Smellin Good

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
.. This is a subject no doubt more appropriate to the Gen Disc board, however knowing my fellow posters here at the BadTardFagtory, and wishing no harm to come to them regardless how vile, repugnant or lametardedly stupid they may be. I place this here so none will blow a head gasket in frustration, or want to flametroll (whatev), or otherwise exercise their juvenile tendencies.

. I discovered realized too late in life that smells were very important to me - that is...pleasant ones. I might, had I been so directed in yute, have been a formulator of perfumes and colognes (or less likely household sprays or feminine hygiene deodorants).
As an outdoorsman I love all of the smells found in wild places - the vegetation, flowers, the earth, mosses etc, but also those we adorn ourselves with. Years ago I would only buy Kiehl's French Jasmine for my girlfriend, for another only Joy. Moroccan Jasmin from Kiehl's was my choice for myself along with their Musk.
. No true love will I have for a woman if her personal scent isn't pleasing. Here on tBTF only one do I suspect would rate.
Recently I have sampled Mando's tube deodorant and can highly recommend the Leather Bourbon and also the Clover Woods (even though having spent plenty time in the woodziz can't recall the scent).
Give it and Lume (same company) a go.
If there is one thing I know about you people it's that stink.
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
Just a side note here regarding clover in regards to horses.
. Horses like to eat clover but can go all slobber from it which I have witnessed with alarm.

"When horses eat clover that's infected with a fungus, they can develop a condition called "slobbers". This condition causes horses to drool excessively, sometimes in alarming quantities, and can fill several five-gallon water buckets of saliva in a day. The fungus, Rhizoctonia leguminicola, produces a toxin called slaframine that stimulates the horse's salivary glands."
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Site Supporter
The Deep Space
To bad these folks did not get to read your deodorant suggestions.........apparently its their right to Stank

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Humans are smelly. I think it was Kilgore Trout who noted that humans are known as the smelliest creatures in the universe (but they don't have to be).


Domestically feral
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United states
Lume is a great product. I've been using it for about 5 years.

I started wearing that Victoria's Secret "Heavenly" perfume again because that's what i wore back in 99 when me and my man first dated.

And I'm really gunning to lock this one down lol.