Here's a hypothetical situation...
Say you purchase a food product from the supermarket and you later decide you don't like it. Would you...
A. Eat it reluctantly and assume never to buy it again?
B. Take it back to the store and ask for a refund?
I'm a guy who's going with A. However, I see a lot of B stuff. Some of it is warranted, I guess. But there are returns on half-eaten cooked meat, sometimes when it's still warm.
We have a serial returner. (probably shouldn't mention his first name or so-called 'profession') Constantly asking questions and wasting our time. And after all our helpful advice, he comes back and says he didn't like it or he cooked it wrong. Fucking leech and part of his scam. It used to be double your money back if you weren't satisfied, so that was a way for him to get money. And he gets his arm stuck to sell plasma for money.
We haven't seen him for at least a month. <knock on wood> It's wrong to say but I hope he's dead. He's probably shopping elsewhere with his shenanigans.