This poor sap can hardly talk
Being a retired public health professional...he says some things that are true. For example, the government agencies like USDA, CDC and FDA are heavily influenced by the donor class through congress.
His data though...OFF. He's dead wrong about so much of the stuff he said in his press conference.
One thing I have to give him credit for in regards to Trump is his choice. He said more or less, I choose to believe Trump that he wants to work with me on these health issues. Right, dumbfuck. It's a choice. A stupid choice, because he knows Trump's an inveterate liar. He knows he's a con man.
He's simply raging at the Democrats because his entitled Kennedy ass thinks he deserves to be in a power position within the Democratic party. Sorry there buddy, you're not anything like your Dad or uncles, you're a has been at best.