Zionist bullshit right on the forum


Domestically feral
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United states
Talmud is a cannon of jewish history, in respect to the Torah its how jews lived according to the interpretation of the torah so you are sort of right. Most jews put the Talmud above the torah as more important which is an exercise in supreme arrogance. They also forgo the Babylonian Talmud as its a historical account of how the jews got their shit pushed in bigtime by The Babylonians, preferring the "Scoppio"(Maybe name wrong). Which is full of sorcery and black magic.

The reasons the Pharisees murdered Jesus because his direct line to God bypassed the Torah which the new Testament does in a way and because God did not call for the restoration of a jewish state via Jesus as it was then a Roman province before being totally Fubared later on .

They wanted Him dead because He claimed to be one with the Father and the word (logos) of God. They called Him a blasphemor....but really it was all about how he threatened thier authority and power.

Which I'm sure you know because your post here is very solid.

I studied the Bible deeply for a few years. I still do because there is always something new to learn about it. A saying a Pastor gave me that stuck with me when he was helping me in my study was "The old testament is the new testament concealed. The new testament is the old testament revealed" and the more I studied....the more true that became.

Everything in the OT was pointing to the coming of Christ (God I'm flesh). All the prophecy and typology just fascinates me. People who hate the Bible point to how Abraham was told to sacrifice Isaac(the son God promised him...who was born of a 90 some year old woman. So a supernatural birth) on the mount as an example of Gods cruelty but they miss what it meant. God stopped him and said "The Lord will make Himself a sacrifice" (make HIMSELF a sacrifice) and did that literally thousands of years later. That was symbolic of Christ dying on the cross.

The flood has the ark as a symbol of Christ. Hosea marrying Gomer the whore and buying her off the slave block after she abandoned him and their children to be a prostitute as a way to tell what God was going to do through Jesus. It's just endless examples all over the OT.

I am a believer.....but even if i wasn't, I would find the books that make the Bible so fascinating.
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Domestically feral
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United states
Try using more words like 3 or 4 paragraphs if that would help make your thoughts more clear.

So my posts confused you?

Really? You couldn't just scroll down a message to see where I specified the books of Moses (pentatchuet) and now you are gonna be salty?


Domestically feral
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United states
Isn't the Talmud an explanation of how the Torah is interpreted, explanatory, if you will?

I think @X is interpreting the "chosen people" concept as the idea where everyone else is/should be there to serve them.

I think he's wrong about that, even though it's a very arrogant religious concept regardless.

Well CM explained what the Talmud is and how what you said is only kind of right.

When scripture speaks of Jews to be the chosen people....it's not saying everyone else must serve them. They were a chosen people which God would use to reveal Himself to humanity and Christ came from the chosen people.

And Christ came to serve - not be served. And scripture teaches us that we are to serve our follow man on accordance to God's standards.

So yeah they are the chosen people....BUT chosen for God's specific purpose. Not chosen to be served by the rest of us.

Bleh I hope I explained that right. I've had a lot of coffee today lol
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Alien Nosferatu

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Planet 9
So my posts confused you?

Really? You couldn't just scroll down a message to see where I specified the books of Moses (pentatchuet) and now you are gonna be salty?
No I couldn't. You had made a misstatement and I corrected you. Just try using more and more words so you have no need to backfill.


Domestically feral
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United states
No I couldn't. You had made a misstatement and I corrected you. Just try using more and more words so you have no need to backfill.

Not so much. I think you jumped the gun to correct someone to serve your ego, not to actually impart knowledge, and now you see that was unnecessary and also learned why it's best to finish reading the convo before jumping in to correct someone.

And you are going to double down about how wrong I am or how I made a "misstatement" because that ego got flicked and you don't want to just admit your own error.

It's okay. Most people on forums are like that.

Alien Nosferatu

Available for Parties
Planet 9
Not so much. I think you jumped the gun to correct someone to serve your ego, not to actually impart knowledge, and now you see that was unnecessary and also learned why it's best to finish reading the convo before jumping in to correct someone.

And you are going to double down about how wrong I am or how I made a "misstatement" because that ego got flicked and you don't want to just admit your own error.

It's okay. Most people on forums are like that.
You said the Torah is the Old Testament. You even made is big. Maybe if you italicized and boldened it would have been clearer.
And the Torah is the old testament of the Bible
Twice #78 and #82
And the Torah IS the old testament of the Bible.
I really think just more words is what is needed, not so much the same ones in several posts.
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Well CM explained what the Talmud is and how what you said is only kind of right.

When scripture speaks of Jews to be the chosen people....it's not saying everyone else must serve them. They were a chosen people which God would use to reveal Himself to humanity and Christ came from the chosen people.

And Christ came to serve - not be served. And scripture teaches us that we are to serve our follow man on accordance to God's standards.

So yeah they are the chosen people....BUT chosen for God's specific purpose. Not chosen to be served by the rest of us.

Bleh I hope I explained that right. I've had a lot of coffee today lol

I didn't say anyone was to serve them. I said he was wrong about that, but understood where that thinking might come from.
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Domestically feral
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United states
I didn't say anyone was to serve them. I said he was wrong about that, but understood where that thinking might come from.

I know you didn't say that. I just went into why his thinking was in error.

