
Have kink will travel.
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
There's something you could have been doing all along but it's not too late to start:

Stop supporting (voting or apologizing for) democrats and republicans.

They've only been allowed to pull their scam and offer such increasingly unpalatable candidacies because people refuse to cut their losses and tell them both to go fuck themselves.

Even candidates who make "progressive" noises like AOC and 'the squad' are, well-intentioned or not, immediately folded into the establishment and rendered as performative as Pelosi or Feinstein or any other old guard you care to name.

Don't listen to what they say... watch what they do.

As long as democrats and republicans are still being elected they have no incentive to change at all.


I won't stay out of the fray. That doesn't work either.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
This explains why Frood doesn't like to wear socks...

...with you humping his ankle so vigorously the friction would cause them to ignite.

So is Frood ankle humping when he starts commenting about the same old shit every time he posts?

If that's the case, he's humped himself to near death on my ankle.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
So is Frood ankle humping when he starts commenting about the same old shit every time he posts?

If that's the case, he's humped himself to near death on my ankle.

I don't hump cankles...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
What part of "I don't hump cankles" do you not comprehend, Tub O' Guts?

What part of humping do you not understand? Because you're doing it again, Fraught. Now I'm going to step away. You can chase me to the next spot, but I don't want you to. I don't like your dog stink on me.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
So is Frood ankle humping when he starts commenting about the same old shit every time he posts?

If that's the case, he's humped himself to near death on my ankle.

Get your floppy tits off my ankle, retarded pig on two trotters....


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
I won't stay out of the fray. That doesn't work either.

I never said that.
Vote independent, 3rd party, write someone in.
Anything but voting for the duopoly which only guarantees more of the same.

Your apparent solution:

Don't just do something; stand there!



Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
So is Frood ankle humping when he starts commenting about the same old shit every time he posts?

If that's the case, he's humped himself to near death on my ankle.

I wasn't talking about Frood.
Did you want to talk about Frood?
No comment on the, ah, other situation first?
Just Frood, eh?

What about him?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Get your floppy tits off my ankle, retarded pig on two trotters....

I never said that.
Vote independent, 3rd party, write someone in.
Anything but voting for the duopoly which only guarantees more of the same.

Your apparent solution:

Don't just do something; stand there!


I have. And disaster struck...

Anyway, it's a pointless discussion.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I wasn't talking about Frood.
Did you want to talk about Frood?
No comment on the, ah, other situation first?
Just Frood, eh?

What about him?

I rarely talk about him. But he comes to hump my ankles as often as he can. It is tedious after a while, same old shit, literally the same old's been going on for entire time I've been on a forum with him.

He actually humped my ankles when I didn't know who he was from Adam. It's fucking weird from my pov.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
I have. And disaster struck...

Anyway, it's a pointless discussion.

Not anymore.
It's the entire point and the only thing that matters.

Every vote for a democrat or a republican is an endorsement for more of the same ol' bullshit.

When you find yourself in a hole the first thing to do is DROP THE FUCKING SHOVEL!


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
I rarely talk about him. But he comes to hump my ankles as often as he can. It is tedious after a while, same old shit, literally the same old's been going on for entire time I've been on a forum with him.

He actually humped my ankles when I didn't know who he was from Adam. It's fucking weird from my pov.

Yeah that sounds super weird.

But what's that got to do with whether or not he wears socks?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Yeah that sounds super weird.

But what's that got to do with whether or not he wears socks?

I guess we've been saying different things. I thought I read about another poster ankle humping as it pertained to Fraught with Stupid.

So, my question is can an ankle humper be defended when he is an fucking ankle humper?

Weird, on these common forums? Get the fuck outta here! No way! lol


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
So, my question is can an ankle humper be defended when he is an fucking ankle humper?

I'm genuinely confused.
What part of "Frood doesn't wear socks so they won't catch fire" is <checks notes> DEFENDING him?
Defending him from what? Does he need defending from something?
Why? And why me? Shouldn't I be told if I'm assigned to defend someone?

You have a rare talent lass...
...not everyone can answer a question and leave the other party even more lost than before.

Weird, on these common forums? Get the fuck outta here! No way! lol

Sooper serial!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
It's scandalous that the big pharma execs are immune from prosecution.

Why though? Realistically we needed a solution to the global pandemic. You’re asking them to produce, why should they be liable?

I’m genuinely interested in hearing your legal theory here… the philosophy of law is logical.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I'm genuinely confused.
What part of "Frood doesn't wear socks so they won't catch fire" is <checks notes> DEFENDING him?
Defending him from what? Does he need defending from something?
Why? And why me? Shouldn't I be told if I'm assigned to defend someone?

