The Aroma, or the Smell?


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Attention Butt Sniffers!


Growing up, I was taught to smell nice. Shower, deodorant, and maybe cologne.

Think it was in middle school, that I started wearing cologne every day to school. Figuring the ladies liked cologne lol. Was Brut cologne when I was lil, then moved to Stetson, and by late middle school, it was Polo. I wore Polo forever. Wasnt til 10 years ago, I switched to Coolwater.

9 years ago is also when I started getting back into the dating field after becoming widowed. I had to research stuff lol. Cause I felt so out of place after being with someone for 20 years, and going back to dating. I found out, that I did good picking Coolwater, as that was the number one scent ladies liked at the time among colognes on a guy. I was already wearing the best deodorant too, Right Guard, Arctic Refresh. To me it worked better than them Axe commercials lol. Both ladies I was with, would sometimes like to dive their noses into my pits lol, cause they loved the smell of my deodorant. Possibly my pheromones too, who knows. Always liked the Coolwater too, but that deodorant!

Anyway, fast forward to today, and Im curious if things have changed.

Believe it or not, most my friends today are Liberals (surprise, surprise). None of them wear cologne or perfume. I might catch one or two with some on, but its super rare. Some even seem repulsed at the idea of cologne or perfume, and even use scent free detergent. Though some of those friends are Center too.

Not trying to make this a political thread, just stating observations. This is a thread about what smells good to you and what dont.

So yeah, enough rambling lol.

Do you like to wear cologne or perfume? Do you like to smell it on someone? Or have times changed?


If you do like it, tell me what you like.

Now go :Popcorn:


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So no one likes to wear or smell cologne/perfume anymore?


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To cover up a nasty odor. No way.

Thats what I hear from the folks who dont wear it... "If someone is putting on cologne/perfume, its like they are covering up something else".

For me, growing up, I only put it on after a shower. When I was going somewhere, where I wanted to smell nice. Like church, school, a date, etc.

If I was going to karate class, or work, or simply messin' 'round outdoors, nope, never put it on.

Its just strange to me how some folks consider it..... "you got it on, you're dirty" vs "you got it on, you're clean". At the same time, I can see how those different folks are out there... dirty folk using it, and clean folk using it.


> you
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. o O
My impression is that only old people use it, but that can't be right cuz it seems to sell a lot.
I used it once when I was a teenager. Some kind of fancy oil. I was probably playing grown up.
Now I'm satisfied with the scent of my honeysuckle glycerin soap. And I probably smell like pot all the time anyway. ; )


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My impression is that only old people use it, but that can't be right cuz it seems to sell a lot.
I used it once when I was a teenager. Some kind of fancy oil. I was probably playing grown up.
Now I'm satisfied with the scent of my honeysuckle glycerin soap. And I probably smell like pot all the time anyway. ; )

Hahahahaa, me too, smell like pot lol. I got a couple non toker friends, that are also anti smell stuff, and they always smell it on me when I first get there lol. I cant take it in with me, its that stinky stinky lol. And they KNOW lol.

Lol, does seem like older folks use it more. Thats why I wonder if its a generation thing. NONE of my dude friends wear any cologne. Seems split on the females. Yet, I dont see much perfume usage, I do but not much, its mostly body spray. That stuff dont last long though. Not like a cologne or perfume. The dudes I catch using body spray, are pretty much using it to cover up body odor.

The key for me, is not to overdue it with cologne. Only want a tiny spritz or two, in the right areas, and not on your clothes. I didnt know all that long ago, as far as not on clothes, and put on certain areas. Learned that about 10 years ago on the internet lol.