Recent content by Gutterballs2

  1. FlufferBalls2 , let‘S meAT!!!

    Yes you. I do say. I am in the process of giving up alcohol 9 days sober right now. I don't wish to engage in any drama as it would be harmful to my recovery. However I don't regret a thing I have ever posted towards you or anyone else for that matter. If you can't accept me good OR BAD you...
  2. 1,000,000 Post Thread

    Flynn is a human paraquat
  3. 1,000,000 Post Thread

    too bad i already voted for you yesterday.
  4. FlufferBalls2 , let‘S meAT!!!

    Don't start drama with me. Please and Thank you.
  5. FlufferBalls2 , let‘S meAT!!!

    I shouldn't say but had to do with trafficking... I really don't know the details or how involved he was. I will see if my contact is around on some of the movie boards. No guarantees. Gotta watch what I post you never know who is reading all this.
  6. RIP MMPv2.0 I told yous it was a mistake

    Disturbing behavior. If a "female" was ever that out of line in real life she would be swiftly put in her place. In this caste I really believe there are two if not more people under that account. Sounds read a lot like Oak when "she" is calmer. Sometimes like KM. A lot of serious mental...
  7. 1,000,000 Post Thread

    i hope you love the animals i posted. i know you enjoy those vids. you want more don't you? LMAO
  8. 1,000,000 Post Thread

    @UncleDiLF i will be making just as much as you. TOP EARNER. 40% of whatever the nWo makes too. TALKEDED to @Bastard Factory if you got a problem with it.
  9. FlufferBalls2 , let‘S meAT!!!

    It was 4 years give or take a month around June this year. I don't know all the details but he was fortunate with the time they gave him. Supposedly could have been much longer. Last I hearded he had a 1 year or so to go. Now I could be wrong but this info was from a fella that knows him...
  10. 1,000,000 Post Thread

    i will but cry endlessly as i go...
  11. 1,000,000 Post Thread

    yeah. i came back @Bastard Factory and came to terms on a new contract. you want me to leave @Iggy McLulz
  12. RIP MMPv2.0 I told yous it was a mistake

    Oak.. you have two kids nearly 30.. divorced twice or three times. you have been eating no stop since the early 70's. hmm
  13. RIP MMPv2.0 I told yous it was a mistake

  14. RIP MMPv2.0 I told yous it was a mistake

    i don't get it. you are white and over 50...