You have a rare talent lass...
...not everyone can answer a question and leave the other party even more lost than before.

Sooper serial!

I don't know what's exactly going on. I'm not talking about socks. It's possible I quoted the wrong post.

I'm not interested enough in reading it all again.

I just think that you called Sea an ankle humper in this thread when he responded to one of my several ankle humpers, Fraught.

I find it ironic for anyone to call Sea and ankle humper for fucking with a massive ankle humper. If I'm wrong about the quote, my bad. That's what I recall reading in the thread.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Why though? Realistically we needed a solution to the global pandemic.

For the sake of less argument (LoL) we'll take that as a given.

The "solution" they sold us wasn't what they claimed publicly; their vaccine was never going to stop the pandemic because it didn't prevent people from contracting and transmitting the virus. Their vaccine was a personal prophylactic measure... it only benefited the person getting the vaccine and by "benefited" I mean reduced the severity of an infection that was only scary dangerous for seniors and people with comorbidities.

That's how this "global pandemic" should have been handled:
Protecting those most at risk and allowing everyone else to decide for themselves what measures to take or not take.

Part of their fraudulent "solution" was giving already stupid wealthy pharmaceutical companies blanket immunity from lawsuits for producing and distributing (for truly staggering profits) a new and relatively untested technology under false pretenses.

It was a money grab.
An upward transfer of wealth that simultaneously crippled the same people it was swindling.

If a "solution" to a global pandemic is to run a global scam maybe pick a virus that wasn't created in a lab to begin with?

That kinda lends itself to the "plandemic" narrative a bit too easily.
It's fucking sloppy.
Why the hurry to transfer all that wealth and reorder society RIGHT NOW?

I think we may have only seen the beginning of their shenanigans.

You’re asking them to produce, why should they be liable?

That's the way this shit is supposed to work:
If you make something that hurts people you get fucking sued.

It's a fucking deterrent for the next asshole who thinks it'll be a swell idea to make something that fucking hurts people. Except it's not now, is it?

Why not?
Why is big pharma one of the few industries that can do whatever the fuck it wants to people in 'Murica and get at best a piddling fine; no arrests, no jail time, no admission of guilt. It couldn't be the massive amounts of money it spends on lobbying and other legalized political bribery, could it?

Surely not.

Or maybe...


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Good luck.

Given the fluid transparency of his other posts, I’m not hopeful….

But can you imagine being forced to use your hard earned degree in a lab threatening to prosecute you if you didn’t get it right? That sounds like the worst hell imaginable tbh. He backs those sorts of leaders too… so….

senior penor

Factory Bastard
I just find it fucking hilarious that lefties are STILL trying to gaslight people to get this gene therapy. They have modera and phizer's dicks firmly planted in their mouths while the media is fisting them and working them all like puppets to regurgitate political party lines.
Lets address the meme logic

vaccines work: Yes, vaccines that took years to develop and went through meticulous studying that was released to the public for all to see- do work and is proven to stop transmission and give actual immunity. Not a repurposed cancer treatment that they tried to hide the data for 75 years and failed to no reasonable person's surprise that doesn't stop transmission and MIGHT lessen the severity.

"You want to kill grandma if you don't get it": You didn't have a problem murdering grandma all alone and isolated from family because you wanted to feel safe while you piled covid patients into her building like that asshole in new york did. Now it comes out that you may have murdered her grandson and people she cared about with your myocarditis in a syringe, and kelled her sister when you fired her nurse for not taking your jabby jabby. Besides, if your jabby jabby worked, grandma had nothing to worry about.....oh wait!

"its like wearing a seatbelt": great! Lets treat it like a seatbelt and recall the fucking thing once it starts maiming and killing people. Lets never approve it when they try to seal the safety data behind a legal wall for 75 years. unlike a seatbelt, i can take a defective and dangerous seatbelt off and throw it in the trash. can you un-vaccinate?
And finally, if vaccines were 95% effective and STOPPED transmission like your politicians claimed, why did "VACCINATED" people still had to wear a mask if they are 95% effective and stopped transmission even AFTER the vaxxpass essentially barred the unvaxxed? Could it be because they knew this fact and still lied to you?!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Wouldn't it be much simpler to deal with one ankle humper at a time, instead of trying to cram them all into whatever discussion is happening at the time?

I think so.

Well, you're not wrong. I probably wouldn't have commented at all, if I didn't still have Fraught's sweat and god knows what other fluids dripping onto my foot from my ankle. Ewwwwwwww