started spinning everything as conspiracy and planting conspiracy?

Today the landscape is "grab whatever info suits your biases the best and the rest is misinfo" pretty much across the board.

What do you think it's like trying to correct misinfo amongst the right wingers? You get dismissed as a conspiracy theorist. I get dismissed as either kinda still sleeping or worse....I've been called a liberal. ME.

So it's a pretty universal problem and you should be looking at it as a whole. It's on purpose, Lotus. The people are supposed to be confused and fighting.

When I say we are being intentionally pushed to civil war......I'm NOT saying "oh muh gawd I want civil war". I DONT. I definately dont. It's a very threatening thought. I'm saying we are being PUSHED in thar direction. Intentionally.

I find it strange that you see how correcting a mainstream narrative can get you labeled really quickly and your conclusion is that it's the peoples fault. That's kind of really sad. It's not the peoples fault. This had been an issue for years now.

I'm not talking about sides, here, Dove. I am talking about each individual person taking the time to find the truth, and not repeating misinformation. You post a lot of misinformation. Just sayin'. I, as an individual, not as a member of a political party (I am a Green, not a Dem) take responsibility for trying to find the truth, not the propagandistic talking points. And yes, I know they are pitting us against each other. I have been saying this for years. If you ever actually absorbed what I say in my posts, you would probably know this already.

It's the "people's fault" for reposting misinformation. Nothing more. Don't put words in my posts that aren't there.

I post things that can be backed with facts. If I post misinfo, correct it with correct info. When I ask for corrections I dont get them.

I'm more than happy to back what i post.

You need to be clearer if people are not understanding your posts the way you mean them, Lotus. We cant just decipher you.

I'm responding to you saying that when people try to the truth they are labeled conspiracy BECAUSE of other people. It's not the people doing it. You are seeing the influence of the establishment. You have people who do not believe a thing said by any corporate media or any government agency. It's because they lie. So even when they say something truthful .....they lost credibility to a lot of people.

Then you have those who think all non corporate media....especailly ones that go against an accepted official narrative....are all lies and conspiracy.

The impact of this on society is horrible.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
And H has decided that everyone who doesnt agree with him is a "con" or "libcon" and is an evil piece of shit and should be punished and oppressed for violating his beliefs.

And he doesnt have to listen to anyone. He is superior and we must now down to his labels and world view. And he says we must give up our individuality and submit to government control of everything including our medical decisions.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
As we know from the recent leaked documents Fauci and company at the NIH worked hand in hand with the CCP to cover up the truth of the Wuhan lab leak as well as Fauci and the NIH's illegal funding of gain of function research in Wuhan.

Covid sure killed a Lotta people.

2 or 3 million?

High price ta pay comin from just 1 lab.

Damn near destroyed the world eh

Don't be daft, a large portion of "Covid deaths" were from something else and the only reason it became a thing is because of the global elites hyping it up and spectacularly overreacting to the whole charade by locking down countries and rupturing the economy.

Amazingly, Sweden seems to have handled the situation the most competently...

That's an ignorant statement. If I had cancer and then got covid and died from the covid, covid is still the reason I died. I might have lived another ten years with the cancer.

Nice try, but there have been numerous documented instances where people have died from something completely unrelated to Covid, such as a car accident, but because they had had the virus the cause of death is marked down as Covid.

Show the evidence of this.
You obtuse bitch, there were news stories galore about these incidents the first year of covid. STFU!

Yeah, in the right wing media. There were probably just as many cases of people dying of "heart attacks," etc., who actually died of covid, so I wouldn't stroke out over it, lokbrain.
Meanwhile, my son in law had a person come into his ER 4 days after the jab that died of a pulmonary blood clot right the fuck in front of him.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
As we know from the recent leaked documents Fauci and company at the NIH worked hand in hand with the CCP to cover up the truth of the Wuhan lab leak as well as Fauci and the NIH's illegal funding of gain of function research in Wuhan.

Covid sure killed a Lotta people.

2 or 3 million?

High price ta pay comin from just 1 lab.

Damn near destroyed the world eh

Don't be daft, a large portion of "Covid deaths" were from something else and the only reason it became a thing is because of the global elites hyping it up and spectacularly overreacting to the whole charade by locking down countries and rupturing the economy.

Amazingly, Sweden seems to have handled the situation the most competently...

That's an ignorant statement. If I had cancer and then got covid and died from the covid, covid is still the reason I died. I might have lived another ten years with the cancer.

Nice try, but there have been numerous documented instances where people have died from something completely unrelated to Covid, such as a car accident, but because they had had the virus the cause of death is marked down as Covid.

Show the evidence of this.
You obtuse bitch, there were news stories galore about these incidents the first year of covid. STFU!

Yeah, in the right wing media. There were probably just as many cases of people dying of "heart attacks," etc., who actually died of covid, so I wouldn't stroke out over it, lokbrain.
Meanwhile, my son in law had a person come into his ER 4 days after the jab that died of a pulmonary blood clot right the fuck in front of him.

I don’t wanna keep jabbing with mRNA vaccines for the unpredictablity you've cited. Rather wait for safer vaccines to come out onto the market.

Even the doctor who jabbed me said she can't predict the side effects from them either.

Every time a person vaxxes increases the risk eh.