Good news! Your kids won’t be able to count to 10 or sign their name when they graduate but they will be able to say gay and know that white ppl = bad


Factory Bastard
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Baltimore had 28 schools where zero percent of the students could do math or English at grade level. They were entirely black schools but at least they were up on the latest victimhood ideology.

I guess Democrats believe there is no point in teaching them to read or do math because then they might get jobs and stop voting for Democrats.
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Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Baltimore had 28 schools where zero percent of the students could do math or English at grade zero. They were entirely black schools but at least they were up on the latest victimhood ideology.

I guess Democrats believe there is no point in teaching them to read or do math because then they might get jobs and stop voting for Democrats.
Remember when I told ya’ll the slave owners from back in the day prohibited black children from learning how to read and write. Yeah the virtue signaliNg white libtards do the same thing now with a much more covert mechanism

But these kids will know about about queer dance and gender pronouns tho

And what lever to pull when it’s time to vote tho

These scumbags. I swear


Factory Bastard
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BTW if you go to Baltimore, D.C., Chicago, NYC or similar Democrat controlled shit show districts actually spend the most per student in the nation. It just all goes to corrupt union members and overhead where educating kids doesn't matter to them at all. Meanwhile, in red state Indiana the test scores are great, the schools are amazing, but the teachers get paid average to slightly below average, there are no union kickbacks, and overhead is kept very low.

That means there are resources for enrichment and things which help students improve their skills. This is why idiot leftists always fail where as the places you want your children to go to school are run by Republicans.