I know you are not religious, so I don't how much you know or understand about the Bible and it's narratives....I was trying to correct anything you said. I was just adding to it is all.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You said the Torah is the Old Testament. You even made is big. Maybe if you italicized and boldened it would have been clearer.

Twice #78 and #82

I really think just more words is what is needed, not so much the same ones in several posts.

And if you scroll to the next post of mine, you would see me specifically say it was the books of Moses. Also called the Pentateuch, which ARE the old testament.

Then you have law books, historical narratives and the books of the prophets....which are also the old testament.

Again if you finished reading the thread, you would see your correction was unessesary because it was already said. Also you'd see different words.

You are offended that I all capped a word for emphasis? How sad for you. Must be stressful reading forum threads.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I know you didn't say that. I just went into why his thinking was in error.

I know you are not religious, so I don't how much you know or understand about the Bible and it's narratives....I was trying to correct anything you said. I was just adding to it is all.

Oh, I've studied about the bible, especially the NT from religious scholars in the field. The history of how the bible was put together, again, especially the NT.

I have not gone to "bible study" lead by pastors though. I did also go through some time studying the Bible through the Catholic Church.

Every sect has their own interpretation. That's why I'm not one to follow any particular sectarian version of the bible. Especially, when they're attacking other sects. Like some of the Protestants that view the RCC as "The Anti-Christ"...

I've been told that directly by Christians, some evangelical and others Seventh Day Adventists...get freaking real.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
A lot about the jews concerns the Babylon Captivity.

First in the final battle they(the 12 tribes) lost most of their working class which makes up most nations military. Then in Babylon the male members of the Royal family were castrated which ended the ruling class. They were then forced to assimilate which ended the tribal system and into the largest tribe, the Tribe of Judea which is where the term Jews originates. When the "mongrel jews" returned to Judea they formed Israel in the south of what is modern Israel and the remnants of the 12 tribes which had evaded captivity were scattered far and wide aka the lost Tribes(Also Battlestar Galactica lol).

This is why the scribes(Pharisees) took charge of the religion introducing a Rabbinical process, where their scholars just focus on the talmud not Sullied by work or military service.

this "Nation" structure is pretty unique which makes them disproportionately dependent on other nations as middlemen, or "Parasites" as some would say. A bit unfair as other nations work guilds prevented the reformation of a working class, Stone masons for example.

John the baptist's parents were from the Tribe of Judea and the Tribe of Levi, both of Jesuses were Tribe of Judea.

Then I believe they were enslaved again by the Egyptians then Moses led them back to the promised land where then the Romans took over, my timelines are a bit Hazy.

So if you hear comments like they are not the real jews, mongrels, middle class grifters or members of "the tribe", you can have an idea when this originated. i should learn more to fill in the holes but its taken most my life to get from ancient Greece to the Roman Empire.
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Alien Nosferatu

Available for Parties
Planet 9
And if you scroll to the next post of mine, you would see me specifically say it was the books of Moses. Also called the Pentateuch, which ARE the old testament.
You see you just did it again. "...which ARE the old testament". As a studied expert you should get it right on the first try and not repeat the same error several times. They AREN'T the Old Testament. They are the first 5 books only. The Old Testament is comprised of 39 books. Maybe Ingrish isn't your first language or maybe you need to use more words. Try using more words like a whole mess of them till what you are trying to say becomes clear.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Zionism = cancerous ideology

Zionist jews quite literally own and control America, government, banking, media, Hollywood, big tech... although I love how Musk BTFO'd the far left SJW's on Twitter a while back LOL.

It's the same story in every western nation, the term ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government) hits the nail on the head and makes kikes seethe.

If was an American, I would be mad as hell about how my tax dollars are gifted to Jizzrael, 6 billion "aid package" was it? Perhaps even more and naturally all the bought and paid for shabbos goy politicians on both sides unanimously support it.

Its also illegal for businesses to boycott Jizzrael in just about every US state. Fucking LOLOLOLOL. America truly is Israel's lapdog.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
Site Supporter ☠️
TERF Island.
Zionism = cancerous ideology

Zionist jews quite literally own and control America, government, banking, media, Hollywood, big tech... although I love how Musk BTFO'd the far left SJW's on Twitter a while back LOL.

It's the same story in every western nation, the term ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government) hits the nail on the head and makes kikes seethe.

If was an American, I would be mad as hell about how my tax dollars are gifted to Jizzrael, 6 billion "aid package" was it? Perhaps even more and naturally all the bought and paid for shabbos goy politicians on both sides unanimously support it.

Its also illegal for businesses to boycott Jizzrael in just about every US state. Fucking LOLOLOLOL. America truly is Israel's lapdog.

You need to stop drinking the /POL/ Koolaid.

I do find the term Zogbots for the police hilarious though and hope to use it against them in a barney if it happens even though I dont believe it. More a bash the pigs angle.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
We're all Nazi's yo, because we are opposed to Israelis annihilation of Palestinians and ethnic cleansing of Gaza and the West Bank.

I guess we're all "racist" now.
Hamas should have attacked the IDF........but they chose to rape and slaught innocent women.........1300 or so slaughtered no?

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In one day Hamas killed what amounted to 10% of all Palestinian death since 2000, butchering women and children. People in Gaza are now paying the price.......unfortunate, but Hamas fucked around, and Gaza is finding out.

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