Republican Illinois Congressman calls for Donald Trump to be removed from office


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WASHINGTON – Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger called President Donald Trump "unfit" and "unwell" a day after pro-Trump rioters rampaged through the Capitol, disrupting a rare joint session of Congress and sending lawmakers scrambling for cover.

In a
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posted to social media, the Illinois lawmaker, who has frequently criticized Trump in recent weeks, came out in favor of invoking the
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to remove the president from office.

Wednesday's insurrection led to the deaths of four people and more than 50 arrests.

Kinzinger's comments came amid other talk of potentially invoking the 25th Amendment.

Several media outlets, including the Washington Post, NBC and CBS, have reported that informal and preliminary conversations have been taking place among senior officials. The reports cite sources familiar with the conversations who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.